The aim of this study is to decide the effective scale of investment and regional of flood control project in chronical inundation area of Moo-Han River vicinity by selecting objective regions of Seong-Jang, Yae-San, Oh-Ka and Shin-Ahm areas. In order to accomplish, the writer conducted research on the extent of damages, assets and hydrographic patterns of flood in the areas as described in foregoing chapters, and further analized the research in the method of survey and investment efficiency evaluation for flood control directed by the Ministry of Construction. According to the above analysis, the writer concluded as follows: The investment efficiency is different depend upon regional character. However, it is found that economic efficiency is high throughout in probility year 70. Therefore, the writer consider the scale of economic investment should be same as that of probability year 70 amounted \610,904,000 and regional priority are as following table. Considering the time length, objective areas of study and difficulties encounted during research,, this study is belioved to be insufficient. Accordingly, it is hoped that this study is continued to complete problems undone and is contributive to rationalize the flood control project in this areas.