This study is to investigate the effect of some physical properties of soil on the compaction. The compaction effect depends upon various factors such as soil type, moisture content, gradation and compaction energy. In this study, with steady compaction energy, the relationships between maximum dry density and moisture content, gradation and consistency were analyzed by soil types. Some results obtained in this study are summarized as follows 1. Generally, the coarser the grain size, the bigger is the maximum dry density and the smaller is the optimum moisture content and its moisture-dry denisty curve is relatively steep. The finner the grain size, the smaller is the max. dry density and the bigger is the opt. moisture content and its moisture-dry density curve is less steep. 2. The relationship between max. dry density (${\gamma}$dmax) and opt. moisture content, void ratio, clay content, percent passing of No. 200 sieve, liquid limit and plastic limit can be represented by the equation ${\gamma}$dmax =ao+a1X(a0>0, a1<0) 3. The relationship between opt. moisture content (Wopt) and clay content, percent passing of No. 200 sieve, liquid limit and plastic limit can be represented by the equation Wopt=a0+a1X(a0>0, al>0). 4. The fact that maximum dry density of the compacted soil is decreased with the increase of the optimum moisture content in any types of soil tested, and the fact that optimum moisture content can be positively correlated with clay content, percent passing of No. 200 sieve, liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil, lead to the conclusion that clay content, percent passing of No. 200 sieve, liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil are direct factors in reduction of the maximum dry density of engineering soil.