The studies were carried out to find the cause and the quantitative evaluation of sea dike materials loss which is occured during the period of construction works for the tideland reclamation projects on the west coast of Korea. Major subjects to studies were to establish the typical relationships between the tidal flow and the movement of dike materials, the tidal-flow and the erosion, the dike materials and the ratio of material movement(losses), construction methods and the ratio of materials movement (losses). Based on the above subjects, the studies were made for the purpose of obtain the following informations; (1) Collecting and evaluaing the data of dike material losses due to foundation settlement, from designed existing dikes on the west coast. (2) By the field investigation at A-San Sea Dike, Pyong Taek Project, the Comparison would be made by the relationships between the tide velocity and the movement of dike foundation under the natural conditions and the period of construction so that find out the relationship between the dike materials of foundation situation and settlements. With regard to the dike construction works, it is so difficult to calculate the exact quantity of material losses due to the foundation settlements. The major factors that affect the settlement losses of the dike materials are: (1) Topographical variation (2) Swepting the sectional area of dike by the tide velocity. (3) Dumping riprap to the outerside of dike during the period of construction works. (4) Sectional area losses by the cause of occurence of the new tide channels. (5) material losses by the heavy storms. (6) Consolidation settlement by the foundation weakness. (7) Material losses by the earth materials by tide flow. Most hi호 material losses were occured by the Consolidation settlement due to the foundation weakness, the maximum tide velocities due to decrease the cross sectional area of the gaps and erosion of foundation due to the range of tide, Inner and outerside of dike, or dike material loses due to the tide flow. Final conclusion would be obtained by the continuous measurement of consolidation settlement at the stage of final clusure of the dike. (It is scheduled to close on the end of 1972) However, intermediate conclusion can be introduced as follows: (1) The estimation of material(losses) during the period of construction works for the existing sea-dikes up to date were only empirical. The material losses at the general closure for design was estimated at 10% of the riprap, 20% of the earth materials, and 20% of the riprap, 40% of the earth materials at the final closure of the dike. The final closure estimated double quantity to the general closure, but it is still doubt. (2) The ratio of consolidation settlements was found smaller than the calculated quantity. It can be foreseen that settlement speeds is higher thom the calculated speeds. (3) The movement of dike foundation under the natural conditions were not so depends on the geological conditions of the foundation. (4) When the tide velocities was estimated 100 at the normal tide, it was estimated 125 at the high tide and 55 at the low tide. The tide velocities at the low tide shows apparently lower than the high tide and the higher velocities at the deep water depth.