The herbal extract (YMT_02) is a modified herbal extracts from Yukmijihwangtang (YMJ) to promote memory-enhancing. The YMJ extracts has been widely used as an anti-aging herbal medicine for hundred years in Asian countries. The purpose of this study is to; 1) quantitatively evaluate the memory-enhancing effect of YMT_02 by hehavior task, 2) identify candidate genes responsible for enhancing memory by cDNA microarray and 3) assess the anti-oxidant effect of YMT_02 on PC12 cell. Memory retention abilities are addressed by passive avoidance task with Sprague-Dawley (SD) male rat. Before the training session, the rats are subdivided into four groups and administrated with YMT_02, Ginkgo biloba, Soya lecithin and normal saline for 10 days. The retention test was performed. 24 hours after the training session. The retention time of the YMT_02 group was significantly (p<0.05) delayed $({\sim}100%)$, whereas Ginkgo biloba and Soya lecithin treatment delayed 20% and 10% respectively. The hippocampi of YMT_02 and control group were dissected and mRNA was further purified. After synthesizing cDNA using oligo-dT primer, the cDNA were applied and mRNA was further purified. After synthesizing cDNA using oligo-dT primer, the cDNA were applied to Incyte rat GEMTM 2 cDNA microarray. The microarray results show that prealbumin(transthyretin), phosphotidy lethanolamine N-methyltransferase, and PEP-19 are expressed abundantly in the YMT_02 treated group. Especially, PEP-19 is a neuron-specific protein, which inhibits apoptotic processes in neuronal cell. On the other hand, transcripts of RAB15, glutamate receptor subunit 2 and CDK 108 are abundant in control group. Besides, neuronal genes involved in neuronal death or neurodegeneration such as neuronal-pentraxin and spectrin are abundantly expressed in control group. Additionally, the YMT_02 shows an anti oxidative effect in the PC12 cell. The list of differentially expressed genes may implicate further insight on the action and mechanism behind the memory-enhancing effect of herbal extracts YMT_02, for example, anti-apoptotic, anti-oxidative, and neuroprotective effects.