1) Objective External treatments have various curative effects. So it had been used to cure various patients. But, it has a limited sphere of application in the present South Korea. Therefore we would like to bring out its sphere of application and detailed method in the oriental medicine classics. 2) Methodologies We have researched external treatment history according to below the procedure. (1) Making a related words list: We have used existing external treatments technical books to make a list. It has been connected with external treatments. It includes not only technical terms, but also general terms. (2) Searching sentence: We have searched sentence that contain terms that related with external treatments. (3) Analysis of related sentence: We have searched and classified sentence by disease. (4) Analysis of external treatment methods. 3) Conclusions From long time ago people have used external treatment to cure various disease. According to the ${\ulcorner}Nei-Jing{\lrcorner}$, hot compress therapy, fumigation therapy and bathing therapy had been used to cure blockage syndrome, muscle disease, carbuncle and cellulitis. Thereafter, a sphere of external treatment had gradually enlarged. (1) After all its sphere had included dermatologic, psychologic, internal, ophthalmic, otolaryngologic, obstetrics, gynecologic, pediatric and surgical diseases. (2) External treatment methods have contained hot compress therapy, fumigation therapy, bathing therapy, application therapy, medication bag therapy, medication plug therapy, medication massotherapy, aroma therapy and so on. (3) Medication types of external treatment have contained ointment, juice, infusion, powder, suppository and so on.