한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
한국지반공학회 (Korean Geotechnical Society)
- 기타
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 토목섬유 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 연약지반처리위원회 가을 학술세미나
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 사면안정 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 Lecture Notes by Two Distinguished Scholars
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 H말뚝 기초공법 학술세미나
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 터널기술 Work Shop-II(정보화시대의 터널기술의 위상)
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 정보화시공.지반굴착위원회 공동학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지하공간 건설기술에 관한 서울 심포지움 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 토목섬유
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반굴착
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반계측
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 준설.매립 연약지반의 해석 및 처리기술
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 연약지반처리
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 산사태 조사·시공에 있어서의 최신의 논제
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 사면안정
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 학술발표집 지반진동 영향평가
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반.환경 매립에 관한 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 말뚝기초
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 봄 학술회 논문집
한국지반공학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회
This study set out to analyze the appropriateness of the piling distance installed in weathered layer in the auger-drilled piling method and the reasonable piling distance for the unfinished parts. For that purpose, an investigation was done of the reliability of the dynamic test, the appropriateness of the old bearing capacity formula for the auger-drilled piling, and the quality control measures for obtaining the required bearing capacity.
When pile foundation constructed by driving method, it is desirable to perform monitoring and estimation of pile drivability and bearing capacity using some suitable tools. Dynamic Pile Monitoring yields information regarding the hammer, driving system, and pile and soil behaviour that can be used to confirm the assumptions of wave equation analysis. Dynamic Pile Monitoring is performed with the Pile Driving Analyser. The Pile Driving Analyser (PDA) uses wave propagation theory to compute numerous variables that fully describe the condition of the hammer-pile-soil system in real time, following each hammer impact. This approach allows immediate field verification of hammer performance, driving efficiency, and an estimate of pile capacity. The PDA has been used widely as a most effective control method of pile installations. A set of PDA test was performed at the site of Donghea-1 Gas Platform Jacket which is located east of Ulsan. The drilling core sediments of location of jacket subsoil are composed of mud and sand, silt. In this case study, the results of PDA test which was applied to measurement and estimation of large diameter open ended steel pipe pile driven by underwater hydraulic hammer, MHU-800S, at the marine sediments were summarized.
Reinforced twice than width of foundation with SIC under steel piles drived in cohesion soil and in the coal-limestone which heavily fractured. To analyze behaviour characteristic of steel piles, load transfer test was performed to steel piles attached with strain gauges to axial direction. After it passed 49days, dynamic load test was performed to set-up effect of steel piles bearing capacity. The results of test were compared to each other. According to the results, as the skin friction of steel pile was on the same condition, end bearing capacity of steel piles established on SIC solid of cemented milk in cohesion soil was three times than steel piles established on SIG solid of cemented milk in heavily fractured coal- limestone. After piles were driven and passes 49days, in case of piles on SIG solid of comented milk in cohesion soil the increaes of allowable bearing capacity was 442.9% and allowable bearing capacity of piles on SIG solid of cemented milk in heavily fractured coal-limestone increased 22.4%.
Driven pile has the excellent bearing characteristics and good economics, so it is known as the comparative piling method. To use the advantages of driven pile fully, it is necessary to perform the proper construction management. Engineers must drive pile to the proper bearing layer with proper blow energy and measure the blow count and penetration per certain depth to analyze the bearing capacity and driveability. In conventional method, these parameters have been measured manually so it was difficult to get good accuracy. After PIR-D(Pile Installation Recorder-Driven Pile) was attached to the driving equipment, the hammer efficiency, blow count and penetration in blow/10cm were measured automatically. In this paper, to givethe rational judgement criteria of bearing layer, driveability, blow/10cm according to pile depth during pile driving, the some relationship between the driving resistance and ground layer distribution was analyzed. The ground investigation during piles (PHC
${\Phi}450,\;{\Phi}400\; & \;Steel\;Pile\;{\Phi}609{\ast}16t$ ) installation in the marine clay layer in Incheon, the sandy soil layer in Yongin and the tuff layer in Pusan was done. And measuring hammer efficiency not doing recently, we could compare hammer efficiency(Eh) by PIR-D and energy transfer ratio(ETR) by Pile Dynamic Analyzer(PDA). -
Most of pile foundations are fixed head condition, but lateral loading test for pile is performed under free head condition generally In this study, a lateral loading test for a large diameter drilled shaft was performed under the fixed pile head and the free pile head condition, where lateral displacement along the pile depth was measure. Test results and theoretical values were compared and analyzed.
The settlements of footings in send are often estimated based on the results of in-situ tests, particularly the standard penetration test (SPT) and the cone penetration test (CPT). In this paper, we analyze the load-settlement response of vertically loaded footings placed in sands using both the finite element method with a non-linear stress-strain model and the conventional elastic approach. Calculations are made for both normally consolidated and heavily overconsolidated sands with various relative densities. For each case, the cone penetration resistance qc is calculated using CONPOINT, a widely tested program that allows computation of qc based on cavity expansion analysis. Based on these analyses, we propose a procedure for the estimation of footing settlement in sands based on CPT results.
In this study reinforcing effect of soil nailed-drilled shafts subjected to axial and lateral loads were evaluated. Special attention was given to the reinforcing effects of soil nails placed from the drilled shafts to surrounding weathered- and soft-rocks based on model tests, numerical analyses and load tests. The model tests and numerical analyses are conducted to analyze the reinforcing effect of various conditions of number, inclination, position and length. The results of 1/40 scale model tests and numerical analyses show that as the number of reinforcing level increases, the incremental effect of reinforcement tends to increase, whereas the reinforcing effect on relative position is negligible. In addition there is a reinforcing effect as the inclination angle increaes up to 30 degrees. Based on the results of tensile load tests, soil nailed-drilled shafts has a considerably smaller settlement to reach the ultimate level when compared with the result of un-reinforced drilled shafts. For compression tests, there is a reinforcing effect of about 200% measured.
Recently, the top & down method with drilled shafts as a foundation of high rise building is often adopted for the purpose of construction period reduction and construction cost effectiveness. It is common to omit the loading test as a Quality assurance on account of the high capacity of drilled shafts for the top & down method. It seems that the capacity of drilled shaft in recent top & down method is beyond that of conventional loading test method.However, the quality assurance for the drilled shaft as foundation of high rise building becomes much more important since the drilled shaft should bear much higher working load. It may be a small scale test pile could be an alternative as a quality assurance for the drilled shaft with high capacities. Through a case study, this paper gives an idea for solving the limitation of the conventional loading test method for the quality assurance of drilled shaft with high capacities. In particular, this paper analyzed the scale effect for a small drilled shaft installed into bedrock, which could be used for an alternative.
Prototype crushed-stone compaction pile(
${\Phi}=700mm$ ) were constructed on specific test site. Static loading tests for crushed-stone compaction piles were performed. Based on the static loading test results, finite element analysis was performed using software PENTAGON 3D. Numerical analysis were done for the area replacement ratio($a_s$ ) of$20{\sim}70%$ and$a_s$ was varied as a step of 10%. In the single crushed-stone compaction pile, settlement was decreased as$a_s$ was increased. In the group pile, this tendency was similar. In the in-sit test and numerical analysis, as$a_s$ increased, the stress concentration ratio was increased. But$a_s$ in the numerical analysis were more than that of in-situ test, greatly. -
In this study, static end loading tests with load transfer measurement were accomplished for large diameter drilled shaft constructed in fault zone. Yield pile capacity (or ultimate pile capacity) from load-settlement curve was determined and axial load transfer behavior was measurd. The end bearing capacity was increased 2 times due to grouting the toe ground under pile base.
To secure stability and availability of Rammed Aggregate Pier method as the foundation of a structure, the shear strength characteristics according to the area replacement ratio of RAP and the relative density of in-situ ground was studied through soil laboratory tests and large direct shear tests in a model ground. As a result, the internal friction angle tends to increase in proportion to in-situ relative density(Very Loose, Loose, Medium) in composite ground formed by the same area replacement ratio of RAP and also increase in proportion to increasing the area replacement ratio(30, 40, 50%) of RAP in the same ground condition. Furthermore, the comparative analysis between the experimental value and theoretical value of the shear strength is carried out.
Stone column is one of the soft ground improvement method, which enhances ground conditions through ground water draining, settlement reducing and bearing capacity increasing complexly by using crushed stone instead of sand in general vertical drain methods. In recent, general construction material, sand is in short of supply, because of the unbalance of demand and supply. Also, the bearing capacity improving effect of stone column method is needed in many cases so the bearing capacity estimation is considered as important point. Nevertheless, adequate estimation methods to predict bearing capacity of stone column considering stone column and improving ground behavior reciprocally is not yet prepared. To contribute this situation, bearing capacity behavior of stone column were simulated as numerically on various property cases of crushed stone and surrounded ground. Through the numerical analysis of simulation results, bearing capacity behavior prediction formula was suggested. This formula was verified by comparing the prediction result with in situ test.
Is this study, results of static pile load tests of in-situ cast piles in weak or uncemented sedimentary rock layers have been analyzed and presented. Consdierations on the characteristics of soils sedimentary rocks have been made. From the measurements of strain gauges and extensometers the relationship of unit skim friction versus displacement and that of unit end bearing versus displacement have been obatined to verity the characteristics of bearing capacity of this uncemented sedimentary rock layers. Also, a comparison has been made between ultimate skin friction in compression and tension.
Grouting works in fractured rocks have been performed to reinforce the underground and/or to block ground water flow at the foundation site of dam, bridge and so on. For the efficient grouting design, a prior knowledge of the fracture pattern of underground area to be grouted in very important. For the practical use, aperture sizes of open fractures that will be filled up with grouting materials will be kind of valuable information. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to develop a new technique (so called "GenFT") enable to form a three dimensional image of fracture aperture density distribution from Televiewer data. For this, the study is to focus on dealing with (1) estimating aperture size of each fracture automatically from Televiewer time image, (2) mapping extension of fracture planes on a given section, (3) evaluating aperture density distribution on the section by using both aperture size and fracture face mapping result of each fracture, (4) developing an algorithm that can transfer the previous results to any arbitrary(vertical and/or horizontal) section around the borehole. Since 3D imaging means "a strategy used to form an image of arbitrarily subdivided 2D sections with aperture density distribution", it will help avoid ambiguities of fracture pattern interpretation and hence will be of practical use not only for the design and assessment of grouting works but also for various engineering works. Examples of fields experiments are illustrated. It would seem that this technique might lead to reflecting future trend in underground survey.
A constiutive model was proposed in order to model dilatancy under
$K_0$ conditions. The model includes an anisotropic hardening rule with bounding surface and hypothetical peak stress ratio and dilatancy function which are dependent on a state parameter. The triaxial stress-strain relationship under$K_0$ conditions was calculated reasonably by the proposed model. In particular the model could consistently predict dilatancy in volume change, softening with peak strength and small strain behavior. -
Anisotropic characteristics of deformation are important to understand the particular behavior in the pre-failure state of soils. Recent experiments shows that cross-anisotropic moduli of granular soils can be expressed by functions of normal stresses in the corresponding directions, which is closely linked to micromechanical characteristics of particles. Granular soils are composed of a number of particles so that the force-displacement relationship at each contact point governs the macroscopic stress-strain relationship. Therefore, the micromechanical approach in which the deformation of granular soils is regarded as a mutual interaction between particle contacts is one of the best ways to investigate the anisotropic deformation of soils. In this study, a numerical program based on the theory of micromechanics is developed. Modified Hertz-Mindlin model is adopted to represent the force-displacement relationship in each contact point for the realistic prediction of anisotropic moduli. To evaluate the model parameters, a set of analytical solutions of anisotropic moduli is derived in the isotropic stress condition. By comparing the analytical solutions with exact values, we confirm that the analytical solutions can be utilized to evaluate model parameters within the acceptable range of error of 10%.
Limestone zone in korea have been distributed to diagonal line so that it is wide from the Gangwondo to the Jeonlanamdo. The limestone cavity and fractured zone were formed by chemical weathering. Limestone cavity and fractured zone was reinforced with cemented milk(w/c=60%)by high pressure jet grouting by tripple -pipe to establish bridge foundation on the ground condition like limestone cavity. To analyze property of limestone and solid of cement milk(w/c=65%), mixed solid of cement, core NX size in the limestone cavity and fractured zone and compressive strength. Seismic tomograpy exploration was pcrforn1cd to analyze deformation modulus of limestone. The analysis suggests that deformation modulus of limestone has effect on uniaxial compressive strength, seismic velocity, seismic elasticity modulus. Average static elasticity modulus of limestone is
$5.08{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2$ , cement and coal mixed solid is$0.25{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2$ ,$0.095{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2$ . Average seismic velocity of limestone is 5.240m/sec, cement and coal mixed solid is 2,211.3m/sec, 1,447.5m/sec. Average uniaxial compressive strength of limestone was$1,221.3kgf/cm^2$ and limestone specimen mixed with cement milk and solid of cement milk mixed with coal were$125.22kgf/cm^2$ ,$35kgf/cm^2$ each other. Average friction angle of limestone was$49.14^{\circ}$ and limestone specimen mixed with cement milk and solid of cement milk mixed with coal were$38.39^{\circ}, 25.83^{\circ}$ each other. Average cohesion of limestone was$137.7kgf/cm^2$ and limestone specimen mixed with cement milk and solid of cement milk mixed with coal were$23.5kgf/cm^2$ ,$15.5kgf/cm^2$ each other. Average deformation modulus of limestone was$2.84{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2$ and limestone specimen mixed with cement milk and solid of cement milk mixed with coal were$0.4{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2, 0.12{\times}10^5kgf/cm^2$ each other. It was analyzed that the elasticity and uniaxial compressive strength, seismic velocity of solid of cement milk mixed limestone pieces and coal had an highly interrelation regardless of existence of limestones pieces and coal but it had shown that limestones had an lower interrelation. In case of field seismic velocity and deformation of limestone, SIC solid of cement milk mixed with coal and limestone pieces had an highly interrelation. -
The goals of this study are to investigate the feasibility of the reference state approach in determining the generalized soil-water characteristic curve that is essential for characterization of unsaturated soil behavior. The soil-water characteristic curves are obtained from a number of specimens of fine-grained residual soils compacted with different void ratios. Based on the experimental test results, the feasibility of using the liquid limit state as the reference state for predicting the soil-water characteristic curve are verified. Finally, through the regression analysis of experimental data using the equation of Fredlund and Xing (1994), a reliable method is proposed to predict the generalized soil-water characteristic curve of fine-grained residual soils using the liquid limit state as the reference.
The flat dilatometer test(DMT) is a geotechnical tool to estimate in-situ properties of various types of ground materials. The undrained shear strength is known to be the most reliable and useful parameter obtained by DMT. However, the existing relationships which were established for other local deposits depend on the regional geotechnical characteristics. In addition, the flat dilatometer test results have been interpreted using three intermediate indicesmaterial index(
$I_p$ ), horizontal stres index($K_p$ ), and dilatometer modulus($E_p$ ) and the undrained shear strength is estimated only by using the horizontal stress index($K_D$ ). In this paper, an artificial neural network was developed to evaluate the undrained shear strength by DMT and the ANN, based on the$p_0,\;p_1,\;p_2,\;{\sigma}'_v_0$ , and porewater pressure. The ANN which adopts the back-propagation algorithm was trained based on the DMT data obtained from Korean soft clay. To investigate the feasibility of ANN model, the prediction results obtained from data which were not used to train the ANN and those obtained from existing relationships were compared. -
In order to investigate a recycling possibility as a construction material of oyster-shells, the geotechnical characteristics including N-value, confined compression and shear strength for oyster shell mixed soils were quantitatively examined. Experimental results show that the oyster shell mixed soils are lighter than sand in weight, and have similar characteristics of shear strength with sandy soils. Based on the experimental results, it is highly judged that crushed oyster-shell can be a substitute of sand as the SCP method.
In this study, a consolidometer for radially inward drainage under constant rate of strain (CRS) loading was developed. Theoretical solutions for determining the effective vertical stress and the coefficient of consolidation from the test result were also proposed. Reconstituted kaolinite samples which were consolidated up to 130 kPa were used to verify the developed consolidometer and the theory. Comparative experiments with CRS loading and incremental loading (IL) were carried out in radially in ward drainage as well as vertical and radially outward drainage. The results obtained from the developed CRS loading test agreed consistently with those of the conventional incremental loading test according to drainage directions. And the effect of drainage direction and drain diameter to consolidation characteristics was also evaluated. From the test results the applicability and the reliability of the suggested method were verified.
Composite soil methods among granular pile merhods that we could improve soft ground of fine soil particles by, have permeability as one of fundamental principals. The catual state, that voids of sand or gravel, etc. of granular soil as drainage materials are clogged by fine soil particles, is 'clogging'. In this study, it is analysed that using sand or gravel, etc. of granular soil as drainage materials, experiment are made by clogging tester on several condition.
In this study, the colloidal silica grouts (PSG) with novel chemical compositions for permanent reinforcement and water cut-off of the ground were prepared and their engineering charateristics were investigated. The optimum mixing recipes for both homogeneous solution grouts and heterogeneous suspension grouts were investigated and established through many repeated lab tests. The various physical properties(such as compressive strength, durability and syneresis) of the grout gels derived from the colloidal silica were investigated and compared with those of the well-known existing watergalss grouts. The all experimental results showed that the novel colloidal silica grouts(PSG) had greatly excellent performances as permanent grouts, especially in comparison with the existing watergalss grouts.
In order to design accurately sand compaction pile (SCP) method with low replacement area ratio, it is important to understand the mechanical interaction between sand piles and clays and its mechanism during consolidation process of the composition ground. In this paper, a series of numerical analyses on composition ground improved by SCP with low replacement area ratio were carried out, in order to investigate the mechanical interaction between sand piles and clays. The applicability of numerical analyses, in which an elasto-viscoplastic consolidation finite element method was applied, could be confirmed comparing with results of a series of model tests on consolidation behaviors of composition ground improved by SCP. And, through the results of the numerical analyses, each mechanical behaviors of sand piles and clays in the composition ground during consolidation was elucidated, together with stress sharing mechanism between sand piles and clays.
Consolidation properties were analysed by means of depositional environments. Depositional environments including geochemical properties, porewater chemistry, sediment structures, particle size distributions and carbon age dating were analysed using undisturbed samples retrieved successively from a boring hole in the study area. Laboratory oedometer tests and anisotropic consolidated triaxial tests(CKoUC) were performed to examine the overconsolidation phenomenons. Based on the carbon age dating results and profiles of geochemical properties, porewater chemistry, salinity and pH, it was founded that the upper silt/clay complex layer was deposited under marine condition while sand and clay layers were deposited under fluvial condition. Planar laminated structures of silts and clays were dominant in marine deposits. Although there was no clear evidences that geological erosion had been occurred in marine deposits, overconsolidation ratio obtained from oedometer tests were greater than unity. Stress paths of samples behaved similar to those of normally consolidated clays. Data plotted in stress state charts proposed by Burland(1990) and Chandler(2000) showed that the marine deposits were geologically normally consolidated. These apparent overconsolidations can be explained by the fabric and chemical bonding due to the difference of the rate of deposition.
The objective of this study is to enhance the ultimate bearing capacity of piles embedded in marine clay by electrokinetic(EK). The focus of improvement is at interlace between soil and pile. A series laboratory test was performed in EK cell. In each of test, the pile in the centre as anode is surrounded by cathode and it was installed in the vicinity of pile with triangular layout. The pile was made by stainless and embedded with 30cm of depth. Afterward, the DC voltage was applied to electrode over period of time. It caused flowing water from anode to cathode, thus the soil in the center of box has higher bearing capacity value than in the side of box has. It is shown by increasing of un-drained shear strength(Cu) near the pile and also ultimate bearing capacity of pile increase after EK treatment. In the future work, the continuous of this study is finding the effective DC voltage and makes EK treatment more applicable in the field.
We measure subsidences occurred in a reclaimed coastal land, Noksan industrial complex, by using JERS-1 SAR (1996-1998) and RADARSAT-1 SAR (2002-2003) dataset. SAR with a high spatial resolution (about several or several tens meter) can reveal the two-dimensional distribution of settlement that would be bardly estimated from in situ measurements. The DInSAR results show significant deformation signal associated with soil consolidation. Accuracy of the settlements estimated by 2-pass differential interferometry (DInSAR) is evaluated using the measurements of settlement gauge. A two-dimensional subsidence map is constructed from 7 qualified pairs. Comparing the JERS-1 radar measurements with the ground truth data yields the correlation coefficient of 0.87 (RMSE of 1.44 cm). The regression line shows the gradient of 1.04 and intercepts close to the origin, which implies that the unbiased settlement can be measured by DInSAR technique. The residual settlements are also detected from RADARSAT-1 pairs. The extent and amount of the settlements are matched well with ground truth data.
Sand compaction pile (SCP) method is composed of compacted sand pile inserted into the soft clay deposit by displacement method. SCP-reinforced ground is composite soil which consists of the SCP and the surrounding soft soil. When a surcharge load is applied on composite ground, time-dependent behavior occurs in the soft soil due to consolidation according to radial flow toward SCP and stress transfer also takes place between the SCP and the soft soil. This paper presents the numerical results of cylindrical composite ground that was conducted to investigate consolidation characteristics and the stress transfer mechanism of SCP-reinforced composite ground. The results show that the consolidation of soft clay has a significant effect on the stress transfer mechanism and stress concentration ratio of composite ground
For this study, a Peliyagoda area located on a route was selected among many sections of a CKE(Colombo to Katunayake Expressway) route in Sri-Lanka. Its subground consists of a very weak and thick peat soil named amorphous or fibrous peat. All of data, obtained in the design process of soft ground treatment were analyzed to evaluate the settlement characteristics resulted from an embankment load and to present reasonable methods for estimation of secondary compression settlement. For these purposes, soil parameters were used obtainedby field and laboratory tests the settlement analyses were conducted base on the field monitoring results within 20 months. In addition, Reasonable methods were studied to estimate primary consolidation and secondary compression settlement.
When some enormous earthquake hazards broke out in the neighboring Japan and Taiwan, many Korean earthquake engineers thought that seismic guidelines must be adjusted safely and economically to consider the moderate earthquake characteristics. In the present aseismic guideline for liquefaction potential assessment, a simplified method using SPT-N value and a detail method based on the dynamic lab-tests were introduced. However, it is said that these methods based on the equivalent stress concept to simplify an irregular earthquake are not reliable to simulate the kaleidoscopical characteristics of earthquake loading correctly. Especially, even though various data from the dynamic lab-test can be obtained, only two data, a maximum cyclic load and a number of cycle at an initial liquefaction are used to determine the soil resistance strength in the detailed method. In this study, a new assessment of liquefaction potential is proposed and verified. In the proposed assessment, various data from dynamic lab-tests are used to determine the unique soil resistance characteristic and a site specific analysis is introduced to analyze the irregular earthquake time history itself. Also, it is found that the proposed assessment is reasonable because it is devised to reflect the changeable soil behavior under dynamic loadings resulted from the generation and development of excess pore water pressure.
Many scholars and researchers has been studied for many kinds of soil characteristics, but a lot of part are still unsolved. Cyclic load-induced decreasing characteristics of strength and stiffness of soils are also well not known among them. To know that, the characteristics of five kinds of soils; clay, plastic and non-plastic silt, sand, and a weathered soil are compared with dividing two types as plastic or non-plastic soils through direct simple shear(DSS) test. From the results of DSS test, it is known that decreasing characteristics of strength and stiffness are different according to soil types. The strength of plastic and non-plastic soils increases with increment of plasticity index and decrement of volume decrease potential, respectively. And the decreasing stiffness of plastic and non-plastic soils increases with decrement of plasticity index and increment of volume decrease potential, respectively.
이 연구에서는 경제적이고 실용적인 지반의 동적물성치 계측 기술 개발을 위해 인홀시험법을 연구하였다. 이번 연구에서는 개발한 인홀 장비는 NX 크기의 검측공에서 사용할 수 있고 맨손으로 다룰 수 있을 정도로 작고 가볍다. 그리고 기존의 인홀 장비를 보다 편리하게 개량하였다. 또한, 인홀 시험에 있어서 최적의 댑퍼를 개발하였다. 이 장비는 여러 현장에서 크로스홀 시험과 인홀 시험을 통해 성능을 검증하였다.
In this paper, the existing Stokoe type torsional shear equipment is modified to saturate the specimen and measure excess pore water pressure during undrained testing. Two types of sands, Geumgang and Toyoura sands, were collected and TS tests were performed at various densities drainage conditions, and confining pressures. The cyclic threshold shearing strains were estimated based on the variations of shear modulus, material damping ratio and pore pressures with loading cycles. The effects of relative density, confining pressure, and drainage condition on the cyclic threshold shearing strains were investigated.
Earth Anchor method as a supporting system is widely used in the large scale deep excavation of urban areas or slope excavation project. Considering the application frequency of that method and catastrophe of that method under unproper construction management, we can find out many problems relevant to the domestic design and construction management of earth anchor method. When we encounter the cases of rapid increments and various decrements in earth anchor axial forces, considering the characteristic of earth anchor method, it is an essential point to catch the reasons and to prepare countermeasures. This article introduces two actual monitoring examples based on the close analyses of measured data in a typical large scale deep excavation project and slope excavation project. One is a rapidly increasing case of earth anchor axial forces with the continuous advance of incremental deformation in a geological layer interface. And another is a decreasing case of earth anchor axial forces with the construction conditions. The effort of this article aims to improve and develop the technique of design and construction in the coming projects having similar ground condition and supporting method.
A new earth retention system(Innovative Prestressed Wale System) has been developed and introduced. IPR earth retention system provides an economical benefit, construction easiness, good performance and safety. IPS is a prestressed wale by using a steel wire, which provides a high stiffness to resist the earth pressure. In order to investigate the applicability and the safety of new IPS system, field tests were performed. A new IPS system applied in a trench excavation performed successfully. Basic principles and mechanism of IPS system and measure performance were presented and discussed.
The several computer programs for the design of soil nailed wall are often used in Korea. However, these programs have been used without and practical justification. Therefore, in order to evaluate the applicability of these programs for the design of soil nailing, these computer results were analyzed and compared with one another. The performance evaluations by the available programs, such as SNAILZ, TALREN97, SLOPE/W STABL6, and NAILMI6, were applied and the applied data were from 6 case history(21 section). The estimated factors of safety with available programs were compared with observed horizontal deformation from the field. This study showed that the program SNAILZ is most adequate tool for the design of soil nailed wall. Also, The finite element program SOILSTRUCT was applied for the analysis of nail inclination effect in soil nailed wall. The program SOILSTRUCT showed that the most optimal inclination of nail was
$20^{\circ}$ . However, the effect of nail inclination on the wall deformation was negligible. Also, the tension force of the nail were increased as the nail inclination increased, and the tension force of the nail increased as the depth increased, except the deepest nail. Therefore, the larger diameter nail should be considered if the inclination of nail is steeper than the suggested range, and the deeper nails should have the larger diameters than those of shallower nails except for the deepest one. -
필 댐이나 제방의 침투에 의한 파괴현상을 원심모형실험으로 모사하는 경우, 지금까지는 물을 이용해 파괴시키는 원심모형실험이 실시되고 있었다. 그리고 점성유체를 사용한 원심모형실험도 실시되고 있지만, 상사법칙의 검증이 이루어지지 않은 상태에서의 실험결과에는 의문이 남아있다. 본 연구에서는, 물의 n배 점성용액을 사용해 상사법칙을 성립시켜 Modeling of Models의 방법에 따라 검증하였다.
Uncertainty is inevitably involved in rock slope engineering since the rock masses are formed by natural process and subsequently the geotechnical characteristics of rock masses cannot be exactly obtained. Therefore the reliability analysis method has been suggested to deal properly with uncertainty. The reliability analysis method can be divided into level I, II and III on the basis of the approach for consideration of random variable and probability density function of reliability function. The level II approach, which is focused in this study, assumes the probability density function of random variables as normal distribution and evaluates the probability of failure with statistical moments such as mean and standard deviation. This method has the advantage that can be used the problem which the Monte Carlo simulation approach cannot be applied since the complete information on the random variables are not available. In this study, the analysis results of level II reliability approach compared with the analysis results of level III approach to verify the appropriateness of the level II approach. In addition, the results are compared with the results of the deterministic analysis.
Corestone ground mass has complicated characteristics as it is made up of hard and stiff corestone in a relatively weak and soft matrix. Model corestone ground mass which is physically identical with the stiff corestone in weak matrix were tested in uniaxial compression. The tests show that the increase of the corestone proportion brought the gradual increase of the elastic modulus as well. The ground mass was weaker when the corestone proportion was low while it was stronger in higher corestone proportion. The size of the corestone had no influence on the strength and elastic modulus as long as the proportion of the corestone remains same.
The coefficient of permeability is one of the most important properties in unsaturated soils. The permeability varies with change in the water content as the soil water characteristic curve(SWCC) does. Thus the permeability curve of unsaturated soils has the similar shape with the soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC). Therefore, the methodologies have been studied to simply predict the unsaturated permeability from the SWCC. In this study, the experimental tests of SWCC and permeability were carried out for domestic weathered granite soils. The SWCC test results were fitted to Fredlund and Xing's SWCC equation and then it was found that there are some relationships between the parameters of SWCC equation and the basic soil properties. Accordingly we used an ANN(artificial neural network) model to obtain the SWCC parameters from the basic soil properties. Finally, the coefficients of permeability were predicted from these results by a prediction model.
Excavation nearby the existing structures is being performed vigorously to get the greatest use of land along with fast economic growth in the downtown area. The application of soil nailing system gradually increases because of an advantage of soil nailing system adjacently constructed in the existing structures. In this study, friction resistance by pull-out is considered as main resistance except resistance formed by flexural rigidity of nail observing that resistance of flexural rigidity is about
$0{\sim}15\;%$ of whole safety factor according to degree of flexural rigidity in general soil nail wall and application of geosynthetic fiber soil nailing system is evaluated through laboratory tensile strength test and field pull-out test. -
본 연구에서는 geosynthetics로 보강된 다짐토의 보강 메카니즘을 파악하기 위한 목적으로 실내시험 및 수치계산 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 고려하는 보강 메카니즘은 전단에 의한 다짐토의 체적 팽창(부의 다일렌탄시)을 geosynthetics에 의해 구속 억제하는 과정에서 생성되는 효과로 생각한다. 먼저, 실내실험을 위한 구제직인 방법으로서, geosynthetics의 보강효과를 정량직으로 파악하기 위하여 사질토를 다짐하여 공시체를 만들어 그 주위에 geosynthetics를 설치하여 전체적으로 압축전단 시험을 실시하였다. 또한, 다짐토의 다짐도를 달리 하고 한 가지 종류만의 geosynthetics를 이용하여, 다짐토와 geosynthetics의 상호작용에 따른 압축력 변화, geosynthetics의 인장력 변화 및 공시체의 파괴 진행상황 등을 살펴보았다. 수치계산에서는 다짐토의 다일렌탄시 특성에 대하여 표현 가능한 탄소성 구성모델을 이용하였다. 또한, 탄소성 구성 모델에서의 항복 이전의 탄성영역의 거동을 묘사하기 위하여 Hashiguchi(1989)가 제안한 subloading surface의 개념을 도입하였고, 유한요소(FEM)해석을 통해 얻어진 결과들을 실내시험의 결과와 비교 분석하였으며, 그 결과 양자 양호한 결과를 얻었다.
In this research, the shear behavior of four different interfaces consisting of 4 types of geosynthetics was examined, and both static and dynamic tests for the geosynthetic interface were conducted. The monotonic shear experiments were performed by using an inclined board apparatus and large direct shear device. The interface shear strength obtained from the inclined board tests were compared with those calculated from large direct shear tests. The comparison results indicated that direct shear tests are likely to overestimate the shear strength in low normal stress range where direct shear tests were not performed. Curved failure envelopes were also obtained for interface cases where two static shear tests were conducted. By comparing the friction angles measured from three tests, i.e. direct shear, inclined board, and shaking table tests, it was found that the friction angle might be different depending on the test method and normal stresses applied in this research. Therefore, it was concluded that the testing method should be determined carefully by considering the type of loads and the normal stress expected in the field.
This study presented the reinforcing effect of sands by newly devised
$Tirecell^{(R)}$ made by waste tires, tire mat by sidewalls of tires and Geocell. Plate loading tests were conducted for different reinforcing materials at the same condition. The combination of Tirecell and sidewall gives the highest increase of bearing capacity and reduction of settlement. The Geocell with the same hight of Tirecell gives similar reinforcement effect to the tire mat made by sidewalls. -
The model tests were conducted to assess the behavior characteristics of geogrid reinforced earth walls according to various surcharge loads and reinforcement spacing. The models were built in the box having dimension, 100cm tall, 140cm long, and 100cm wide. The reinforcement used was geogrid(tensile strength 2.26t/m). Decomposed granite soil(ML) was used as a backfill material. The LVDTs were installed on the model retaining walls to obtain the displacements of the facing. In the results, the maximum displacement of facing and tensile strain of geogrid was measured at 0.7H(H is wall height) from the bottom of reinforced wall.
Recently the geosynthetics reinforced retaining wall has been widely used instead of the steel reinforced retaining wall. The geosynthetics reinforced retaining wall is a very dangerous structure if the geosynthetics lose their strength about tension or if it lose their pullout resistence, but it was known that the geosynthetics reinforced wall had a great resistence and was a very safe structure against a earthquake or a dynamic load. It can be said that most important factors in the stability of the geosynthetics reinforced wall are the horizontal length of reinforcement and the vertical distance between two reinforcements. That is to say, as the length of reinforcement is longer, the structure is more stable and as the vertical distance between two reinforcements is shorter, it is more stable. In this study, in order to get the critical condition with a safety rate of 1, various kinds of model tests about geosynthetics reinforced wall has been performed. Photos by B-shutter method has been taken during tests and from photos, which show us the failure state, the critical condition about failure has been conformed. Accordingly the equation, which says the limit of stability in geosynthetics reinforced wall., has been proposed.
The propagation mechanism of a detonation pressure with fully coupled charge is clarified and the blasting pressure propagated in rock mass is derived from the application of shock wave theory. Probabilistic distribution is obtained by using explosion tests on emulsion and rock property tests on granite in Seoul and then the probabilistic distribution of the blasting pressure is derived from their properties. The probabilistic distributions of explosive properties and rock properties show a normal distribution so that the blasting pressure propagated in rock can be also regarded as a normal distribution. Parametric analysis was performed to pinpoint the most influential parameter that affects the blasting pressure and it was found that the detonation velocity is the most sensitive parameter. Moreover, uncertainty analysis was performed to figure out the effect of each parameter uncertainty on the uncertainty of blasting pressure. Its result showed that uncertainty of natural rock properties constitutes the main portion of blasting pressure uncertainty rather than that of explosive properties.
This paper is experimental study on the effect of improved soil strength which was grouted by pressure grouting method for prevent collapse the tunnel's face during excavate tunnel. This study performs to investigate the proper grouting pressure and grouting method through pressure grouting laboratory model tests using loose dense sandy soil using specially designed and fabricated device(
$180cm{\times}220cm{\times}300cm$ ) under changing condition of injection in this test The investigation is carried out through measuring the size and shape of grout bulb, elastic modulus by pressure-meter test Elastic modulus was estimated using relation stress with strain which is result the uni-direction compressive strength test for cured grouted bulb under water during 28days. From these test results, the amount of increased elastic modulus of grouted zone was suggested. -
Interfacial properties between rock mass and shotcrete play a significant role in the transmission of loads from the ground to shotcrete. These properties have a major effect on the behaviours of rock mass and shotcrete. They, however, have merely been assumed in most of numerical analyses, and little care has been taken in identifying them. This paper aimed to identify interfacial properties including cohesion, tension, friction angle, shear stiffness, and normal stiffness, through direct shear tests as well as interface normal compression tests for shotcrete/rock cores obtained from a tunnel sidewall. Mechanical properties such as compression strength and elastic modulus were also measured to compare them with the time-dependent variation of interfacial properties. Based on experiments, interfacial properties between rock and shotcrete showed a significant time-dependent variation similar to those of its mechanical properties. In addition, the time-dependent behaviours of interfacial properties can be well regressed through exponential and logarithmic functions of time.
This paper presents the effect of groundwater on tunneling performance. The interaction between the tunneling and groundwater was examined using a 3D stress-pore pressure coupled finite-element analysis, The results of the 3D coupled analysis were then compared with those of a total stress analysis. Examined items included pore pressures around lining and lining forces. Also examined include face displacements and ground surface movements, The results indicated that the interaction between the tunneling and ground water significantly increases the lining forces and ground deformations, and that the effect of ground water on tunneling can only be captured through a fully coupled analysis, Implementations of the findings from this study arc discussed in great detail.
In this paper, the results of the numerical analysis for the minimum depth of soil cover have been compared with those of currently suggested codes. Based on this comparison, the minimum depth of soil cover for the structures with long spans was suggested. Results showed that the actual depth of the soil cover required against soil failure over a circular and low-profile arch structure does not vary significantly with the size of the span and for the circular structure, the minimum depth of the soil cover was about 1.5m, and for the low-profile arch structures, below about 1.6m. And the previously established code in which the minimum depth of soil cover is defined to linearly increase with the increase in the span (CHBDC, 2001) was very conservative. For the structure with the relieving slab, the maximum live load thrust was reduced by about 36 percent and the maximum moment about 81 percent. The numerical analysis gave more conservative estimation of the live-load thrusts than the other design methods.
국내 발파 현장에서 사용되고 있는 폭약류에 강력한 폭굉력을 충분하게 발휘하기 위해서는 뇌관(Blasting cap, Detonator)의 역할이 중요하다. 그리고 이 뇌관의 정밀성에 따라 발파 효율의 차이가 있게된다. 초기의 도화선 및 공업뇌관에서 시작하여 현재 정밀성 면에서는 MS(Milli Second)뇌관의 경우 20ms또는 25ms의 정밀한 시차로 순차적으로 기폭함으로써 발파효과의 극대화와 소음 및 진동제어에 큰 효과를 이루었으나, 최근 개발된 진자뇌관의 경우 자체 IC회로를 내징하여
$1{\sim}2ms$ 의 초정밀시차(오차범위$0.1{\sim}0.2ms$ 이내)의 구현이 가능해짐에 따라 이를 적절히 조합하여 설계함으로써 각종 제어발파, 파쇄도 향상, 암손상영역 저감 등의 효과에 대해 국외에서 연구가 진행되고 있는 것으로 알려지고 있다. 그러나 우리나라와 같이 도심지 발파 및 터널이나 노천 현장 근거리에 보안물건이 위치해 있어 진동제어가 절실히 필요한 상황에서 진동제어에 효과가 있는 것으로 알려진 전자뇌관에 대한 연구가 이루어지고 있지 않은 상황에서 본 연구는 앞으로 이루어질 전사뇌관에 대한 수많은 연구에 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 이를 위해 국내에서 최초로 2003년 9월 23일 강원도 양구 지역읜 00터널에 전자뇌관을 이용한 시험발파를 실시하였고, 발파에 의한 진동 등을 조사하여 그 효율성을 검토하였다. 이를 위해 전자뇌관의 특성과 장점을 최대한 살리기 위하여 각공을 발파하는 방식, 즉 1지발에 1공을 발파하는 방식을 채택하고 비전기 뇌관과 전자뇌관으로 설계를 하여 각각의 발파효율을 비교하여 보았다. 그 결과 발파신동의 경우 비전기뇌관을 이용하여 1공씩을 1지발로 발파를 한 경우에는 18${\sim}$ 56%의 진동저감 효과가 있었고, 번 설계에 의해 진해오딘 발파에 비하여는 최대 70% 이상의 진동저감 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. -
This paper describes a new concept of finite element analysis, which is based on neural network based material models (NNCMs) without invoking any pre-chosen mathematical framework. NNCMs have several advantages over conventional constitutive models (CCMs) and once plugged in a finite element (FE) engine, can be used for FE analysis in a manner similar to CCMs. The paper demonstrates a FE framework in which NNCMs are incorporated and also proposes a strategy for data enhancement by invoking the assumption of isotropy of the material. It is shown through some illustrative examples that this provides a better training environment for a generalized NNCM in which stress and strain components are used as effects and cause. Form this study, it appears that there is a prima facia case for developing NNCMs for materials for which mathematical theories become too complex and a large number of material parameters and constants have to be identified or determined.
To prevent penetration of rainwater into the landfill site is the main purpose of the final cover in landfill sites. Conventional designs of landfill covers uses geotextiles such as geomembrane and GCL, and clay liners to lower the permeability of final covers of landfill sites. However, differential settlement and the variation of temperature in landfill sites cause the development of cracks or structural damage inside the final cover and it is also difficult to obtain clay - the main material of the compacted clay liner in Korea. Thus the former final cover system that suggests geomembrane and GCL or compacted clay liner has several limitations. Therefore, an alternative method is necessary and one of them is the application of SRSL(self-Recovering Sustainable Liner) material. SRSL is two different layers consist of individual materials that react with each other and form precipitates, and with this process lowers the permeability of the landfill final cover. SRSL generally is made up of two layers, so that when a internal crack occurs the reactants of the two layers migrate towards the crack and heal it by forming another liner. In this study the applicability of SRSL material for landfill final cover was examined by performing; (1) jar test to verify the formation of precipitate in the mixture of each reactants, (2) falling head test considering the field stress in order to confirm the decrease of permeability or prove that the hydraulic condctivity is lower than the regulations, (3) compression tests to judge weather if the strength satisfies the restricts for landfills, (4) freeze/thaw test to check the applicability of SRSL for domestic climate. In addition, the application of waste materials in the environmental and economical aspect was inspected, and finally the possibility of secondary contamination due to the waste materials was examined by performing elution tests.
The amount of
$CO_2$ and$CH_4$ that were produced during biodegradation with were measured as function of time. Also, the settlements of landfill lysimeters were measured at the same time, and the relation with LFF(landfill gas) production was investigated. The effects of leachate recycle on the acceleration of settlement were studied by comparing two lysimeters. The gas production rate constant,$^{\kappa}_{LFG}$ is obtained to predict future gas production and settlement. These will be key role factors to predict gas production patterns and residual long-term settlement. -
본 연구는 유류로 오염된 지반을 개선하는데 초음파를 사용한다는 점에 초점을 둔다. 초음파의 원리는 고체의 재료가 음파의 좋은 전도체라는 사실에 근거를 두고 있다. 초음파에 의한 정화는 초음파의 적용에 의해 재료의 표면이 변화되고 그것에 의해 오염물질이 제거된다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구에서는 초음파의 지속, 간극률, 초음파력, 입자의 크기와 유속율 같은 초음파 취급에 영향을 끼치는 요소들을 고려하여, 초음파를 쓴 것과 쓰지 않은 오염된 흙을 다룬 결과를 비교 분석하였다.
The purpose of this paper is to study on the investigation of abandoned waste landfill for rehabilitation. The geotechnical and environmental field and laboratory tests for wastes dumped at municipal site were carried out. Testing wastes were sampled at the illegal landfill site The various samples such as waste. soil, groundwater, gas, leachate were taken in the landfill site. As a result of this study, the engineering properties and concentration of samples were investigated The result of this study was used for introduction the rehabilitation method and treatment of unregulated closed landfill.
Nakdong River Plain and its adjoining sea arc unusually covered by very thick soft clay sediments which were caned Pusan clays, sometimes reaching 40-70m. Since early 1990s a large number of geotechnical investigations have been carried out for land reclamation works in the area, including Busan city and its neighboring cities. Nevertheless, geotechnical engineers have paid little attention to studying geological characteristics on the clays, except some researches related to mineralogy, geo-chemistry, benthic foraminiferal fauna etc. The purpose of reserach is the knowledge of the correlation between engineering properties and mineralogy of clay sediments. The correlation analysis carry out multiple regression that have independent variables (Engineering properties) and dependent variables (mineralogy, geochemistry). Engineering properties of clay are correlated with the mineral compositions and geochemical characteristics. The result of the analysis is Wn = -0,6Feldspar + 1.1pH + 0.01TDS + 27.5, Ip = 0.36Clay + 1.44Vermiculite + 0.94clay mineral - 22.118, PI. = 0.005TDS - 0.31Feldspar + 22.43, eo = 0.02Vermiculite - 0.01Quartz + TDS + 0.93,
${\nu}$ t = 0.009Quartz - 0.06Conductivity + 1.67, E50 = 1.94Vermicuhte - 0.96Kaohnite -0.53silt + 49.64, SR = -0.25Kaolinite + 1.5pH -2.3Conductivity, Cc = 0.03pH + TDS -0.2, LL = 0.5Clay + 1.3Vermiculite + 5.5Conductivity + 0.8Caly mineral -20.48 -
In recent years, as an effort to grasp the leading position in the field of maritime trading, new ports and container terminals arc now under construction. Old ports are extended. At the beginning, stones were thrown down to form stone embankments, that is stone-dams, in the outer and inner boundaries of the planned reclamation-land. S.C.P(Sand Compaction Pile) works are often needed to improve the stability of stone-dams, where marine sediments arc relatively thick. Here, interests are centered on the shape of stone body. In this, drilling work won't provide a sufficient resolution. In addition, the result corresponds to only one borehole point information. Thus, the aim of this paper is to introduce an affordable technology, that is, a combined geophysical method(seismic tomography + Televiewer) enables to get the whole information about stone-dam section. The measuring and evaluating procedure is described in detail with an emphasis on dealing with the use of seismic detonator, proper borehole deployment and integrated data analysis. Examples of field experiments at Busan new port are illustrated, which will prove the benefit of combined geophysical method.
The use of dredged soft marine clay is increasing due to a shortage of coarse material available. This paper presents a stabilization method that can increase shear strength of the surface layer of a dredged clay deposit at dates much earlier than usual. The desiccation of the upper soft 1-2m layer can be accelerated by interrupting water seeping from its bottom with impervious geotextile. Just below the geotextile, enough pervious material is provided so that the underlying deposit can be drained through it. This scheme is proved to be effective through theoretical analysis.
The measurement of abnormal change of temperature(temperature anomaly) will help determine the safety of various engineering constructions, as the measurement in body often used to diagnose one's health. Temperature anomaly can be occurred in leakage or seepage of water flow in rocks, and in ground water table etc. Grouting materials injected in fractured rocks generate heat during hardening process. The degree of temperature change is associated directly with heat flow characteristics, that is, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity. density of the surrounding rocks and can afford to assess the grouting efficiency. However, in practice, the use of traditional temperature measuring technique composed of only one single thermal sensor has been fundamentally limited to acquire thermal data sufficient to use for that, partly due to the time-consuming measuring work, partly due to the non-consecutive quality of data. Thus, in this paper, a new concept of temperature measuring technique, what we call, thermal line sensor technique is introduced. In this, the sensors with an accuracy of
$0.02^{\circ}$ are inserted at regular intervals in one line cable and addressed by a control device, which enables to fundamentally enhance the capability of data acquisition in time and space. This new technology has been demonstrated on diverse field model experiments. The results were simply meant to be illustrative of a potential to be used for various kinds of temperature measurements encountered in grouting and leakage problems. -
The leading cause of bridge failures is scouring bed material from around bridge foundations. Many advanced countries such as U.S.A., U.K., the Netherlands and New Zealand have developed and revised their own bridge scour manuals fit for their field conditions. In Korea, researches for reducing bridge failures during floods have concentrated on analysis, laboratory test and countermeasure of bridge scour during the last ten years. however no comprehensive manual for evaluating bridge scour and for identifying the conditions of bridge foundations has been provided yet. In this study, a new bridge scour manual is developed for the accurate evaluation of bridge scour, which reflects domestic field conditions with various streambed materials. The SRICOS method and the Erodibility Index Method are suggested for fine-grained soils and weathered rocks, respectively. In addition, bridge scour analysis algorithms are developed for field engineers to estimate bridge scour depth and to evaluate the susceptibility of bridge scour with ease.
Among soft ground treatment methods with granular soil used in domestic, the sand compaction pile method has been utilized greatly, but, as a result of exhaustion of sand and increase of unit cost, a necessity of an alternative method is suggested. In this study, the static load tests for crushed-stone compaction piles which were constructed on test field were performed. Based on test results, stress concentration ratios between the crushed-stone compaction pile and the soft ground were investigated and estimated. The stress concentration ratio was the range of 1.7 to 3.0 and the higher it was the more replacement rate was increased.
The erodibility of soil is an important factor to scour, especially in fine-grained soils. In this study, the erosion characteristics of kaolinite are quantified through the scour rate tests using the Erosion Function Apparatus called EFA. The basic soil property tests are also performed. The kaolinite samples are prepared by mixing with distilled water and formed to the designed maximum consolidation pressure of 60, 110, 160, 240, 360kPa, respectively. The results of the scour rate tests are presented in a format of a plot showing the relationship between erosion rates and shear stresses. Erosion properties of kaolinite showed a striking contrast according to the maximum consolidation pressure, and a correlation was established between the erosion properties of kaolinite and the soil properties; water content, undrained shear strength, dry density.
Micropile has been widely used for reinforcing general grounds, improving slope stability and structural foundations. However, a need still exists for evaluating the effects of inclined micropiles on shallow foundations in Korea. In this paper, numerical analyses were presented to evaluate settlement characteristics on shallow foundations reinforced by micropiles and the effects of inclined micropiles under various conditions such as the installation position, installation angle, hardness(diameter), and grouting type. In addition, this paper reports trends of effectiveness and efficiency of using inclined micropiles on shallow foundations under specified conditions.
Piles are structural elements made of steel, concrete or timber, and utilize as pile foundation which is one of deep foundations. Driven pile among them, which drives pile into the ground, is fast-constructable, less expensive and it supplies much bearing capacity. For these reasons, its demand is steady. In this study, by selecting the cases which reached ultimate failure during in-situ static loading tests, bearing capacities acquired from these tests were compared with those computed by existing theories and formula. As the results of the analysis, ultimate bearing capacity computed by theoretic formula were less or similar to those of test results in most cases, but lower ground water level and more dense layer where end of piles were reached remarkably high bearing capacity in theoretical methods.
${\beta}-method$ and Korean structure foundation design standard were sensitive to ground physical properties. Meyerhof metbod and API code were relatively independent from site condition. -
Stone column is a soil improvement method and can be applicable for loose sand or weak cohesive soil. Since the lack of sand in Korea, stone column seems one of the most adaptable approach for poor ground as a soil improvement method. However, this method was not studied for practical application. In this paper, the most effective design parameters for the being capacity of stone column were studied. The parametric study of major design factors for single stone column was carried out under the bulging and general shear failure condition, respectively. Especially, a test result of single stone column by static load was compared with the bearing capacity values of suggested formulas. The analysis result showed that the ultimate bearing capacity by the formula was much less than the measured value by the static load test. Especially, the result of the parametric study under general shear failure condition showed that the bearing capacity has apparent difference between each suggested formulas with the variation of the major design parameters. Therefore, the result of this study can be a suggestion which is applicable for the field test and the future research.
Steel sheet pile can be alternative material for bridge abutment for. The steel sheet pile bridge abutment is new and replacement bridge abutment due to its aesthetically attractive and cost effective. Use of embedded steel sheet piling brings savings in dead load, provides a compliant retaining wall, and permits speedier construction. In addition, for replacement bridge projects, traffic interruption can be minimized. It is hoped that this study will encourage designers and constructors to consider a steel substructure option more frequently during the conceptual and preliminary design phases of projects and thereby to take advantage of the potential to construction more efficiently. In this paper, an analysis of stress and strain for steel sheet pile bridge abutment was conducted. From the analysis results, the stress and strain characteristics of steel sheet pile bridge abutment with variations of steel sheet pile parameters is suggested.
This study is to present explicit analytical expressions for calculating bearing capacity factor
$N_{\gamma}$ , to provide results of the numerical computation instead of the graphical method. In this study,$N_{\gamma}$ is proposed in the critical failure surface on assumption that the center of log spiral in the radial shear zone can be located at the any points of around footing. The critical failure surface is one which yields minimum passive pressure$P_{\gamma}$ on the radial shear zone from the family of log spirals accoding to change of the center of log spiral. This study adoptes Terzaghi's bearing capacity principle(e.g., Prandtl's mechanism, limit equilibrium equation, superposition principle) but the soil wedge in an elastic zone makes angle$45^{\circ}+{\phi}/2$ with the horizontal and the location of the log spiral's center. -
In this study, finite difference method used in order to analyze influence on settlement of shallow foundation as a result of vegetation and environmental changes, On boundary conditions to analyze, divided the foundation to clayey silt, changed the amount of evaportanspiration to consider the influence of vegetation, and assumed that the duration of enviromental changes are 180 days to consider the influence of environmental changes. It is expected that this study will do to predicting settlement of shallow foundation as well as to preventing damage of shallow foundation.
The purpose of this study is the stability evaluation of soil slope according to inclination of upper natural slope. Upper natural slope breeds loss of slope by inflow in slope of surface water by rainfal1 and f1uctuation of amount of materials in slope through method of cutting slope according to degree of inclination. Basis of standard inclination does not consider of inclination of upper natural slope and is presented uniformly. Therefore, in this study, analyzed stability of inclination of upper natural slope through limit equilibrium analysis. Result is same as following. First, safety factor through limit equilibrium analysis is almost direct decrease when gradient of soil slope is 1:1.2, 1:1.5. However, when gradient of soil slope is 1:1.0, 1:0.7, if sinclination of upper natural slope are
$20^{\circ}$ , it shows tendency that decrease of safety factor becomes low rapidly. Second, when when gradient of soil slope is fixed, inclination of upper natural slope increase tendency(maximum 3.0 times) that decrease of safety factor. -
매년 발생되는 절토사면의 붕괴를 사전에 방지하기 위하여 절토사면에 상시 계측시스템을 설치하고 지반의 거동분석을 실시한다. 본 현장의 절토사면 붕괴 규모와 메카니즘을 분석하고 계측 결과와 상호 비교 분석한다. 본 현장은 상시계측시스템 운용 확대 실시에 따른 시험 설치 현장으로 2003년부터 운용 중에 있다. 계측결과에 의하면 강우량과 지반의 거동이 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 사료된다. 본 현장의 경우 크게 3번의 지반이동이 있었으며 현재는 안정화 단계에 있는 것으로 사료된다. 그러나, 향후 동절기의 외분 온도 변화와 동반하여 지반의 변동이 우려됨으로 인하여 지속적인 관찰과 자료 분석이 수행되어야 할 것으로 본다.
Talus topography is that weathered rock clasts were accumulated dropping in steep slope to action of gravity. Rock fall talus is formed by the accumulation of rock debris falling as individual particles from a cliff. If the collapse is produced in talus slope. it will be possible the loss of manpower and country. Despite correct access about talus is required, domestic research was scientific access about talus short because of short resolution of aerophoto and difficulties of research about huge talus. In this Study, Our research team analgize the wetness index using the geomorphogical data. Lineament through wetness index is simillar with distribution of the talus. And, the aim of the present study is to review and compare fabric data derived from rock fall talus about orientation, distribution and morphology. These deposits tend to have approximately equal amounts of clasts oriented parallel and perpendicular to the dip direction of the slope. And, platy- shaped clasts dominate the proximal and intermediate parts of the talus, wheres blocky-shaped clasts is more common in the distal part. we carry out Rock Fall Simulation. And, We install criteria of the rockfall protective barrier using talus and geomorphological characteristics.
The road construction with horizontal expansion of country using and augmentation of traffic demand is advanced actively and it accompanies hereupon, the above of 70% of the country is formed at the mountain in our country where the hazard cut slope has been created. In this study, It is prepared a effective management countermeasure of cut slope introduced priority investigation decision method against hazard cut slope which is influenced by abnormally rainfall by an unusual change in the weather such as a guerilla rainfall character. In meaning link, It was executed collapse cause by failure character analysis in the cut slope which has failed for the last five years and it is prepared the hazard grade criterion from E to A grade according to collapse cause. It is decided that a maintenance management grade by the hazard grade classification criterion of cut slope. So It is possible to hazard cut slope. It is established failure protection counter countermeasure by effective maintenance management through the hazard grade c1assification criterion and it will be able to dispose to advanced nation level like Hong Kong and Japanese.
One of the major forces that causes landslide is the amount of underground water resulted from rainfall and shear strength. As a result of close study on the landslide area affected by typoon Rusa it is observed that many landslides took place at the interface of rock and soil. Based on this observation that shear strength at the interface played a great role in landslide of the hilly area, two shear strengths were measured on different places, one at the interface between rocks and soil and the other just on soil. The two values thus derived were compared and used to review the safety factor for the hilly areas already collapsed. Back analysis was also used to calculate the ground water table according to the different rock types at the time when degradation happened.
Blasting is a technique for rock excavation: For instance, a rock cutting in a mountain side to prepare a base for a road. The blasting damage affect the rock slope stability. Therefore control blasting must be used. In this study, cutting cases of Sixty-nine rock blasts were investigated. Blasting damage patterns in rock slope and reinforcement methods are studied.
In general, Reinforced Slopes by Shotcrete are difficult to inspect because of stiff Slope and highly Working Area. So the Inspection Techniques are needed by the Non-contact and Non-destructive. On this Study, Appling the safety method to finding the weak zones(cavity area, dampness area, etc.) by using the Infrared Thermal Technique That is detecting the Detail Thermal Difference on the Surface of Reinforced Slopes by Shotcrete.
When it was a localized torrential downpour last year, a natural-slope fell down above a cut-slope. They were caused that stress was opened by cutting slope, ground water level rose quickly and a ground mass strength fell etc. So volume of ground mass increase because of that reasons, finally the disturbed ground was collapse. Therefore I suggest that safety of a natural-slope is a consideration, when a cut-slope is made by cutting ground.
Failure occurred slope, due to typhoon 'Rusa' and 'Maemi' last two years, was studied to evaluate the slope failure characteristics. There're three types of the slope in this study, ie. soil slope, rock slope, mixed slope. Statistical analysis was used to estimate the relation between slope type and failure mode. Among the failure occurred slope, soil slope & mixed slope are dominant at the ratio of 33%, 44% respectively. We conclude that soil slope & mixed slope have more higher risk than rock slope during heavy rainfall.
In general, slope failures are occurred by the interaction among various factors(slope shape, hydraulic condition, and geologic condition, etc.). In the area where has a heavy rainfall, a great portion of slope failures are caused by seepage increasement with suitable failure condition. Many studies have been performed to find the cause of large-scale failures. In this study, three Cut-Slope failures caused by typhoon 'MAEMI' were investigated to find out factors causing large-scale slope failures. It was confirmed in this research that major reason of slope failures was the weak layer working along with other unstable factor. The large-scaled investigation concerning Cut-Slope will be needed to find out the Weak Layer.
In this study, we introduced the spiral pipe nailing system (refer as SPN system) with self drilling method, can apply to ground which is hard to keep shape of bore hole, and performed limit equilibrium analysis with simplilied trial wedge method while length ratio and bond ratio were altered to evaluate slope stability considered of tensile strength and bending stiffness. A newly soil nailing system named as the SPN system is respected to reduce displacement of nail and increase global slope stability. And effects of various factors related to the design of the SPN system, such as the type of drilling method and the bit, are examined throughout a series of the displacement-controlled field pull-out tests. 6 displacement-controlled field pull-out tests are performed in the present study and the volume of grouting arc also evaluated based on the measurements. In addition, short-term characteristics of pull-out deformations of the newly proposed SPN system are analyzed and compared with those of the general soil nailing system by carrying out the displacement-controlled field pull-out tests.
Dynamic compaction has evolved as an acceptable method of site improvement by treating poor soils in situ. The method is often an economical alternative for utilizing shallow foundations and preparing subgrades for construction when compared with conventional solutions. In general, the installation purpose of dynamic compaction are to increase bearing capacity and decrease differential settlement within a specified depth of improvement. This method involves the s systematically dropping large weights onto the ground surface to compact the underlying ground. The weights used on dynamic compaction projects have been typically constructed of steel plates, sand or concrete filled steel shells, and reinforced concrete. Typically, weights range from 5-20 ton and base configurations are, circular or octagonal. In this study, the effective depth of improvement is evaluated based on the numerical analysis code, the dynamic analysis of FLAC-3D program, in order to analyze the influence parameters ; ground conditions, maximum applied load and the area of compaction plate.
The purpose of this paper is to study on the construction of environmentally friendly roadbed by reinforcing type soil solidification agent. The soil amendment agent used in this study is friendly to the environment, and has a function of soil-cement-agent solidification. The soil amendment agent was admixed with reinforced fiber material for enhancement of strength and durability of roadbed. The project of trial field test of roadbed construction with special reinforcing soil treatment agent was performed in Gyunggido on December 2003. A series of field and laboratory experiments including unconfined compressive strength, permeability were carried out to investigate the physical and mechanical characteristics of solidified roadbed treated by this reinforced solidifying agent. The results of this research showed that the roadbed using normal and poor soil could be efficiently constructed by treatment of this reinforcing type solidification agent admixed with fiber material.
This paper is on determination method of preconsolidation pressure and consolidation coefficient using Kores University Calibration Chamber System(KUCCS). High-quality, large-size cohesive soil specimen was prepared by using two-stage slurry consolidation technique, which has many advantage for research and calibration purpose. The result from consolidation stage in KUCCS was compared with results of oedometer test. The results by Casagrcnde method gave very good agreement with preconsolidation pressure in slurry consolidometer. And, the predicted consolidation coefficient by log t method showed agreement with the experimental results in KUCCS.
The most popular consolidation tester is a standard consolidatiion tester, which performs consolidation using the step load weight. However this apparatus is used to obtain only the vertical consolidation coefficient. Therefore the purpose of this study is to develope the horizontal consolidation cell for a horizaontal consolidation coefficient. Various size of tests have been peroformed to investigate the effect of scale effect. From the test results, it has turned out that this horizontal consolidation cell has a good function for a horizontal consolidation coefficient.
준설매립 및 연약지반 처리에 있어 압밀촉진 공법들에 대한 연구가 활발하다. 본 연구에서는 초음파를 사용하여 압밀촉진을 유발하고자 하였고 그 영향 정도를 실내실험을 통하여 조사하였다. 실내시험은 특별히 제작된 압밀시험기를 사용하였으며 압밀시험 중 초음파를 시료에 직접 가할 수 있도록 고안되었다. 압밀시험 재료로는 원심력 시험기를 사용하여 원하는 조건에 맞는 동질의 시룔르 제작하여 사용하였으며 초음파 강도, 처리 시간을 달리하여 시험을 실시하였다. 시험결과 초음파가 압밀에 미치는 영향은 큰 것으로 나타났으며 초음파 처리의 영향에 미치는 정도가 시험조건에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 이용하여 초음파에 의해 압밀촉진을 위한 공법개발의 가능성을 파악하였다.
This study is on the increasement of strength about soft ground improvement material using waste residual(paper fly ash, coke ash, slag) by fire. Through this study the authors have analyzed the strength improvement of mixed soft silty sand with improvement materials. The strength of mixed soils with high mixture ratio and more curing days increased. But CA-30(cokes 60%) make more low strength improvement than others. Therefore the authors find out that paper fly ash+cokes, paper fly ash+slag or cokes+slag improvement material is more effect in improvement of soft silty sand than cokes+cenlent. And Ettringite reaction is free mixed soils with more than two materials.
Application of structural load on soft ground can cause lateral movement as well as ground break due to pressing and shearing of ground. Especially, abutment supported by pile foundation can make pile deformed due to lateral movement of ground in order to have harmful effect on structure. According to the result of this study, it is required to consider disturbance of weak soil layer when using lateral movement countermeasure method by EPS construction method as a result of performing study on safety review and EPS construction method with respect to this based on site where lateral movement occurs due to backside soil filling load at bridge abutment installed on weak ground, and it is required to sufficiently consider soil reduction during design of EPS construction method due to lateral movement deformation of soft clay layer by losing ground horizontal resistance force due to plasticity of ground around pile as well as combination part damage with pile head and expansion foundation.
This paper introduced an alternative method called USCP (Unpenetrated Sand Compaction Pile). In USCP, the toe of the sand pile does not reach to the lower supporting layer. Hence it is possible to reduce the amount of sand required. However, the degree of improvement could not be the same as SCP. Effective soil improvement, nevertheless, might be possible by combining both methods. In this paper, an improved method that cross over both SCP and USCP was discussed. And in order to verify applicability to a clay layer, consolidation behaviors with different conditions were analyzed and compared using FEM(Finite Element Method) based on the elasto-viscosity theory. From the results, it is concluded for the characteristic of settlement of USCP that the lower degree of replacement and the smaller ratio of penetration(
$H_d/H$ ), the larger is the settlement of the lower part of the clay layer comparing to the layer with no improvement. It is also concluded that the ratios of allotment of stress (m) calculated from the final settlements with 30% of degree of replacement are$1.8{\sim}3.3$ for$H_d/H=lOO%,\;1.8{\sim}4.0\;for\;H_d/H=75%,\;and\;1.8{\sim}3.8\;for\;H_d/H=50%$ . Besides, the ratio of allotment of stress decreased as the degree of replacement decreased. -
The purpose of this study is to find out the similitude laws for dissipation velocity of excess pore pressure after liquefaction according to magnitude of input accelerations and height of model soils from the results of impulse load tests. In impulse load tests, model soils were constructed to the height of 25cm, 50cm, and 100cm in acrylic tubes whose inside diameters were 19cm and 38cm respectively, and impulse loads were applied at the bottom of each model soil to liquefy the entire model soil. Excess pore pressure distribution by depth and settlement of soil surface were measured in each test. Dissipation curves of excess pore pressure measured in each tests were simulated by solidification theory, and dissipation velocities of excess pore pressure were determined from the slope of simulated dissipation curves. From the results of impulse load tests, dissipation velocity of excess pore pressure was not affected by magnitude of input acceleration, and from this fact, dissipation process was proved to be different from dynamic phenomenon. However, dissipation velocity of excess pore pressure increased as height of model soil increased and showed little difference as diameter of model soil increased. Therefore, the similitude law for dissipation velocity could be expressed by the similitude law for model height to 0.2 without regard to the diameter of model soil.
The horizontal movement of sloping ground due to flow liquefaction has caused many pile foundations to fail, especially those in ports and harbor structures. In this study, a virtual case is assumed in which flow liquefaction is induced by earthquake loads in a fully saturated infinite sand slope with a single pile installation. Under the assumption that the movement of liquefied ground is viscous fluid flow, the influence of ground movement due to flow liquefaction on the pile behavior was analyzed. Since the liquefied soil is assumed as a viscous fluid, its viscosity must be evaluated, and the viscosity was estimated by the dropping ball method ,md the pulling bar method. Finally, the influence of the flow of liquefied soil on a single pile installed in an infinite slope was analyzed by a numerical method.
In this paper, in order to examine cyclic hehavior characteristics and safety of underground flexible pipes for electric cables subject to cyclic vehicle load, FEM analysis and cyclic soil box test were carried out. As results of the test, it was revealed that the vertical displacement of the test was larger than that of FEM analysis because thermal effect arising from power cables made reduction of rigidity of the pipe so that large deformation of the pipe induced by the heat occured. Moreover, it was shown that the final vertical displacement under about 0.4 million times of the cyclic load test was not satisfied with elastic allowable displacement of the pipe, and long term stability of the pipe was not stable since behavior characteristics of the pipe exists plastic strain range pasted clastic strain range.
There are a number of ways to reduce the ground vibrations, one of which is by installing underground walls. Model tests for ground vibration have been conducted in recent years, but limited attention has been paid to underground wall which can reduce high vibrations. Up to date, only barriers have been actually installed in dry sand because of many unknown factors subsisting on the behavior of the ground. The characteristics of vibration sources, ground conditions and wall barriers have not been well understood yet, therefore centrifugal modeling was adopted to examine all these characteristics. This paper describes a ball dropping system, which can generate a pulse wave propagation through soil mass, and the test results show the effectiveness of underground wall barrier in reducing mechanical vibration.
포화토의 거동은 흙과 유체사이의 상호작용에 의해 지배된다. 특히, 동화중 작용시 포화된 사질토에서는 이러한 상호작용에 의해 급격한 액상화 현상이 유발되며 이는 동역학직, 유체역학직으로 복합적인 거동을 나타네어 복합하므로 오직 수치해석적인 방법을 이용한 거동해석만이 가능하다. 본 연구는 사질토에서의 동적 거동해석을 위한 수치해석기법 개발에 그 목적을 두었다. 본 수치해석기법은 Hiremath (1987, 1996)의 "Dynamics for Saturated Soils" 이론에 Sandhu (1975a, 1975b, 1976)의 Variational 기법을 적용하여 개발되었으며 간극수압과 관련된 다양한 토질역학적 문제들에 적용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This paper deals with the numerical study on the displacement behavior of corner areas in an excavation site. Several corner areas always exist in the excavation site. The corner area has two free surfaces, which may become serious weak point from the viewpoint of structural stability. If the structural reinforcements are not applied adequately in corner areas, significant displacement of retaining wall could occur. What is worse, the collapse of retaining system rarely happens. In this paper, 3D numerical analyses were performed to investigate the effect of the arrangement of diagonal and normal strut. From the analysis results, it is found that the spacing between diagonal strut and normal strut should be less than 4m to avoid excessive displacement due to excavation.
This paper presents a damage assesment method for buried pipelines subjected to Deep Excavation-induced ground movements. Ground deformation characteristics resulting from 3D finite element analysis was represented mathematically by a hyperbolic tangential function. A parametric study was performed on excavation depth and burial position of pipeline. The result of the parametric study indicate that length of hyperbolic tangential function affects the results of damage assessment. Using numerical studies for buried pipeline response to ground movements by relative flexibility of the pipe-soil system. The result of numerical studies are presented in forms of design charts which can be readily used for various condition encountered in practices.
Recently, the cases which are constructed close by neighboring structure or underground structure are on the increase to get the utmost out of the land exploitation of underground space in the downtown area. As the building becomes larger, the excavation depth is getting deep, and the excavation area is getting, wide too. These are frequent occasions that the application of Strut or Anchor method is difficult, because of site boundary, civil application and the ground condition. Therefore, to solve these problem, we analyze and compare design with measuring data, change the design factor and show the improvement of course through the application of self-supported diaphragm wall using counterfort technique which is a new method. It is expected to be a contribution to the suitable exploitation method of construction.
In this study, a newly modified soil nailing technology named as the PSN(pretensioned soil nailing) system, is developed to reduce both facing displacements and ground surface settlements in top-down excavation process as well as to increase the global stability. Up to now, the PSN system has been investigated mainly focusing on an establishment of the design procedure. In the present study, the analytical procedure and design technique are proposed to evaluate maximum pretension force and stability of the PSN system. Also proposed arc techniques to determine the required thickness of a shotcrete facing and to estimate probability of a failure against the punching shear. Based on the proposed procedure and technique, effects of the radius of a influence circle and dilatancy angle on the thickness of a shotcrete facing, bonded length and safety factors arc analyzed. In addition, effects of the reduction of deformations expected by pretensioning of the soil nails are examined in detail throughout an illustrative example and
$FLAC^{2D}$ program analysis. And a numerical approach is further made to determine a postulated failure surface as well as a minimum safety factor of the proposed PSN system using the shear strength reduction technique with the$FLAC^{2D}$ program. Global minimum safety factors and local safety factors at various excavation stages computed in case of the PSN system arc analyzed throughout comparisons with the results expected in case of the general soil nailing system. The efficiency of the PSN system is also dealt with by analyzing the wall-facing deformations and the adjacent ground surface settlements. -
압밀현상에 따른 포화된 점토의 유전특성과 전기비저항 특성을 분석하기 위해서 전기적 측정이 가능한 Oedometer 압밀시험기를 준비하였다. 포화된 카올리나이트 시료에 대해서 실시한 압밀시험 결과, 압밀현상에 따른 직류 전기비저항과 1MHz (저주파대) 유전상수는 간극수의 소산에 따라 선형으로 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 점토의 전기비저항 특성은 압밀 현상 시 발생하는 흙의 함수량 및 공극비의 감소, 즉 흙의 구조적 특성에 의하여 변하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 포화된 점토의 유전 특징은 불포화 점토와는 달리 흙 표면에서 발생하는 분극현상에 의하여 크게 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났다.
Recently, as the forerunner in establishing the Northeast Asia's logistics base, a lot of marine engineering works such as new ports and container terminals, extension of old ports, new bridges, land reclamation etc. have been progressed. Parallel to it, there is also an increasing demand for improving the safety of construction. In this situation, high resolution seismic reflection profiling can be well used, attempting to classify rocks and sediments under water, if possible, to delineate the distribution of grain sizes in sediments not only for calculating the cost of removing sediments from harbour's channels, but also for estimating the bearing capacities for bridge or port construction. However, the results from the corresponding reflection survey that has been in operation in our country can not be effectively used for engineering purposes mostly due to the insufficient resolution. Thus. in this paper, two innovative strategies are introduced to enhance resolution. The one deals with a newly designed exploration barge that will help reduce several kinds of noises encountered electrically or operationally. The other is associated with an establishment of optimum measuring system comprising e.g. a specially devised hydrophone with a combination of 7 piezoelectric elements. Field experiments performed at Busan harbour are illustrated. The quality of acquired data was thereby fundamentally improved in comparison with that obtained at the same time in a conventional way.
Land seismic reflection survey has been increasingly demanded in various civil engineering works because of its own ability to delineate layers, water table, to detect cavities or fracture zones, to estimate seismic velocities of each layer. However, our shallow subsurface structures are very complex. The relatively thin layer(mostly soil) to the wavelength directly followed by a basic rock with high impedance used to generate complicated surface waves, kind of channel waves with high amplitude that is dominate in entire seismograms and hence the useful reflection events will be almost hopelessly immersed in the undesired surface waves. Thus, it would seem that the use of traditional seismic survey could not be likely to provide in itself a satisfactory information about our exploration targets. This paper hence introduces an efficient measuring strategy illustrating a properly controlled arrangement of the vertical single force sources commonly used, yielding a very sharply elongated form of P-energy with a minimum of S radiation energy, what we call, P-beam source. Abundant experiments of physical modeling showed that in that way the surface waves could be enormously reduced and the reflection events would be additive and thus reinforced. Examples of field data are also illustrated. The contribution of P-beam source will be great in civil engineering area as well as in general geological exploration area.
A knowledge of in situ stress state is important to design various engineering structures such as dams, tunnels and so on. There are about three wellknown indicators that is, borehole will breakouts, hydraulic fracturing, ellipsoidal cross section of borehole that have been attributed to the state of stress in the vicinity of borehole. Fortunately, Televiewer traveltime image can be used as a caliper log with 144 or 288 arms, which allows to determine the borehole shape. Televiewer amplitude image will give detailed information about the distribution and character of breakouts and hydraulic fracturing as well. For investigation purposes, a series of boreholes(total 195 boreholes: 12.239m) that have been logged all over the country during past 10 years are analyzed. The primary objective of this paper are to examnine the ability of a Televiewer to determine the shape of borehole, to present data inferred by stress indicators, to indicate their possible relationship with the anisotropic horizontal stresses. It is shown that in most cases the fracture orientation statistically estimated from observed fractures denotes an excellent correlation with the orientations inferred by stress indicators. Many intervals of breakouts are terminated at the intersection of oblique fracture with the borehole. The results from Televiewer data are further compared with those of hydraulic fracturing techniques.
Consolidation tests under various deformation modes were performed to investigate the effect of deformation modes on the coefficient of consolidation in the normally consolidated clay in remolded and undisturbed clay. The degree of soil anisotropy was evaluated using cross-anisotropic elasticity theory suggested by Graham et al.(1983). Experimental results showed that the vertical compressibility was larger than the horizontal compressibility by
$12{\sim}21%$ for the remolded clay and by$23{\sim}60%$ for the undisturbed clay, respectively. The results of a series of consolidation tests under the specific deformation modes showed that the coefficient of consolidation under 1 dimensional vertical strain condition was larger than that under 3 dimensional strain condition due to different deformation mode. Furthermore, the coefficient of consolidation under 1 dimensional vertical strain condition was larger than that under 1 dimensional horizontal strain condition by$40{\sim}60%$ in undisturbed clay, which clearly emphasized the significant effect of soil anisotropy on the rate of consolidation. Consequently, it can be concluded that the anisotropic deformation modes of soils, especially naturally deposited clays, should be taken into account for more accurate evaluation of the coefficient of consolidation. -
To study on mechanical characteristics of weathered granite masses are difficult because of undisturbanced sampling and in-situ test. Generally, pressuremeter test is widely used to investigate the behavior of weathered rock masses. However, it has many problems to get a limit pressure because of cavity collapse, membrane damage, ete. This study aims to evaluate the mechanical characteristics of weathered granite masses using in-situ pressuremeter test and numerical analysis depending on the ratio of length and diameter of the membrane(L/D=5, 8, 10, 15, 20). Test results and data are shown that strength parameters are reduced exponentially varing weathering degree, and numerical analysis results are approximately coincided with the test results. And the ratio of length and diameter of the membrane arc not affected the parameters such as modulus of pressuremeter, shear modulus, etc. But limit pressure is increased decreasing membrane length based on numerical analysis. On the other hand, increasing the membrane length, yield pressure is decreased and plastic radius is increased in the case of same weathering degree.
The objective of this study is the evaluation of the tunneling effect on the groundwater-surface water interaction. The designed tunnel line is laid beneath the Gapo-cheon, which runs throughout study area. And, the pre-evaluation of the tunnel-influence on the Gapo-cheon is urgently needed. However, it is very difficult to find out the similar domestic and/or foreign cases. In this study, we would exclude the numerical modeling technique with insufficient data. Instead of the evaluation of the tunneling effect on the groundwater-surface water interaction with the numerical modeling, we monitored the flow rate of surface water at various point. We measured the flow rate of surface water at 5 points. With the results of surface flow, we can conclude that 39% of flow rate in Gapo-cheon is contributed by the groundwater discharge, as baseflow.
The resistivity of soils depends on grains size, porosity, water saturation, pore fluid resistivity, caly contents and son on. It is very important to understand the relationship between resistivity and such physical properties of soils, in order to interpret and evaluate ground conditions by using resistivity data obtained from electrical resistivity prospecting. In this paper, to study the relationship between resistivity and physical properties of soils, the resistivity of glass beads and compacted soil samples both in saturated and unsaturated conditions is measured. As the results, the resistivity of saturated soils depends mainly on porosity and clay contents, while that of unsaturated soils is sensitive to compaction conditions, and decreases with increasing water content until the optimum water condition, that is the maximum dry density. But, the relationship between resistivity and water saturation for soils is unique, being independent of compaction energy. Also, the resistivity ratio decrease with increasing water saturation, followed by no significant change of resistivity ratio over 80 percent of water saturation (the optimum water content).
부산점토에 대하여 Wheeler의 경화모형의 적용성을 평가하였다. 이를 위하여 양산지역의 부산점토에 대한 삼축 및 압밀시험 결과가 이용되있으며, 그 모형에 적합한 매개정수들이 결정되있다. 적용결과 예측된 거동은 실험결과와 정량적으로 잘 일치하는 것으로 나타났으나, 향후 압밀 및 장기거동 해석등을 위하여 더 많은 연구가 요구된다.
The use of oyster shells is proposed as a substitute construction material for geotechnical applications. To investigate recycling possibility as a substitute of sand compaction pile (SCP) for oyster shells, the geotechnical characteristics including permeability and shear strength of crushed oyster shell, sand and crushed oyster shell-sand mixted soil. Experimental results show that the crushed oyster shells are lighter than sand in weight, and have similar characteristics on permeability to sand. The results of direct shear test show that the measured value of friction angle
${\Phi}$ of crushed oyster shell was lager than that of sand. It would be expected that more angular particles (crushed oyster shells) would interlock more thoroughly than rounded particles (send). -
A study on the solidification of sludge by reactive amendment agent was carried out in this paper. The reactive amendment agent used in this study is mainly composed of inorganic solidification agent and reactive adsorptive material. The reactive agent has a function of soil-cement-agent solidification and harmlessness of contaminant in waste. The reactive agent is environmentally friendly material to the surrounding environment. In this study, a series of tests and experiments including unconfined compressive strength, permeability, pH test, constituent analysis, leaching test were carried out to analyse engineering and environmental characteristics of solidified sludge treated reactive agent. The result of this research shows that the solidified sludge treated reactive agent is increased in strength and decreased in contaminant concentration.
A serious of EK remediation tests on contaminated soil are performed under unsaturated conditions and analyzed for electrical potential, water content, pH and so on. The results indicated that electrical potential and pH distributions in the sample are dependent on the amount and inward/outward flow of hydrogen ion. Specially, for the closed system the water content is largely decreased with the flow of hydrogen. The maximum electrical conductivity is measured at the catholyte of CEM(Sealing) test and directly related to the remedial efficiency. Although pHs in the region near to the anode are similarly developed, the different concentration of lead is measured with the electrical gradient contrary to the lead concentration dependent on pH within the sample.
Wetness index obtained from topography data of Woogak Mountain was compared with chemical alteration index(CAI), clay minerall contents of rock, and magnetic susceptibility changes of outcrops, and they show a close interrelationship. It is shown that the wetness index can be used as a quantitative indicator of the weathering degree of rocks. Moreover, wetness index simulate quantitatively the hydrologic condition of the local area. Therefore, it is anticipated that wetness index can be used as the data that calculate the weathering speed of rock and weathering grade in the study of weathering sensitivity of rock.
This study is intended as an investigation of the EK remediation characteristics of natural soil with treatment time under unsaturated conditions. EK tests are performed under the voltage gradient of 1V/cm, the degree of saturation of 82.8%, and the installing of cation exchange membrane. It was found from the results that the acid front is initially transported at 0.75cm/day and then continuously degreased until the transport velocity of the acid front is balanced to the velocity of the base front. The residual lead concentration indicated the maximum value at the treatment time of lOdays, then the increasing of treatment time largely decreases the concentration within the sample though electromigration than electroosmosis.
Waste lime used in this study is producted as a by-product in the manufacturing process of making
$Na_2CO_3$ from local chemical factory in Incheon. Currently about 320 millon tons of waste lime are accumulated and annually 100,000 tons are producted. Reuse of waste lime mixed with soil for banking and backfill materia in civil works was analysed in this study. This study was Carried out to investigate the geotechnical and environmental characteristics on field application. Field investigations were conducted on the road construction site in Incheon. This study presents the results of the engineering characteristics in field test and the leaching characteristic of waste lime in laboratory column tests. Countermeasure for reduction of environmental effects was suggested from the test results. -
The study area adjoins with Yangsan fault in Sangbuk-myeon, Samsam-ri, Kyongsang-namdo and consist of the natural steep slope. After drawing data layer which have altitude by using digital topography data, it is converted to lattice DEM of
$10m{\times}10m$ size. From this, gradient map of unit lattice, slant direction map and shadow relif map are made. Using flow apportioning algorithm, upper slope contributing area and wetness index by established lattice can be calculated. Area that have high wetness index shows lineament structure of northwest-southeast direction, and this agrees with shear fracture system. The result of electricity specific resistance survey in the study area shows that area of high wetness index has low electricity specific resistance anomaly. That is, wetness index conforms with distribution of fractured zone that accompanied chemical weathering of rock. Therefore, wetness index can be used as the method of detecting fractured zones and judging the stability of the area. -
In this study, the pilot tests on the reclaimed land were performed in order to find the suitable construction method with dynamic compaction Type I, Type II at different dynamic energy and hydraulic hammer compaction. The estimation of the compaction through the various pilot tests was performed by the CPT-qc, SPT-N and field density tests. As the result of the pilot tests, it shows that the dynamic compaction method is better than the hydraulic hammer compaction method in the effect of the ground improvement, especially dynamic compaction Type I is much superior to others. When it comes to method for measuring the intensity of the ground, the value of the cone penetration test-resistance(qc) is much suitable for the ground. Besides, the standards for the compaction control, which showed that over 10Mpa at 0 through 5meters in the upper layer and 7Mpa at 5 through 8meters in the lower layer in the CPT-qc, could be found without discrimination of the upper road and lower road on the reclaimed land. And it also found that the intensity of the reclaimed land gets back to the original status in about 10 through 15 days.
In some port construction, a case of reclamation with dredged soil for land use can be found. Even though this is not a new technology, there are some problems on the test method and analysis. The design parameters are still remained to be solved to get accurate prediction. Sedimentation of particle and self-weight consolidation are the most important design parameters in reclamation by dredged soils. The design parameters are influenced by properties of the physical and sedimentation of dredged soils. This influencing factors can be determined depend on the history of long term sedimentation and particle characteristics. Thus, properties of the sedimentation and consolidation are varies depend on the regional geologic formation. In this paper, three different sites with different regional soil properties will be compared in design parameters of sedimentation and self-weight consolidation.
In tunnel blasting, rock damage and overbreak at excavation limits are strongly related to stability of the tunnel and cost for rock support, and also affect to maintenance after tunnel construction. In this study, many field tests and measurements have been carried out in highway tunnels so that discordance between blast design and practical production blasting could be settled and actual methods of over break control could be proposed through the understanding of the problems in existing blasting patterns. Test blasting in tunnel was carried out many times in two tunnel sites. Also, long hole blasting longer than existing blasting pattern was executed for good grade of rock mass whose RMR value is more than 60. Using the results of test blasting, new standard blasting patterns for two lane tunnel were proposed. As a result of profile measurement after blasting, drilling is a major factor of overbreak. And then the methods for minimizing overbreak were adapted in new blasting patterns.
In order to cope with ever growing traffic flow and complexity in the urban area, construction demands for expanding and realigning of existing urban roads and massive development of underground space within the urban area are in its increasing trend, it is fact that, mainly due to lack of statistical data accumulation through real construction, technology and construction practice to support such demands can hardly be said to have been established enough and leave many things still to be developed. These circumstances therefore came to motivate me to get into a study for a particular subject of "Design Basics for Closely Neighbored Twin Tunnel" among others, and also to put forward subjects required to be further studied in this connection in the future as follows: 1) To make a new economical design model for closely neighbored twin tunnel not only to make a drain for center perfect but also a tunnel construction safe. 2) Further efforts should be exerted for establishment of general standards for design and construction of various types of large cross-section tunnels including Twin structure.
ITIS is applied to the several tunnel construction sites in Korea. Tunnel construction properties which are acquired from these sites are transferred to information management server(SQL 2000 server)by client application program in real time. Access permission to DB server depends on the user's roles. Some functions which cannot be embodied in SQL Server are serviced through XML and GMS server is used for spatial data based on GIS part. This system is supposed to give engineers the advantages which are not only easy handling of the program and computerized documentation on every information during construction but also analyzing the acquired data in order to predict the structure of ground and rock mass to be excavated later and show the guideline of construction. Neung-Dong tunnel and Mu-Gua express way tunnel are now under construction and with this system they have 3D visualized map of the geology and tunnel geometry and accumulate database of construction information such as tunnel face mapping results, special notes and pictures of construction and 3D monitoring data, all matters on the stability of rock bolts and shotcrete, and so on. Ground settlement prediction program included in ITIS, based on the artificial neural network(ANN) and supported by GIS technology is applying to the subway tunnel. This prediction tool can make it possible to visualize the ground settlement according to the excavation procedures by contouring the calculated result on 3D GIS map and to assess the damage of buildings in the vicinity of construction site caused by ground settlement.
Cut and Cover Method is generally used in shallow tunnels and tunnel entrances with thin soil cover. In this type of cons0truction, backfilling is considered to be the most important process. In this process even though the backfill material is thoroughly compacted, compaction and self-weight due to vehicular vibration and pressure exerted by the soil cause the backfill material to undergo self-compression which leads to settlement. The settlement of the backfill material subjects the tunnel lining under excessive earth pressure which cause cracking and deformation. In the model test performed installation of geotextile on the sides and top of the tunnel was able to reduce the earth pressure acting on the tunnel lining.
This paper deal with cause and analysis about case of collapsed reinforced-soil retaining wall. The analysis of the cause was carried through experimentation, slop stability analysis and literature study. The experimentation treated the large direct shear test, the hydraulic conductivity test and the other basic test through backfill extracted from collapsed reinforced-soil retaining wall. The ultimate tensile strength was established by rib tensile strength test of geogrid. The analysis of internal and external stability of reinforced-soil retaining wall was performed on the basis of parameters. The result of analysis, reinforced-soil retaining wall and the slope at the dry season are stable. However, the factors that fine-grained soil at hydrometer test exceed the standard of the design, rainfall duration is too long at the time of collapse and monthly pricipitation is heavy are cause of the collapse.
본 논문에서는 여러 가지 입도의 사질토에 폴리프로필렌(polypropylene) 재질의 단섬유(staple fiber)를 중량비 0.3%로 혼합한 섬유혼합도의 거동특성과 보강효과를 평가하였다. 곡류계수는 일정하게 유지하고 균등계수를 변화시켜 성형한 공사체에 공진주시험을 수행하였다. 섬유혼합토의 최대전단탄성계수는 비혼합토에 비해 최대 30%까지 증가하였고, 비선형 영역에서의 전단탄성계수 감소량도 억제되었다. 섬유혼합토의 정규화 전단탄성계수 감소곡선이 Seed와 Idriss의 대표곡선 상한값 쪽으로 이동해, 비혼합토보다 얇은 밴드로 분포하여 섬유의 혼합이 흙의 강성 증가에 효과적임을 증명되었다.
Geogrid may be damaged during its installation in the filed. The installation damage mainly depends on two factors, which are materials used and construction activities. Materials relate to geogrid and soils, and construction activities are mainly related to installation of geogrid and compaction of soils. This paper describes the results of a series of field tests, which were conducted to assess the installation damage of the various geogrids according to different fill materials. After field installation damage tests, the change in tensile strength of geogrids was determined from wide width tensile tests using both damaged and undamaged specimens.
The application of the reinforced retaining wall has increased in the last 10 years in Korea. The height of reinforced wall is generally limited to less than 15m. It has been reported that the reinforced wall higher than 10m should have higher strength reinforcement or should reduce the lateral earth pressure of the reinforced wall to secure the stability of the wall. In this study, the reinforced retaining wall was constructed 14m high, backfilled by a mixture of soil and cement and instrumented on the reinforcement elements. The instrumented reinforced wall was monitored during and after construction. Field monitoring result shows that a backfill by a mixture of soil and cement reduced the tensile stress developed on the reinforcing elements and the reinforced wall backfilled by a mixture of soil and cement performed successful.