한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference) (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
한국지반공학회 (Korean Geotechnical Society)
- 기타
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 토목섬유 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 연약지반처리위원회 가을 학술세미나
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 사면안정 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 Lecture Notes by Two Distinguished Scholars
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 H말뚝 기초공법 학술세미나
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 터널기술 Work Shop-II(정보화시대의 터널기술의 위상)
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 정보화시공.지반굴착위원회 공동학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1997년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지하공간 건설기술에 관한 서울 심포지움 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 토목섬유
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반굴착
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반계측
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 준설.매립 연약지반의 해석 및 처리기술
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 연약지반처리
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 산사태 조사·시공에 있어서의 최신의 논제
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 사면안정
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 학술발표집 지반진동 영향평가
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 지반.환경 매립에 관한 학술발표회 논문집
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 말뚝기초
- 한국지반공학회 1993년도 봄 학술회 논문집
한국지반공학회 2002년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
This paper presents a general review of the literature on electrokinetic (EK) remediation of contaminated soil. Lab-scale tests were investigated and contaminant transport mechanism were examined. And also major factors affecting to the EK process were discussed. Enhanced techniques as a method to solve the problems that frequently occurred during traditional EK process were examined. And last, field implemented case and commercially applied case were described.
The fact that nonlinearity and anisotropy of soil should be considered for the proper estimation of soil deformation has been recongnized for a long time. In this study, a new stiffness model which can reflect both nonlinearity and anisotropy is proposed. Nonlinearity is simulated by Ramberg-Osgood model and anisotropy is modeled with the cross-anisotropic elasticity. Analysis results with the developed model compared with those from analyses using linear isotropic model, linear anisotropic model, and nonlinear isotropic model. In the triaxial compression like condition, the effects of nonlinearity on the vertical strain are significant, but soil anisotropy does not affect the vertical strain. In 1-dimensional deformation condition, however, both nonlinearity and anisotropy of soil influence the final magnitude of the vertical strain. Also the increase of poisson's ratio magnifies the effect of anisotropy on the vertical strain in this condition.
This paper describes a systematic way of simultaneously identifying the ambient pore pressure and the rigidity index (=G/s
$\_$ u/) of soil by applying an optimization technique to the piezocone dissipation test result. An ambient pore pressure and optimal rigidity index were determined by minimizing the differences between theoretical excess pore pressures developed by Randolph & Wroth(1979) and measured excess pore pressures from piezocone using optimization technique. The effectiveness of the proposed back-analysis method was examined against the well-documented performance of piezocone dissipation tests (Tanaka & Sakagami, 1989), from the viewpoints of proper determination of selected target parameters and saving of test duration. It is shown that the proposed back-analysis method can evaluate properly the ambient pore pressure and the rigidity index by using only the early phase of the dissipation test data. Also, it is shown that with the optimized rigidity index and ambient pore pressure the proposed back-analysis method permits the horizontal coefficient of consolidation to be identified rationally. -
미소변형에서 대변형에 이르는 전체 변형률 영역의 구성모델을 ABAQUS 코드에 구현하였다. 구성모델은 비등방경화규칙에 근거한 전응력 개념의 탄소성 모델로 연약 점토나 풍화토에 적용하는 것이 가능하다. 사용된 정식화 및 알고리즘은 (1) Jaumann 응력속도를 이용한 대변형도 조건 정식화 (2) 내재적인 응력적분 (3) 일관된 접선계수를 포함하고 있다. 이를 통하여 대변형 해석을 정확하고 효율적으로 수행할 수 있었다. 예제를 통하여 새로운 구성모델과 ABAQUS 코드를 이용한 대변형 해석을 수행할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 특히 전체변형률 영역의 거동을 모델하고 범용 해석 프로그램을 이용한 비선형 대변형 해석에 적용하는 것이 가능하였다.
In tunnel construction, the information on the rock quality and the location of fault or fracture are crucial for economical design of support pattern and for safe construction of the tunnel. The grade of rock is commonly estimated through the observation with the naked eye of recovered cores in drilling or from physical parameters obtained by their laboratory test. Since drilling cost is quite expensive and terrains of planned sites for tunnel construction are rough in many cases, however, only limited information could be provided by core drilling Electrical resistivity and EM surveys may be a clue to get over this difficulty. Thus we have investigated electrical resistivity and EM field data providing regional Information of the rock Quality and delineating fault and fracture over a rough terrain. In this paper, we present some case histories using electrical resistivity and EM survey for the site investigation of tunnel construction. Through electrical resistivity and EM survey, the range and depth of coal seam was clearly estimated, cavities were detected in limestone area, and weak zones such as joint, fault and fracture have been delineated.
The N-value from the standard penetration test(SPT) is affected by the magnitude of the rod penetration energy transmitted from the falling hammer as well as the geotechnical characteristics of the ground. Understanding of the striking energy efficiency in the SPT equipment is getting important for that reason. The energy efficiencies of the various type of equipment were investigated through field tests using the instrumented rod and wave-signal acquisition systems including the pile driving analyzer(PDA). The rod energy ratio, ERr was defined as the ratio of the energy delivered to the drilling rod to the potential free-fall energy of the hammer. It appears that the type of the hammer and lift/drop system had a strong influence on the energy transfer mechanism and ERr also varies according to the energy instrumentation system and the analysis methods.
Rock mass classifications form the back bone of the empirical design approach and are widely employed in rock engineering. In this paper the inter-relations were discussed among RMR, Q-system, RCR, N, M-RMR, RMi, and L-RMR. Several relationships for the assessment of the modulus of deformation of rock mass, Poisson's ratio, uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, cohesion and internal friction angle were also analysed and suggested.
Engineering geological studies were conducted for igneous rocks in southeast Korean peninsula. The purpose of the study is to establish zoning in view of engineering geology in ground construction. For engineering geological implication, lithology, lineament structure and discontinuities were surveyed and analysed. Using constructed data, We compared geological and engineering geological characteristics and made out the detailed engineering geological map. The map responses engineering characteristics such as weathering degrees, discontinuity systems of different rock types.
Vertical reinforcement of soft soils using the deep mixing method has received increasing applications. In this study, the theory of elasticity and plasticity including the upper bound theorem of limit analysis were used to derive the equations for obtaining composite elastic properties and shear strength parameters. The developed equations were validated using the finite element computer program SAGE CRISP. The analysis involved 4 different cases-two different type of soil and replacement ratios. Tile results of the analysis show that the proposed equations could determine the properties of composite material for practical applications.
This article summarises the traditional method of soil-structure interaction based on the modulus of subgrade reaction and shows its weakness. In order to avoid these weakness, a new soil-structure interaction model is proposed. This model considers the soil as a set of connected springs which enables interaction between springs. Its use is as simple as the traditional model but allows to define the soil properties independently from the structural properties and the loading conditions. Thus, the definition of the modulus of subgrade reaction is unnecessary as each component is defined by its own modulii (Young's modulus and shear modulus). The non-linear soil behaviour for the shear stress versus distortion is also incorporated in the model. This feature allows to pinpoint the arching effect in the ground and shows how the stresses concentrate on stiff materials. Based on these principles, three dimensional program has been developed in order to solve the difficult problem of soil improvement by inclusions (stiff or soft). Also the possibility to take into account a flexible mat and/or a subgrade layer has been implemented. Equations used in the model are developed and a parametric study of the necessary data used in the program is presented. In particular, the Westergaard modulus notion and the arching effect are analysed.
Recent study of soft clay of Nakdong-River basin has been taken correlation between soil properties by regression analysis without distribution whether the sample is disturbed or not, or treated as a whole area without proposing local correlation equation to Jang-U or Dae-Joe which has a specific locality. Accordingly, Those tendency cause the reliability of correlation between compression index and void ratio low and then design underestimate and uncertain eventually. In this study, Distributing the soft clay of Nakdong-River basin with failure strain of 6%, the suggestion by Skempton(1957), TakeNaka(1966)-the more sample is undisturbed, the more the ratio of E
$\_$ 50/ and q$\_$ u/,${\alpha}$ = E$\_$ 50//(q$\_$ u//2) = 1/$\varepsilon$ $\_$ 50/ is high-is satisfied with the value of which${\alpha}$ is 50 and It could be taken enough data in the condition of domestic. Besides other indices also make the distribution suitable. In conclusion, This study is supposed to propose the locally subdivided regression equation between compression index and void ratio considering the sample disturbance. -
Fractures, especially faults have most significant influence on the difficulties encountered in various engineering and mining works, because they can give rise to inevitable reductions in shear strength as well as large increase in permeability. Thus, before underground access is possible, it is desirable to estimate the distribution and geometry of fractures in advance, if reliable structural data from e.g. Televiewer tool are available. To this end, fracture face mapping is just the evaluation method used to form a fracture image determined by intersecting of each fracture plane with a selected plane section of a rock mass, assuming that all fractures be planar with fixed-aperture. Although many fractures are geometrically complex and others are altered chemically, according to the abundant experiments in recent years, it would seem that the technique could be applied to benefit the design of numerous engineering works such as slope stability, tunnel excavations, dam foundation and diverse environmental works. This paper presents at first an evaluation algorithm for fracture face mapping and then concludes with various representative examples of applications.
While the pavement design is based on mechanical property such dynamic elastic modulus, the quality of highway subgrade during construction is controled by the optimum moisture content(OMC) and maximum dry density(
${\gamma}$ $\_$ dmax/). However, since the quality control based on the OMC and maximum dry density does not consider the mechanical characteristics, there is a conceptional gap between design and PMS(pavement management system). Therefore, it is necessary to develope a new qualify control system using mechanical property for highway construction in more rational way. To achieve this goal, it is planned to perform various laboratory tests to collect mechanical properties of subgrade soil samples from several highway construction sites and to propose the relationship between dry unit weight (or OMC) and mechanical parameters. In this paper, the experimental data so far obtained are presented and analyzed. In addition, further research plan is presented and discussed. -
Several well-known soil classification charts, like made by Robertson(1986,1990), Olsen(1981), existed already. In Korea, Lee Sun-Jae(1997) made new classification chart based on Unified Soil Classification System with locality In this study, 6 classification charts were applied respective area. Even exact decision is impossible which one is correct, this study can give useful guideline.
The characteristics and prediction model for the shear strength of unsaturated residual soils was studied. In order to investigate the influence of the net normal stress on the shear strength, unsaturated triaxial tests and SWCC tests were carried out varying the net normal stress, and the experimental data for unsaturated shear strength tests were compared with predicted shear strength envelopes using existing prediction models. It was shown that the soil - water characteristic curve and the shear strength of the unsaturated soil varied with the change of the net normal stress. Therefore, to achieve a truly descriptive shear strength envelope for unsaturated soils, tile effect of the normal stress on the contribution of matric suction to the shear strength has to be taken into consideration. In this paper, a modified prediction model for the unsaturated shear strength was proposed.
Field measurements were carried out in this study to investigate the behavior of cut and cover tunnel such as the distribution and the magnitude of the earth pressure during back fill process of the ground material. Three kinds of measuring instruments, such as the earth pressure load cell, the concrete strain gauge and the reinforcing bar meter of embedded type in concrete structure were installed and measured. Earth pressure load cells, installed after construction of the tunnel lining, measure the outside forces acting on the tunnel lining with radial directions. Three load cells were installed at the crown, the right and the left shoulder of the tunnel, respectively. Three sets of reinforcing bar meter were installed in the double reinforcements of the tunnel lining and their locations were the same with the position of the earth pressure load cells. Concrete strain gauge was installed only one site of the upper compressive part at the tunnel crown. Based on the measuring results in the field, the deformation and the earth pressure acting on the tunnel lining were investigated with the back fill process of the ground material. Considerations on the validity of the measuring results were paid. For the analysis of measurements, after dividing back fill process into three steps, various factors which affect on the behavior of tunnel lining were investigated at each step.
Based on the results of prototype air-shaft construction, penetration capacity of RBM(Raise Boring Machine) was analyzed and compared with TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine) performance in this study. Utilization, down time, net penetration rate and advance rate were evaluated and compared. By conducting the laboratory tests for rock properties with the analysis of penetration capacity, relation of penetration capacity and geotechnical parameters was studied. The results showed that much more higher value of utilization, however lower value of net penetration rate for RBM was obtained compared to those of TBM. In addition, as the strength of rock penetrated increased, higher value of net penetration rate was obtained contrarily to the results of TBM performance. Finally, new relationship between total hardness and net penetration rate for weak and weathered rock was derived from these results.
We presents an hazard zonation mapping technique in karst terrain and its assessment. From the detailed engineering geological mapping. Controlling factors of sink hole and limestone cave formation were discussed and 4 main hazard factors affecting hazard potential are identified as follows: prerequisite hazard factor(distributions of pre-existing sink holes and cavities), geomorphological hazard factors(slope gradient, vegetation, and drainage pattern etc.) geological hazard factors(lithology, fracture patterns and geological structures etc.) and hydraulic conditions(hydraulic head, annual fluctuation of ground water table and composition of g/w water). From the construction of hazard zonation map along the Jecheon-Maepo area, and vertical cross-sectional hazard zonations specific tunnel site we suggest hazard zonation rating systems.
The specimens with three discontinuities have been tested in uniaxial compression. The geometry of discontinuities is changed by three different parameters: flaw inclination angle, continuity, and spacing. From the tips of the discontinuities wing and secondary cracks are observed. Wing cracks initially propagate curvilinear direction and follow loading direction after some distance from the tip of the discontinuities. Two different types of secondary cracks have been observed from the study: quasi-coplanar secondary cracks and oblique secondary cracks. From the test nine different types of coalescence are observed and they show a correlation with flaw angle and ligament angle. It is attempted to simulate the observed results by using FROCK(Fractured ROCK). FROCK is a code based on the hybridized DDM(Displacement Discontinuities Method) . It is shown that FROCK has quite potential of modeling of rock fracture processes.
Water flow rate into the tunnel usually determined by numerical analyses and mathematical formulas using water levels and permeability is obtained only a few limited districts of the whole tunneling site. However, underground is not a homogeneous but complicated mass. Therefore these methods can't reflect structural and geological aspects. In this study, assuming that the mountain stream in droughty season is to be the same as baseflow of its basin, hydrological method is applied to predict the constant water flow rate into the tunnel on construction field. Prediction of constant water inflow rate is performed on each section of tunnel construction field divided into 20 sections.
According to the Korean Design Code for port and harbor facilaties, bearing capacity of rubble mound under eccentric and inclined load is calculated by the simplified Bishop method, and strength parameters are recommended to be c=0.2kg/
$\textrm{cm}^2$ and ø=35$^{\circ}$ for standard rubble if the compressive strength of parent rock is greater than 300kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ , quoting from research results by Jun-ichi Mizukami(1991), But this facts have never been certified in Korea because there was not large-scale triaxial test apparatus until 2000 in Korea. Firstly in Korea, the large-scale triaxial test (sample diameter, 30cm and height, 60cm) on the rubble originated from porous basalt rock in North-Cheju was accomplished. Then strength parameters for basalt rubble produced in North-Cheju are recommended to be c=0.3kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ and ø=36$^{\circ}$ if the compressive strength of parent rock is greater than 400kg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ . -
In this study, multivariate analysis based on domestic data(958 EA) of road tunnel, and suggest the easy prediction equation of Q-system. We generate applicable Q-value to numerical analysis method with using the equation and investigate the behavior as variable Q-value of rock mass induced excavation with discontinuum numerical analysis method, UDEC. In the result of the experiment, we research the application range of Q-value to apply the continuum model to discontinuous rock mass is below 0.7 and we testify the applicability of continuum model as researched Q-value with continuum numerical analysis method, FLAC.
Carbonate rocks such as limestone are susceptible to solution and show numerous solution cavities. For the construction of the structures such as bridge foundations and tunnel on the limestone cavities, the geological unconformities developed in the bed rocks, cavity systems and the filling types of solution deposits should be surveyed and analyzed. And also, the stability of structures on the limestone cavities must be taken into consideration in the view of the geotechnical engineering. As a result of analysis of the foundation settlement, an economic and effective reinforcement method is to be proposed and the construction by the proposed method is to be accompanied with verification of reinforcement effect. This paper is a case study of design and construction for the reinforcement of bridge foundations on the limestone cavity covered with thick bedded colluvial soils.
Generally it is informed that urethane materials are superior to the others in physical characteristics, durability, ground improvement and the influence to environment . But, the existing urethane methods are too expensive to apply. So this study has analyzed the applicability of TAS method which has developed the existing urethane injection mechanism. From the results, Extending the max-infection distance over l0m from 6m which the existing methods could inject to, TAS method has proved to be economical. Also, the TAS method is obtained quickly to ground improvement effect in various tunnel constructions because rise-time was relatively shorter than that of cement-grouting. Therefore, it is expected that TAS method would be applied a lot for water proof and ground improvement etc. owing to its many advantages mentioned the above.
Thickness of concrete lining, voids at the back of lining or shotcrete are very important elements for inspecting the safety of tunnels. Therefore, the inspection of tunnel lining structure means to investigate the inner layer boundaries of the structure. For this purpose, seismic reflection survey is the most desirable method if it works in good conditions. However, the conventional seismic reflection method can not be properly used for investigating thin layers in the lining structure. In other words, to detect the inner boundaries, it is desirable for the wavelength of source to be less than the thickness of each layer and for the receiver to be capable of detecting high frequency(ultrasonic) signals. To this end, new appropriate source and receiver devices should be developed above all for the ultrasonic reflection survey. This paper deals primarily with the development of source and receiver devices which are essential parts of field measuring system. Interests are above all centered in both the radiation pattern, energy, frequency content of the source and the directional sensitivity of the receiver. With these newly devised ones, ultrasonic physical modeling has been performed on 3-D physical model composed of bakelite, water-proof and concrete, The measured seismograms showed a clear separation of wave arrivals reflected from each layer boundary. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that reflection events from the bottom of concrete below water-proof could be also observed. This result demonstrates the usefulness of the both devices that can be applied to benefit the ultrasonic reflection survey. Future research is being focus on dealing with at first an optimal configuration of source and receiver devices well coupled to tunnel wall, and further an efficient data control system of practical use.
In this paper, a new novel technique of seismic survey is introduced to estimate the continuity of inclined pits filled with water, It was assumed that the pits would be connected to an abandoned railway tunnel that might be constructed in the past. Thus, detection of pit end was needed for the design of a new highway tunnel(Yukshimreong tunnel) that was likely to be met with a pit. In the beginning of exploration, no reliable, cost effective method was available. Hence, focus of interest moved toward the high impedance contrast(reflection coefficient k∼0.8) between water and rock. In this special model of sequence rock-water-rock, total reflection occurs and the seismic energy, when it is generated in the pit water, is nearly confined to the pit so that seismic waves can propagate much further within the pit. As a matter of convenience, this is called“tunnel channel wave”. With these considerations in mind, seismic detonator(2g) was used as a source at the entrance of pit, whereas hydrophone chain(hydrophone interval=1m) was placed on the bottom of pit. With this appropriate source-receiver arrangement, desirable down-going and up-going waves could be observed that will help conform the continuity of pits. After about one year, it was ascertained that the inclined pit of interest was just nearby crossed with the newly excavated tunnel, as it was predicted.
Televiewer is a logging tool capable of scanning the borehole wall. The tool uses a rotating acoustic beam generator that acts as both a transmitter and receiver. The beams are sent toward the wall. The amplitude of a returning signal from the wall has nearly a linear relationship with the reflection coefficient R of the borehole wall, when the wall is smooth. As R depends only on rock impedance for fixed water impedance, the amplitude is directly associated with mass density and seismic velocity of rock. Meanwhile, the amplitude can be further reduced by wall roughness that may be caused by drilling procedures, differences in rock hardness, because the rough surface can easily scatter the acoustic energy and sometimes the hole becomes elongated in all directions according to the degree of weathering. In this sense, the amplitude is related to the hardness of rocks. For convenience of analysis, the measured amplitude image(2-D data(azimuth
${\times}$ depth)) is converted, with an appropriate algorithm, to the 1-D data(depth), where the amplitude image values along a predetermined fracture signature(sinusoid) are summed up and averaged. The resulting values are subsequently scaled simply by a scalar factor that is possibly consistent with a known strength. This scaled Televiewer reflectivity is named, as a matter of convenience,“Televiewer rock strength”. This paper shows, based on abundant representative case studies from about 8 years of Televiewer surveys, that Televiewer rock strength might be regarded, on a continuous basis with depth, as a quitely robust indicator of rock classification and in most cases as an approximate uniaxial strength that is comparable to the rebound value from Schmidt hammer test. -
The Rock mass in which constructed a tunnel consist of the geological formations or the engineering rock type. Each layers are distinguished by the mineral, weathering and distributions of faults and Joints. Therefore, a tunneling design in rock mass starts from understanding and analyzing of the various geological engineering factors and then the engineering characteristics and distributions for each layers are determined to analysis and collection of the efficient informations. For this working, next two problems have to be solved. First, the layers in rock mass have to be classified and their distributions have to be defined. Second, the rock mass classifications and distributions based on the standard engineering classification have to be determined. Efficiently to approaching this two problems, the best solution is all geotechnical data are embodied to 3-D.
Chemical weathering processes related with mineralogical characters and ground water condition are very essential engineering problems in soluble rock masses. Detailed geological mapping were performed and 8 samples were collected from the 2 formations including various rock faces to deduce the possibility of the limestone cavity formation and their mechanism. Petrological descriptions and various petro-mineralogical experiments such as XRD analysis, clay mineral analysis, absorptivity test, impurity analysis were conducted to evaluate the cavity making processes. Laboratory solubility test for rock specimen were also carried out under the strong acid (pH=1) condition. From the experimental data and geological mapping data, it is found that the formation of limestone cavities in limestones are strongly related with geological structures such as beddings, cleavages and the contents of impurities rather than CaCO
$_3$ contents. In case of dolomites, rock textures, grain size, amounts and types of clay minerals as well as geological structures are major controlling factors of cavity forming processes -
During deep excavation, changes in the state of stress in the ground mass around the excavation and subsequent ground losses inevitably occur. These changes in the stress and ground losses are reflected on surrounding ground in the form of ground movements, which eventually Impose strains onto nearby structures through translation, rotation, distortion, and possibly damage. A substantial portion of the cost of deep excavations in urban environments is, therefore, devoted to prevent ground movements. Prediction of ground movements and assessment of the risk of damage to adjacent structures has become an essential part of the planning, design, and construction of a deep excavation project in the urban environments. This paper presents excavation-induced ground movement characteristics as well as important issues related to excavation-induced building damage assessment.
Recently, deep excavation for high-rise buildings occurs frequently to accommodate the rapidly increasing population in urban area. The stability of the earth retaining structures for deep excavation becomes more critical. The behavior of the earth retaining structures should be accurately predicted in a design stage, but the predicted behavior is different from the measured data due to uncertain soil properties and problems in construction. In this study the back-analysis using Powell's optimization theory was performed to match the measured deflection and results obtained from back-analysis were presented.
Recently, there are many attempts to expand a temporary soil nailing system into a permanent wall due to the advantage of soil nailing system, that is efficient and economic use of underground space and decreasing the total construction cost. However, the proper design approach of a permanent soil nailing system has not been proposed by now in Korea. Permanent soil nailing system which utilizes precast concrete walls for the facing of soil nailing system Is already used in many countries. In general, the cast-in-place concrete facings or rigid walls were constructed in bottom-up way after construction of soil nailing walls finished preliminarily In this paper, various laboratory model tests have been carried out to investigate the failure mode, behavior characteristics, and tensile force at nail head in each load level in respects of the variation of stiffness of the facing.
Underground flexible pipes for electric cables are subject to external loads and surrounding soil pressure. Particularly, strain of flexible pipes is of great concern in terms of safety and maintenance for electric cables. In this study, the actual size tests were carried out to investigate strain-deformation relation for underground flexible pipes subject to vehicle loads with various depths and degree of compaction.
This study is about penetrability of Micro Cement(MC) used for ground improvement. In this study, the characteristics of chemical grouting such as solidification, penetrability were analyzed experimentally by changing permeability of ground, grain size and relative density of grout material. For evaluating applicability of grout material, solidification test and penetrability test were performed. From the results of the tests, effective solidification ratio and penetrability ratio of MC was each 75%, 86% to be excellent when ground permeability was in the range of 10
$^{-2}$ and 10$^{-4}$ cm/sec. Otherwise, those of Ordinary Portland Cement(OPC) were both lower than 50% to be poor. When penetrability of grout material is needed for improvement of dam foundation and soft ground, application of MC Is much superior to that of the other materials. The results of the grouting tests in the water flowing ground show that solidification effect of long gel-time grout material is excellent as injection pressure increases when groundwater velocity is relatively low. But when groundwater velocity is relatively high, solidification effect of long gel-time grout material is very poor because most grout materials are outflowed. Therefore, as groundwater velocity is high, effective solidification ratio of long gel-time grout material is better than that of short gel-time grout material, also penetration distance of long gel-time grout material is longer than that of short gel-time grout material. -
To estimate the effects of lime and cement on the surplus soil, the engineering properties of the marine deposited clay and the fresh water clay were analyzed. The specimen were prepared under several curing conditions, namely, underwater curing, wet condition curing and underwater curing after heating. Unconfined compression strength were estimated after 7, 14, 28 and 60 days, respectively. The strength were steeply increased with time until first 14 days. Specially the increase of the strength of the heated soil were large.
In accordance with the need of developing a methodology for the sludge reduction, this study investigates the effect of sonication on the dewaterability of the sewage sludge. The investigation involves laboratory experiments of the sewage sludge from Yongin Waste Treatment Plant. The Laboratory tests were conducted under a broad range of conditions including energy levels of ultrasonic waves, time for the treatment, pH, and effect of polymers. The results of the study show that sonication enhances the dewaterability significantly The degree of enhancement varies with sonication power, treatment time, the amount of sludge treated. The effect of sonication on the temperature and pH of the test specimens seems not to be significant. The polymer can be useful to enhance the effectiveness of ultrasound treatment.
Various geosynthetics used as liners or the Protection layers are installed in the solid waste landfill. The interface shear strength between geosynthetics installed at the slope of the landfill is a very important variable for the safe design of bottom and cover systems in the solid waste landfill. The interface shear strengths between (1) Geomembrane(GM)/Geotexile(GT) and (2) Geomembrane(GM)/Geosynthetic Clay Liner(GCL) were estimated by a large direct shear test in this study and were evaluated by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Especially, this research is focused on the effect of water which exists between geosynthetics because interfaces become easily wet or hydrated by rain, leachate and groundwater beneath liners. The strength reduction at large displacement and the effects of the magnitude of normal stresses and GCL hydration methods also investigated. The test results showed that the interface shear strength and shear behavior varied depending upon the magnitude of normal stresses, water at the interface, and hydration methods. Summary of secant friction angles, which could be used as reference values at a site where similar geosynthetics are installed, together with normal stress and hydration condition are presented.
The earth structures and in-ground LNG tank, and buildings can be constructed with using artificial freezing method on the reclaimed land. In this study, upon freezing a saturated soil in a closed-system from the top, a considerable pressure was developed. The pressure is the result of the surface energy of a curved ice-water interface. The most significant of these parameters will have the greatest effect on the classification. In order to establish frost-susceptibility criteria based on frost heaving expansion pressure, more soils have to be tested. This study was initiated to investigate the soils frost heaving expansion pressure and moisture characteristics resulting from freezing and freezing-thawing cycle process. Weathered granite soils, sandy soil, sandy soil were used in the laboratory freezing test subjected to thermal gradients under closed- systems.
A new apparatus called the EFA (Erosion Function Apparatus) has been built and tested to measure the erodibility of fine-grained soils. The EFA is a simple test to predict the erosion rate of fine-grained soils along with the corresponding velocity and shear stress. In addition, it is advantageous in predicting the scour rate for actual soil samples from bridge sites. The plot of erosion rate versus shear stress is the result of an EFA test. It Indicates the critical shear stress at which erosion starts and the rate of erosion beyond that shear stress. In order to measure the erodibilities of various soils, 14 Shelby Tube soil samples are collected from the actual bridge sites and tested using the EFA. The results of the EFA tests which are the relationships between erosion rates and shear stresses are presented in this paper and research continues to develop the correlation between the erosion function and the soil properties.
The chemical compatibility of leachate with the two natural materials was analyzed by performing the hydraulic conductivity test. The selected liner materials were natural marine clay and weathered soil sampled from Kimpo wastefill and Daehwa Dong, Kyonggi Do, respectively. PARAFIX, which is mainly composed of paraffin, cement, stearic acid, PVA etc., was used as solidifying agent. The chemical solutions used in the test were 10% acetic acid, 10% methanol, and real leachate from Kimpo wastefill and the results of tests were compared with that of distilled water. The results of tests show that hydraulic conductivity of solidified clay was increased slightly with permeation of acetic acid, methanol and the increase of hydraulic conductivity was not shown with permeation of leachate, distilled water and in case of weathered soil. Based on the tests, it is ascertained that the tested liner materials can be stable with the solution of low concentration.
In this paper, when structures are constructed in the soft ground with poor bearing capacity at Incheon International Airport(railroad area), as for the grouting columns built In soft ground by high pressure jet grouting with Triple tube rod(super injection grouting), the effects on reinforcement and bearing capacity of ground are investigated. A unconfined compressive strength tests has been performed on the specimens sampled from the grouting columns and a mass plate bearing test has been performed on a grouting column. The test results show that super injection grouting has a sufficient effect on composite ground improved of foundation ground and reatraint of settlement of structure.
This paper describes the feasibility of compacting subgrade layer in thicker lifts than currently permitted as 20 cm. This project involved constructing and testing a full scale test section in highway. Soil stiffness in field was evaluated by a nondestructive testing method, called Geogage. Quality control tests and FE Analysis were also conducted. Typical dynamic compaction roller of 11ton weight is applied for full scale test and a Mohr-Coulomb model and Plane strain condition are used for FE Analysis. The results showed that compaction-induced stress and dissipated energy are mainly depend on depth of soil and it could be possible to increase thickness of a lift.
Drilled and rock socketed piles are of increasing significance due to environmental(noise and vibration) and structural(increase of loads to carry) considerations. Drilled and rock socketed piles will therefore have much higher economic significance in the near future. The existing design of piles socketed into rock is traditionally based on empirical methods which are very unreliable. It is therefore necessary to use high factors of safety with these methods. It is appraised that this is inefficient and expensive and the potential savings from using more reliable design methods are very necessary. In this point of view, a new design approach(Seidel & Collinwood, 2001) has recently been developed. This paper reviews and analyses state-of-the-art of rock socketed pile design methods for shaft resistance. On the basis of the analysis results, some recommendations for improvement of existing design method in Korea are given in this paper.
In this study, In order to compare the behavior of axail load transfer for S.L. coated piles and uncoated piles installed at a field test site. During static pile load tests, axial load transfer for S.L. coated piles and uncoated piles were measured.
A series of centrifuge model tests were performed to investigate the behavior of piled bridge abutment subjected to lateral soil movements induced by the construction of approach embankment. In these tests, both the depth of soft clay and the rate of embankment construction are chosen as key parameters to examine the effects on lateral soil movements. The depth of soft clay layer varies from 5.2 m to 11.6 m, and the rate of embankment construction has two types of staged construction(1m/30days, 1m/15days) and instant construction. It is shown that, the distribution of lateral flow induced by stage embankment construction has a trapezoidal distribution. And practical guidelines to check the possibility of some lateral movement of piled abutment were investigated. The validity of the proposed guidelines by centrifuge test was compared with the observed performance by lateral movement index, F(Japan Highway Public Corporation) and modified I index(Korea Highway Corporation). Based on the results obtained, the critical values of F and modified I, as a practical guidelines, are proposed to 0.03 and 2.0, respectively.
Engineers should be careful in the design of bonding piles into pile caps because they are weak points in the pile foundation. Therefore in this study, the mechanism of bonding piles into pile caps was explained, and the design method of the composite bonding method was proposed. And the proposed design method was verified in comparison with the result of the full scale test. Also, the characteristic for the bearing capacity and the mechanism of compressive load of bonding method were analyzed.
The bearing capacity of open-ended piles is affected by the degree of soil plugging, which is quantified by the IFR. There is not at present a design criterion for open-ended piles that explicitly considers the effect of IFR on pile load capacity In order to investigate this effect, model pile load tests using a calibration chamber were conducted on instrumented open-ended piles. The results of these tests show that the IFR increases with increasing relative density and increasing horizontal stress of soils. The unit base and shaft resistances decrease with increasing IFR. Based on the results of the model pile tests, new empirical relations for base load capacity and shaft load capacity of open-ended piles are proposed. In order to check the accuracy of predictions made with the proposed equations, the equations were applied to the full-scale pile load test preformed in this study, Based on the comparisons with the pile load test results, the proposed equations appear to produce satisfactory predictions.
The performance of a hammer/driving systems is a major factor which affects bearing capacity and integrity of installed piles. Hammer performance can be evaluated from the results of dynamic pile testing using Pile Driving Analyzer(PDA). By comparing the rated energy with measured maximum transferred energy(EMX), the energy transfer ratio(ETR) can be calculated. This paper based on the dynamic measurements of 442 cases in 130 piling projects and evaluated ETR according to the hammer types(hydraulic and drop hammers) and pile types(steel and concrete piles).
Recent experimental research results of connection method between steel pipe pile and concrete footing are provided based on various experimental observations. It gives a shedding light toward developing better and concrete connection method for steel pipe pile at the field application. In this study, the newly developed method is tested for compressive, pull put and combination load including moment with carefully designed monitoring system. The measured data show that new method have at least equivalent or better load resistant capacities compared with those of specified method in Korea Highway Corporation design code. It is also tried to define and investigate the load transfer mechanism for new method.
A feasibility of a trial test method was evaluated analytically, in which the elastic modulus of a soil deposit was tried to estimate by analyzing dynamic signals measured during conducting the SPT. If there existed a reliable relationship between the impedance ratio of a rod to a soil and the amplitude ratio of a reflected to an incident wave signal at the tip of steel rod contacting the soil surface, it was expected that one could determine the impedance of soil, and then roughly estimate the elastic modulus from the impedance. For a simple rod-soil system, the existence of the relevant relationship was verified in this study by analyzing computed wave signals propagating up and down through the rod. On the basis of these results, thus, a potential of the test method to practical applications could be seen. However, apparent theoretical shortcomings possessed in this approach were also realized since the soil part had an unconfined contact area where contacted with the rod. Therefore, it was concluded that further studies needed to be conducted, in which the reliable theoretical relationship between the impedance and the amplitude ratio as well as the effective contacting soil area contributing to wave reflection should be justified.
Reclaimed coastal areas for the construction of ports and harbors are in general subjected to strong possibility of liquefaction. In this research, a new method for liquefaction hazard microzonation based on liquefaction settlements was developed. Severity of liquefaction hazard was defined by liquefaction settlements obtained from the method proposed by Tokimatsu and Seed. 10 coastal areas, representing typical geological and geotechnical characteristics of Korean ports and harbors, and 3 real earthquake records for site response analysis were selected. From this research, liquefaction settlement criteria is adapted as a new quantitative index for the liquefaction hazard microzonation. Liquefaction settlements were also compared with LPI (Liquefaction Potential Index), obtained from the assessment of liquefaction potential based on the modified Seed and Idriss's method. As an example, 2 and 3 dimensional liquefaction hazard microzonations of Pusan port and harbor area were mapped by overlapped liquefaction settlement contours.
Geothermal or ground source heat pumps(GSHPs) are electrically powered systems that take advantage of the earth's relatively constant temperature to provide heating, cooling, and hot water for homes and commercial buildings. The buried pipe, or ground loop, is the most recent technical advance in heat pump technology. The idea to bury pipe in the ground to gather heat energy began in the 1940s. Only recently, however, have new heat pump designs and improved buried pipe materials been combined to make GHP systems the most efficient heating and cooling systems available. The aim of the study is application of the GSHP system in korea. Our environments for economy, politics and society are different from other countries. For a case, the progressive tax rate of home electricity is represented.
In the field of civil and geotechnical engineering, students conduct a variety of soil tests to fulfill undergraduate soil mechanics course requirement. There is a range of problems in soil laboratory instruction, such as, some students not getting hands on experience of conducting tests because of inadequate number of apparatus, time constraints and inability in exciting students to seriously conduit the experiments, However when these laboratory soil tests are simulated with multimedia interaction ann visualization techniques, the students conceptual understanding of soil mechanics is enhanced. The simulation program for website teaching is a computer based instructional package intended to complement, and potentially replace, some physical testing in a real soil laboratory. The overall aim of this project is to develop an experimental simulation program toward active learning and development of critical thinking skills, including data interpretation, understanding of the precesses and influential factors, and problem solving. Therefore enable students to access website to team experimental procedure at any time or place.
There exist several kinds of continuous consolidation tests to analyze the consolidation behavior of soft clay. The constant rate of strain (CRS) test has been adopted as a standard method by several countries, and some researches also have been peformed by domestic researchers. Among those, the constant pressure ratio (CPR) test is peformed with the constant ratio of excess porewater pressure to vertical effective stress. The test has the advantage of considerable reduction of duration time. In the study, the consolidation characteristics are analyzed by performing the CPR test as validate the pressure ratio with undisturbed soft clay and remolded clay, Also, results of the standard consolidation test and CRS test are compared to verify the CPR test can be employed for practical use. As a result, effects of variation of the pressure ratio on consolidation parameter are similar to the strain rate in the CRS test. Therefore, the test can be used to analyze the consolidation behavior of soft clay But the test have some problems such as expensive cost of equipment and highly skilled workmanship.
Based on the results obtain from the investigation of Nak-Dong River District, it was classified as very thick, soft soil deposit. Furthermore, during the construction of structures large settlements are expected. Since large settlement affects the structures life, it is very important to accurately determine the consolidation of soil based on the obtained results. In this study piezocone test and laboratory test were performed to determine the consoildtion properties of Nak-Dong River District Pusan, Gyeong-Nam province. Degree of consoildation and the coefficient of consoildation obtained from the data of piezocone test and the results of the Oedometer test were compared and analyzed. Using the results the porewater pressure coefficient(
$B_q$ ) was obtained and the relationship with the Plasticity Index was also determined. From the results of this study the effects of the degree of consolidation and consolidation coefficient, and the porewater pressure coefficient and the Plasticity Index was determined. -
There are many methods to accelerate for consolidation of the soft ground but, in this study, only preloading method was used to improve the soft ground. To measure the settlement of soft ground, surface-settlement plates were installed at several points. To examine settlement behavior of soft ground, back analysis was done using the measured results. In the back analysis, consolidation parameter(
$c_{v}$ ) were obtained and it was compared with test result for undisturbed sample.e. -
The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss some of evaporation and desiccation observed in field experiments. Surface desiccation of dredged material is basically changed by evaporation characteristics which is controlled by weather and ploughing interval, etc. This study shows that ploughing interval is important factors in desiccation of dredged soft clay. A series of field experiments with variation of ploughing interval were carried out to get evaporation effiency and strength increase. In this study, it is proposed that ploughing technique on the total surface area expedites surface desiccation efficiency. Desiccation efficiency is improved when ploughing technique is applied on the surface area.
A massive amount of marine clay produced as dredging of coast and sea bed is often dumped in open sea and filled in pond. The treatment of marine clay demand a large area and make fatal environmental problems for echo system. This research work intend to manufacture a light-weight landfill materials which are produced by mixing the dredged marine clay with various amount cement and foam. An extensive Uniaxial and Triaxial compression test are carried out to investigate the strength characteristics of the light-weight cement mixed marine clay with foam under various test conditions. The results indicated that the required unit weight has been achieved with negligible change after 28days curing time in water. It is also recognized that the compressive strength of light-weight landfill materials linearly decrease with increasing initial water content, and the rate of strength decrease with increasing initial water content in water curing was smaller than that of air curing Futhermore, the rate of strength decreased with increasing initial water content, however, the rate become smaller as cement content increased.
Dredged and reclaimed soft clays form slurry state which is very high water content and very low shear strength, experience large self-weight consolidation, nonlinear compressibility and permeability phenomenon would take place. In this case, a material functions which represent variety effective stress-void ratio-permeability relation (especially very low effective stress), are should be determined to predict nonlinear finite strain consolidation phenomenon forehand In this study, large slurry consolidometer with a 380mm diameter and a 1400mm height which is able to consolidation and permeability test, was developed to determine material function of very soft clay with a 500% initial water content clay, self-weight consolidation and low stress level consolidation (1Kpa, 3Kpa, 6Kpa, 12Kpa) was conducted and after each consolidation step permeability test also conducted. after final consolidation step, a constant rate of strain consolidation was conducted with undisturbed sample obtained from the large consolidometer. On the above result, material function was determined and laboratory test was modelled to evaluate its validity, numerical analysis on th field was compared to other method.
The percentage of a mountainous district in our country is comparatively high but the concern for rock mass has been disregarded for a long time. Especially for rock slope, the most important factors are geometric characteristics and their shear strength parameter. In this paper, parametric studies are performed using the distinct element computer program UDEC-BB for rock slopes. Parameters adopted in this paper are joint angle, spacing, persistence, aperture and shear strength parameters (JRC, JCS, basic friction angle). To estimate slope stability, shear strength reduction method is used. The most important factors affecting rock slope stability are joint angle and spacing. The relationship between average displacement calculated by UDEC-BB and safe factor by shear strength reduction method is researched.
Rainfall-induced landslides in a weathered granite soil slope have mostly relative shallow slip surfaces above the groundwater table The pore-water pressure of soil above the groundwater table is usually negative. This negative pore-water pressure(or matric suction) has been found to make a large contribution to the slope stability. Therefore, the variation of in-situ matric suction profiles with time in a soil slope should be understood. In this study, a field measurement program was carried out from June to August, 2001 to monitor in-situ matric suctions and volumetric water contents in a weathered granite soil slope. The influence of climatic conditions on the variation of in-situ matric suctions could be found to decrease rapidly with depth. It could be found that decrement of matric suction induced by precipitation is affected not only by the amount and duration of rainfalls but also by the initial matric suction just prior to rainstorms. The soil-water characteristic from the field monitoring tends toward the wetting path of SWCC obtained from the laboratory test.
This study was carried out to understand the cause and processes of a reactivated landslide that occurred in Gonmyeong-myeon, Sacheon City, Kyeongsangnam-do. For the study, geologic mapping, geophysical exploration, boring, laboratory testing, and slope stability analyses were conducted. The landslide area has geologic conditions that are prone to slope failure, due to the past landslide. The trigger that caused the landslide was removal of lateral support by excavation of the toe of slopes.
Recently, while rockfall occurs very frequently, a lot of researches on the rockfall protection fence Is in process. But the rockfall protection fence has been installed unrelated to slope characteristics, rockfall shape and rockfall height. Therefore, in this study we suggested the effective protection fence model considering about rockfall energy and energy absorbing capacity and we verified the model by field test. According to these results, it is more reasonable to evaluate rockfall energy based on the results of simulation program, which can be consider effects of energy decrease, than use the simplified method proposed by Japanese road association. And rockfall energy is affected by the size of supports and wire rope and the space of supports. As the results of comparing rockfall energy with energy absorbing capacity, type
$\circled1$ (the space of supports is changed to 3.0m)can be available for generally expected rockfall except the rock slope over 30m heights. But rockfall protection fence installed at the field, it should be partially reinforced after consideration of slope particularities and construction conditions. -
Recently, geogrid reinforcement has been applied tn the subgrade of the roadway and the railway on the compressible layered soil, and the relevant reserch on the reinforcing mechanism has been performed. In this study, mechanics of geogrid reinforcement and the parameters for the improvement of bearing capacity are evaluated and presented based on the case histories of the field load test on the geogrid-reinforced layered subgrade
This paper presents the results of stability analyses on soil-reinforced segmental retaining walls in a tiered arrangement. As-built design sections of four different walls were analyzed within the context of the limit equilibrium-based current design guidelines. The appropriateness of the original designs were then evaluated. Slope stability analyses against the compound failure mode, which Is frequently Ignored during design, were additionally peformed based on the method recommended by FHWA design guideline. The results indicate that the as-built designs of most of the walls examined do not meet the minimum factors of safety for the external and internal stabilities, and for the compound failure mode. The implications of the findings from this study are discussed.
Geotextile tubes hydraulically or mechanically filled with dredged materials have been applied in hydraulic and coastal engineering in recent years(shore protection structure, detached breakwater, groins and jetty). It can also be used to isolate contaminated material from harbor, detention basin dredging, and to use this unit as dikes for reclamation work. Recently, new preliminary design criteria supported by model and prototype tests, and some stability analysis calculations have been studied. The stability analysis of geotextile tube is composed geotechnical and hydrodynamic analysis. The stability check points are sliding failure, overturning, bearing capacity failure against the wave attack. In this paper presented the construction procedure and in-situ measurement(properties of filling material, effective height variation, stress variation at geotextile tube bottom) of geotextile tube at Young-Jin Bay and stability analysis by theoretical method and hydraulic model tests
Discharge capacity test is carried out to find out influencing factors on discharge capacity of prefabricated horizontal drains to improve weak dredged clay. Four representative prefabricated horizontal drains are selected based on the size of drain as well as the shape of core. Test is carried out for 10 days at each three level of confining pressure for all drains. Effects of elapsed time, confining pressure, hydraulic gradient and strength of filter and core on discharge capacities are examined. It is found that discharge capacity of drain, which has deformable core or has a possibility of squeezing filter into core, decreases more with time due to its low strength. As confining pressure increases, discharge capacity decreases due to the squeezing of filter into core.
Rapid urbanization of many cities require large scale constructions such as high rise buildings in difficult ground conditions. SIP(Soil-cement Injected Precast pile) type piles are tile most popular choice of foundation method in soft ground as well as layered ground in many cities in Korea since SIP offer negligible amount of noise and vibration. But SIP method of construction provide wide range of pile capacity depending on the construction method, equipment, ground conditions and quality control method etc. Therefore this paper intend to investigate the reliability of SIP pile in layered ground through a comparison of existing design formulars and SIP pile load test.
To find a lateral long term behavior of driven H-piles in embankment, inclinometer is installed at pile and measurement is done during a year. When behavior of measured slope angles is in accord with behavior of nonlinear p-y curves(Reese, Murchison and O'Neil, Matlock's p-y analysis), maximum displacement of pile head, maximum stresses and maximum bending of pile obtained from the numerical analysis are shown. As results, maximum lateral displacement at pile head, maximum stress and maximum bending moment of pile are shown linear behavior. And maximum lateral load, maximum lateral displacement, and maximum bending moment at pile head obtained from the numerical analysis are 8∼12.4tonf, 9∼10.1mm, and 10.39∼12.67tonf-m per pile according to the curves, respectively.
As environmental problem in course of construction has been a matter of interest, noise and vibration in the process of piling are considered as a serious problem. For this reason, the use of SIP method inserting pile as soon as boring and cement grouting is rapidly increasing for preventing vibration and noise. But a resonable bearing capacity formula for SIP method does not exit and even the standard specification for domestic condition isn't formed, though the lateral friction between cement paste and the ground does an important role and boring depth largely influences to the design bearing capacity, applying the SIP method . Therefore, the lateral friction was analyzed after the direct shear test worked with the lateral face of SIP and the soil.
In this study, static pile load tests with load transfer measurement were accomplished in the field. Yield pile capacity (or ultimate pile capacity) determined by load-settlement-time relationship was determined and axial load transfer behavior was analyzed. In the test for the four test piles were behaved as end bearing pile but ratios of skin friction to total pile capacity were 27%∼33%.
The piled raft foundation Is an innovative design concept to reduce both the maximum settlement and differential settlements caused by concentrated building loads and load eccentricities, and also to reduce the bending moments of the raft. The main concern given in the design of piled raft foundations is proper judgments both of relative proportions of loads carried by the raft and piles, and of the effect of the pile support on the maximum and differential settlements In the present study, the piled raft foundation used in the foundation system of Richensia Building at Youido, Seoul is introduced and is carried out analyzing the results of field tests such as plate load tests, large plate load test, pile load test, and piled raft load test.
Waste body settlement is an important aspect of management of landfill sites both during the operational and the post-closure phases. Settlement in landfill waste is caused by combination of load, creep and biodegradation induced effects. In this paper, settlement characteristics of closed waste landfill were studied by analyzing in situ measured data and computer simulation technique. Techniques for the analysis of load-induced and creep settlement, and for their implementation, can be adapted for landfill waste. The estimate of settlements from models shows a increase according to time.
In this study the CGS as an injection method by low slump mortar was performed the pilot test to confirm the applicability of this method and the effectiveness of settlement restraint. From the results, there has been concluded the construction control standard such as an institutional diameter, space, depth, injection materials, Infection pressure etc. Also, there has been estimated the ground improvement effectiveness which has resulted from the field investigation and consolidation test etc. From the results, in the adjacent ground the CGS, generally, has been confirmed to in-crease ground strength to improve the consolidation characteristic obtained from the field investigation and consolidation test. Especially, the CGS which performed the larger stiffness to the ground has been concluded that the settlement restraint to the ground complicates the ground effect which Increases the bearing capacity and stress assignment. So, the CGS can be considered as an effective method to increase the bearing capacity as well as the settlement restraint of soft ground.
In this study, a correlation among pressure, time and quantity of injection was organized from the laboratory tests, which were executed many times representing in-situ soil conditions carefully and then it would be applied to the in-situ soil injection simulator which will be developed for optimal injection into the ground. The sort of sample soils were both sand(A specimen) and silty sand(B specimen). Injection tests were gone into operation by compaction state, injection velocity and the depth individually. In the ground improved with permeation Infection, the relation among injection pressure of the same depth, the injected quantities and time were systematic by the depth. By defining the limit range of injection pressure and quantity about the variety of a linear equation obtained from lining each of their trend, the application of laboratory injection monitoring program and the data to evaluate its realization were produced. In the ground improved with root type injection, the relation between injection pressure and the injected quantities was irregular because fracture state occurred quickly.
To facilitate a drilling plan for grouting in fractured rock, an algorithm of practical use associated with a new term “fracture density distribution”or“fracture tomogram”is developed. It is well known that Televiewer data(amplitude and traveltime image) provide detailed information about not only dip and dip direction of each fracture but also its aperture size estimated by an appropriate evaluation algorithm. A selected plane section of medium around a borehole or the cross section between two boreholes is discretized into a two dimensional grid of cells(rectangular elements). As each elongated(straight) fracture passes through the cells, the corresponding aperture size value is successively summed up in each cell, depending on the fracture length segment. In this, the fracture lines can be determined by intersecting of each fracture plane with the selected plane section. If the fracture line does not pass through a particular grid element, the segment length is set to zero. The final value(aperture size value of each cell) derived from all the detected fractures constitutes the fracture density distribution of the selected plane section, Field examples are illustrated, which will prove the benefit of the suggested algorithm for several kinds of grouting works.
In this study, a new internet-based methodology to manage the data acquired during the construction and maintenance of structure is study A new internet-based monitoring system to obtain and to manage the measured information regardless of physical location of each user was developed. This method provided an enhanced integration methodology for construction management by implementing common internet or intranet platform
The large planar failure has occurred in a rock cut slope of highway construction site in Boeun. This area is considered as unstable since the discontinuities whose orientations are similar to the orientation of the failure plane, are observed in many areas. Therefore, several analysis techniques such as SMR, stereographic analysis, limit equilibrium, numerical analysis, which are commonly used in rock slope stability analysis, are adopted in this area. In order to analyze the stress redistribution and nonlinear displacement caused by cut, which are not obtained in limit equilibrium method, the UDEC and shear strength reduction technique were used in this study Then the factors of safety evaluated by shear strength reduction technique and limit equilibrium were compared. In addition, the factor of safety under fully saturated slope condition was calculated and subsequently, the effect of the reinforcement was evaluated.
In general, the most important problem in slope stability analysis is that there is no definite way to describe the natural three-dimensional Joint network. Therefore, the many approaches were tried to anlayze the slope stability. Numerical modeling approach is one of the branch to resolve the complexity of natural system. UDEC, FLAC, and SWEDGE are widely used commercial code for the purpose on stability analysis. For the purpose on the more appropriate application of these kind of code, however, three-dimensional distribution of joint network must be identified in more explicit way. Remaining problem is to definitely describe the three dimensional network of joint and bedding, but it is almost impossible in practical sense. Three dimensional joint generation method with random number generation and the results of generation to UDEC have been applied to settle the refered problems in field site. However, this approach also has a important problem, and it is that joint network is generated only once. This problem lead to the limitation on the application to field case, in practical sense. To get rid of this limitation, Monte Carlo Simulation is proposed in this study 1) statistical analysis of input values and definition of the applied system with statistical parameter, 2) instead of the consideration of generated network as a real system, generated system is just taken as one reliable system, 3) present the design parameters, through the statistical analysis of ouput values Results of this study are not only the probability of failure, but also area of failure block, shear strength, normal strength and failure pattern, and all of these results are described in statistical parameters. The results of this study, shear strength, failure area, pattern etc, can provide the direct basement on the design, cutoff angle, support pattern, support strength and etc.
This study presents the influence of blasting-induced vibration on the adjacent structures in rocks of various RMR values. 3D finite element analysis was performed to simulate the behaviour of tunnel and adjacent structures during rock excavation. The blast loadings were evaluated from the blasting pressure which is depending on the type and amount of explosive charges. Influencing factors for the stability of adjacent structures and ground conditions were reviewed in terms of structural dimensions and RMR values. The stiffness and load of adjacent structures are modeled in the numerical analysis to Investigate blasting effects of the size of adjacent structures. The vibration velocity and maximum particle velocity was increase sharply when the RMR value changed from 30 to 50. The effect of particle velocity was minimized at the width of structure become 2 times of tunnel diameter.
In this paper, the utilization of waste foundry sand produced in the molding process is studied as a backfill material for underground electric utility systems such as concrete box structures and pipe lines for power supply. The physical, chemical and thermal properties for waste foundry sand are investigated for mechanical stability, environmental hazard and power transmission capacity. Also its properties are compared with the natural river sand. The test results show that waste foundry sand can be utilized for underground concrete box structures as a backfill material; however, it can not be applied to underground pipe lines due to high thermal resistivity or low power transmission capacity.
Laboratory calibration chamber tests for cone penetrometers, pressuremeters and dilatometers in cohesionless soil specimens have been conducted by numerous researchers. However, there have been only few applications to compacted or preconsolidated cohesive soils. Therefore, for the first time, Calibration Chamber System was developed in Korea University. This can be attributed to the extremely time consuming and laborious process involved in the preparation of large cohesive soil specimens in addition to other complexities involving instrumentation for pore pressure monitoring and the need for maintaing saturation by back pressure. Chamber System with similar principle as LSU Chamber System was made of more strengthen and complementary form by increasing system diameter(1.2m), carrying out 1st and 2nd consolidation process in one system for smooth and safe work, accurate Data Aquisition.
A substantial portion of the cost of a tunnelling project in urban environments is, therefore, devoted to prevent ground movement. Therefore, prediction of ground movements and assessment of risk of damage to adjacent buildings has become an essential part of the planning, design, and construction of a tunnelling project in the urban environments. An internet-based tunnelling-induced ground movements and building damage assessment system (IT-TURIMS) was developed and implemented to Daegu Metro Subway Line tunnel construction project in Korea. This paper describes the concept and implementation of IT-TURIMS. Practical significance of tunnelling risk assessment is also discussed.
This paper presents the results of 3-D analysis on steady state flow in the region where the leakage in a cable tunnel is occurred due to high excess ground water pressure. In numerical modeling, a relief well is selected as a method of reduction in water pressure at the surrounding region of the cable tunnel. The distribution of ground water level after dewatering by relief wells is analyzed, Results show that the amount of dewatering level in the layer of hard rock is about 4.2∼8.6m, and that in the layer of fracture zone is about 5.8∼8.2m. The predicted settlement at the cable tunnel due to the increase of effective stress by dewatering is 0.3mm.
Groundwater flow is primarily influenced by the presence of fractures, functioning as conduits. To block the flow, grouting operation is commonly used. Thereby the fractures are then expected to be sealed, which will add to enhance the shear strength in rock. This far, regarding the assessment of grouting efficiency, however, there's been a considerable uncertainty That is, several geophysical methods of high resolution such as tomography, S-wave logging have produced a significant amount of measurable response caused by grouting, but they can inevitably be used only for the qualitative assessment. Thus, this paper deals with an accurate quantitative assessment about the grouting result. In this, a new strategy is introduced, based mainly on evaluating the opening of fractures. For fracture-opening investigation purposes, borehole Televiewer has already proven to be an excellent logging technique that produces both amplitude image and traveltime image. As well known, the traveltime image can be converted to a high precision 3D caliper log with max. 288 arms, which allows to observe the opening of fractures. To evaluate the fracture opening from the traveltime image, an algorithm of practical use was developed, in which image correction due to the borehole deviation, feature discrimination of wall roughness from fractures, automatic evaluation procedure etc. were considered. Field examples are shown to confirm the efficiency of the suggested method.
In the design of cut and cover tunnels, the structural analysis has been used for its simplicity. Contrarily to the geotechnical analysis, this technique could not account for the geological and geometric factors. In this study, the dominant factors influencing the behavior of cut and cover tunnel such as interface element, cut slope, distance between cut slope and tunnel lining, berm, coefficient of lateral earth pressure, were investigated and compared by geotechnical numerical analysis. Based on the results, the variations of earth pressure, bending moment, shear stress, axial load, and displacements were evaluated and analyzed for each factor.
When judging the ground by core-logging, depth of coring might be stopped by coming into view of the moderately weathered rock and also considered as bedrock line. However, highly weathered rock may appear again, if coring more, because there are core-stones in the residual soil and highly weathered rock by the effect of hydraulic-thermal differentiation and does the irregular rock weathering or metamorphic rock region. Therefore, there are room for misunderstanding of diagnosing the moderately weathered rock. Even though the irregular ground where the corestones were come out will show clear geotechnical differences between the ground and the gradually weathered bedrock, nowadays, the construction sites do not take into account the characteristic of core-stone region. In conclusion, to study the failure-strength characteristics of soil layers containing core-stones, we made artificial core-stones and varied percentage of corestones, and measured cohesion and friction factors to adjust them to construction sites containing corestones such as slope, tunnel, and underground.
To investigate the behavior of air-shaft and existing tunnel by excavating the small-diameter shaft into the existing tunnel, prototype air-shaft was constructed and analyzed in this study. Geotechnical characterization was conducted by boring and rock cores obtained were tested in the laboratory. Field monitoring including radial and tangential stresses and displacements was conducted with the 3-dimensional numerical analysis of prototype air-shaft. Results of field monitoring were compared with the numerical results. The results showed that maximum displacement of 2.11mm and maximum tangential stress of 54.0 kg/
$\textrm{cm}^2$ were obtained during shaft excavation near the right shoulder of the existing tunnel. The comparison of these field measurements with 3-dimensional numerical analysis showed that much more higher stress was measured during excavation compared to the numerical results even though the trends of stress and displacement were similar. -
The areas around the Nam-Hae are mostly covered in thick soft clay deposits(50∼60.0m). In order to improve the ground in these areas verticals trains have been partially penetrated up to the depth of about 25.0m. However, since the predicted values of settlement have often been changed at some predicted time. Finite element analysis was performed to investigate the consolidation behaviour for it. The results from FEM was compared with various observational methods.
Recently, as large constructions on the coast are performed frequently, surface layer stabilization method which Is one of the improvement methods for dredged soft clay has been applied. However, there have been few studies about the surface layer stabilization method. The purpose of this study is to clarify characteristics of ultra-soft marine clay and hardening agent. Also, optimal mixture ratio of hardening agent was verified through the laboratory tests such as statistical analysis and pilot tests. Laboratory tests were performed with proper hardening agent and test soil and standard mixing tables of hardening agent were determined according to ground conditions through statistical analysis. Also, applicability of surface layer stabilization method to field was verified by pilot tests. From the results of the tests, it was found that hardening agent materials such as cement, slag, fly-ash, inorganic salts, arwin, gypsum etc. affect on the appearing compressive strength. It was defined optimal mixture ratio which satisfies the required compressive strength from the statistical analysis. Also, It was compared the effect of ground improvement by cements and hardening agents through the pilot tests. This study will serve as data for design or construction criteria of stabilization of surface layer on ultra-soft marine clay.
Immobilization of contaminants in contaminated soils by solidification processes is an attractive potential remediation process. In this study, the treatability of lead, copper, toluene, and COD was investigated by leaching test. Industrial sand was adopted as the test material and was contaminated with lead copper, and toluene to 100mg/kg, 500mg/kg, 200mg/kg respectively. P solidifying agent was used as the binder(20% by weight of contaminated soil) in the solidification treatment. The leachability of contaminants leached from the solidified soil was evaluated using column test. The percentage of contaminants leached from the solidified soil was significantly reduced by reaction of waste species with cement components and encapsulation reaction of binder. Based on the tests, it is ascertained solidification process can be a very effective method to control the elution of contaminants from the contaminated soil.
Unsaturated soil has a possibility to induce a negative pore water pressure. Until now, saturated soil is mainly focused on the research of soil mechanics. Recently, soil mechanics is researched on two major parts such as saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics. Negative pore water pressure has a non-linear relationship with the water content changes. Soil-water characteristic curves of soil in Korea are not determined. There is no proper characteristic value such as air-entry value and residual water content. In this study, the characteristic curves of reclaimed soil, sand, and weathered granite soil were determined by laboratory tests. Air-entry value and residual water content were determined by fitting methods. Soil-water characteristic curves were estimated based on the particle-size distribution and compared with the laboratory test results. The results of soil-water characteristic curves estimation indicated that Fredlund and Wilson's model is excellent for sand and weathered granite soil. Arya and Paris's model is excellent for reclaimed soil.
Boreholes that are drilled in soft or unconsolidated materials such as gravels and coals are prone to collapse. To maintain the hole, some kinds of casing pipes are needed. If thereby a plastic pipe e.g. PVC is used for the casing, Televiewer tool is still capable of detecting structural features such as fractures in the borehole wall behind the pipe, whereas other borehole-imaging logging devices such as BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System) and FMS(Formation Micro Scanner) won't provide any information about that. Televiewer's primary component is a piezoelectric transducer centered in the hole. It acts as both a transmitter and receiver, and sends an ultrasonic beam. That is reflected, in the same manner as the seismic wave propagation, from the both sides(inner and outer surfaces) of the casing pipe, transmits through the pipe and then reflected from the borehole wall. With an appropriate choice of time-windowing, it is possible to capture the returning signals from both the borehole wall and the outer side of casing pipe as well. A suite of laboratory tests were performed on various physical models composed of plastic pipes with different diameters. Although the amplitudes of returning signals were reduced to about half the usual value due to the transmission loss, the dynamic range of Televiewer tool was sufficient to observe the structural features behind the casing pipe. Besides, several representative case studies at various research areas in our country are presented. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the transmissivity of Televiewer acoustic km, which will assist in further structural interpretation.
In the paper the authors describe the development of ITIS(Intelligent Tunneling Information System) for the Purpose of applying the 3D visualization technique, GIS, AI(Artificial Intelligence) to tunnel design and construction. VR(Virtual Reality) and 3D visualization techniques are applied in order to develope the 3D model of characteristics and structures of ground and rock mass. Database for all the materials related to site investigation and tunnel construction is developed using GIS technique. AI technique such as fuzzy theory and neural network is applied to predict ground settlement, decide tunnel support method and estimate ground and rock mass properties according to tunnel excavation steps. ITIS can help to inform various necessary tunnel information to engineers quickly and manage tunnel using acquired information based on D/B.
Free-field ground motion during earthquake is significantly affected by the local site conditions and it is essential in the seismic design to perform the accurate site-specific ground response analysis. In this paper, one-dimensional seismic characteristics of waste landfill are studied based on the vertical propagation of horizontal shear waves through the column of soil/waste. Seismic response analysis is peformed for short-period, long-period and artificial earthquake ground motions using a computer program for seismic response analysis of horizontally layered soil deposits. The computed peak ground accelerations are compared with the values calculated according to Korean seismic design guidelines. The analysis result shows that the long-period earthquake causes the largest peak ground acceleration while the artificial earthquake results in the smallest one.
강우시 불포화 자연사면의 파괴메커니즘을 규명하기 위하여 사면내 모관흡수력의 변화를 고려한 안정해석을 수행하였다. 사면에는 강우계, Tensiometer, Pizometer, Water mock, 경사계 등이 설치되었으며 강우시 사면내 부간극수압과 임시지하수위의 거동을 관찰하였다. 실내실험으로부터 불포화 사면의 안정해석을 위하여 입력 값으로 사용되는 불포화투수계수, 불포화강도정수를 시료의 No.200체 통과량과 건조밀도를 기준으로 경험계수를 이용하여 추정 사용하였다. 강우의 침투로 인한 사면내 부간극수압의 분포는 계측값과 수치해석결과가 차이를 보였으며 이는 불포화 흐름시 흙속의 공기의 영향, 강우의 나무와 수풀에 의한 중간차단효과 및 증발의 영향을 해석에 고려하지 못했기 때문으로 사료된다. 사면안정해석결과 강우초기 모관흡수력을 고려하는 경우 약 10%의 안전율의 증가를 나타냈으며, 침투가 진행되면서 그 차이는 좁아져 임시지하수위가 표층까지 도달했을 때 흡수력을 고려하지 않는 해석과 안전율은 일치하였다.
To find a long term horizontal movement of superstructure caused by seasonal thermal change, several types of gages are installed such as soil earth pressuremeter behind stub abutment and jointmeter between approach slab and relief slab. As results, maximum passive earth pressure behind integral bridge abutments centerline with lateral movement of superstructure is about 1/6 of classic Rankine's earth pressure. And its distribution is not triangular but rectangular shape due to shape behind integral bridge abutments.