한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference)
- 한국지반공학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회
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- Pages.285-292
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- 2004
시공중 계측을 통한 어스앵커 축력변화 특성사례 연구
Case Study of Earth Anchor Axial Force Change Characteristic through Monitoring during Construction Period
- Kim, Sung-Wook (Baytech Korea Inc.) ;
- Han, Byung-Won (Institute of Technology, Baytech Korea Inc.)
- 발행 : 2004.03.25
Earth Anchor method as a supporting system is widely used in the large scale deep excavation of urban areas or slope excavation project. Considering the application frequency of that method and catastrophe of that method under unproper construction management, we can find out many problems relevant to the domestic design and construction management of earth anchor method. When we encounter the cases of rapid increments and various decrements in earth anchor axial forces, considering the characteristic of earth anchor method, it is an essential point to catch the reasons and to prepare countermeasures. This article introduces two actual monitoring examples based on the close analyses of measured data in a typical large scale deep excavation project and slope excavation project. One is a rapidly increasing case of earth anchor axial forces with the continuous advance of incremental deformation in a geological layer interface. And another is a decreasing case of earth anchor axial forces with the construction conditions. The effort of this article aims to improve and develop the technique of design and construction in the coming projects having similar ground condition and supporting method.