Comparative Evaluation of Electric Power and LNG Load according to Floor level of Tower-Type Apartments

탑상형 아파트의 층별 전기와 가스 부하량 비교평가

  • Kim, Jun Hyun (Department of Geodetic Information, Taegu Science University) ;
  • Choi, Jin Ho (Department of Spatial Information Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Um, Jung-Sup (Department of Geography, Kyungpook National University)
  • Received : 2011.03.28
  • Accepted : 2011.08.10
  • Published : 2011.08.31


It is known that energy consumption in bottom floor of typical Korean-style apartment is the highest. Previous studies for energy consumption in accordance with floor level appear to be very limited due to the dependence on single energy variable such as electric power or LNG separately, based on past flat type of apartment. Acknowledging these constraints, an empirical study for a tower type emerged recently as new style of apartment in South Korea was conducted to demonstrate how a comprehensive evaluation for both electric power and LNG consumption can be used to assist in monitoring the total energy consumption in terms of floor specific settings. It was possible to identify that energy consumption in bottom floor is lesser than that of top floor, to the contrary, fact known from previous study. Also electric power consumption in top floor was identified as 15% higher than that of floor in the least. It is anticipated that this integrated utilization of electric power and LNG data would present more scientific and objective evidence for the energy load among floor level of tower type apartment by overcoming serious constraints suffered from the past single variable investigation. Ultimately, the result in this paper could be used as a valuable reference to providing priority for energy saving activities in top floor such as cool roof or green roof.



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