A Comparative Study on Estimation Methodologies of Carbon Sequestration Amount by Vegetation for Environmental Impact Assessment on Development Projects

개발사업 환경영향평가시 식생의 탄소저장 및 흡수량 산정법에 대한 비교

  • Received : 2011.05.17
  • Accepted : 2011.08.11
  • Published : 2011.08.31


In this study, we deduced the best estimation methodology for amount of carbon sequestration by vegetation, through the case study using the data obtainable from the environmental assessment procedure. Our results showed that the estimation methodology using the national vegetation map was the best for the strategic environmental assessment, whileas those using the vegetation growth equation were applicable for environmental impact assessment procedure. Furthermore, we found that the amount of carbon sequestration by farmland and/or grassland, not by vegetation, was not negligible. Therefore, we concluded that the area of farmland and/or grassland need to be taken into account during the landuse planning.



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