• Title/Summary/Keyword: ubiquitous systems

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Condition Analysis of Breakdown Occurrence at Freeway Weaving Section (고속도로 엇갈림구간 교통와해 발생 여건 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Gu;Kim, Young-Chun
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • Weaving is defined as the crossing of two or more traffic streams traveling in the same general direction along a significant length of highway without the aid of traffic control devices. Compared with other freeway sections, perturbation is easy to happen at weaving section. Because there are a lot of lane-changing maneuvers at the weaving section, traffic is subject to turbulence in excess of that normally presents on freeway basic section. This turbulence causes operational problems and its impact must be considered. The purpose of this paper is to perform a basic study on flow characteristics by lane, which can be achieved through analyzing breakdown phenomenon in the microscopic approach. The study made use of data derived from the aerial photography for the microscopic analysis. This research produced the 30-second interval data such as flows, speeds, and densities for the macroscopic analysis and derived the vehicular data to draw time-space diagram for the microscopic analysis. The paper analyzed the traffic characteristics using flows, speeds and densities variation and investigated the conditions of breakdown occurrence with the time-space diagrams. The breakdown phenomenon was identified at weaving section and the propagation from free flow to synchronized flow was observed in this study. In the future, the findings help develop the traffic operational algorithm to manage the traffic congestion under ubiquitous circumstance since the conditions of breakdown Phenomenon can be understood more.

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A Study on the Development Methodology of the U-City Service Scenarios which Apply the Scenario Management Techniques (시나리오 경영기법을 적용한 U-City 서비스 시나리오 개발 방안 연구: u-수질 모니터링 서비스를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Jong-Myun;Oh, Jay-In
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2009
  • U-Services are inevitably essential for the realization of u-Cities. Most local governments in Korea have expressed much interest in introducing u-Cites and related u-Services. Since researchers anticipate that developing u-Cities will produce economic effects, the Korea government has support local governments to develop u-Cities and necessary u-Services. However, the technology issues have been dominiated in the field of U-City services and most of the U-City services do not reflects all the complicated and pluralistic sides of environment, which are caused by future uncertainties in developing u-Cites. For the purpose of addressing the above uncertainties, this paper attempts to develop the possible scenarios for U-City services through a scenario planning approach. A focus group interview and survey with professionals in the field of planning u-Cities was performed to identify these uncertainties. Then, in order to investigate the validity of the scenario planning methodology, the u-Service "u-Water purity monitoring" is adopted. After considering the relevant issues, we developed two possible scenarios: a mutual linkage service among u-Service related organization and a cooperating and coordinating service among local governments. On the basis of these scenarios, the strategies for potential U-City services are formulated. Various participants in developing U -City services are encouraged to use the scenarios as the foundation of predicting future features of u-Cities and developing the framework of the U-City service scenarios effectively.

Design and Analysis of Multiple Mobile Router Architecture for In-Vehicle IPv6 Networks (차량 내 IPv6 네트워크를 위한 다중 이동 라우터 구조의 설계와 분석)

  • Paik Eun-Kyoung;Cho Ho-Sik;Choi Yang-Hee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.2 no.2 s.3
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2003
  • As the demand for ubiquitous mobile wireless Internet grows, vehicles are receiving a lot of attention as new networking platforms. The demand for 4G all-IP networks encourages vehicle networks to be connected using IPv6. By means of network mobility (NEMO) support, we can connect sensors, controllers, local ,servers as well as passengers' devices of a vehicle to the Internet through a mobile router. The mobile router provides the connectivity to the Internet and mobility transparency for the rest of the mobile nodes of an in-vehicle nv6 network. So, it is .important for the mobile router to assure reliable connection and a sufficient data rate for the group of nodes behind it. To provide reliability, this paper proposes an adaptive multihoming architecture of multiple mobile routers. Proposed architecture makes use of different mobility characteristics of different vehicles. Simulation results with different configurations show that the proposed architecture increases session preservation thus increases reliability and reduces packet loss. We also show that the proposed architecture is adaptive to heterogeneous access environment which provide different access coverage areas and data rates. The result shows that our architecture achieves sufficient data rates as well as session preservation.

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Framework for Improving Mobile Embedded Software Process (모바일 임베디드 소프트웨어 프로세스 개선 프레임워크)

  • Shin, Seung-Woo;Kim, Haeng-Kon;Kim, Soung-Won
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.195-209
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    • 2009
  • The embedded software has been become more important than the hardware in mobile systems in ubiquitous society. The improvement models such as CMMI(Capability Maturity Model Integration) and SPICE(Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination) are used to improve the quality of software in general systems. Software process improvement is also necessary for mobile embedded software development to improve its quality. It is not easy to apply the general software improvement model to the mobile embedded software development due to the high cost effectiveness and heavy process. On the other hand, XP has the characteristics on focused communications with customers and iteration development. It is specially suitable for mobile embedded software development as depending on customer's frequent requirement changes and hardware attributes. In this paper, we propose a framework for development small process improvement based XP(eXtreme Programming)'s practice in order to accomplish CMMI level 2 or 3 in mobile embedded software development at the small organizations. We design and implement the Mobile Embedded Software Process Improvement System(MESPIS) to support process improvement. We also suggest the evaluation method for the mobile embedded software development process improvement framework with CMMI coverage check by comparing other process improvement model. In the future, we need to apply this proposed framework to real project for practical effectiveness and the real cases quantitative. It also include the enhance the functionality of MESPIS.

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Development of an SWRL-based Backward Chaining Inference Engine SMART-B for the Next Generation Web (차세대 웹을 위한 SWRL 기반 역방향 추론엔진 SMART-B의 개발)

  • Song Yong-Uk;Hong June-Seok;Kim Woo-Ju;Lee Sung-Kyu;Youn Suk-Hee
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.67-81
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    • 2006
  • While the existing Web focuses on the interface with human users based on HTML, the next generation Web will focus on the interaction among software agents by using XML and XML-based standards and technologies. The inference engine, which will serve as brains of software agents in the next generation Web, should thoroughly understand the Semantic Web, the standard language of the next generation Web. As abasis for the service, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) has recommended SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) which had been made by compounding OWL (Web Ontology Language) and RuleML (Rule Markup Language). In this research, we develop a backward chaining inference engine SMART-B (SeMantic web Agent Reasoning Tools -Backward chaining inference engine), which uses SWRL and OWL to represent rules and facts respectively. We analyze the requirements for the SWRL-based backward chaining inference and design analgorithm for the backward chaining inference which reflects the traditional backward chaining inference algorithm and the requirements of the next generation Semantic Web. We also implement the backward chaining inference engine and the administrative tools for fact and rule bases into Java components to insure the independence and portability among different platforms under the environment of Ubiquitous Computing.

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Time-Dependent Optimal Routing in Indoor Space (실내공간에서의 시간 가변적 최적경로 탐색)

  • Park, In-Hye;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.361-370
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    • 2009
  • As the increasing interests of spatial information for different application area such as disaster management, there are many researches and development of indoor spatial data models and real-time evacuation management systems. The application requires to determine and optical paths in emergency situation, to support evacuees and rescuers. The optimal path in this study is defined to guide rescuers, So, the path is from entrance to the disaster site (room), not from rooms to entrances in the building. In this study, we propose a time-dependent optimal routing algorithm to develop real-time evacuation systems. The network data that represents navigable spaces in building is used for routing the optimal path. Associated information about environment (for example, number of evacuees or rescuers, capacity of hallways and rooms, type of rooms and so on) is assigned to nodes and edges in the network. The time-dependent optimal path is defined after concerning environmental information on the positions of evacuees (for avoiding places jammed with evacuees) and rescuer at each time slot. To detect the positions of human beings in a building per time period, we use the results of evacuation simulation system to identify the movement patterns of human beings in the emergency situation. We use the simulation data of five or ten seconds time interval, to determine the optimal route for rescuers.

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ACMs-based Human Shape Extraction and Tracking System for Human Identification (개인 인증을 위한 활성 윤곽선 모델 기반의 사람 외형 추출 및 추적 시스템)

  • Park, Se-Hyun;Kwon, Kyung-Su;Kim, Eun-Yi;Kim, Hang-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2007
  • Research on human identification in ubiquitous environment has recently attracted a lot of attention. As one of those research, gait recognition is an efficient method of human identification using physical features of a walking person at a distance. In this paper, we present a human shape extraction and tracking for gait recognition using geodesic active contour models(GACMs) combined with mean shift algorithm The active contour models (ACMs) are very effective to deal with the non-rigid object because of its elastic property. However, they have the limitation that their performance is mainly dependent on the initial curve. To overcome this problem, we combine the mean shift algorithm with the traditional GACMs. The main idea is very simple. Before evolving using level set method, the initial curve in each frame is re-localized near the human region and is resized enough to include the targe region. This mechanism allows for reducing the number of iterations and for handling the large object motion. The proposed system is composed of human region detection and human shape tracking modules. In the human region detection module, the silhouette of a walking person is extracted by background subtraction and morphologic operation. Then human shape are correctly obtained by the GACMs with mean shift algorithm. In experimental results, the proposed method show that it is extracted and tracked efficiently accurate shape for gait recognition.

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Review of Microbially Mediated Smectite-illite Reaction (생지화학적 스멕타이트-일라이트 반응에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jin-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.395-401
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    • 2009
  • The smectite-illite (SI) reaction is a ubiquitous process in siliciclastic sedimentary environments. For the last 4 decades the importance of smectite to illite (S-I) reaction was described in research papers and reports, as the degree of the (S-I) reaction, termed "smectite illitization", is linked to the exploration of hydrocarbons, and geochemical/petrophysical indicators. The S-I transformation has been thought that the reaction, explained either by layer-by-layer mechanism in the solid state or dissolution/reprecipitation process, was entirely abiotic and to require burial, heat, and time to proceed, however few studies have taken into account the bacterial activity. Recent laboratory studies showed evidence suggesting that the structural ferric iron (Fe(III)) in clay minerals can be reduced by microbial activity and the role of microorganisms is to link organic matter oxidation to metal reduction, resulting in the S-I transformation. In abiotic systems, elevated temperatures are typically used in laboratory experiments to accelerate the smectite to illite reaction in order to compensate for a long geological time in nature. However, in biotic systems, bacteria may catalyze the reaction and elevated temperature or prolonged time may not be necessary. Despite the important role of microbe in S-I reaction, factors that control the reaction mechanism are not clearly addressed yet. This paper, therefore, overviews the current status of microbially mediated smectite-to-illite reaction studies and characterization techniques.

Smartwork Application & Effects: Empirical Test for the Extended Work Design Theory (스마트워크 적용과 효과: 업무 설계 이론을 중심으로)

  • Hyejung Lee;Jun-Gi Park
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2018
  • Under ubiquitous work environment, innovative changes occur in work process with ICT. The work process for collaboration through mobile devices and network should be investigated. The research model consists of two major antecedents: autonomy and interdependence as a task characteristic and job satisfaction as ultimate consequence followed by work design theory. To elaborate work design theory, smartwork application (app) use, communication extent, and work-life balance were reviewed from the literature. Data were collected from three ICT firms, which adopted certain smartwork app, and a partial least squares analysis was made on 175 data points. The analysis results show that task interdependence exerts a statistically significant effect on the level of smartwork app usage. Communication extent directly affects job satisfaction and work-life balance. The remarkable point is that smartwork app usage does not affect employees' work-life balance; the former can only affect the latter indirectly by increasing communication extent. This study attempts to explain the organizational impact by considering smartwork app and the effects simultaneously. We proposed and empirically tested the extended work design theory including information technology and its environment. Based on the results, other theoretical and practical contributions are discussed at the end with limitations and further studies.

An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Perceived Job Performance in the Context of Enterprise Mobile Applications (업무성과에 영향을 주는 업무용 모바일 어플리케이션의 주요 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Sunghun;Kim, Kimin
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2014
  • The ubiquitous accessibility of information through mobile devices has led to an increased mobility of workers from their fixed workplaces. Market researchers estimate that by 2016, 350 million workers will be using their smartphones for business purposes, and the use of smartphones will offer new business benefits. Enterprises are now adopting mobile technologies for numerous applications to increase their operational efficiency, improve their responsiveness and competitiveness, and cultivate their innovativeness. For these reasons, various organizational aspects concerning "mobile work" have received a great deal of recent attention. Moreover, many CIOs plan to allocate a considerable amount of their budgets mobile work environments. In particular, with the consumerization of information technology, enterprise mobile applications (EMA) have played a significant role in the explosive growth of mobile computing in the workplace, and even in improving sales for firms in this field. EMA can be defined as mobile technologies and role-based applications, as companies design them for specific roles and functions in organizations. Technically, EMA can be defined as business enterprise systems, including critical business functions that enable users to access enterprise systems via wireless mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Specifically, EMA enables employees to have greater access to real-time information, and provides them with simple features and functionalities that are easy for them to complete specific tasks. While the impact of EMA on organizational workers' productivity has been given considerable attention in various literatures, relatively little research effort has been made to examine how EMA actually lead to users' job performance. In particular, we have a limited understanding of what the key antecedents are of such an EMA usage outcome. In this paper, we focus on employees' perceived job performance as the outcome of EMA use, which indicates the successful role of EMA with regard to employees' tasks. Thus, to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship among EMA, its environment, and employees' perceived job performance, we develop a comprehensive model that considers the perceived-fit between EMA and employees' tasks, satisfaction on EMA, and the organizational environment. With this model, we try to examine EMA to explain how job performance through EMA is revealed from both the task-technology fit for EMA and satisfaction on EMA, while also considering the antecedent factors for these constructs. The objectives of this study are to address the following research questions: (1) How can employees successfully manage EMA in order to enhance their perceived job performance? (2) What internal and/or external factors are important antecedents in increasing EMA users' satisfaction on MES and task-technology fit for EMA? (3) What are the impacts of organizational (e.g. organizational agility), and task-related antecedents (e.g., task mobility) on task-technology fit for EMA? (4) What are the impacts of internal (e.g., self-efficacy) and external antecedents (e.g., system reputation) for the habitual use of EMA? Based on a survey from 254 actual employees who use EMA in their workplace across industries, our results indicate that task-technology fit for EMA and satisfaction on EMA are positively associated with job performance. We also identify task mobility, organizational agility, and system accessibility that are found to be positively associated with task-technology fit for EMA. Further, we find that external factor, such as the reputation of EMA, and internal factor, such as self-efficacy for EMA that are found to be positively associated with the satisfaction of EMA. The present findings enable researchers and practitioners to understand the role of EMA, which facilitates organizational workers' efficient work processes, as well as the importance of task-technology fit for EMA. Our model provides a new set of antecedents and consequence variables for a TAM involving mobile applications. The research model also provides empirical evidence that EMA are important mobile services that positively influence individuals' performance. Our findings suggest that perceived organizational agility and task mobility do have a significant influence on task-technology fit for EMA usage through positive beliefs about EMA, that self-efficacy and system reputation can also influence individuals' satisfaction on EMA, and that these factors are important contingent factors for the impact of system satisfaction and perceived job performance. Our findings can help managers gauge the impact of EMA in terms of its contribution to job performance. Our results provide an explanation as to why many firms have recently adopted EMA for efficient business processes and productivity support. Our findings additionally suggest that the cognitive fit between task and technology can be an important requirement for the productivity support of EMA. Further, our study findings can help managers in formulating their strategies and building organizational culture that can affect employees perceived job performance. Managers, thus, can tailor their dependence on EMA as high or low, depending on their task's characteristics, to maximize the job performance in the workplace. Overall, this study strengthens our knowledge regarding the impact of mobile applications in organizational contexts, technology acceptance and the role of task characteristics. To conclude, we hope that our research inspires future studies exploring digital productivity in the workplace and/or taking the role of EMA into account for employee job performance.