• Title/Summary/Keyword: the age of longevity

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The Effect of Drug Vintage on Mortality : Economic Effect of New Drug (약의 허가시점분포가 사망률에 매치는 영향 : 신약의 거시경제적 효과)

  • Jung, Kee-Taig;Kim, Jeong-Yoon;Lichtenberg, Frank
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.147-168
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    • 2006
  • Technological innovation has been regarded as the core competence for the economic growth of individual, as well as organization and country. Pharmaceutical innovation, what we call new medicines, influence people's longevity and productivity by increasing output per hour worked. Therefore, using claims data on virtually all the drugs and diseases of over 550,000 people enrolled in National Health Insurance Program in Korea, we examined the impact of the vintage (original FDA and KFDA approval year) of drugs used to treat a patients from July 1st to December 31st in 2002 on the patient's mortality at the end of 2004, controlling for demographic characteristics(age and sex), utilization of medical services, and the nature and complexity of illness. We found that people using newer drugs are less likely to die at the end of 2004, conditional on covariates. The estimated mortality rates were declining with respect to drug vintage for 1970s, 1980s and 1990s and highly significant. In addition to estimating the model for the entire sample, we estimated the model separately for several disease categories classified by Korean Classification of Disease. Estimates of three drug vintage variables for subgroups of people with (1)neoplasms, (2)endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and (3)the diseases of circulatory system displayed similar patterns.

Regeneration Process of Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Mt. Jiri (智異山 亞高山帶 針葉樹林의 更新)

  • Kang, Sang Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 1984
  • Regneration process of Abies koreana-Pinus koraiensis community consisted of a subalpione coniferous forest in Mt. Jiri, Korea, was studied in relation to age structure, especially to gap formation. The tall-tree layer (ca. 6.5m) is dominated by Abies koreana and Pinus koraiensis, while lower layer by the sapling and juveniles of A. koreana and Picea jezoensis below 2m tall. The ranges of DBH in A. koreana, P. koraiensis and P. jezonesis were 11.8cm~26.4m, 11.7cm~24.5 cm and 18.2cm~21.7 cm, respectively. The trees below 130 cm tall had contagious distribution, while tall and subtall trees had uniform distribution. The average tree ages of A. koreana, P. koraieniensis and P. jezoensis were 60~70 years, 70~80 years and 70~90 years, respectively. The saplings and juveniles below 20 years in tree ages were occupied over 80% of total trees. The coniferous trees in the gaps or around dead trees were composed of sapligs and juveniles which had emerged or invaded about 20 years before and after the gap formation. The Betula type regeneration of the coniferous forest took place in gaps which orginated from the failing down of a single or a few trees by longevity. Accordingly, it is clear that the subalpine coniferous forest composed of A. koreana of A. koreana, P. koraiensis and P. jezoensis in Mt. jiri was supporting by the regeneration pattern of Betula type.

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Exploratory Study of The Korean Health Concept and Health Behaviors (성인의 건강개념과 건강행위에 대한 서술적 연구)

  • 김애경
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.70-84
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    • 1994
  • People experience health behaviors for themselves and theses have diversity according to each culture and people and further there is an inherent meaning in health behavior The purpose of this study was to explore the health cconcept of Korean people and their pattern of health behavior The research method was a questionaire including open questions and the subjests were 164 adults age from 21 to 61. The result of this study are as follows : 1. Perceived health concepts by adults were “possibility”, “responsibility”, “being free”, “happiness”, “brightness”, “power”, “life”, “importance”, “mental rest”, “state of nnonilliness”, “death” 2. Health behaviors carried out by Korean adults were “maintance of psychological comfort”, “exercise”, “work”, “maintance of balanced diet”, “having a hobby”, “eating health food”, “health check up”, “prevention of hazards”, “eating natural food”, “maintenance of personal relationships”, “rest”, “having religion”, “making contract with nature”, “relaxation”, “limit one’s tastes”. 3. The perceived purposes of health behavior by Koran adults were maintenance of a joyful life, health maintenance, health restoration, prevention of illness, achievement of reponsibility, haying a hobby, longevity, peaceful death. Korean health concepts in this study showed a trend that reflects the rule of family and forcused harmony and eating habits. Korean health behavior in this study showed a trend that forcuses on emotional comfort which reflects oriental thinking. The result of this study will contribute to build a theory of health behavior and to derive strategies of health behavior to promote health.

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Estimation of Under-5 Child Mortality Rates in 52 Low-migration Countries

  • Sapkota, Nirmal;Gautam, Nirmal;Lim, Apiradee;Ueranantasun, Attachai
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.463-469
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    • 2020
  • Reduction of the under-5 mortality rate is a target of the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate under-5 child mortality rates in 52 low-migration countries using population data. The study utilized population data from the US Census Bureau from 1990 to 2015. The method involved first estimating mortality rates for countries with negligible net migration and then applying these rates to countries with matching mortality profiles, where it is reasonable to assume that migration is negligible for children under the age of 5 years. The highest child mortality was concentrated in the African region, followed by Asia and the Western region. However, steady progress in child mortality trends was concentrated in low-income countries. This simple method demonstrated that child mortality has significantly improved in high-income countries, followed by middle- and low-income countries. To reduce the under-5 mortality rates even further in these 52 countries, there is a need to accelerate equitable plans and policies related to child health to promote children's longevity and survival.

Structure and Dynamics of Abies koreana Wilson Community in Mt. Gaya (가야산 구상나무 군락의 구조 및 동태)

  • Lee, Chang-Seok;Hyun-Je Cho
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 1993
  • Structure and dynamics of Abies koreana community in Mt. Gaya were studied to provide the basic data for conservation of Abies koreana community, an endemic species in Korea. A. koreana community of this study site was composed of tree layer (4~7m), subtree layer (2~4m), shrub layer (1~2m), and herb layer (below 1m). The heights of tree and subtree layers were low. Floristic composition showed that this study site was subalpine and dry site. In frequency distribution diagram of diameter classes of major species consisting of A. koreana community, those of both A. koreana and other species showed reverse J-shaped types. From these results, it was estimated that A. koreana community of this site might be maintained continuously as a stable climax state like present state. In the spatal distribution diagram of major species, saplings of A. koreana were established under the canopy of A. koreana and Pinus koraiensis and under the dead tree of A. koreana. From these results, it was known that A. koreana saplings were recruited before the community was disturbed and regeneration was accomplished by advance regeneration pattern, in which these saplings established before occurrence of disturbance fill with open site originated from death of mature tree. Growth of annual rings was variable among individuals, it was estimated that such variation was originated in that growth of each individual relates to microclimatic conditions rather than macroclimatic ones. Ecological longevity of A. koreana in this study site estimated by disturbance types and age of dead trees was about 120 years.

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The Wear Rate and Survivorship in Total Hip Arthroplasty Using a Third-generation Ceramic Head on a Conventional Polyethylene Liner: A Minimum of 15-year Follow-up

  • Bum-Jin Shim;Sung-Jin Park;Chan Ho Park
    • Hip & pelvis
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the wear and survival rates of third-generation ceramic heads on a conventional ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene liner. Materials and Methods: A total of 160 hips (147 patients with a mean age of 55.9 years) who underwent total hip arthroplasty using the third-generation ceramic head on a conventional polyethylene liner from March 1998 to August 2003 were reviewed retrospectively. Evaluation of the wear rate for 56 hips (49 patients) followed-up for at least 15 years was performed using the PolyWare program version 8 (Draftware Developers, USA). The Kaplan-Meier survivorship was also evaluated. Results: Linear wear and volumetric wear rates were 0.11±0.47 mm/year and 32.75±24.50 mm3/year, respectively. Nine revisions were performed during the follow-up period because of cup or stem loosening. The Kaplan-Meier survival rate, using cup revision or total revision total hip arthroplasty (THA) as the endpoint of analysis, was 93.7% at 15 years and 73.6% at 20 years. Conclusion: Because all revisions were performed between 15 and 20 years in our study, surgeons should pay greater attention to patients who underwent THA with ceramic-on-polyethylene bearing from 15 years postoperatively. Contemporary alumina ceramic on highly cross-linked polyethylene could certainly be a good alternative bearing couple providing better longevity.

Yangsaeng and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in Middle Aged Women (중년여성의 양생과 건강관련 삶의 질)

  • Kim, Ae-Kyung
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.297-306
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of Yangsaeng and HRQOL in middle aged women. Yangsaeng as a traditional health care regimen for the promotion of health and prevention of illness by means of specific principles and methods, which purpose was to improve longevity and healthy life. Methods: The subjects of this study were 200 middle aged women in Korea. Data were collected by using a self-reported questionnaire and analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient, t-test, ANOVA and multiple linear regression. Results: There was statistically significant difference in Yangsaeng according to age, stress and working hours. There were significant differences in HRQOL according to stress and working hours. The relationship between Yangsaeng and HRQOL had a significant positive correlation. Mind and diet Yangsaeng, christianity, and working hours were found to be significant predictors (24.6%) of HRQOL. Conclusion: To promote HRQOL of middle aged women, the nurse should focus on the factors identified in this study when she develop nursing intervention programs for health promotion.

Banana Peel Extracts Enhance Climbing Ability and Extend Lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Hyejin Seo;Jong-Won Yoon;Younghwi Kwon;Eunbyul Yeom
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2024
  • Banana peels, often discarded as waste, represent one of the most abundant food by-products, highlighting the need for effective waste management and resource recycling strategies. Due to their rich nutritional content, banana peels have been investigated for various health benefits, including anti-obesity effects. In this study, we examined the potential anti-aging properties of banana peel extracts (BPEs) in Drosophila melanogaster. Our findings demonstrated that flies fed with BPEs exhibited an extended lifespan and a significant improvement in age-related decline in climbing ability. Additionally, Dilp2 mRNA expression level is markedly decreased in aged flies fed with BPEs. These results suggest that BPEs may serve as a potential anti-aging agent by enhancing locomotor function and extending lifespan, potentially through the modulation of insulin signaling in D. melanogaster.

Cross-sectional Study about Stress and Health Recognition in Korean Medicine Student by Gender (성별에 따른 한의대 학생의 스트레스와 건강인식도에 대한 단면조사 연구)

  • Go, Ho-Yeon;Sung, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, Minjeong;Chae, Han;Lee, Soojin
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.80-91
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate stress and health recognition in Korean medical student by gender. Methods: 393 Korean medical student participated in this study. They were surveyed demographic characteristics(gender, age, drinking, morning diet, health recognition and etc), medical stress scale, Maslachh burnout inventory, Korea acceptance and action, and Ego Resilience Scale. For statistical analysis, chi-square test, Student t-test, correlation analysis, and simple regression analysis has been used. Results: In Medical stress scale and ego resilience, it is not significant difference by gender. Female students were significantly higher than male students in Maslach burnout inventory(P=0.015). Male students were significantly higher than female students in Korea Acceptance and Action(P=0.002). Health recognition have negative correlation between medical stress and academic exhaustion, and positive correlation between psychological flexibility and ego resilience. Conclusions: Through these results, we need to further study and develop strategies to reduce stress according to gender in Korean medical college.

Comparative Analysis of Yukmijihwang-tang and Palmijihwang-tang: Lifespan Extension and Kidney Function Improvement in Aging Models

  • Geonhui Kang;You Mee Ahn;So Min Lee;Seulgi Lee;Dong Seok Cha;Jeeyoun Jung
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.218-228
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    • 2024
  • Aging is associated with a decline in physical and mental functions, necessitating support strategies to extend the healthy life expectancy (HLE). Traditional Asian herbal medicines, such as Yukmijihwang-tang (YM) and Palmijihwang-tang (PM), are used to enhance HLE by improving the kidney function and treating age-related conditions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of YM and PM on lifespan extension and kidney aging marker and aging-related gene expression levels in mice and elucidate the underlying hormonal mechanisms. A lifespan assay was conducted using Caenorhabditis elegans to compare and analyze the effects of YM and PM on HLE and kidney function. Subsequently, aging markers and kidney function were analyzed in aged mice treated with YM and PM. Additionally, RNA sequencing of kidneys was performed to analyze the RNA expression levels related to the hormonal pathways of YM and PM. YM and PM significantly increased the lifespan of C. elegans in a dose-dependent manner. In aged mice, YM and PM restored the kidney aging markers, including the plasma klotho and albumin levels, glomerular filtration rate, urine volume, osmolality, and sodium levels. Transcriptomic analysis revealed distinct gene expression patterns. Although both YM and PM regulated similar pathways, PM affected 4.5-times more genes associated with the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and their membranes than YM. Furthermore, YM and PM modulated the hormone metabolism genes associated with longevity, highlighting their potential to mitigate age-related conditions through diverse molecular pathways. This study demonstrated the potential of YM and PM to extend HLE by modulating gene expression and improving kidney function, thus providing promising natural therapeutics with few side effects.