• Title/Summary/Keyword: the Qing Dynasty

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Architectural characteristics of Nakseonjae through Comparisons with Hanyang's Upper-Class Houses in Late Joseon Dynasty (조선후기 한양의 상류주택과 비교를 통한 낙선재의 건축특성 연구)

  • Cho, Kyu-Hyung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.7-26
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    • 2012
  • Nakseonjae in Changdeokgung Palace was established at The King Hunjong's 13rd year (1847), the mid-19th century. It was constructed for own rests of King Hunjong and the residence of Kyungbin (king's concubines), and is showing features of upper-class houses from several points such as rustic architectural types by getting out of authoritative aspects as king's shelter space within the palace, block and floor distribution that separated spaces for men and women, simplicity in structures and styles, and non-colorful painting etc. This study aims at tracing on which architectural types did the upper-class houses within Hanyang (modern Seoul) at late Joseon Dynasty have and what was characteristics of Nakseonjae. The resemblance between Nakseonjae and the upper-class houses was very little differences from scale aspects, and floor plan shapes of Anchae (women's quarters) and Sarangchae (men's quarters) were followed basic common styles. Also, resemblance could be confirmed in the structural styles too. Characteristics of Nakseonjae are showing apparent differences from clearance compositions such as hall configuration etc. Nakseonjae was king's dwelling place, and spaces for house's collateral functions such as kitchen, stable, and warehouse etc together with shrine were unnecessary, and such places were substituted into servants' quarters for assisting the Royal family. In detailed structural styles, column's size was larger 3cm or more than the upper-class houses, and its height was higher to the degree of 30~60cm. Besides, formality as king's shelter space was raised more in decorating aspects, and Nakseonjae was implemented by getting architectural influences from Qing Dynasty of China. This study induced features of Hanyang's upper-class houses at the 19th century by supplementing distribution and space configurations at existing cases of Seoul and Gyeonggi area together with house diagrams having been collected by Gaokdohyung (site and floor plan) of Jangseogak Library, and confirmed resemblances and differences with Nakseonjae, that is, features of Nakseonjae. Through the result, this study judges a fact that architecture of Nakseonjae seemed to be affected from conveniences of upper-class houses within Hanseong, and also architectural styles and distribution types of Nakseonje would give influences to the upper-class houses.

A Study of Li Fu's Appreciation of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's Philosophy - Centering around Zhuziwannianquanlun - (이불(李?)의 주육관(朱陸觀) 연구 - 『주자만년전론』을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, hong-tae
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.37
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    • pp.159-195
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    • 2013
  • A dispute between Zhu Xi(朱熹) and Lu Jiuyuan(陸九淵) is important on Neo-confucianism's development. The dispute causing from difference between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's Philosophy had effected Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's each school's philosophical dispute. From Song dynasty to Ming Dynasty's most philosophers continuous disputed about Same & Difference on Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's Philosophy, but did not appreciate it because of school's prejudice. On Qing dynasty, there appeared philosophers being free or less from school's prejudice. they looked at Same & Difference on Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's Philosophy objectively. One of them was Li Fu(李?) philosopher of Lu Jiuyuan & Wang Yangming's school. He wrote Zhuziwannianquanlun("朱子晩年全論") objective investigation of Same & Difference on Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's Philosophy and reaction of Zhu Xi's school criticizing Wang Yangming's Zhuxiwannianzhunglun. Li Fu was Philosopher Lu Jiuyuan & Wang Yangming's school, but objectively compared between Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's philosophy, analysed same of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan's philosophy and attempted philosophical agreement. Li Fu's this approaching is new interpretation and isn't uncritical admission from prejudice of Lu Jiuyuan & Wang Yangming's school.

A study on the medical thought of 'You-Yi(尤怡)' (우이(尤怡)의 의학사상(醫學思想)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Jung, Sung-Che;Kim, Ki-Wook;Park, Hyun-Guk
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 1997
  • The present writer studied the medical thought of 'You-Yi(尤怡)', the medical expert of the early 'Qing(淸)' Dynasty, which can be summarized as following. 1. 'You-Yi' writed many essays and treaties about 'Shang-Han-Lun(傷寒論)' and 'Jin-Gui-Yao-Lue(金?要略)', both of which are the writings of 'Zhang-Zhong-Jing(張仲景)', the medical saint of 'Han(漢)' Dynasty, and those writings include 'Shang-Han-Guan-Zhu-Ji(傷寒貫珠集)', 'Jin-Gui-Yao-Lue-Xin-Dian(金?要略心典)', 'Yi-Xue-Dou-Shu-Ji(醫學讀書記)', 'Jin-Gui-Yi(金?翼)', and 'Jing-Xiang-Lou-Yi-An(靜香樓醫案)'. 2. A theory of 'Tai-Yang(太陽)' syndrome, including 'San-Gang-Ding-Li(三綱鼎立)', was proposed by 'Fang-You-Zhi'(方有執)' and 'Yu-Chang(喩昌)' and it came to be one of the leading theory of the 'Shang-Han-Lun', 'You-Yi' rejected their opinions in which they insisted that the 'Feng(風)' hurts the 'Wei'(衛)' and the 'Han(寒)' hurts the 'Ying(營)', and he advocated his particular idea that the 'Xie-Qi'(邪氣)' can directly hit skin, flesh, 'Ying-Wei(營衛)', the Five Organs and the Six Viscera(五臟六腑), regardless of 'Zhong-Feng(中風)' or 'Shang-Han(傷寒)', and he insisted that there is need to be anxious about Whether the 'Ying-Wei' is strong or weak. 3. In 'Shang-Han-Guan-Zhu-Ji', 'You-Yi' invented the eight classifications in treating the 'Shang-Han' and he did not follow the old theories hitherto. He divided the book into six parts via the clinical experiences, and the Classification and Logics in Treatment(辨證論治), and he put several titles on 'Jin-Gui-Yao-Lue. And he newly edited the original text of 'Shang-Han-Lun' and arranged 'Zhong-Jing(仲景)'s Six Meridian(六經) categories. Each syndrome in 'Tai-Yang' 'Yang-Ming(陽明)', 'Shao-Yang(少陽)', 'Tai-Yin'(太陰)', 'Shao-Yin(少陰)' and 'Jue-Yin(厥陰)' has its own categories in treatment. 4. In explaining the Six Meridian(六經) and the Organs and Viscera(臟腑), 'You-Yi' legislated the syndrome in 'Three Yang(三陽)' into Meridian(經) and Viscera(腑) ; the syndrome in 'Three Yin(三陰)'into Meridian(經) and Organs(腑). He also concluded that 'Shang-Han-Lun' not only discussed 'Wai-Gan(外感)' but also included the Internal Hurt(內傷) and Miscellaneous Diseases(雜病). 5. In his academic research, 'You-Yi' followed 'Zhong-Jing' in classifications and prescriptions and succeeded the theory of 'Ma-Chu(마숙)' and 'Li-Zhong-Zi(李中梓)', but was not tied to any stereotyped former practices. He put emphasis on the Spleen(脾) and the Kidney(腎) as he harmonized the Middle Energizer(中焦焦) with the taste of 'Gan(甘)' and 'Wen(溫)' and enjoyed strengthening 'Yang' by benefitting the 'Qi(氣)'. 6. He discussed in detail the causes, mechanism and symptoms on 'Tan-Yin(痰飮)' and proposed the seven categorizes in treatment. 7. He sorted the causes of 'Zhong-Feng' into two kinds of the 'Feng' via 'Wai-Gan' and Internal Hurt, and recognized these two 'Feng's correlate as mutual sources of diseases. He insisted that the origin of the 'Feng' exists in the 'Liver(肝). He also established the eight categories in treating the 'Feng'. 8. 'You-Yi' belong to the classifications and Logical Treatment School. And he, considering he respected and followed 'Zhong-Jing' and 'Li-Zhong-Zi', belongs to the successor to the 'Wen-Bu(溫補)' School. 9. His writings, especially the 'Shang-Han-Guan-Zhu-Ji' and the 'Jin-Gui-Yao-Lue-Xin-Dian', are excellent commentary works on the originals, so they served as significant guide books for many junior scholars. For penetrating the 'Shang-Han-Lun' with his unique way of classification of treatment, he has been highly appreciated by later generations including scholars like 'Tang-Li-San(唐立三)' in the 'Qing' Dynasty, and so many more ones thenceforth. In conclusion, on the base of this study, it is hopefully proposed that the still more profound research on the medical thought of 'You-Yi', as one of the most distinguished scholars, an expert clinician and an earnest writer as well.

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From Landscaping Techniques to Study the Feng Shui Geographical Thought in Chinese Garden (조경기법으로 본 중국원림의 풍수지리사상)

  • Yu, Wen-Dong;Kang, Tai-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to grasp Feng Shui Geographical Thought appears in layout, Axial symmetry, hierarchical planning, spatial composition and hidden design techniques of Chinese Garden, that is "Xue effect", "Long-Sha effect" and "Shuikou effect", and to study on expression in Landscape Space. The Author selected the Chinese courtyard and the Nets Garden as the object to prove the Layout landscaping techniques; and selected Beijing in Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Forbidden City, A square design in Xuanwei as the object to prove the Axial Symmetrical and Hierarchical landscaping techniques, and also selected the Lingering G-arden and the Gentle Waves Pavilion, Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, and Nanhu Park in Taian as the object to prove the Spatial Composition and Hidden design techniques. The methods of this article is combined Literature survey and Field survey with Case analysis to draw the conclusions as follows: First, "Xue effect" of Chinese Feng Shui Geographical Thought is suitable for the layout of Chinese courtyard and the Nets Garden in Suzhou; Second, "Long-Sha effect" is suitable for the urban planning of Beijing in Ming and Qing Dynasty, and the layout of the Forbidden City, by the city square design in Xuanwei, we can see that it is also suitable for Chinese modern landscape design; Third, "Shuikou effect" is appeared in the Spatial Composition and Hidden design techniques. All of these landscape design techniques are commonly used in China's modern landscape. It has been proved by the analysis of the Lingering Garden and the Gentle Waves Pavilion, Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, and Nanhu Park in Taian.

A Study on the Chinese Architectural View Point of Realist Hong Daeyong and Joseon Embassy in Beijing (실학파(實學派) 학인(學人) 홍대용(洪大容)의 중국(中國) 건축관(建築觀)과 북경(北京) 조선관(朝鮮館)에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.1 s.45
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2006
  • This paper is focused on Damheonseo(湛軒書), an anthology written by Hong Daeyong, and I deal with Chinese Architectural views which he had experienced in his itinerary to Beijing, and the vivid pictures of Joseonkwan (called the Koryo or Joseon Embassy) located in Beijing at that time. He was a scholar of great erudition over astronomy, mathematics, military science, politics, and so on. He was interested in practical sciences at early time, and criticized secular scholars full of vanity who had presented purposeless articles. In his age of 35, Qianlong(乾隆) 30 (1764, Youngjo 41), he, a military escort, accompanied by Hong Uk, Joseon envoy and his uncle. Before his itinerary, he self-studied Chinese. Also, during a long journey he got new experiences and information around each area, deviating his group whenever he had some times. He could get more variant experiences than others because of his character full of curiosity, and his observations from the vivid lives of the time helped us get various views between Chinese and Korean architecture. Likewise, although he denounced Qing(淸) scathingly as a barbarian, he mentioned several points about the characteristics of Chinese architecture at that time. First of all, totally Chinese architecture had strong rational and practical points. Secondly, based on bountiful products, buildings along streets shown in Chinese city had sophisticated compositions, and luxurious and magnificent appearances. Thirdly, using the brick from walls to houses was so universal. Fourthly, the layouts of building with three- or four-closed courtyard had very orderly shapes, and the structure of street was also so arranged. Finally, because of stand-up lives, the scales and appearances of interior space were even more extended, and storages were less developed than those of Joseon. As another points, I found that Joseonkwan was moved next to Shushangguan(庶常館)from Huidongnanguan(會同南館) around Hanlimyuan(翰林院), and had been remodeled into a house with Korean custom in using the inner spaces, although it was followed by a closed courtyard style. Likewise, I recognized that Ondols were sure to be established in all temporary houses during the journey to Qing, and felt their strong traditional residential custom in such mentions. Now that the past pictures have disappeared and ways of life and our values have been largely changed, this study has very important meaning in comparing the ancient Chinese and Korean architecture.

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A study on the Graphic Contents of Munja-do of the culture sphere of Chinese Characters -centered on Minhwa of Korea, China, Japan, Vietnam- (한자문화권 문자도의 그래픽 콘텐츠 연구 -한, 중, 일, 베트남의 민간화를 중심으로-)

  • 이명구;남인복
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.209-220
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    • 2004
  • Folk painting was prevalent among working classes in the cultural territory of chinese characters including Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. Other than Gilsangmunja-do(lucky and vulgar illustrated Chinese Character), the most popular of its kind, there are various types of different Munja-do(illustrated Chinese Character) which is more shaped/modeled. Chinese Nianhua style was popular in various parts of China from late Ming Dynasty to early Qing Dynasty, and they were conveyed to neighboring countries after the 17th century, where they adopted unique tradition of each country. Acquiring theme from Chinese characters, these Chinese Nianhua or Munja-do are designed by making images into characters or characters into images. They express the invisible 'Cosmological Taoism' as a visible shape and line. This kind of symbol system, using character as a subject matter, can only be witnessed in the cultural territory of chinese characters by the use of ideograms. It is worth of paying attention today because the uniqueness of each country's style reflects diverse life styles of the contemporary civilization. Specifically, values of Munja-do as a traditional culture may not be underestimated in today's society where culture has become the center of concern. Munja-do in Korea should be carefully examined since Korea has had a very unique Munja-do culture that cannot be found from other countries. Therefore, by comparing Munja-do styles of today's the cultural territory of chinese characters countries, we may enlighten ourselves on our tradition and flourish our cultural contents.

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The star catalogue in Seonggyeong - Comparison with the modern Hipparcos Catalogue

  • Kim, Dong-Bin;Kim, Chun-Hwey;Lee, Yong-Sam
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.19.2-19.2
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    • 2011
  • In 1861 Nam Byeong-Gil published a book called as "Seonggyeong" which contains a star catalogue (NBGC) with the positions, magnitudes, and star maps for 1449 stars. The NBGC lists only the traditional Chinese stars selected from "the sequel to the Qing Dynasty Star Catalogue and Star Map." To identify each star from the NBGC with modern counterpart, we correct the positions of the Hipparcos stars brighter than 6.5 mag for proper motion, then precess the coordinates to the epoch of the NBGC. For each star in the NBGC, we find the nearest counterpart in the Hipparcos Catalogue (HC). If a much brighter star is at a slightly larger angular distance, we select that star as the secure counterpart. As a result, 95.5% of the stars in the NBGC were identified. We find a very good overall agreement of our results with a previous analysis by Ahn et al. (1996, Journal of the Korean History of Science Society, vol. I). For securely identified stars, we analyse its accuracy on the basis of comparison with data from the HC. The correlation of the errors between right ascensions and declinations is significantly deviated from spherical distribution. The magnitudes recorded in the NBGC correlate well with modern values. The accuracy of position decreases slowly with magnitude. Right ascensions and declinations have error distributions with ${\sigma}$ = 2.0' for the former while the latter with ${\sigma}$ = 1.6', but with much more errors >5' than expected for a Gaussian distribution.

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A Study on the Components and Color Characteristics of the Streetscape of History·Culture Streets - Focused on the Bookstore Street in Kaifeng, China - (역사·문화 가로경관의 구성요소 및 색채특성 연구 - 중국 카이펑시 (中国 開封市) 서점거리를 중심으로 -)

  • Sun, Lu;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the Bookstore Block of Historical and Cultural Street in Kaifeng City is taken as the object, which makes analysis on the landscape color features appearing in the elements of the bookstore block landscape. Through literature, it obtains the contrast list for the landscape composite elements of the historical and cultural street. After mastering the general characteristics of architectural colors and basic analysis methods of landscape colors in the Qing Dynasty, it conducts the site survey on the landscape composition elements and colors of the bookstore block. According to the conclusion, it is found that the landscape color of bookstore block is composed of R series, PB series, Y series and achromatic (N) series, in which the overall color shows relatively high integrity. However, it exists some deficiencies in the use of colors in signs, facilities and modeling objects. Therefore, it is necessity to increase the color plan of landscape elements such as signs, modeling objects and facilities, enhance the recognition possibilities of visual information.

Study of Clinical Application of Pathology of Blood Stasis, Focused on 33 Prescriptions in 『Yilingaicuo』 (『醫林改錯』 처방의 현대 질병 범위에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong So;Park, Mi Sun;Kim, Yeong Mok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2015
  • This paper researches the features of blood stasis theory of Wangqingren, who wrote 『Yilingaicuo』 that greatly contributed in the development of blood stasis theory at Qing dynasty period. And the disease cause, disease mechanism of blood stasis and scope of modern diseases related with blood stasis are studied by research on clinical papers which used 33 prescriptions in 『Yilingaicuo』 in modern times. Research on the features of blood stasis theory of Wangqingren is proceeded by referring to the annotations of 『Yilingaicuopingyi』 and the papers which related with blood stasis from Korea and China. And clinical papers are searched in China Academic Journals(CAJ) of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) to analyse the scope of modern diseases related with blood stasis. The features of blood stasis theory in 『Yilingaicuo』 expanded the range of existing theory. Wangqingren thought that chronic disease, weird disease, the disease of no effect from normal treatments were related with blood stasis. And he attached great importance to qi and blood and thought that the main pathogenesis of blood stasis was qi deficiency. And a lot of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge were combined in many prescriptions to reinforce qi. He also used different herbs according to the location of the disease. Musk and Allium fistulosum were used for the disease located at head or upper part of the patient's trunk. Bupleurum falcatum L., Aurantii Fructus Pericarpium and Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle were used for the disease located at thorax. Cyperus rotundus L., Linderae Radix and Aurantii Fructus Pericarpium were used for the disease located at the stomach or below the costal angle. Foeniculi Fructus and Corydalis remota were used for the disease located at belly or lower part of the patient's trunk. Trogopterorum Faeces, myrrha, Cyperus rotundus L. and Cnidium officinale were used for the disease located at extremity or joint.

A Study on Conservation and Practical Use of Incheon Old Town Urban Tissue (인천 구도심 도시조직의 보전 및 활용에 관한 연구: 지구단위계획의 내용과 실효를 중심으로)

  • Rhee, Bum-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2021
  • This study reviewed details and case studies of district unit planning to preserve and develop urban tissues concerning a historic urban environment and provide implications for future practice. In particular, this case study examined the role of the district unit planning in city conservation rooted in the experience of Incheon's old town. The old town begins with the opening of Incheon Port and concessions, including Japanese, Qing Dynasty, and multinational settlements. Second, the study established land subdivision planning and reviewed the institutions to encourage urban tissue. Third, the conservation guidelines influenced the conservation and utilization of the streets, such as alleys and old coastlines, the form of parcels called deep and narrow lots, and the exterior elements of buildings. This study also derived implications for the future. First, the street with historical value in the settlement should be excavated further. Second, the parcels in the settlement limit redevelopment to maintain the unique morphological characteristics. Third, the exterior of the buildings should be provided with planning incentives to induce conservation and utilization.