• Title/Summary/Keyword: technology-based education

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A Study on the UIC(University & Industry Collaboration) Model for Global New Business (글로벌 사업 진출을 위한 산학협력 협업촉진모델: 경남 G대학 GTEP 사업 실험사례연구)

  • Baek, Jong-ok;Park, Sang-hyeok;Seol, Byung-moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2015
  • This can be promoted collaboration environment for the system and the system is very important for competitiveness, it is equipped. If so, could work in collaboration with members of the organization to promote collaboration what factors? Organizational collaboration and cooperation of many people working, or worth pursuing common goals by sharing information and processes to improve labor productivity, defined as collaboration. Factors that promote collaboration are shared visions, the organization's principles and rules that reflect the visions, on-line system developments, and communication methods. First, it embodies the vision shared by the more sympathetic members are active and voluntary participation in the activities of the organization can be achieved. Second, the members are aware of all the rules and principles of a united whole is accepted and leads to good performance. In addition, the ability to share sensitive business activities for self-development and also lead to work to make this a regular activity to create a team that can collaborate to help the environment and the atmosphere. Third, a systematic construction of the online collaboration system is made efficient and rapid task. According to Student team and A corporation we knew that Cloud services and social media, low-cost, high-efficiency services could achieve. The introduction of the latest information technology changes, the members of the organization's systems and active participation can take advantage of continuing education must be made. Fourth, the company to inform people both inside and outside of the organization to communicate actively to change the image of the company activities, the creation of corporate performance is very important to figure. Reflects the latest trend to actively use social media to communicate the effort is needed. For development of systematic collaboration promoting model steps to meet the organizational role. First, the Chief Executive Officer to make a firm and clear vision of the organization members to propagate the faith, empathy gives a sense of belonging should be able to have. Second, middle managers, CEO's vision is to systematically propagate the organizers rules and principles to establish a system would create. Third, general operatives internalize the vision of the company stating that the role of outside companies must adhere. The purpose of this study was well done in collaboration organizations promoting factors for strategic alignment model based on the golden circle and collaboration to understand and reflect the latest trends in information technology tools to take advantage of smart work and business know how student teams through case analysis will derive the success factors. This is the foundation for future empirical studies are expected to be present.

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The effect of health related characteristics on the use of information and communication technology of older adults (노인의 정보화 수준에 영향을 미치는 건강특성 연구)

  • Koo, Bon Mi;Joo, Ik Hyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.729-746
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    • 2020
  • For the development and better use of information and communication technology(ICT) for promoting health and quality of life in older people, it is important to understand personal factors associated with ICT use. The aims of this study were to describe the pattern of ICT use according to health characteristics of elderly and to investigate significant factors related to ICT use among three age groups. The data of 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans was used for analysis and 10,058 of older adults aged 65 and over were included for study participants. As results, first, the young old(65~74) used more functions of ICT than the middle-old(75~84) and the old-old(85 and over). Second, ICT was more used among older people with good conditions in chronic disease, subjective health, cognition, depression, vision, hearing, walking and IADL. Third, higher prevalence of ICT use was significantly associated with age, education, household income, subjective health, depression, cognitive function, vision limitation and walking limitation. Fourth, factors influencing the use of ICT were a little different among three age groups. For the young-old(65~74), subjective health, depression, cognitive decline, walking limitation, and IADL disability were significant factors affecting on ICT use. For the middle-old(75-84), subjective health, depression, cognitive decline, vision, hearing, and walking limitation were related with their ICT use. For the old-old(85 and over), only cognitive function and depression were associated with their ICT use. Based on these results, this study suggested the need to consider multiple health conditions for developing and using ICT for older adults.

The Difference between Career Barrier Recognition and Career Preparation Behavior by Mandatory military service Planning Level among Male College Students (남자대학생의 군 의무복무계획 수준에 따른 진로장벽인식과 진로준비행동의 차이)

  • Hong, Hye-Young;Kang, Hye-Young
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.218-239
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to understand the status of mandatory military service planning and career barrier recognition as well as to analyze the difference between how students perceive mandatory military service as a potential barrier to their future careers(career barrier recognition) and career preparation behavior by the mandatory military service planning level among male college students. For the purpose, inquiries for the subject were set up as follows. 1. What are the levels of mandatory military service planning and career barrier recognition? 2. Is there a difference in career barrier recognition depending on the level of mandatory military service planning? 3. Is there a difference in career preparation behaviour depending on the level of mandatory military service planning? This study found out the level of mandatory military service, military barrier recognition and career preparation behavior of 284 male students from 4 universities in Daejeon and Chungnam area. Along with that, descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and t-test were conducted with SPSS 17.0 program The results of this study are as follows: First, 79.2% of male students have higher mandatory military service planning than the average value. Meanwhile, considering 3 sub-factors of mandatory military service planning, the ratio of those with high scores in practicality is lower than importance and concreteness. Based on this, it is assumable that they have a low perception for practical and concrete behaviors such as data collection in mandatory military service planning, which indicates their awareness has not developed into concrete behaviors even though they recognize the importance of planning. Also 73.9% of male students responded higher career barrier recognition than the average value shows that they recognize mandatory military service as a barrier relatively highly. Especially, those who answered "Very much" (7 scores) for every inquiry in career barrier recognition accounted for 16.9%, which forms the biggest group. and considering the response by each inquiry, it is ascertained that they consider the absence by mandatory military service time or military service as the biggest difficulty. Second, the difference in career barrier recognition between the top 30% and bottom 30% of mandatory military service planning is not statistically significant. However, in terms of importance and the sub-factor of mandatory military service planning, a significant inter-group difference in career barrier recognition is shown. In other words, to join the military is recognized as an obstacle in their career barrier recognition regardless of the mandatory military service planning level. Also, a group which considers the importance of the mandatory military service planning highly recognizes the military as the bigger obstacle compared to the other groups which are not considered in this way. Third, the difference in career barrier recognition between the top 30% and the bottom 30% of the mandatory military service planning is statistically significant. The need of mandatory military service planning is marked by the fact that those with a high level of mandatory military service planning show stronger career barrier recognition than those without plans. Through the study, the need of mandatory military service planning is suggested to both male students and career consultants considering the mandatory military service from a perspective of career based on Korean reality. Also, as precedent studies on pre-inducted men can be hardly found currently, this study is significant in accumulating empirical data about mandatory military service, a unique characteristic of the Korean career development process.

A Study on the Improvement of Laws Related to the Safety Management of Children's Play Facilities (어린이놀이시설 안전관리법규의 개선방향)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the laws related to the safety management of children's play facilities(LRSMCPF) including the "Safety Supervision Law of Children's Play Facilities(SSLCPF)" and the "Quality Management and Industrial Products Safety Management Law(QMIPSAL)", in order to analyze the problems by 4 phases-development of products, landscape design, landscape construction and maintenance considering landscape project procedure-and to propose a revision of the laws. The results are as follows: 1. The various LRSMCPF, SSLCPF and QMIPSAL, as basic laws for the safety management of children's play facilities, were insufficient regarding the features of children's play facilities and play spaces, which are both comparatively varied and complex. 2. In development of products, the one-year duration of safety certification based on QMIPSAL was too short and the procedure for safety certification were redundant in both products and plants inspection, and export and import product inspection. 3. The field inspection of construction sites based on SSLCPF was repeated with quality control and a consultation of rules based on "Construction Technology Management Law". 4. There are not enough safety inspection organizations regarding children's play facilities to meet the demand of safety certification, safety inspection, and safety education in the near future. 5. For children's play safety, the establishment of a general safety management system for children's play connected with the phases is needed to ensure safe play equipment, to construct safe playgrounds, and to manage play facilities. The criteria, regulations, and procedure regarding safety certification and safety inspection of play facilities must be revised efficiently and standardized to a global level as well. To improve the system and contents of safety certification and inspection, authorization of safety inspection organizations based on landscape architecture is needed. Further study will be required to concretely analyze in detail the laws, enforcement decrees and rules, and ordinances that consider the practical experience of professional landscape architects, inspectors, and lawyers.

A Study on the Current Status of Health Screening and the Health Type(Physical Activity, and etc) of the Disabled by Using the Statistics of Health Insurance Corporation (건강보험공단 통계를 이용한 장애인의 건강검진 현황 및 건강형태(신체활동 등)에 대한 소고)

  • Kim, Seck-Jin;Jung, Jin-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.433-444
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to examine the screening rate of health screening of the disabled by screening the data of disability and health statistics of the National Health Insurance Corporation, to suggest the problems of health examination and the future improvement measures, and also to review the type of health management of the disabled based on the results of health examination interview. As people with limited daily life or social life for a long time because of their physical/psychological disabilities in accordance with the Article2 of , out of 2,479,080 registered people with disabilities on the basis of December 31st 2015, the research subjects were limited to people with disabilities who participated in the health screening and health type for presenting the opinions about policies. In conclusion, regarding the health screening for the disabled, first, it would be necessary to collect the opinions from people with disabilities in order to prepare the health screening service suitable for them. Second, it would be needed to develop the health screening items for each type of disability and severity. Third, it would be necessary to consider the medical equipments and amenities of health examination for the disabled. Fourth, there should be the securement of manpower and education for service providers. Fifth, the mobility right of the disabled should be secured. Regarding the health type of the disabled, first, the expert consultative group in each area should be composed for the health enhancement of the disabled. Second, it would be necessary to screening the current status of health enhancement programs for the disabled and operating facilities. Third, the Central Health Medical Center for the Disabled, shown in the law on the securement of health rights & medical accessibility of the disabled should develop the standardized health enhancement programs for each disability type and severity. After examining the contents of health examination and health type of the disabled, the opinions about policies were suggested. Thus, in the future, there should be more detailed researches based on the tasks suggested by this study, and also the causal relations between health of the disabled and relevant programs should be continuously revealed.

Comparison of the portion sizes of Korean adults across eating places: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2012-2016) (우리나라 성인의 식사 섭취 장소에 따른 1인 1회 섭취 분량 비교: 국민건강영양조사 2012-2016 자료를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Hye-Sook;Park, Seon-Joo;Lee, Do-Kyung;Lee, Hae-Jeung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.676-687
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in portion size of 11 types of foods that Korean adults frequently consume, based on the parameters of eating place, gender, and age using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data. Methods: The dietary survey data from 2012-2016 KNHANES was used. A total of 19,779 subjects (8,034 male [40.6%], 11,745 female [59.4%]) were classified based on gender, three age groups (19-29 years old [15.7%], 30-49 years old [46.9%], 50-64 years old [37.4%]) and three eating places (home, institution, and restaurants/convenient stores etc.). Results: The portion sizes according to the eating places were calculated as per the median intake of Korean adults. Foods that showed the highest median intake in restaurants/convenience stores were boiled rice and kimchi stew. The median intake quantity of kimchi stew was the highest in restaurants/convenience stores in men across most age groups. Women in 30-49 years age group also consumed a lot of kimchi stew in restaurants/convenience stores. Men in the age groups 30-49 and 50-64 years consumed soybean paste stew the most in institutions compared to home and restaurants/convenient stores. Stir-fried pork was consumed the most at institutional meal places across all age groups. Conclusion: The portion sizes of kimchi stew and boiled rice were the highest in restaurants/convenience stores. As kimchi stew and soybean paste stew is high in sodium, the intake should be reduced in institutions and restaurants/convenience stores. Furthermore, it is necessary to reduce sodium intake through consumer nutrition education and the development of low-salt standard recipes for restaurants.

Universal Ethics and Pragmatic Pluralism (보편윤리학과 실용주의적 다원론)

  • Kwon, Su-Hyeon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.446-453
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    • 2021
  • This paper deals with two methods regarding fact and value. One is the method of H. Putnam, which is to break the boundary between fact and value and to make a world where the two have an inherent connection. The other is the method of J. Habermas, which regards fact and value as the product of an intersubjective agreement based on argumentation. Putnam, through his position of internal realism, moves from realism to pragmatism, especially by combining the rationalist tradition of Kant and Dewey's pragmatic views. Habermas also stands in the tradition of rationalism and universalism in Kant, at the same time emphasizing the practicability of truth in Hegel's tradition of historical reason. The significance of the strategy of Putnam and Habermas is that they have attempted to revive the realm of value against the strict dichotomy of facts and values and the subsequent devaluation of rationality in the realm of value. The starting point of this attempt is that the practical foundation of rationality is laid on life and practice. This could provide the room for escaping from rationality, which prioritizes only truths that reveal facts, that is, instrument-reduced rationality, the room for the revival of practical rationality through reflection on what is the purpose of life, and, in turn, the room for resisting to pass the realm of values and norms to the logic of habitual routines or customs. However, despite such common goal, there are clear limitations to Putnam's approach due to the differences in the strategies taken on facts and values. Putnam's method can demolish the whole universal framework that is the foundation where pragmatic pluralism will be fostered, eliminating the difference between the specificity of values and the universality of norms and shaking up the status of universal ethics. Therefore, Habermas' ethical theory is proposed as an alternative to establish a basis for universal ethics by relying on communication rationality and to secure the coercion of norms and blossom cultural pluralism as a diverse lifestyle based on this coercion.

Necessity to incorporate XR-based Training Contents Focused on Cable pulling using Winches in the Shipbuilding (윈치를 활용한 케이블 포설을 중심으로 고찰한 XR 기반 훈련 콘텐츠 도입의 필요성)

  • JongMin Lee;JongSeong Kim
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2023
  • This paper has suggested the necessity of introducing training contents using XR(Extended reality) technology as a way to lower the high rate of nursing accidents among unskilled technical personnel in domestic shipbuilding industry, focusing on cable pulling using winch. The occurrence rate of nursing accidents in the domestic shipbuilding industry was almost double(197.4%) (2017~2020) when compared with other manufacturing industries. In particular, it is worth noting that more than 31.8% of nursing accidents in the shipbuilding industry occurred among workers whose job experience is no more than 6 months. Most of new workers are seen to have hard time due to several factors such as lack of work information, inexperience, and unfamiliarity with the working environments. This indicates that it is essential to incorporate more effective training method that could help new workers become familiar with technical skills as well as working environments in a short period of time. Currently, education/training at the domestic shipyard is biased toward technical skills such as welding, painting, machine installation, and electrical installation. Contrary, even more important training required to get new workers used to the working environment has remained at a superficial level such as explaining ship building processes using 2D drawings. This may be the reason why it is inevitable to repeat similar training at OJT (On-the-Job Training) even at the leading domestic companies. Domestic shipbuilding industries have been attracting a lot of new workers thanks to recent economic recovery, which is very likely to increase the occurrence of disasters. In this paper, the introduction of training using XR technology was proposed, and as a specific example, the process of pulling cables using winches on ships was implemented as XR-based training content by using Unity. Using the developed content, it demonstrated that new workers can experience the actual work process in advance through simulation in a virtual space, thereby becoming more effective training content that can help new workers become familiar with the work environment.

A Study of Ethical Sense of Value and Discord of the Clinical Nurse (임상간호사(臨床看護師)의 윤리적(倫理的) 가치관(價値觀)과 윤리적(倫理的) 갈등(葛藤)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Jong, Heui-Ja;Moon, Heui-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.349-371
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    • 1995
  • Professional nurse shall possess the firm nursing idea and ethical nursing philosophy based on the professional knowledge and technology but due to the rapid social situations has changed the value to man thus the nurse's sense of value in the nursing secenes has been confused and changed bringing the new ethical problems and discord due to the ethically difficult problems. This study is aimed to know about the discord between the ruling ethical sense of value and the ethical discord exeriencing in the clinical scenes of the nurse and to help them establish affirmative ethical sense of value and provide them with the materials which can effectively meet the ethical discord. The study research has been conducted by selecting 515 clinical nurses in 8 general hospitals as the subject from Mar. 13, 1995 to Apr. 3. The tool measuring the ethical sense of value disigned by Lee, Young Sook has been used and supplemented and the tool measuring the ethical discord was the question papers about the ethical dillemma of Han, Sung Sook. The collected materials have been analyzed by the statistical methods of arithmetical everage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and etc. The result of the study is as the below ; 1) The average point of the ethical sense of value of the nurse was 3.62(maximum point : 5) which showed that the ethical level was so high and the highest question item in the ethical level of the whole items of the ethical sense of value was "They conduct as directed by the doctor in case the disposition of the doctor looks mistaken"(4.56 point), "They keep the secret of the patients while serving them."(4.56) and the lowest item was "using placobo for the patients is not allowed" : (1.85 point). 2) Statistical variation which showed the significant difference in the relation with the ethical sense of value according to the general characters of the nurse has shown as scholarly years(F=3.47, p=.016), religion(F=1.66, p=.004), interest degree of ethical education(F=4.18, p=.006),attitude to the job of nursing(F=6.76, p=.006), ethical standard(F=3.28, p=.021), and recognition degree on ethical principles(F=4.53, p=.001). 3) The average point of the ethical discord of the nurse was 0.54(The maximum-1 point) point and the ethical discord in the clinical scenes : "the problems arising from the lack of manpower of the nurse"(0.86), "the discord from the uncooperative relation between them and the medical staff and"(0.75) and indifference of the doctor about the report of the nurse(0.73). 4) The variation which showed the significant difference statistically in the ethical discord according to the general characters of the nurse was that Age(F=19.88, p=.000), schooling(F=5.32, p=.001), Experience(F=15.77, p=.000), position(F=13.58, p=.000) and ethical standard(F=2.63, p=.049). 5) The results of the analysis of correlation between ethical sense of value and discord(r=0.519, p=.239) showed no significant correlation statistically.

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Sediment Oxygen Consumption Rate and Hydrogen Sulfide Release by Dissolved Oxygen Depletion in Hypoxic Area of the Gamak Bay, Korea (가막만 빈산소 해역의 퇴적물 산소소모율과 용존산소 고갈에 의한 황화수소 용출)

  • Lee, Taehee
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated sediment oxygen consumption rates and geochemical characteristics of sediment in hypoxic area of the Gamak Bay based on the chamber experiments and geochemical analyses. The organic carbon contents of surface sediment in the Gamak Bay showed that the inner bay area has higher organic carbon content than those of the outer bay. They toward the outer bay, contents dropped off. The vertical profiles of calcium carbonate ($CaCO_3$) content at piston core sediment assumed that the hypoxia have been frequently occurred during past century in the northern inner bay. The benthic chamber experiments were conducted in February, May, August and November 2010, 2011 in the hypoxic area of the Gamak Bay. In the sediment incubation experiment with chamber at site C3 in the northern inner bay and site C17 in the southern outer bay, the sediment oxygen consumption rate ranged from $3.98mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$ to $12.43mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$ and $3.28mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$ to $8.18mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$, respectively. When the oxygen was completely depleted, the toxic hydrogen sulfide was released with $1.38mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$ and $1.3mmol\;m^{-2}d^{-1}$, respectively.