Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.349-371
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- 1995
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
A Study of Ethical Sense of Value and Discord of the Clinical Nurse
임상간호사(臨床看護師)의 윤리적(倫理的) 가치관(價値觀)과 윤리적(倫理的) 갈등(葛藤)에 관한 연구(硏究)
- Jong, Heui-Ja (National Medical Center) ;
- Moon, Heui-Ja (Department of Nursing, Kyung Hee University)
- Published : 1995.08.31
Professional nurse shall possess the firm nursing idea and ethical nursing philosophy based on the professional knowledge and technology but due to the rapid social situations has changed the value to man thus the nurse's sense of value in the nursing secenes has been confused and changed bringing the new ethical problems and discord due to the ethically difficult problems. This study is aimed to know about the discord between the ruling ethical sense of value and the ethical discord exeriencing in the clinical scenes of the nurse and to help them establish affirmative ethical sense of value and provide them with the materials which can effectively meet the ethical discord. The study research has been conducted by selecting 515 clinical nurses in 8 general hospitals as the subject from Mar. 13, 1995 to Apr. 3. The tool measuring the ethical sense of value disigned by Lee, Young Sook has been used and supplemented and the tool measuring the ethical discord was the question papers about the ethical dillemma of Han, Sung Sook. The collected materials have been analyzed by the statistical methods of arithmetical everage, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and etc. The result of the study is as the below ; 1) The average point of the ethical sense of value of the nurse was 3.62(maximum point : 5) which showed that the ethical level was so high and the highest question item in the ethical level of the whole items of the ethical sense of value was "They conduct as directed by the doctor in case the disposition of the doctor looks mistaken"(4.56 point), "They keep the secret of the patients while serving them."(4.56) and the lowest item was "using placobo for the patients is not allowed" : (1.85 point). 2) Statistical variation which showed the significant difference in the relation with the ethical sense of value according to the general characters of the nurse has shown as scholarly years(F=3.47, p=.016), religion(F=1.66, p=.004), interest degree of ethical education(F=4.18, p=.006),attitude to the job of nursing(F=6.76, p=.006), ethical standard(F=3.28, p=.021), and recognition degree on ethical principles(F=4.53, p=.001). 3) The average point of the ethical discord of the nurse was 0.54(The maximum-1 point) point and the ethical discord in the clinical scenes : "the problems arising from the lack of manpower of the nurse"(0.86), "the discord from the uncooperative relation between them and the medical staff and"(0.75) and indifference of the doctor about the report of the nurse(0.73). 4) The variation which showed the significant difference statistically in the ethical discord according to the general characters of the nurse was that Age(F=19.88, p=.000), schooling(F=5.32, p=.001), Experience(F=15.77, p=.000), position(F=13.58, p=.000) and ethical standard(F=2.63, p=.049). 5) The results of the analysis of correlation between ethical sense of value and discord(r=0.519, p=.239) showed no significant correlation statistically.