Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 2
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- Pages.372-387
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- 1995
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
The Perception of Medical Doctors and Nurses on the Clinical Nurse Specialist System
임상전문간호사 제도에 관한 의사와 간호사의 인식
- Lee, Soon-Ok (department of Nursing, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital Catholic University) ;
- Lee, Won-Chul (Prevention medicine, Catholic University)
- Published : 1995.08.31
One-hundred eighty four medical doctors and 349 nurses out of 6 university hospitals and 1 general hospital were surveyed from Mar. 3, to Mar. 31, 1995, in order to appreciate the extent of their understandings on the clinical nurse specialist system. The difference was analyzed by the subjects' age, their position and department, the expected benefits of the system. the assigned department, the position and qualification, the required special educational organization and program, and the extent of autonomy of the function of clinical nurse specialists and the special nursing field. The results were as follows ; 1. The perception about the expected benefits of the introduction of clinical nurse specialist system was significantly different among the age groups of medical doctors, and the age group of 40s among them showed the most positive perception. 2. The extent of acquaintance with clinical nurse specialist was the higher in the older age groups of respondent nurses. Meanwhile, the experience of participation with clinical nurse specialists was the more in the older age group of medical doctors. 3. The opinion about the required position of clinical nurse specialists was significantly different by the age and position of the respondent nurses. The rank of head nurse was suggested by the respondent nurses of older age and higher positon, while the level of in-charge nurse was suggested by the staff nurses. Also, the duration of clinical experience required of clinical nurse specialists was the most frequently responded as 6 to 10 years by nurses, as 2 to 5 years by medical doctors. 4. The degree of educational background required of clinical nurse specialists was differently responded by the various position of medical doctors and nurses. Of the medical doctors, professors frequently responded bachelor degree and medical residents frequently responded master degree as the required educational background. Of the nurses, nursing administrators more frequently responded that master degree was required of clinical nurse specialists than staff nurses and clinical nurse specialists did. 5. The extent of acquaintance with clinical nurse specialist system was different among the various department of medical doctors, which was the highest in the doctors of psychiatry, internal medicine and pediatrics, respectively. The doctors of surgery were the least acquainted of clinical nurse specialist. 6. The nurses of special parts, of surgery and of obstetrics & pediatrics responded more frequently that clinical nurse specialists should belong to the nursing department than the nurses of internal medicine and of others did. 7. The Special parts that necessitate clinical nurse specialists were responded to be the more important by nurses than by medical doctors. Clinical nurse specialists were responded to be the more necessary in the parts of diabetics, oncology, pyschiatry, dialysis, organ transplantation, intensive care, and in cardiovascular part. They were responded to be the less important in the parts of intravenous therapy, computer informatics, nursing administration, the improvement of nursing quality.