• Title/Summary/Keyword: star map

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  • Yang, H.J.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2010
  • Gaecheonjeol is the National Foundation day of Korea when people hold a harvest ceremony. Nowadays, two representative harvest ceremonies of Korea are performed at Mt. Mari (摩利山) and Mt. Taebaek (太白山) on Gaecheonjeol (October 3rd). We study 28 flags with constellations appearing in the ceremony of Mt. Taebaek. These flags are lying in the outer of the circular stone wall during the ceremony. They represent an oriental heavenly star chart. We examine the shape, the connecting-pattern, the name, and the number of constellations drawn in the flags, and find several errors, such as, a wrong position, a typo of name, an irregular size, an omission, and so forth. Traditionally, the 28 oriental constellations are usually divided into four groups and each group has its own colour for each direction: Blue (E), Black (N), White (W), and Red (S). For the constellation flags in Mt. Taebaek, the colour of the flags is painted based on geographical directions, but the constellations are arranged followed by the direction of the celestial sphere. Thus, constellations in the northern and southern parts are counterchanged. Finally, we suggest some possible criteria for constellation map of the flags in this paper. CheonSangYeolChaBunYaJiDo (天象列次分野之圖) and CheonMunRyuCho (天文類抄) can be essential references for correcting constellations drawn in the flags of Mt. Taebaek.

Improved Heterogeneous-Ants-Based Path Planner using RRT* (RRT*를 활용하여 향상된 이종의 개미군집 기반 경로 계획 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Joonwoo
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.285-292
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    • 2019
  • Path planning is an important problem to solve in robotics and there has been many related studies so far. In the previous research, we proposed the Heterogeneous-Ants-Based Path Planner (HAB-PP) for the global path planning of mobile robots. The conventional path planners using grid map had discrete state transitions that constrain the only movement of an agent to multiples of 45 degrees. The HAB-PP provided the smoother path using the heterogeneous ants unlike the conventional path planners based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. The planner, however, has the problem that the optimization of the path once found is fast but it takes a lot of time to find the first path to the goal point. Also, the HAB-PP often falls into a local optimum solution. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an improved ant-inspired path planner using the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree-star ($RRT^*$). The key ideas are to use $RRT^*$ as the characteristic of another heterogeneous ant and to share the information for the found path through the pheromone field. The comparative simulations with several scenarios verify the performance of the improved HAB-PP.

Shakespeare and Traditional Korean Astronomy (셰익스피어와 한국의 전통 천문학)

  • Han, Younglim
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.633-653
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    • 2012
  • This paper discusses the two major Korean Shakespeares, Kim Myung-Gon's King Uru and Oh Tae-Suk's Romeo and Juliet, in answer to the request made by Stanley Wells at the 2006 Craiova Shakespeare Festival: theatre practitioners should have 'something worthwhile to say' before they put something of their own in Shakespeare's place. Kim and Oh, who have won international acclaim for their adaptations, present 'something worthwhile to say' by bringing Shakespeare to the world in the light of traditional Korean astronomy. The star map named 'Cheonsang yeolcha bunya jido,' which was founded in 1395 and designated as the No. 228 National Treasure of Korea in 1985, is employed as a means by which to bring 'something worthwhile to say' to Shakespeare: it works as a symbol of the cosmic power to restore the divided kingdom and strengthen the kingly power in King Uru; its concept of Hyeonmu, the northern seven lodges of the twenty-eight constellations, is associated with the deaths of not only the lovers but also the whole members of their families in Romeo and Juliet. It is representative of the sunny, light and fiery force of yang in King Uru, whereas of the shady, dark and watery force of yin in Romeo and Juliet. Thus these two productions differ in their approaches, although they make the relevance of traditional Korean astronomy recognizable by redrawing the bounds of Shakespearean tragedy genre: King Uru reminds us of the human capacity for self-recovery, while Romeo and Juliet the human capacity for self-destruction.


  • Doi, Yasuo;Komugi, Shinya;Kawada, Mitsunobu;Takita, Satoshi;Arimatsu, Ko;Ikeda, Norio;Kato, Daisuke;Kitamura, Yoshimi;Nakagawa, Takao;Ootsubo, Takafumi;Morishima, Takahiro;Hattori, Makoto;Tanaka, Masahiro;White, Glenn J.;Etxaluze, Mireya;Shibai, Hiroshi
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2012
  • Far-infrared observations provide crucial data for the investigation and characterisation of the properties of dusty material in the Interstellar Medium (ISM), since most of its energy is emitted between ~ 100 and $200{\mu}m$. We present the first all-sky image from a sensitive all-sky survey using the Japanese AKARI satellite, in the wavelength range $50-180{\mu}m$. Covering > 99% of the sky in four photometric bands with four filters centred at $65{\mu}m$, $90{\mu}m$, $140{\mu}m$, and $160{\mu}m$ wavelengths, this achieved spatial resolutions from 1 to 2 arcmin and a detection limit of < 10 MJy $sr^{-1}$, with absolute and relative photometric accuracies of < 20%. All-sky images of the Galactic dust continuum emission enable astronomers to map the large-scale distribution of the diffuse ISM cirrus, to study its thermal dust temperature, emissivity and column density, and to measure the interaction of the Galactic radiation field and embedded objects with the surrounding ISM. In addition to the point source population of stars, protostars, star-forming regions, and galaxies, the high Galactic latitude sky is shown to be covered with a diffuse filamentary-web of dusty emission that traces the potential sites of high latitude star formation. We show that the temperature of dust particles in thermal equilibrium with the ambient interstellar radiation field can be estimated by using $90{\mu}m$, $140{\mu}m$, and $160{\mu}m$ data. The FIR AKARI full-sky maps provide a rich new data set within which astronomers can investigate the distribution of interstellar matter throughout our Galaxy, and beyond.

The Development and Validation of Learning Progression for Solar System Structure Using Multi-tiers Supply Form Items (다층 서답형 문항을 이용한 태양계 구조 학습 발달과정 개발 및 타당성 검증)

  • Oh, Hyunseok;Lee, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.291-306
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we developed a learning progression for the structure of the solar system using multi-tier supply form items and validated its appropriateness. To this end, by applying Wilson's (2005) construct modeling approach, we set up 'solar system components,' 'size and distance pattern of solar system planets,' and 'solar system modeling' as the progress variables of the learning progression and constructed multi-tier supply form items for each of these variables. The items were applied to 150 fifth graders before and after the classes that dealt with the 'solar system and star' unit. To describe the results of the assessment, the students' responses to each item were categorized into five levels. By analyzing the Wright map that was created by applying the partial credit Rasch model, we validated the appropriateness of the learning progression based on the students' responses. In addition, the validity of the hypothetical pathway that was established in the learning progression was verified by tracking changes in the developmental level of students before and after the classes. The results of the research are as follows. The bottom-up research method that used multi-tier supply form items was able to elaborately set the empirical learning progression for the conceptualization of the structure of the solar system that is taught in elementary school. In addition, the validity of the learning progression was high, and the development of students was found to change with the learning progression.

Infrared and Radio observations of a small group of protostellar objects in the molecular core, L1251-C

  • Kim, Jungha;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Choi, Minho;Bourke, Tyler L.;Evans II, Neal J.;Di Francesco, James;Cieza, Lucas A.;Dunham, Michael M.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.67.4-68
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    • 2015
  • We present a multi-wavelength observational study of a low-mass star-forming region, L1251-C, with observational results at wavelengths from the near-infrared to the millimeter. Spitzer Space Telescope observations confirmed that IRAS 22343+7501 is a small group of protostellar objects. The extended emission to east-west direction with its intensity peak at the center of L1251A has been detected at 350 and 850 mm with the CSO and JCMT telescopes, tracing dense envelope materials around L1251A. The single-dish data from the KVN and TRAO telescopes show inconsistencies between the intensity peaks of several molecular line emission and that of the continuum emission, suggesting complex distributions of molecular abundances around L1251A. The SMA interferometer data, however, show intensity peaks of CO 2-1 and $^{13}CO$ 2-1 located at the position of IRS 1, which is both the brightest source in IRAC image and the weakest source in the 1.3 mm dust continuum map. IRS 1 is the strongest candidate for being the driving source of a newly detected the compact CO 2-1 outflow. Over the whole region ($14^{\prime}{\times}14^{\prime}$) of L125l-C, 3 Class I and 16 Class II sources have been detected, including three YSOs in L1251A. A comparison with the average projected distance among 19 YSOs in L1251-C and that among 3 YSOs in L1251A suggests L1251-C is an example of low-mass cluster formation, where protostellar objects are forming in a small group.

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  • Ishihara, D.;Kaneda, H.;Mouri, A.;Kondo, T.;Suzuki, S.;Oyabu, S.;Onaka, T.;Ita, Y.;Matsuura, M.;Matsunaga, N.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2012
  • The interstellar dust grains are formed and supplied to interstellar space from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars or supernova remnants, and become constituents of the star- and planet-formation processes that lead to the next generation of stars. Both a qualitative, and a compositional study of this cycle are essential to understanding the origin of the pre-solar grains, the missing sources of the interstellar material, and the chemical evolution of our Galaxy. The AKARI/MIR all-sky survey was performed with two mid-infrared photometric bands centered at 9 and $18{\mu}m$. These data have advantages in detecting carbonaceous and silicate circumstellar dust of AGB stars, and the interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons separately from large grains of amorphous silicate. By using the AKARI/MIR All-Sky point source catalogue, we surveyed C-rich and O-rich AGB stars in our Galaxy, which are the dominant suppliers of carbonaceous and silicate grains, respectively. The C-rich stars are uniformly distributed across the Galactic disk, whereas O-rich stars are concentrated toward the Galactic center, following the metallicity gradient of the interstellar medium, and are presumably affected by the environment of their birth place. We will compare the distributions of the dust suppliers with the distributions of the interstellar grains themselves by using the AKARI/MIR All-Sky diffuse maps. To enable discussions on the faint diffuse interstellar radiation, we are developing an accurate AKARI/MIR All-Sky diffuse map by correcting artifacts such as the ionising radiation effects, scattered light from the moon, and stray light from bright sources.


  • Matsuoka, Y.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.353-356
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    • 2012
  • We present new constraints on the cosmic optical background (COB) obtained from an analysis of the Pioneer 10/11 Imaging Photopolarimeter (IPP) data. After careful examination of the data quality, the usable measurements free from the zodiacal light are integrated into sky maps at the blue (${\sim}0.44{\mu}m$) and red (${\sim}0.64{\mu}m$) bands. Accurate starlight subtraction was achieved by referring to all-sky star catalogs and a Galactic stellar population synthesis model down to 32.0 mag. We find that the residual light is separated into two components: one component shows a clear correlation with the thermal $100{\mu}m$ brightness, whilst the other shows a constant level in the lowest $100{\mu}m$ brightness region. The presence of the second component is significant after all the uncertainties and possible residual light in the Galaxy are taken into account, thus it most likely has an extragalactic origin (i.e., the COB). The derived COB brightness is ($(1.8{\pm}0.9){\times}10^{-9}$ and $(1.2{\pm}0.9){\times}10^{-9}\;erg\;s^{-1}\;cm^{-2}\;sr^{-1}\;{\AA}^{-1}$ in the blue and red spectral regions, respectively, or $7.9{\pm}4.0$ and $7.7{\pm}5.8\;nW\;m^{-2}\;sr^{-1}$. Based on a comparison with the integrated brightness of galaxies, we conclude that the bulk of the COB is comprised of normal galaxies which have already been resolved by the current deepest observations. There seems to be little room for contributions from other populations including "first stars" at these wavelengths. On the other hand, the first component of the IPP residual light represents the diffuse Galactic light (DGL)-scattered starlight by the interstellar dust. We derive the mean DGL-to-$100{\mu}m$ brightness ratios of $2.1{\times}10^{-3}$ and $4.6{\times}10^{-3}$ at the two bands, which are roughly consistent with previous observations toward denser dust regions. Extended red emission in the diffuse interstellar medium is also confirmed.


  • Lee, Youngung;Kim, Young Sik;Kim, Hyung-Goo;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Yim, In-Sung;Kang, Hyunwoo;Lee, Changhoon;Kim, Bong-Gyu;Kim, Kwang-Tae
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.319-325
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    • 2014
  • We map two molecular clouds located in the exact anticenter region emitting in the (J = 1-0) transition of $^{12}CO$ and $^{13}CO$ using the 3-mm SIS mixer receiver on the 14-m radio telescope at Taeduk Radio Astronomy Observatory. The target clouds with anomalous velocities of $V_{LSR}{\sim}-20km\;s^{-1}$ are distinguished from other clouds in this direction. In addition, they are located in the interarm region between the Orion Arm and the Perseus Arm. Sizes of the clouds are estimated to be about 8.6 and 10.8 pc, respectively. The total mass is estimated to be about $4{\times}10^3$ $M_{\odot}$ using CO luminosity of the clouds. Several cores are detected, but no sign of star formation is found according to the IRAS point sources. Their larger linewidths, anomalous velocities, and their location at the interarm region make these clouds more distinguished, though their physical properties are similar to the dark clouds in the solar neighborhood in terms of mass and size.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.365-380
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    • 2015
  • We map 6 massive young stellar objects (YSOs) in the CO J=2-1 line and survey 18 massive YSOs, including the six, in the HCO+ J=1−0, SiO J=2−1, H2O 616 − 523 maser, and CH3OH 70 − 61 A+ maser lines. We detect CO bipolar outflows in all the six mapped sources. Four of them are newly discovered (07299−1651, 21306+5540, 22308+5812, 23133+6050), while 05490+2658 is mapped in the CO J=2-1 line for the first time. The detected outflows are much more massive and energetic than outflows from low-mass YSOs with masses >20 M and momenta >300 M km s−1. They have mass outflow rates (3−6)×10−4 M yr−1, which are at least one order of magnitude greater than those observed in low-mass YSOs. We detect HCO+ and SiO line emission in 18 (100%) and 4 (22%) sources, respectively. The HCO+ spectra show high-velocity wings in 11 (61%) sources. We detect H2O maser emission in 13 (72%) sources and 44 GHz CH3OH maser emission in 8 (44%) sources. Of the detected sources, 5 H2O and 6 CH3OH maser sources are new discoveries. 20081+3122 shows high-velocity (>30 km s−1) H2O maser lines. We find good correlations of the bolometric luminosity of the central (proto)star with the mechanical force, mechanical luminosity, and mass outflow rate of molecular outflow in the bolometric luminosity range of 10−1−106 L, and identified 3 intermediate- or high-mass counterparts of Class O objects.