• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial problem

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Preference-Based Segment Buffer Replacement in Cluster VOD Servers (클러스터 VOD서버에서 선호도 기반 세그먼트 버퍼 대체 기법)

  • Seo, Dong-Mahn;Lee, Joa-Hyoung;Bang, Cheol-Seok;Lim, Dong-Sun;Jung, In-Bum;Kim, Yoon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.11
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    • pp.797-809
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    • 2006
  • To support the QoS streams for large scale clients, the internal resources of VOD servers should be utilized based on the characteristics of the streaming media service. Among the various resources in the server, the main memory is used for the buffer space to the media data loaded from the disks and the buffer hit ratio has a great impact upon the server performance. However, if the buffer data with high hit ratio are replaced for the new media data as a result of the number of clients and the required movie titles are increased, the negative impact on the scalability of server performance is occurred. To address this problem, the buffer replacement policy considers the intrinsic characteristics of the streaming media such as the sequential access to large volume data and the highly disproportionate preference to specific movies. In this paper, the preference-based segment buffer replacement policy is proposed in the cluster-based VOD server to exploit the characteristics of the streaming media. Since the proposed method reflects both the temporal locality by the clients' preference and the spatial locality by the sequential access to media data, the buffer hit ratio would be improved as compared to the existing buffer replacement policy. The enhanced buffer hit ratio causes the fact that the performance scalability of the cluster-based VOD server is linearly improved as the number of cluster nodes is increased.

GIS and Statistical Techniques used in Korea Urban Expansion Trend Analysis (GIS와 통계기법을 이용한 대한민국 도시확장 패턴분석)

  • Son, Jung-Woo;Jeon, Sung-Woo;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2009
  • Urban expansion has caused environmental problems, traffic jam and real estate. Trend analysis of Urban expansion is needed for analysis and prediction of the existing problem-solving, urban planning and land use. In this study, We constructed database based on MOE(Minister of environment)'s landcover(1980's, 2000's), 1: 25,000 digital topographical map using of DEM and data of the National Statistical Office for urban and build up expand analysis of South Korea. As a result, The rate of increase in population of Gyeonggi-do, Incheon and Ulsan are high but Jeollanam-do is low. Area of development zone was 2.15 fold increase in comparison with before it. Slope aspect is south or east and urban expansion was increase in district such as Chungcheongnam-do, Gyeonggi-do, Jeollanam-do. Existing road of accessibility was high than development zone. Metropolitan city developre it. In conclusion, we found that South Korea urban expansion was developed from metropolitan city. In natural topographical conditions, the development was progress advantageous zone to disadvantageous zone. Also, we found that population was rapidly increase with new development as the center zone in urban expansion zone.

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Evaluation and Comparison of the Topographic Effect Determination Using Korean Digital Elevation Model (우리나라 수치표고모델을 이용한 지형효과 산출방식의 비교평가)

  • Lee, Suk-Bae;Lee, Dong-Ha;Kwon, Jay-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2008
  • The topographic effect is one of the most important component in the solution of the geodetic boundary value problem (geodetic BVP). Therefore, topographic effect should be considered properly for developing the precise geoid model, especially for the area where contains many mountains like Korea. The selection of gravity reduction method in the context of the precise geoid determination depends on the magnitude of its indirect effect, the smoothness and magnitude of the reduced gravity anomalies, and their related geophysical interpretation. In this study, Korean digital elevation model with 100m resolution was constructed and topographic effect was calculated by three reduction methods as like Helmert condensation method and RTM method and Airy-isostatic reduction method. Through the analysis of computation results, we can find that RTM reduction method is the best optimal method and the results shows that gravity anomaly and indirect effect of geoidal height are $0.660{\pm}13.009mGal$, $-0.004{\pm}0.131m$ respectively and it is the most gentle slow of the three methods. Through this study, it was found that the RTM method is better suitable for calculating topographic effect precisely in context of precise geoid determination in Korea than other reduction methods.

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Automatic Measurement Method of Traffic Signs Using Image Recognition and Photogrammetry Technology (영상인식과 사진측량 기술을 이용한 교통표지 자동측정 방법)

  • Chang, Sang Kyu;Kim, Jin Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2013
  • Recently, more accurate database information of facilities is being required, with the increase in importance of urban road facility management. Therefore, this study proposed how to automatically detect particular traffic signs necessary for efficient construction of road facility DB. For this study, central locations of facilities were searched, after recognition and automatic detection of particular traffic signs through an image. Then, coordinate values of traffic signs calculated in the study were compared with real coordinate values, in order to evaluate the accuracy of traffic sign locations which were finally detected. Computer vision technology was used in recognizing and detecting traffic signs through OPEN CV-based coding, and photogrammetry was used in calculating accurate locations of detected traffic signs. For the experiment, circular road signal(No Parking) and triangular road signal(Crosswalk) were chosen out of various kinds of road signals. The research result showed that the circular road signal had a nearly 50cm error value, and the triangular road signal had a nearly 60cm error value, when comparing the calculated coordinates with the real coordinates. Though this result is not satisfactory, it is considered that there would be no problem to find locations of traffic signs.

Estimating Visitors on Water-friendly Space in the River Using Mobile Big Data and UAV (통신 빅데이터와 무인기 영상을 활용한 하천 친수지구 이용객 추정)

  • Kim, Seo Jun;Kim, Chang Sung;Kim, Ji Sung
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.250-257
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    • 2019
  • Recently, 357 water-friendly space were established near the main streams of the country through the Four Major Rivers Project, which was used as a resting and leisure space for the citizens, and the river environment and ecological health were improved. We are working hard to reduce the number of points and plan and manage the water-friendly space. In particular, attempts are being made to utilize mobile big data to make more scientific and systematic research on the number of users. However, when using mobile big data compared to the existing method of conducting field surveys, it is possible to easily identify spatial user movement patterns, but it is different from the actual amount of use, so various verifications are required to solve this problem. Therefore, this study evaluated the accuracy of estimating the number of users using mobile big data by comparing the number of visitors using mobile big data and the number of visitors using drone for Samrak ecological park located in the mouth of Nakdong River. As a result, in the river hydrophilic district, it was difficult to accurately estimating the usage pattern of each facility due to the low precision of pCELL, and it was confirmed that the usage patterns in the park could be distorted due to the signals stopped at roads and parking lots. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the number of pCELLs in the water-friendly space and to estimate the number of visitors excluding facilities such as roads and parking lots in future mobile big data processing.

Neuropsychological Approaches to Mathematical Learning Disabilities and Research on the Development of Diagnostic Test (신경심리학적 이론에 근거한 수학학습장애의 유형분류 및 심층진단검사의 개발을 위한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Yon-Mi
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.237-259
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    • 2011
  • Mathematics learning disabilities is a specific learning disorder affecting the normal acquisition of arithmetic and spatial skills. Reported prevalence rates range from 5 to 10 percent and show high rates of comorbid disabilities, such as dyslexia and ADHD. In this study, the characteristics and the causes of this disorder has been examined. The core cause of mathematics learning disabilities is not clear yet: it can come from general cognitive problems, or disorder of innate intuitive number module could be the cause. Recently, researchers try to subdivide mathematics learning disabilities as (1) semantic/memory type, (2) procedural/skill type, (3) visuospatial type, and (4) reasoning type. Each subtype is related to specific brain areas subserving mathematical cognition. Based on these findings, the author has performed a basic research to develop grade specific diagnostic tests: number processing test and math word problems for lower grades and comprehensive math knowledge tests for the upper grades. The results should help teachers to find out prior knowledge, specific weaknesses of students, and plan personalized intervention program. The author suggest diagnostic tests are organized into 6 components. They are number sense, conceptual knowledge, arithmetic facts retrieval, procedural skills, mathematical reasoning/word problem solving, and visuospatial perception tests. This grouping will also help the examiner to figure out the processing time for each component.

A Discussion of the Two Alternative Methods for Quantifying Changes : by Pixel Values Versus by Thematic Categories (변화의 정량화 방법에 관한 고찰 : 픽셀값 대 분류항목별)

  • Choung, Song-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 1993
  • In a number of areas, there are important benefits to be gained when we bring both the detection and monitoring abilities of remote sensing as well as the philosophical approach and analytic capabilities of a geographic information system to bear on a problem. A key area in the joint applications of remote sensing technology and GIS is to identify change. Whether this change is of interest for its own sake, or because the change causes us to act (for example, to update a map), remote sensing provides an excellent suite of tools for detecting change. At the same time, a GIS is perhaps the best analytic toot for quantifying the process of change. There are two alternative methods for quantifying changes. The conceptually simple approach is to un the pixel values in each of the images. This method is practical but may be too simple to identify the variety of changes in a complex scene. The common alternative is called symbolic change detection. The analyst first decides on a set of thematic categories that are important to distinguish for the application. This approach is useful only if accurate landuse/cover classifications can be obtained. Persons conducting digital change detection must be intimately familiar with the environment under study, the quality of the data set and the characteristics of change detection algorithms. Also, much work remains to identify optimum change detection algorithms for specific geographic areas and problems.

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A study on the Accuracy Analysis of the World Geodetic System Transformation for GIS Base Map and Database (GIS 기본도 및 DB의 세계측지계 좌표변환 정확도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jae-Kwan;Choi, Yun-Soo;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Lee, Bo-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to derive a practical coordinate transformation method for the existing geographic information database. After analyzing the status and problems of existing 1/1,000 digital base map and GIS application database, the transformation parameters are estimated and the accuracy of the transformation is determined based on the transformed coordinates. We analyzed the accuracy of a transformation using the published national transformation coefficients as well as the estimated local transformation coefficients using national and urban control points in a study area. In addition, the 1/1,000 digital base map from aerial triangulation is compared with respect to the coordinates of urban control points. Based on the comparison, the biases on the national control points which were used at the time of digital map generation was analyzed. Then, the accuracy of transformed coordinates based on the world geodetic system using local transformation coefficients estimated from urban control points are determined. We also analyzed the transformation accuracy of underground infrastructure database using the same transformation method as the case of 1/1,000 digital base map. Through this study, it was found that the estimation of transformation coefficients by Molodensky-Badekas using urban control points was suitable for a local government. Furthermore, it was obvious that the accuracy of a 2-dimensional affine transformation was comparable to that of 7 parameter transformation for a local area. Applying the coordinate transformation and bias correction, we could transform GIS application database which was built by an offset surveying based on digital base map within the transformation accuracy of 10 cm. Therefore, it was judged that there will not be a big problem on the transformation of the GIS DB to the world geodetic system.

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Research on Landscape Design by Flexibly Using Resilient Theory - Focused On 'New York High Line Park'- (리질리언트 이론을 활용한 경관 디자인에 관한 연구 - 'The High Line' 를 중심으로 -)

  • Chen, Wen-Li;Hong, Kwan-Seon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.644-657
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    • 2020
  • As the development of urbanization has cause some environmental problems and natural disasters such as natural earthquakes and floods have brought about impact, designers have turned their attention to the independent prevention ability of urban ecosystems in face of environmental pollution and natural disasters, as well as its ability to adapt to the future. This study introduces 'elasticity theory' to discuss the practical application of elasticity design in landscapes and to solve the problem of lack of elasticity in space, which can provide more scientific reference meaning to create economic, cultural, and social values for space. After selecting 'The High Line' as the object, this paper investigates the previous theories and practical cases, and infers ecology, sustainability, diversity, and adaptability. And then this paper applies five components and analyzes the specific application of these five components of the landscape spatial elasticity strategy, and summarizes the application characteristics and influencing factors of elasticity design in 'The High Line' landscape planning. It can be known from the research that elasticity strategy which is reflected in the design process is the systematic management of landscape space. Elasticity design itself can strengthen environment quality and satisfy the requirements of the environment to defense external shocks so as to adapt to environment changes. Therefore, the elasticity design can strengthen the sustainable development of the city and establish a periodic recycle system.

An Alternative Improved-Layout of Rural House Plot (농촌주택의 주거 공간구조 개선방안)

  • 박장혁
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 1999
  • Considering that rural village had evolved through a long-sustained effort of harmnization with nature, there should be the wisdom not only to reflect the level of rural resident's housing demand, but also to conserve the traditional characteristics of high-valuation in the modern rural housing. In Korea , standard design proposals of rural houses had been made public three times ; in 1972 , 1984 and 1995. so , firstly, this study analysed the inner-space layouts of design proposals mentioned above, from which changes and problems in the past housing design were derived. And also, through, the positive acceptance of residents' opinion living inthe houses built by standard design proposals in 1970 ~1980's, improved design principles and an alternative model were proposed , finally. The inner-space structed of standard design proposals in 1970s was originated from small-scaled and low-priced one, basically under the " open system". In 1980s, the basic design principle changed to the 'closed system' in which the living room being the focus of indoor family life, and , in 1990s, progressively, therural housing developed to the high qualified type by the spatial enlargement and with increased equipements. However, this structural change of rural house brought about the problem of functional separatioon between farming and daily living activities. In details, limited spaces of multipurpose spaces and sanitary facility would be mentioned as problems for improvement. conclusively in this study, newoly arranged "open system" was recommended , as a basic design principle for theinner space structure formation of rural house, which easily links the constituent inner-house spaces to outer one. Based on this principle, the detailed design criterial was proposed as follows ; 1. The living room be directly linked to the front-yard and centrally placed, the addtional space of which could be secured for the special family events by the flexibleuse of its adjacent room or by the housing of male quarters(separated from main building quarter). 2. The kitchen also be directly linked to side-yard and to livng room , for the convenience of farming activities and the shortening of path flow housewife. 3. The expanded toilet-and-bathroom be placed in the directly connected left-hand side to the living room and also be allowed access through multipurpose spaces to out door. 4. The multipurpose spaces be directly connected to the kitchen and the toilet and-bathroom , of which function would be for undressing of working clothes, quickwashing and ordinary working.nd ordinary working.

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