• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil pressure

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The Effect of Rainfall on the Stability of Mudstone Slope in Consideration of Collapse Record (이암 절취사면의 붕괴이력을 고려한 강우침투에 따른 안정성 분석)

  • Jeon, Byeong-Chu;Lee, Su-Gon;Kim, Young-Muk;Chung, Sung-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2009
  • At the mudstone slope located on the roadside of the Seokri area in Donghae-myeon, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do, this study was performed to analyze the effects of rainfall on the stability of slope through seepage analysis according to the precipitation type of the mudstone slope, referring to the actual case of slope failure. For this, precise geological survey, geophysical exploration and drilling survey for the slope where the failure occurred were performed and followed by analysis of detailed soil layer. For the section where failure surface located, the durability reduction of rocks was measured through slaking/swelling tests and the permeability was measured through in-situ permeability tests for each soil layer. In addition, the change of strength parameter and process of instability were analyzed by back analysis, using Talren 97 and Slope/W programs, in the slope. By applying different precipitation conditions to the geographical conditions of the slope that had actual failure records, the slope stability was analyzed by seepage analysis according to duration of rainfall and rise of groundwater level resulting from the flow of rainfall caused by development of geological structures and the slope surface condition.

Effect of Stress History on CPT-DMT Correlations in Granular Soil (응력이력이 사질토의 CPT-DMT 상관관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Moon-Joo;Choi, Sung-Kun;Kim, Min-Tae;Lee, Ju-Hyeong;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2010
  • Stress history increases the residual horizontal stress of granular soil and, consequently, the penetration resistance. This study analyzes the effect of stress history on the cone resistance ($q_c$), horizontal stress index ($K_D$) and dilatometer modulus ($E_D$) of CPT and DMT from calibration chamber specimen in OC as well as NC state. Test results show that the normalized cone resistance by mean effective stress correlates well with the relative density and the state parameter, whereas the normalized cone resistance by vertical effective stress is a little affected by stress history. The influence of stress history is more reflected on $K_D$ than $E_D$ and $q_c$. The $K_D/K_0$, in which the effect of stress history on $K_D$ is compensated by the at-rest coefficient of earth pressure, $K_0$, is related to relative density, state parameter and the normalized cone resistance by mean effective stress. It is also observed that the normalized dilatometer modulus by mean effective stress ($E_D/{\sigma}_m'$) shows a unique correlation with the state parameter, regardless of stress history.

Analysis of Stability and Behavior of Slope with Solar Power Facilities Considering Seepage of Rainfall (태양광 발전시설이 설치된 사면의 강우시 침투를 고려한 안정성 및 거동 분석)

  • Yu, Jeong-Yeon;Lee, Dong-Gun;Song, Ki-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.39 no.7
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2023
  • Slope failures during rainfall have been observed in mountainous areas of South Korea as a result of the presence of solar power facilities. The seepage behavior and pore pressure distribution differ from typical slopes due to the presence of impermeable solar panels, and the load imposed by the solar power structures also affects the slope behavior. This study aims to develop a method for evaluating the stability of slopes with solar power facilities and to analyze vulnerable points by considering the maximum slope displacement. To assess the slope stability and predict behavior while considering rainfall seepage, a combined seepage analysis and finite difference method numerical analysis were employed. For the selected site, various variables were assumed, including parameters related to the Soil Water Characteristic Curve, strength parameters that satisfy the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, soil properties, and topographic factors such as slope angle and bedrock depth. The factors with the most significant influence on the factor of safety (FOS) were identified. The presence of solar power facilities was found to affect the seepage distribution and FOS, resulting in a decreasing trend due to rainfall seepage. The maximum displacement points were concentrated near the upper (crest) and lower (toe) sections of the slope.

The Evaluation for Pullout Performance of Steel Strip Reinforcements with Deformed-Bars as Transverse Members (지지부재로 이형철근을 설치하는 띠형 강보강재의 인발성능 평가)

  • Jung, Sung-Gyu;Kim, Juhyong;Cho, Samdeok;Lee, Kwangwu
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2013
  • Laboratory pullout tests were conducted to evaluate pullout performance of steel strip reinforcements with deformed steel bars as transverse members. The steel strip reinforcement has an installation hole to assemble a deformed steel bar. Jumunjin standard sand is used to form a relative density of ground model to 80%. Frictional resistance of steel strip reinforcement without transverse member increases sharply at the initial displacement and quickly decreases with displacement. Maximum frictional resistance increases linearly as normal pressure increasing, and soil-reinforcement interaction friction angle(${\rho}_{peak}$) of a steel strip reinforcement is estimated to $14.64^{\circ}$. Passive resistance increases with displacement and converge into maximum passive resistance in most cases. Maximum passive resistance increases linearly as normal pressure increasing irrespective of shape of the steel reinforcement. Pullout force of steel strip reinforcements with installation holes or transverse members largely increases about 4 to 7 times compared to frictional resistance force of steel strip reinforcements when embedment length($L_e$) of steel strip reinforcements is 500 mm. In the case of using 2 transverse members, interference effect is observed due to the spacing of 2 transverse members and location of assembly holes and transverse members.

Grouting diffusion mechanism in an oblique crack in rock masses considering temporal and spatial variation of viscosity of fast-curing grouts

  • Huang, Shuling;Pei, Qitao;Ding, Xiuli;Zhang, Yuting;Liu, Dengxue;He, Jun;Bian, Kang
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2020
  • Grouting method is an effective way of reinforcing cracked rock masses and plugging water gushing. Current grouting diffusion models are generally developed for horizontal cracks, which is contradictory to the fact that the crack generally occurs in rock masses with irregular spatial distribution characteristics in real underground environments. To solve this problem, this study selected a cement-sodium silicate slurry (C-S slurry) generally used in engineering as a fast-curing grouting material and regarded the C-S slurry as a Bingham fluid with time-varying viscosity for analysis. Based on the theory of fluid mechanics, and by simultaneously considering the deadweight of slurry and characteristics of non-uniform spatial distribution of viscosity of fast-curing grouts, a theoretical model of slurry diffusion in an oblique crack in rock masses at constant grouting rate was established. Moreover, the viscosity and pressure distribution equations in the slurry diffusion zone were deduced, thus quantifying the relationship between grouting pressure, grouting time, and slurry diffusion distance. On this basis, by using a 3-d finite element program in multi-field coupled software Comsol, the numerical simulation results were compared with theoretical calculation values, further verifying the effectiveness of the theoretical model. In addition, through the analysis of two engineering case studies, the theoretical calculations and measured slurry diffusion radius were compared, to evaluate the application effects of the model in engineering practice. Finally, by using the established theoretical model, the influence of cracking in rock masses on the diffusion characteristics of slurry was analysed. The results demonstrate that the inclination angle of the crack in rock masses and azimuth angle of slurry diffusion affect slurry diffusion characteristics. More attention should be paid to the actual grouting process. The results can provide references for determining grouting parameters of fast-curing grouts in engineering practice.

Application of EPS Considering Long-term Durability (장기내구성을 고려한 EPS의 현장 적용성)

  • Chun, Byungsik;Jung, Changhee;Ahn, Jinhyun
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2007
  • L/EPS, manufactured in the shape of block and used for civil engineering, is a lightweight material with an excellent resistance to compression, and provides a superb self-sufficient stability. EPS is a suitable material capable of resolving the problem of settlement and lateral flow if it is applied as the soil on soft ground. The Korean Standards (KS) has not yet proposed any testing method for use of EPS as an engineering banking material. Only its testing and quality ordinance as a heat insulation material has been standardized. The design criteria for EPS has been established and applied through the trial construction of KHC (Korea Highway Corporation) and quality test of manufacturer, but most studies on them have been confined to factory products. This study is focused on comparing and analyzing long-term durability by conducting cyclic load test, freezing and thawing test, absorption rate test and others. EPS used in the test was chosen from construction sites and factory products, focusing on the long-term durability of EPS depending on the passage of time. Unconfined compression test results indicated that the strength of collected samples was lower than factory products. While the triaxial compression test results indicated that the shear strength increased in proportion to the increase of confining pressure, and factory products had declining shear strength as the confining pressure rose.

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The Behavior Characteristics of Segmental Crib Retaining Wall by Model Test (모형실험에 의한 조립식 격자 옹벽의 거동 특성)

  • 김상수;신방웅;김용언;이재영;변동건
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 1999
  • The concrete wall is the most useful of retaining structure which can obtain the engineering stability, but has problems that is not friendly with nature environment in a fine view, such as poor rear drainage, and shrinkage crack by temperature difference, etc. Because of this problems, the research for a segmental crib retaining wall has been performed. A segmental crib retaining wall is quickly and easily erected because is possible to be erected as the individual members, and is not sensitive to differential settlement and earthquakes. Also, it shows effective drainage and has a friendly advantage with nature environment because of being able to be planted with vines and shrubs in retaining walls The design of crib retaining walls has traditionally been based on classical soil mechanics theories. These theories, originally derived by Rankine(1857) and Coulomb(1776), assume that the wall acts as a rigid body. This assumption results in failure being predicted by either monolithic overturning or base sliding mechanisms. However, the wall consists of individual members which have been created a three dimensional grid. This grid confines an fill mass which becomes part of the wall. The filled wall resists the earth pressure with the same mechanism of classical gravity walls. Because of the flexibility of the individual segment, it allows relative movement between the individual members within the wall. The three dimensional flexible grid leads to stress redistribution when the wall is subjected to external or fill loads. Due to the flexibility and the stress redistribution, the failure of segmental crib wall consists of not only overturing and base sliding but the local deformation and the failure between the segmental members. It has been researched in the field that due to this flexibility and load redistribution, serviceability failure of segmental crib walls is unlikely to be due to overturning or base sliding. Therefore, in this study, the relative displacement appearance of retaining wall due to variation of inclination is measured to examine this behavior characteristics. Also, the behavior characteristics of retaining walls by surcharge load, and location of acting point of retaining wall rear, and the displacement characteristics and deflections are estimated about the existence and nonexistence of Rear Stretcher performing an role in transmitting earth pressure of Header and Stretcher organizing retaining walls. This research focuses on the characteristics due to the behavior of retaining walls. This research focuses on the characteristics due to the behavior of retaining walls.

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Numerical Analysis on Settlement Behavior of Seabed Sand-Coastal Structure Subjected to Wave Loads (파압에 의한 해안구조물-해저지반의 침하거동에 대한 수치해석)

  • Kang, Gi-Chun;Yun, Seong-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Dosam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2013
  • Seabed settlement underneath a coastal structure may occur due to wave loading generated by storm surge. If the foundation seabed consists of sandy soil, the possibility of the seabed settlement may be more susceptible because of generation of residual excess pore-water pressure and cyclic mobility. However, most coastal structures, such as breakwater, quay wall, etc., are designed by considering wave load assumed to be static condition as an uniform load and the wave load only acts on the structure. In real conditions, however, the wave load is dynamically applied to seabed as well as the coastal structure. In this study, therefore, a real-time wave load is considered and which is assumed acting on both the structure and seabed. Based on a numerical analysis, it was found that there exists a significant effect of wave load on the structure and seabed. The deformation behavior of the seabed according to time was simulated, and other related factors such as the variation of effective stress and the change of effective stress path in the seabed were clearly observed.

A Study on the Development of Techniques for Urban Forest Restoration and Management - Focus on the Restoration of Origin Vegetation and Improvement of Biodiversity - (도시림 복원 및 관리 기술의 개발에 관한 연구 - 원식생 복원과 생물다양성 증진을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kwi-Gon;Cho, Dong-GiI;Kim, Nam-Choon;Min, Byung-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at restoring urban forest destructed and eliminated by industrialization, urbanization, and city development and presenting a direction to manage remaining urban forest ecologically. To this end, an experiment zone where Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee were selective cutted and a control zone where Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee were kept intact were created in Chongdam Park located in Kangnam-ku, Seoul. Then, the structural changes of herbaceous plant species, the growth of targeted woody plants, and the increase of the number of insect and bird species were examined. The conclusions reached in this study are as follows. First, for the sake of ecological restoration and management of urban forest, it is good to selective cutting. Although timing, frequency, and methods may vary depending on the features and types of urban forest, the study revealed that selective cutting contributes to the restoration speed of origin vegetation and the enhancement of biodiversity including plants and insects. Second, as for the correlations of selective cutting and the appearance of plant species, the growth of origin vegetation, and insect distribution, the study showed that the impact of meteorological environment such as brightness is much greater than that of soil environment. Third, in order to manage urban forest, tramping pressure needs to be controlled efficiently. The efficient control of tramping pressure would contribute in the appearance of herbaceous plants. It would also be beneficial in promoting biodiversity of birds by removing the impact of people using routes. Fourth, in order to enhance the overall biodiversity of urban forest, diverse environment needs to be provided. In particular, it is necessary to supply water that is insufficient in urban forest. Providing habitats such as forest wetland performs an important function to amphibians and birds that require water as well as the appearance of aquatic plants and insects. Therefore, ways to introduce water efficiently should be initiated.

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Analysis of Power Requirement of Agricultural Tractor by Major Field Operation (농업용 트랙터의 주요 농작업 소요동력 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Joo;Chung, Sun-Ok;Park, Seung-Jae;Choi, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze power requirement of an agricultural tractor by major field operations. First a survey was conducted to obtain annual usage ratio of agricultural tractor by field operation. Plowing, rotary tillage, and loader operations were selected as major field operations of agricultural tractor. Second, a power measurement system was constructed with strain-gauge sensors to measure torque of four driving axles and a PTO axle, speed sensors to measure rotational speed of the driving axles and an engine shaft, pressure sensors to measure pressure of hydraulic pumps, an I/O interface to acquire the sensor signals, and an embedded system to calculate power requirement. Third, the major field operations were experimented under fields with different soil conditions following planned operation paths. Power requirement was analyzed during the total operation period consisted of actual operation period (plowing, rotary tillage, and loader operations) and period before and after the actual operation (3-point hitch operating, forward and reverse driving, braking, and steering). Power requirement of tractor major components such as driving axle part, PTO part, main hydraulic part, and auxiliary hydraulic part were measured and calculated to determine usage ratio of agricultural tractor power. Results of averaged power requirement for actual field operation and total operation were 23.1 and 17.5 kW, 24.6 and 19.1 kW, and 14.9 and 8.9 kW, respectively, for plowing, rotary tillage, and loader operations. The results showed that rotary tillage required the greatest power among the operations. Averaged power requirement of driving axles, PTO axle, main hydraulic part, and auxiliary part during the actual field operation were 8.1, 7.8, 3.4, and 1.5 kW, respectively, and the total requirement power was about 70 % (20.8 kW) of the rated power. Averaged power requirement of driving axles, PTO axle, main hydraulic, and auxiliary hydraulic for the total operation period were 6.5, 6.0, 2.1, 0.9 kW, respectively, and total requirement power was about 52 % (15.5 kW) of the rated power. Driving axles required the greatest amount of power among the components.