• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil model

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Hydraulic Eroperty of Groundwater Flow Controlled by Vertical Geologic Structure and its field Example (수직 지질구조에 의해서 지배되는 암반지하수 유동의 수리적 성질과 그 예)

  • 함세영;김형찬;임정웅
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 1998
  • Hydraulic property of fissured aquifers often depends on geologic structure which acts main channel of groundwater flow. We treated theories of linear flow related to vertical geologic structure. Then, we analyzed the result of two pumping tests conducted in Okmyeong-ri area (Kyeongbook province) using fractal model and found hydraulic characteristic of the fissured aquifer in this area. According to the pump test analyses, groundwater flow around the holes (pumping well D9; observation wells C3 and D7) of test 1 is linear. and is controlled by vertical geologic structure with infinite length and infinitesimally small width. On the other hand, around the hole D10 (pumping well) of test 2, groundwater flow is pseudo-radial (n=1.9) or radial (n=2). Thus, the characteristic of fractured aquifer often shows variable groundwater flow spatially and temporally.

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Uncertainty Analysis on the Simulations of Runoff and Sediment Using SWAT-CUP (SWAT-CUP을 이용한 유출 및 유사모의 불확실성 분석)

  • Kim, Minho;Heo, Tae-Young;Chung, Sewoong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.681-690
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    • 2013
  • Watershed models have been increasingly used to support an integrated management of land and water, non-point source pollutants, and implement total daily maximum load policy. However, these models demand a great amount of input data, process parameters, a proper calibration, and sometimes result in significant uncertainty in the simulation results. For this reason, uncertainty analysis is necessary to minimize the risk in the use of the models for an important decision making. The objectives of this study were to evaluate three different uncertainty analysis algorithms (SUFI-2: Sequential Uncertainty Fitting-Ver.2, GLUE: Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation, ParaSol: Parameter Solution) that used to analyze the sensitivity of the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) parameters and auto-calibration in a watershed, evaluate the uncertainties on the simulations of runoff and sediment load, and suggest alternatives to reduce the uncertainty. The results confirmed that the parameters which are most sensitive to runoff and sediment simulations were consistent in three algorithms although the order of importance is slightly different. In addition, there was no significant difference in the performance of auto-calibration results for runoff simulations. On the other hand, sediment calibration results showed less modeling efficiency compared to runoff simulations, which is probably due to the lack of measurement data. It is obvious that the parameter uncertainty in the sediment simulation is much grater than that in the runoff simulation. To decrease the uncertainty of SWAT simulations, it is recommended to estimate feasible ranges of model parameters, and obtain sufficient and reliable measurement data for the study site.

Evaluation of Drilled Shaft's End Condition by Impact-Echo Method (충격반향기법에 의한 현장타설 말뚝기초의 선단 조건 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2003
  • Experimental model studies were carried out to evaluate the end condition for drilled shafts by applying elastic impact on the top of the shaft, which is one of the various methods using stress waves. Typical impact responses corresponding to the various end conditions including free, fixed, rock-socketed, and soft-bottom with good and poor side contact conditions, were investigated. In order to simulate these renditions, mock-up shaft models made of cement mortar were used. Small-scale laboratory experiments were also performed, and field tests were carried out for the shafts that were socketed into weathered rock. It is found that the rock-socketed condition and depth of penetration into rock ran be identified from the reflection at the interface between the soil and rock in the waveform. The soft bottom rendition can be identified, only when the side contact between shaft and surrounding rock is poor, whereas it cannot be identified when the side contact is good because the waveform is similar to that of fixed end rendition.

Application Effects of Chitosan Fertilizer on the Growth of Cabbage and GABA Contents in the Cabbage (배추의 생장 및 배추 중의 ${\gamma}-aminobutyric$ acid 함량에 미치는 키토산비료의 시비효과)

  • Seo, Kyung-Won;Choi, Dong-Seong;Han, Kwang-Soo;Choi, Won-Gyu;Oh, Suk-Heung
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.34-38
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    • 2000
  • To investigate the effects of chitosan on growth and quality improvement of vegetables, we utilized cabbage as a model plant system and SL-chitosan as a chitosan fertilizer. The chitosan fertilizer treatment increased the leaf lengths of cabbage seedlings compared with those of control groups. In addition, the content of ${\gamma}-aminobutyric$ acid (GABA) in the fertilizer-treated cabbage seedlings was higher than that in the control group. Peripheral lengths and head weights of cabbages along with their GABA contents were also measured during the growth of cabbages in field. The fertilizer treatment, without changing the physico-chemical properties of main field soil after the cultivation of cabbage, significantly increased the peripheral length, average weight and GABA content compared with control treatment. These results may suggest that the quality and quantity of cabbage can be improved by chitosan treatments.

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A Suggestion of Formulae to Calculate Sectional Tractive Force on the Slope of Cohesive River Bank and its Application (점착성 제방사면의 구간별 소류력 산정식 제안 및 적용)

  • Han, Man-Shin;Choi, Gye-Woon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.583-596
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    • 2012
  • The revetment is a installed structure on the slope of river bank to protect against flowing. Through the design standards of domestic and overseas, the maximum tractive force is calculated and applied to the average concept on the slope of river bank. In the case of calculating the method of permissible tractive force on the slope of river bank, there is a need to consider soil sliding. In this study, suggested the tractive force formulae by section of adhesion that have 0 < ${\Phi}$ < $90^{\circ}$ slope of river bank and installed an open channel of length of 20 m and 2 m wide for calculating permissible tractive force and hydraulic model experimented with changing discharge. According to the results, the calculated permissible tractive force of section on the slope is the largest due to the significant effects of surface roughness of different revetment materials. In addition, the permissible tractive force increased in the presence of vegetation but has no the effect by vegetation density.

A Study on Recognition and Preference for Developing the Small Greenhouse of Urban agriculture in Korea (우리나라 도시농업환경에 적합한 소형온실 모델 개발을 위한 인식 및 선호도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Kweon;Ryou, Young-Sun;Kim, Young-Hwa;Lee, Tae-Seok;Oh, Sung-Sik;Kang, Geum-Choon;Moon, Jong-Pil;Lee, Won-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2018
  • The aim of our study was to provide a basic data for the development of a small greenhouse model suitable for urban farmers. The study analyzed installation inclination, positive and negative reasons for installation, location of installation, preferred crops in small greenhouses, plans for use of products, and expected effects by using small greenhouse. Positive opinion on small greenhouse installation was 80.4% of the survey respondents. The most positive reason for the installation of small greenhouses was fresh and safe food supply, and the negative reason was maintenance difficulties. The results obtained in our survey indicated that small greenhouses were more likely to be installed near the house, and urban farmers tended to grow organic leafy vegetables in soil. The expected benefits of small greenhouse operation were largely divided into 'benefit for the improvement of the quality of life' and 'benefit for economic profits', and expectation for the improvement of the quality of life was higher than economic benefit. As a result of the Likert 5-point scale analysis, 'benefit for the improvement of the quality of life' by using a small greenhouse was graded as high as 4.17~4.60. On the other hand, the 'benefit to economic profits' was rated as low as 3.51~4.14.

Development of Constitutive Equation for Soils Under Cyclic Loading Conditions (反復荷重을 받는 흙의 構成關係式 開發)

  • Jang, Byeong-Uk;Song, Chang-Seop
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1992
  • Various soil behaviors usually occurring in the geotechnical problems, such as, cutting and embankments, stability of slope, seepage, consolidations, shearing failures and liquefaction, should be predicted and analyzed in any way. An approach of these predictions may be followed by the development of the constitutive equations as first and subsequently solved by numerical methods. The purpose of this paper is develop the constitutive equation of sands uder monotonic or cyclic loadings. The constitutive equation which is based on elasto-plastic theory, modified anisotropic consolidated stress parameter by Sekiguchi et al and Pender's theory is derived. And the equation is included a new stress parameter, hardening function, Bauschinger's effects and Pender's theory. The model is later evaluated and confirmed the validity by the test data of Ottawa sand, Banwol sand Hongseong sand. The following conclustions may be drawn: 1. The consititutive equation which is based on elasto-plastic theory, modified anisotropic consolidated stress parpameter by Sekiguchi et al and Pender's theory is derived. The equation in included a new stress parameter, hardening function, Bauschinger's effect and Pender's theory. 2. For Ottawa sand, the result of the constitutive equation shows a better agreement than that of Oka et al. The result of axial strain agrees well with the tested data. However, the result of horizontal strain is little bit off for the cyclic loadings or large stress. It is thought that the deviation may be improved by considering Poisson's ratio and precise measurement of shear modulus. 3. Banwol sand is used for the strain and stress tests with different relative densitites and confining pressures. The predeicted result shows a good agreement with the tested data because the required material parameters were directly measurd and determined form this laboratory. 4. For Hongseong sand, the tests under same amplitude of cyclic deviatoric stress shows a similar result with the tested data in absolute strain. It shows the acute shape of turning point because the sine wave of input is used in the test but the serrated wave in prediction.

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A Study on the Curriculum Development for the Agricultural Engineering Technology of Junior College (전문대학 농업토목과 교육과정 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 유범식
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 1983
  • This study was intended to develop a curriculum for the agricultural engineering technology, and that on confidence with junior college characteristics. In order to per- formance with this study, job cluster was analyzed on 28 parts in respect to the agricultural engineering field and questionnaire was investigated to the field including in alumni 181, students 537, professional workers 174 and professors 54. The results from the above analysis and investigation can be summarized as follows. 1. According to the investigation on degree of important subjects from the questionnaire, it is presented at mathematics 43%, physics 36% in students and 32%, 12% in professional workers. Considering from this results, it is desirable that primary subjects should be forced. 2. In comparing with fundamental major subjects and applied it, it is presented at that 41%, this 34%, in the total investigations. It can be found that in the degree of requirement, this is lower than that among the major subjects. 3. In investigation to the degree of requirement in the experiment and practice, it is presented at surveying 63%. Soil mechanics 14%, materials 13%, hydraulics 9% in order, in total inspection. 4. From investigation to the degree of requirement on the subjects of established newly, it is presented at majoring and living English 64%, E.D.P.S 30%, in the total questionnaire. Judging from the results, it seems that the foreign language is necessary to technician more and more, for advance to abroad. Also, it is no wonder that make good use of the E.D.P.S. 5 The table 5 is represented the model curriculum from the above results in anaized data on the questionnaire and the job cluster of table 2.

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Dissolution Characteristics of Iron Ion in Soil by the Decontamination Solution (제염용액에 의한 토양 중 철 성분 용해 특성)

  • 원휘준;김계남;정종헌;최왕규;박진호;오원진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.676-680
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    • 2003
  • Dissolution of magnetite powders by 0.05 M citric acid was investigated at $50^{\circ}C$. All the tests were performed in the pH range between 2.0 to 5.0, which was adjusted using nitric acid or sodium hydroxide. Concentration of each of the dissociated chemical species of citric acid under various solution pHs was calculated using the ionization constants. Variation of zeta potential of magnetite with pH changes was also investigated. The dissolution reaction was explained by comparing the concentration of the dissociated chemical species of citric acid with the zeta potential. Longer than 3 h of induction time was required to dissolve the magnetite. The dissolution behaviour of magnetite was well described by the equation. The physical meaning of each parameter was explained successfully from the model equation.

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Simulating Ammonia Volatilization from Applications of Different Urea Applied in Rice Field by WNMM

  • Park, Ki-Do;Lee, Dong-Wook;Li, Yong;Chen, Deli;Park, Chang-Young;Lee, Young-Han;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Kang, Ui-Gum;Park, Sung-Tae;Cho, Young-Son
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2008
  • Ammonia ($NH_3$) volatilization from a silty clay loam paddy soil applied with non, straight urea, and coated urea, respectively, under transplanting in Milyang, Korea from 2002 and 2003 was simulated by a Water and Nitrogen Management Model (WNMM). Based on the data from the in-situ measurements, $NH_3$ volatilization during the rice growth was 6.04% and 1.46% of the applied nitrogen (N) from straight urea and coated urea, respectively. The bulk aerodynamic approach in WNMM satisfactorily predicted the difference in $NH_3$ loss during the given rice growing seasons from the two urea fertilizers. $R^2$ for the correlation between the predicted and observed NH3 loss during the calibration year (2002) was 0.53 less than 0.68 of the application year (2003). This difference could be due to the weather condition such as heavy rainfall and temperature during the calibration year.