• Title/Summary/Keyword: similar theory

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A Study on the Effect of Popular Culture in Modern Fashion -Focused on the Fashion Icon- (현대 패션에 나타나는 대중문화의 영향에 관한 연구 -Fashion Icon을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Young-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.7 s.107
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    • pp.58-67
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    • 2006
  • This study of popular culture is in based on an academic point of view and based thereon an investigation of popular culture from a fashion standpoint follows. This study is to suggest that the popular culture theory can be a basic framework to examine the characteristics of fashion Icon and to verify that the characteristics of Fashion Icon is similar to the codes of the popular culture of today, This study considers the characteristics of popular culture as commercialism, mass-media relationship and a symbolic interaction. The images of movie stars projected through diverse entertainment media are the very fashion icons and strong role models that are copied by consumers. Now, the public take the lead in cultural industry, and they create new images as positive receivers of the images of fashion icons, not as mere imitators or followers. Fashion irons have contributed to diversifying the styles of ideal feminine beauty, and their lift pattern and image are one of the major sources to stir up the imagination and inspiration of people. Thus, the times, fashion and entertainment media have continued to evolve, closely affecting one another, and fashion icons play a role of fashion leader, through entertainment media, who takes the initiative in mass fashion without just being confined to the field of entertainment. This study meaningful from the aspect that discussion of popular culture has been placed in a position that recognizes the entity of and interest in popular culture. through this study, I hope that the scope of interest in Fashion design will expand and that approaches to popular culture will become more diversified.

Study on Pullout Behavior of Embedded Suction Anchors in Sand using ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) Technique (ALE 기법을 이용한 모래지반에서 석션 매입 앵커의 인발 거동 분석)

  • Na, Seon Hong;Jang, In Sung;Kwon, O Soon;Lee, Seung Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2014
  • The embedded suction anchor, ESA, is one type of mooring anchor systems which utilizes the suction pile or caisson to penetrate the anchor into the sea bed and develops its capacity under pullout load. In this study, the numerical analysis using ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) Adaptive Meshing technique was performed to simulate the pullout behavior of the ESA, and the results were compared to those of the previous research, centrifuge model tests and the analytical method based on limit equilibrium theory. The pullout behaviors of the ESA under horizontal, vertical, and inclined loading were evaluated. The analysis results showed that the maximum horizontal pullout load was developed when the location of loading point was at the mid-point, and the each vertical pullout load gave the similar value regardless of the locations of the loading points. The pullout load decreased as the load inclination angle increased at the mid-point of the anchor.

Clustering Algorithm using the DFP-Tree based on the MapReduce (맵리듀스 기반 DFP-Tree를 이용한 클러스터링 알고리즘)

  • Seo, Young-Won;Kim, Chang-soo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2015
  • As BigData is issued, many applications that operate based on the results of data analysis have been developed, typically applications are products recommend service of e-commerce application service system, search service on the search engine service and friend list recommend system of social network service. In this paper, we suggests a decision frequent pattern tree that is combined the origin frequent pattern tree that is mining similar pattern to appear in the data set of the existing data mining techniques and decision tree based on the theory of computer science. The decision frequent pattern tree algorithm improves about problem of frequent pattern tree that have to make some a lot's pattern so it is to hard to analyze about data. We also proposes to model for a Mapredue framework that is a programming model to help to operate in distributed environment.

Software Bundling for Competitive Advantage: Vendor Strategies and Public Policy Implications

  • Kim, Tae-Ha;Shin, Hyung-Deok;Dutta, Amitava
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2010
  • As an engineered product, a software package has multiple dimensions that must be designed judiciously to enhance its competitive viability. Functionality, reliability and price are three such common dimensions. However, many software products are sold as bundles of individual components and the competitive impact of bundling has received less attention in the research literature. In this paper, we examine the implications of software vendors using bundling as an element of competitive strategy. A game theoretic model of the actions of an incumbent and a new entrant is developed and the impact on vendor and consumer welfare is analyzed. Numerical experiments with the model show that (i) increasing bundle size is an effective strategy for the incumbent to increase its payoff at the cost of the entrant's payoff and consumer surplus, especially when the entrant's quality is low (ii) in the presence of bundling, the entrant can still increase its own payoff and consumer surplus at the cost of the incumbent's payoff, by increasing product quality up to the level that best segments market demand with the incumbent and (iii) an increase in bundle size by the incumbent, or an increase in quality by the entrant, can both result in an increase of total surplus. Similar results are observed in a related case where the entrant offers free software bundles. Our results provide insights into how software vendors may strategically use bundling and quality as additional product dimensions in order to stay competitive in the market. These results also inform the competing vendors of the impact of bundling related public policy actions on their respective payoffs.

Development of Saturation Flow Rate Estimation Models Considering Workzone in the Vicinity of Signalized Intersections (도시부 신호교차로 인근 도로점용공사를 고려한 포화교통류율 산정모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Eo, Hyo-Gyeong;Sin, Chi-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to develop mathematical models for estimating saturation flow rates at the stop line of signalized intersection due to Workzones in the vicinity, since the saturation flow rate is the most critical parameter in capacity analysis for signalized intersections. It was found by reference review that saturation flow rates are sensitively influenced by the location of Workzone, the number of lanes, cycle length and effective green time. Extensive microscopic simulation runs were also performed and compared to the those of mathematical models for model verification. Mathematical models were developed based on traffic flow theory and dualizing them by the location of workzones. And then each result produced by changing important parameter values was carefully examined and analyzed. Small but consistent differences in saturation flow rate values between mathematical models and simulations exist. However, the pattern of changes in saturation flow rates depending on each variable was similar.

Fuzzy Clustering Model using Principal Components Analysis and Naive Bayesian Classifier (주성분 분석과 나이브 베이지안 분류기를 이용한 퍼지 군집화 모형)

  • Jun, Sung-Hae
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.4
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    • pp.485-490
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    • 2004
  • In data representation, the clustering performs a grouping process which combines given data into some similar clusters. The various similarity measures have been used in many researches. But, the validity of clustering results is subjective and ambiguous, because of difficulty and shortage about objective criterion of clustering. The fuzzy clustering provides a good method for subjective clustering problems. It performs clustering through the similarity matrix which has fuzzy membership value for assigning each object. In this paper, for objective fuzzy clustering, the clustering algorithm which joins principal components analysis as a dimension reduction model with bayesian learning as a statistical learning theory. For performance evaluation of proposed algorithm, Iris and Glass identification data from UCI Machine Learning repository are used. The experimental results shows a happy outcome of proposed model.

A Study of Natural Language Plagiarism Detection

  • Ahn, Byung-Ryul;Kim, Heon;Kim, Moon-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.325-329
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    • 2005
  • Vast amount of information is generated and shared in this active digital As the digital informatization is vividly going on now, most of documents are in digitalized forms, and this kind of information is on the increase. It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of newly created information and knowledge would affect the competitiveness and the future of our nation. In addition to that, a lot of investment is being made in information and knowledge based industries at national level and in reality, a lot of efforts are intensively made for research and development of human resources. It becomes easier in digital era to create and share the information as there are various tools that have been developed to create documents along with the internet, and as a result, the share of dual information is increasing day in and day out. At present, a lot of information that is provided online is actually being plagiarized or illegally copied. Specifically, it is very tricky to identify some plagiarism from tremendous amount of information because the original sentences can be simply restructured or replaced with similar words, which would make them look different from original sentences. This means that managing and protecting the knowledge start to be regarded as important, though it is important to create the knowledge through the investment and efforts. This dissertation tries to suggest new method and theory that would be instrumental in effectively detecting any infringement on and plagiarism of intellectual property of others. DICOM(Dynamic Incremental Comparison Method), a method which was developed by this research to detect plagiarism of document, focuses on realizing a system that can detect plagiarized documents and parts efficiently, accurately and immediately by creating positive and various detectors.

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A Study on the Expressional characteristics of Geometrical Design in the Deconstructive and Experimental Architects (해체 및 실험적 건축가들의 기하학적 디자인 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 황태주
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.11
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 1997
  • In the early 20'c, scientific thoughts make a change the absolute and separate concept of space-time into relative concept of continual entity; a kind of ideal world. It suggests that the meaning of geometry as absolute truth with which has endowed human beings would changed to a relative meaning of accumulation in intellectual work on 'nature'. This cognitive changes appeared into absolute arts in 20'c like Cubism, Superematism or Constructivism. De Stijl movement which had recepted the relative concepts like Einstein's 'theory of relativity' as a developed thought from Newton-Cartesian cognition on the world. Abstration would be adequate method for expressing the dynamics and interrelationship between forms and for giving values to indivisual elements in a compositiov. This method had appeared Modern architectural form, as a common framework. The expression characteristics of geometrical design in Deconstructive and Experimental architecture were summerized in four features through the results of the analysis. First, the relation of architectural element and intertextuality is expressed in discontinuation of context and refusal of functional building. Second, the concept of trace expresses as connection of place, decomposing of excavation of trace, trace of axis, trace of fragments. Third, anti-gravity expression is there to express of open cubic, to outgrow of rectangular system, to outgrow of volume, to separate of ground connectiov. Fourth, the complex composition of abstracted geometric form is these to abstracted geometry about indefinite shape, to layer through the overlap and collage, to de-meaning and amusement of form through the pursuit of uncertainty, to indeterminate of formal meaning through operation and composition of similar form cause to the diverse of meaning.

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Conceptual Review on objects in Interior Design for Discourses - Search for Condition object Discussions through Review on Le Corbusier's object theory - (실내디자인에서 오브제 논의를 위한 개념적 고찰 - 르 꼬르뷔지에의 오브제이론을 통한 오브제 논의의 조건 모색 -)

  • Kim, Su-Jung;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.15 no.5 s.58
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2006
  • Due to multidisciplinary characteristic of the Interior Design field, it has developed into complex interdisciplinary field. Therefore Interior Design field has grown and established its major trends dependent upon other related field of study. With this perspective in mind, esthetics on Interior Design has to be treated in similar manner. In modem architects or artists have defined the terminology 'object' theoretical principle where by unable to distinguish between 'object's type' and 'objects', Presently, the term 'object' became a trend word. In order to confront misconception of the idea of 'Objectification', some people definition as reflection of this complex society. In this paper, it will establish a solid groundwork for a discussion on Objectification. The initial approach will deal with Le Corbusier and esthetics, which is the center of argument. By reviewing theoretical background of the related modern art, the paper discusses about the relationship between Le Corbusier and esthetics. Subsequently, the discussion about the criterions necessary to define object is provided. This paper only suggests a methodology of analyzing a trend in Interior Design. The condition to define Objectification in Interior Design, which is a result of the reviewing process on esthetics, can be concluded as 'modeling form(transformation of morphological meaning with change wrought by causing a visual reaction)', 'mixtures and modification of materials(transformation and spontaneity through mixing materials)' and 'elements greatly influence space' of the Interior Design.

An Analysis and Directional Study on Current Interior Design Related Education in Korea (한국 대학 실내디자인 관련 교육 현황 분석과 개선 방향 연구)

  • Suh, Swoo-Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2010
  • Interior design education has been developed rapidly since the discipline established in Korea in 1980s but unfortunately the development was without any progressive transition until 1990's. When Korean Institute of Interior Design/KIID inaugurated in 1992, interior design education and related research activities began to be intensified. Despite its effort, there were still confusion about the discipline as there were many similar discipline tracks (architecture, design, fine art, & home economic, etc.) each having an own definition of interior design and introducing different aspects of educating the subject. Education program for interior design still not sufficiently supporting the needs of today's rapidly changing industry nor to prepare the diverse needs of the client. In order for interior design major to be effective in the future and fulfill the needs of current industry development within our society, re-evaluation of our current interior design educational programs in Korea is important. This study will be the beginning of a research series. As the first part of the research series, this particular study has been focused on reviewing of current status of interior design majors in the nation and its current condition. While making suggestion for the changes in curriculum, the following points will have to be considered as basic principle. First, understanding the duality of technology and design to accommodate the contents of design discipline. Second, understanding the need of practice and theory combined for practical education. And lastly, considering ways to adopt the human experience in order to develop creativity in oneself. The focus of this research is only on the interior design discipline, and research method as the following; first, analyze current status by reviewing admission data for 2010. Second, process a survey regarding the interior design education and practice-related issues in admissions and collect opinions from educators and professional designers in the field. Thirdly, with reference to previous studies, suggestions will be made for the discipline to be effective in the field. As mentioned earlier, this study series will continue and develop to suggest improvement in interior design program as well as to provide curriculums for students get ready for the industry with more up-to-date knowledges and creativities.