• Title/Summary/Keyword: resource dependent theory

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The Study on Evolutionary Process of Online-Game Companies' Alliance Strategy for Product Diversification (온라인 게임 기업의 제품 다원화를 위한 제휴 전략 진화에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Yong-Ho;Joung, Won-Jo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2011
  • This study approaches how newly emerged game companies has implemented strategies for product diversification according to market growth cycle(beginninggrowing-mature) by empirical case study through evolutionary theory and resource based theory approach. At the beginning, online game companies had grown with different strategies(technology based, service based) by initial condition(genre, technological level, user attribute). After market growth, for product diversification, these companies carried out path-dependent alliance strategy(complementary, competitive) depending on resource base(technology capacity, service capacity based). As online game market getting mature, these companies has adapted flexibly in responding to market growth cycle by integrated strategy(naturally selected to mobilize every possible resource capability). By analyzing the alliance strategies pattern of online game companies in newly emerged game industry according to market growth cycle through combination of resource based theory and evolutionary theory, these results suggest that new industrial, theoretical, policy model is required.

Re-conceptualization of Business Model for Marketing Nowadays: Theory and Implications

  • FIRMAN, Ahmad;PUTRA, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma;MUSTAPA, Zainuddin;ILYAS, Gunawan Bata;KARIM, Kasnaeny
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.7
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    • pp.279-291
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to develop the concept of innovation models with the marketing channel construct approach, marketing innovation, product segmentation, and customer insight; as well as improvements to the theory of resource-based combined with the method of service-dominant logic. This study approach is based on quantitative descriptive conducted with three stages of testing scenarios. The first test is the mapping of the innovation model construct through testing the validity and reliability with the moderation of customer orientation variables. The second scenario examines the relationship of influence between the independent variables on the dependent variable of 29 hypothetical analysis equation modeling. The unit of analysis was conducted on 497 SMEs involved in the food and beverage sectors, with the criteria being SMEs must have a rating of 4-5 points on the Go-Food applications software. The results shown that: 1) the construct used to develop an innovative model both directly and via moderation is positive and significant; 2) Through a complicated relationship that involves all components of the variable, it outlines a positive and significant effect except for the path of analysis (μ5). The theoretical and managerial implications state that the service-dominant logic approach and resource-based view theory have extreme reliability and interrelations.

Institutional Change and Organizational Change: A Multicase Study on the Organizational Adaptation to the Introduction of Pharmacoeconomics (제도 환경 변화와 조직 변화 : 경제성 평가의 도입과 다국적 제약기업의 조직 적응에 대한 다중사례연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Jae;You, Myoung-Soon;Lee, Tae-Jin
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.425-456
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    • 2011
  • Background: Organizations in the pharmaceutical industry are highly dependent on the institutional environment. The introduction of pharmacoeconomics to the decision-making on the price and reimbursement decisions became strong constraints to pharmaceutical companies in Korea. As little is known about the issue on organization-environment interaction in the healthcare field, this study aimed to figure out how pharmaceutical companies adapted to the environmental changes. Methods: A multicase study method was used, selecting eight cases among multi-national pharmaceutical companies in South Korea. In-depth interviews were conducted with the managers of these organizations, and secondary data were reviewed to complement the interviews. Results: Pharmaceutical companies viewed the new policies as a big threat and sought for actions against them. One of the most distinguishing organizational changes was to construct a Market Access department. Other strategies managing the environment such as co-optation, forecasting, and bargaining were also implemented. These changes were consistent with the predictions of Resource Dependency Theory and Institutional Theory. Conclusions: The interactions between pharmaceutical companies and institutional environments in healthcare were first explored. This study presents a new perspective on how organizations change and the motives for the changes. The findings of this case study will form the basis of further empirical studies.

Do Firms with Historical Loss Disclose Less Social Responsibility Information?

  • YIN, Hong
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This research aims to empirically investigate the motivation of corporate voluntary disclosure by exploring the impact of historical loss on corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). Research design, data, and methodology: This paper takes Chinese A-share listed firms that issued standalone social responsibility reports during the period of 2009-2017 as a sample. Drawing on extant literature, this paper defines historical loss firms as firms with net profit greater than or equal to 0 and undistributed profit less than 0. The tendency score matching method (PSM) is used to find matching samples for historical loss firms. Then OLS regression is conducted to investigate the relationship between historical loss and corporate social disclosure. Results: The results show that historical loss has a significant positive impact on the quality of corporate social responsibility disclosure. After changing the measurement of independent and dependent variables as well as adopting different matching methods to screen the control group, the results still hold. Further research indicates that the relationship between historical loss and CSRD is influenced by corporate financing constraints and industry competition. Conclusions: This research supports the resource motivation hypothesis of corporate social responsibility disclosure, and provides empirical evidence for regulators to strengthen supervision on corporate disclosure.

A Study on the Difficulties and the Coping Strategies of the In-home Child Care Support Service (아이돌봄서비스 이용의 어려움과 대처방식 및 이용가정 유형화 연구)

  • Jang, Cham Seam;Kim, Seon Mi;Koo, Hye Ryoung;Hwang, Duck Soon
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.17-40
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the in-home child care support service experience of twenty child rearing families. In order to conduct this study, grounded theory method was employed. The central phenomenon of the service experience digged out from this study was 'difficulty' (i. e. insecurity and a feeling of helplessness). The causal conditions which brought about the central phenomenon were 'defect of system' and 'service characteristics' The intervening conditions included 'alternative resources' 'working conditions' and 'service institute manager discretion'. The contextual conditions consisted of 'maternal ideology' 'the public nanny's personality awareness'. The action/interaction strategies on the central phenomenon were 'inaction' 'insecurity decrease strategy' and 'dissonance decrease strategy. The final outcome was 'rearing gap fillup "the method of nanny managing" dissatisfaction accumulation' ''system improvement demand'. The families were classified as four types: 'management/subject' 'adaptation/dependent' 'patience/acceptant' 'supplementation/overcoming'. Based on these results, this study provided a few political and practice suggestions to improve this system.

Development of Stakeholder Analysis Framework for Collaborative Tourism development (협력적 관광개발을 위한 이해집단 분석틀 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.647-660
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    • 2009
  • Although tourism has been quite popular as development strategy, the outcomes may vary dependent upon managing stakeholders involved. Thus, stakeholder management has been the subject of growing research interests recently. Collaboration theory was suggested as an alternative to this question; however, collaboration theory may provide potential benefits, it lacks in consideration into stakeholder power relations. The purpose of this paper is two foleded. One is to examine critically collaboration theory in the context of tourism development, and address the necessity of stakeholder analysis framework, and the other is to provide the framework. This paper argues that careful analysis of stakeholders from diverse perspectives should be done in advance, and presents stakeholder analysis framework which consists of six analysis indicators: interest, perspective, power base(resource), involvement, influence, and legitimacy. The framework consists of three stages: (1) identifying stakeholder, (2) assessing stakeholder, and (3) establishing strategies. It is argued that the framework in this paper can be useful to analyze stakeholders and to set up strategy for more collaborative tourism development.

The Effects of Ecological Variables on Volunteering among Older Adults: The Applications of General Ecological Theory of Aging (노인자원봉사활동에 있어서 생태환경 변수의 효과: 노화의 일반생태학 이론을 적용하여)

  • Lee, Hyunkee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.777-800
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    • 2012
  • This paper aims to estimate the effects of environmental variables on volunteering among older persons and decide relationships between independent and dependent variables. The thesis conceptually points out that the integrated theory of resources too much emphasizes the important roles of human, social and cultural capital, but overlooks the influences of ecological environments in explaining volunteering among the older persons. And the thesis tries to apply the general ecological theory of aging to explaining volunteering of older people together with resource frameworks, and to estimate the effects of ecological environment variables on volunteerism for senior citizens. Using a micro data of 2009 National Social Survey by Statistics Korea, the paper screens out 10,268 subjects who are believed to socially retire and be above 55 years older. The multiple OLS regression and binomial logistic regression techniques are used to estimate the effects of ecological environments and resources on volunteering. The analysis results show that all of environmental and resource variables are related to volunteering at the level of p<.000. This means that environmental variables have independent effects on the volunteerism, controlling for resource variables. This results suggest that both theories have empirical evidences in explaining volunteerism in Korea. Also, at the end of paper, theoretical and policy implications for practices and future studies are discussed.

Analyzing Important Factors that Influence Anglers Support for Fishing License -Focused on the Extend Theory of Planned Behavior- (낚시면허제 지지 영향 요인 분석 -확장된 계획 행동이론을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, An-Seong;Oh, Chi-Ok
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.67-82
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    • 2017
  • The study intends to examine the effects of the fishing license system on fisheries resources in order to reduce the adverse effects of recreational fishing, such as fishery resource reduction and environmental pollution. In doing so, the research question of the study is to determine what factors influence anglers' willingness to support fishing licenses. Based on the extended theory of planned behavior, we further included explanatory variables such as recreation specialization and motivations besides anglers' attitudes, norms and self-efficacy towards the environment and proposed six research hypotheses. The data were collected through on-site and online surveys in Gwangju and Cheonnam province and a total of 337 effective questionnaires were collected for data analysis. Three different binary logit models were employed with the dependent variable of anglers'willingness to support fishing licenses to assess the effects of explanatory variables. Study results show that social norms, the level of recreation specialization, motivation factors related to environmental experiences positively affected anglers'willingness to support fishing licenses. However, anglers'consumptive orientation attitudes such as catching big fish, motivation factors related to activity general experience preferences and previous fishing experience had negative effects on the dependent variables. Study results indicate that public outreach and education programs are essential to successfully introduce the fishing license system. Managerial and policy-related implications are further discussed to make recreational fishing a more environment-friendly recreational activity. This study investigated the effects of diverse variables derived from anglers' social-psychological characteristics on their support for fishing licenses and suggest diverse policy-related and managerial implications.

Joint Mode Selection and Resource Allocation for Mobile Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication

  • Tang, Rui;Zhao, Jihong;Qu, Hua;Zhu, Zhengcang;Zhang, Yanpeng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.950-975
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    • 2016
  • Device-to-Device (D2D) communication underlaying cellular networks is a promising add-on component for future radio communication systems. It provides more access opportunities for local device pairs and enhances system throughput (ST), especially when mobile relays (MR) are further enabled to facilitate D2D links when the channel condition of their desired links is unfavorable. However, mutual interference is inevitable due to spectral reuse, and moreover, selecting a suitable transmission mode to benefit the correlated resource allocation (RA) is another difficult problem. We aim to optimize ST of the hybrid system via joint consideration of mode selection (MS) and RA, which includes admission control (AC), power control (PC), channel assignment (CA) and relay selection (RS). However, the original problem is generally NP-hard; therefore, we decompose it into two parts where a hierarchical structure exists: (i) PC is mode-dependent, but its optimality can be perfectly addressed for any given mode with additional AC design to achieve individual quality-of-service requirements. (ii) Based on that optimality, the joint design of MS, CA and RS can be viewed from the graph perspective and transferred into the maximum weighted independent set problem, which is then approximated by our greedy algorithm in polynomial-time. Thanks to the numerical results, we elucidate the efficacy of our mechanism and observe a resulting gain in MR-aided D2D communication.

Semantics Aware Packet Scheduling for Optimal Quality Scalable Video Streaming (다계층 멀티미디어 스트리밍을 위한 의미기반 패킷 스케줄링)

  • Won, Yo-Jip;Jeon, Yeong-Gyun;Park, Dong-Ju;Jeong, Je-Chang
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.722-733
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    • 2006
  • In scalable streaming application, there are two important knobs to tune to effectively exploit the underlying network resource and to maximize the user perceivable quality of service(QoS): layer selection and packet scheduling. In this work, we propose Semantics Aware Packet Scheduling (SAPS) algorithm to address these issues. Using packet dependency graph, SAPS algorithm selects a layer to maximize QoS. We aim at minimizing distortion in selecting layers. In inter-frame coded video streaming, minimizing packet loss does not imply maximizing QoS. In determining the packet transmission schedule, we exploit the fact that significance of each packet loss is different dependent upon its frame type and the position within group of picture(GOP). In SAPS algorithm, each packet is assigned a weight called QoS Impact Factor Transmission schedule is derived based upon weighted smoothing. In simulation experiment, we observed that QOS actually improves when packet loss becomes worse. The simulation results show that the SAPS not only maximizes user perceivable QoS but also minimizes resource requirements.