• Title/Summary/Keyword: region contrast

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Spreading Pattern of Epidurally-Administered Contrast Media in Rabbits (토끼에서 경막외강으로 투여한 조영제의 분포양상)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.231-234
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    • 1997
  • Background: The aim of this study was to examine the precise spreading pattern of contrast media in small increments in rabbits. Following pentobarbital anesthesia, the epidural puncture was done surgically with a blunt hook. Methods: The tip of epidural catheter was located at the mid-portion of T7 and T12, in the T7 group (n=7) and T12 group (n=8), respectively. Injection of the contrast media was started at 0.1 mL/kg and increased by 0.1 mL/kg up to a maximum of 0.6, mL/kg, under fluoroscopy. Results: In both groups, the extent of spread increased continuously as a Starling resistor with increasing injected volume(T7 group: $y=4.0+41.8x-28.1x^2$, T12 group: $y=0.2+57.7x-43.5x^2$) the total spread of contrast media was similar. The contrast media spread equally, both rostral and caudal, from catheter tip in T7 group; media spread approximately twice as far rostral as compared to caudal in T12 group (P<0.05). Conclusions: In rabbits, the position of epidural catheter tip should be positioned 2~3 segments below the aimed segment in lower thoracic or lumbar region, whereas in mid-thoracic region it should be positioned close to the level of aimed segment. Rabbits have relatively small epidural space therefore, the volume of injectant should be carefully determined with the suggested equations of this study.

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Contrast-enhanced Bias-corrected Distance-regularized Level Set Method Applied to Hippocampus Segmentation

  • Selma, Tisa;Madusanka, Nuwan;Kim, Tae-Hyung;Kim, Young-Hoon;Mun, Chi-Woong;Choi, Heung-Kook
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1236-1247
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the level set has become a popular method in many research fields. The main reason is that it can be modified into many variants. One such case is our proposed method. We describe a contrast-enhancement method to segment the hippocampal region from the background. However, the hippocampus region has quite similar intensities to the neighboring pixel intensities. In addition, to handle the inhomogeneous intensities of the hippocampus, we used a bias correction before hippocampal segmentation. Thus, we developed a contrast-enhanced bias-corrected distance-regularized level set (CBDLS) to segment the hippocampus in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It shows better performance than the distance-regularized level set evolution (DLS) and bias-corrected distance-regularized level set (BDLS) methods in 33 MRI images of one normal patient. Segmentation after contrast enhancement and bias correction can be done more accurately than segmentation while not using a bias-correction method and without contrast enhancement.

3D motion aftereffect in a static region after adaptation to an adjacent counterphase flickering region (역 위상 깜박임 영역 순응에 의해 유도된 인접 영역의 3차원 운동잔여 효과)

  • 김정훈;남종호;정찬섭
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1999
  • Murakami and Cavanagh (1998a,b, 1999) reported a jitter aftereffect in a static random noise after a period of adaptation to a patch of dynamic random noise. To a account for this phenomenon. they proposed the retinal slip caused by a small eye movements in the unadapted area, which is usually compensated by the visual system to stabilize images but is unsuppressed due to the adaptation. We tested this hypothesis with new experimental method and stimuli that were supposed to nullify or reduce the effect. However. the aftereffect was still observed even under these stimuls conditions More importantly, the perceived aftereffect was rather different from Murakami and Cavanagh's. After adaptation to a counterphase flickering cosine grating, the adjacent unadapted region seems to move away from the observer during the test period instead of jittering in the frontoparallel plane. We proposed a possible explanation for this new phenomenon noting the severe contrast reduction of the adapted region during flickering period. The aftereffect might be due to the flicker-inducing contrast reduction during adaptation that produces different depth planes for the adapted and unadapted region and its restoration during the test period.

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Salient Object Detection Based on Regional Contrast and Relative Spatial Compactness

  • Xu, Dan;Tang, Zhenmin;Xu, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.2737-2753
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we propose a novel salient object detection strategy based on regional contrast and relative spatial compactness. Our algorithm consists of four basic steps. First, we learn color names offline using the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model to find the mapping between basic color names and pixel values. The color names can be used for image segmentation and region description. Second, image pixels are assigned to special color names according to their values, forming different color clusters. The saliency measure for every cluster is evaluated by its spatial compactness relative to other clusters rather than by the intra variance of the cluster alone. Third, every cluster is divided into local regions that are described with color name descriptors. The regional contrast is evaluated by computing the color distance between different regions in the entire image. Last, the final saliency map is constructed by incorporating the color cluster's spatial compactness measure and the corresponding regional contrast. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms several existing salient object detection methods with higher precision and better recall rates when evaluated using public datasets.

Real-time Small Target Detection using Local Contrast Difference Measure at Predictive Candidate Region (예측 후보 영역에서의 지역적 대비 차 계산 방법을 활용한 실시간 소형 표적 검출)

  • Ban, Jong-Hee;Wang, Ji-Hyeun;Lee, Donghwa;Yoo, Joon-Hyuk;Yoo, Seong-eun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • In This Paper, we find the Target Candidate Region and the Location of the Candidate Region by Performing the Morphological Difference Calculation and Pixel Labeling for Robust Small Target Detection in Infrared Image with low SNR. Conventional Target Detection Methods based on Morphology Algorithms are low in Detection Accuracy due to their Vulnerability to Clutter in Infrared Images. To Address the Problem, Target Signal Enhancement and Background Clutter Suppression are Achieved Simultaneously by Combining Moravec Algorithm and LCM (Local Contrast Measure) Algorithm to Classify the Target and Noise in the Candidate Region. In Addition, the Proposed Algorithm can Efficiently Detect Multiple Targets by Solving the Problem of Limited Detection of a Single Target in the Target Detection method using the Morphology Operation and the Gaussian Distance Function Which were Developed for Real time Target Detection.

Backlit Region Detection Using Adaptively Partitioned Block and Fuzzy C-means Clustering for Backlit Image Enhancement (역광 영상 개선을 위한 퍼지 C-평균 분류기와 적응적 블록 분할을 사용한 역광 영역 검출)

  • Kim, Nahyun;Lee, Seungwon;Paik, Joonki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we present a novel backlit region detection and contrast enhancement method using fuzzy C-means clustering and adaptively partitioned block based contrast stretching. The proposed method separates an image into both dark backlit and bright background regions using adaptively partitioned blocks based on the optimal threshold value computed by fuzzy logic. The detected block-wise backlit region is refined using the guided filter for removing block artifacts. Contrast stretching algorithm is then applied to adaptively enhance the detected backlit region. Experimental results show that the proposed method can successfully detect the backlit region without a complicated segmentation algorithm and enhance the object information in the backlit region.

Contrast Improvement Technique Using Variable Stretching based on Densities of Brightness (명암의 밀도에 따른 가변 스트레칭을 이용한 영상대비 개선방법)

  • Lee, Myung-Yoon;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a novel contrast enhancement method which determines the stretching ranges based on the distribution densities of segmented sub-histogram. In order to enhance the quality of image effectively, the contrast histogram is segmented into sub-histograms based on the density in each brightness region. Then the stretching range of each sub-histogram is determined by analysing its distribution density. The higher density region is extended wider than lower density region in the histogram. This method solves the over stretching problem, because it stretches using density rate of each area on the histogram. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, the experiments have been carried out on complex contrast images, and its superiority has been confirmed by comparing with the conventional methods.

A Study on Extraction of the Center Point of Steam Generator Tubes of YoungKwang Nuclear Power Plant

  • Cho, Jai-Wan;Kim, Chang-Hoi;Seo, Yong-Chil;Park, Young-Soo;Kim, Seung-Ho
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.96.5-96
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes extraction procedures for the center coordinates of steam generator tubes of Youngkwang nuclear power plant No. 6 unit. The centering coordinates of tubes are needed for monitoring whether ECT probe is exactly inserted into tube or not. However, The tube image tends to have poor contrast because steam generator bowl is sealed. The centering coordinates extraction procedure consists of two steps. The first step is to process the region with high contrast in entire image of steam generator tubes. Using the center points extracted in the first step and the geometry of tubes lined up in regular triangle patterns the centering coordinates of the rest region with low contrast...

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Dual Contrast EPI by Use of a Key Hole Technique

  • Jung, Kwan-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSMRM Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.113-113
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: In the gradient echo EPI the conventional T2*-weighted image is poor in signal as well distorted by the field inhomogeneity. By acquiring a proton density image in addition to th T2*-weighted image at the same scan, the fMRI processing can be improved. Method: The central region of the k space is acquired twice at different time points after th RF pulse while acquiring the other regions onc as described in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1 the segment numbers are chronological. Then, we can get two images of different contrast by interleaving th central region in the k space as done in the dua contrast FSE.

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Study on Extraction of the Center Point of Steam Generator Tubes (증기발생기 세관의 중심좌표추출에 대한 연구)

  • 조재완;김창회;서용칠;최영수;김승호
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.06d
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    • pp.263-266
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    • 2002
  • This paper describes extraction procedure for the center coordinates of steam generator tubes of Youngkwang NPP #6, which are arrayed in triangular patterns. Steam generator tube images taken with wide field-of-view lens and low-light lamp mounted on a ccd camera tend to have low contrast, because steam generator is sealed and poorly illuminated. The extraction procedures consists of two steps. The first step is to process the region with superior contrast in entire image of steam generator tubes and to extract the center points. Using the extracted coordinates in the first step and the geometrical array characteristics of tubes lined up in regular triangle forms, the central points of the rest region with low contrast are estimated. The straight lines from center point of a tube to neighbour points in horizontal and 60, 120$^{\circ}$ degree directions are derived. The intersections of straight line In horizontal direction and slant line in regular triangle direction are selected as the center coordinates of steam generator tubes. The Chi-square interpolation method is used to determine the line's coefficients in horizontal and regular triangle direction.

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