• Title/Summary/Keyword: profit effect

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A Study on Public Interest-based Technology Valuation Models in Water Resources Field (수자원 분야 공익형 기술가치평가 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Ryu, Seung-Mi;Sung, Tae-Eung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2018
  • Recently, as economic property it has become necessary to acquire and utilize the framework for water resource measurement and performance management as the property of water resources changes to hold "public property". To date, the evaluation of water technology has been carried out by feasibility study analysis or technology assessment based on net present value (NPV) or benefit-to-cost (B/C) effect, however it is not yet systemized in terms of valuation models to objectively assess an economic value of technology-based business to receive diffusion and feedback of research outcomes. Therefore, K-water (known as a government-supported public company in Korea) company feels the necessity to establish a technology valuation framework suitable for technical characteristics of water resources fields in charge and verify an exemplified case applied to the technology. The K-water evaluation technology applied to this study, as a public interest goods, can be used as a tool to measure the value and achievement contributed to society and to manage them. Therefore, by calculating the value in which the subject technology contributed to the entire society as a public resource, we make use of it as a basis information for the advertising medium of performance on the influence effect of the benefits or the necessity of cost input, and then secure the legitimacy for large-scale R&D cost input in terms of the characteristics of public technology. Hence, K-water company, one of the public corporation in Korea which deals with public goods of 'water resources', will be able to establish a commercialization strategy for business operation and prepare for a basis for the performance calculation of input R&D cost. In this study, K-water has developed a web-based technology valuation model for public interest type water resources based on the technology evaluation system that is suitable for the characteristics of a technology in water resources fields. In particular, by utilizing the evaluation methodology of the Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan to match the expense items to the expense accounts based on the related benefit items, we proposed the so-called 'K-water's proprietary model' which involves the 'cost-benefit' approach and the FCF (Free Cash Flow), and ultimately led to build a pipeline on the K-water research performance management system and then verify the practical case of a technology related to "desalination". We analyze the embedded design logic and evaluation process of web-based valuation system that reflects characteristics of water resources technology, reference information and database(D/B)-associated logic for each model to calculate public interest-based and profit-based technology values in technology integrated management system. We review the hybrid evaluation module that reflects the quantitative index of the qualitative evaluation indices reflecting the unique characteristics of water resources and the visualized user-interface (UI) of the actual web-based evaluation, which both are appended for calculating the business value based on financial data to the existing web-based technology valuation systems in other fields. K-water's technology valuation model is evaluated by distinguishing between public-interest type and profitable-type water technology. First, evaluation modules in profit-type technology valuation model are designed based on 'profitability of technology'. For example, the technology inventory K-water holds has a number of profit-oriented technologies such as water treatment membranes. On the other hand, the public interest-type technology valuation is designed to evaluate the public-interest oriented technology such as the dam, which reflects the characteristics of public benefits and costs. In order to examine the appropriateness of the cost-benefit based public utility valuation model (i.e. K-water specific technology valuation model) presented in this study, we applied to practical cases from calculation of benefit-to-cost analysis on water resource technology with 20 years of lifetime. In future we will additionally conduct verifying the K-water public utility-based valuation model by each business model which reflects various business environmental characteristics.

A Case Study of Strategic Agility & Measurement on Capacity of Automated Logistics System (로지스틱스 정보시스템 능력모델에 따른 전략적 고객서비스와 운영성과에 관한 사례연구)

  • 김연희;서장훈;박명규
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2004
  • The results of this study has been split into two components, On set of results addressed the strategy of developing a Agility for maintenance consumer. The other set of results addressed the strategy of illuminating the successful measurement and concepts formed during the maintenance problem solving process, especially in the context of the Logistics Information system by aggregation information space. This paper presented a classifiable elements of Agility & Measurement of logistics capability in the Korea market. These concepts are positioned in a framework to give a better understanding what the consequences are of the changing business environment. The developments towards more globalization which leads to centralization and mass individualization that has a tendency to go more in the decentralized solutions, seems to be in contradiction. we will focus a proposal of Logistics information system and demand management decisions that should be a prime concern of any profit maximizing firm, unready strategy of investment. and we will prove the facts that it could be a guiding company which has a ability of cooperation with entities through the founding of supply chain, On the conclusion, we will show the variation which influences for capacity entities and alternative proposal to define a element which influnce for a cause and effect basically.[5]

A study on decreasing of coal transport and promoting rail transport of stations in Gangwon province (강원권역 석탄수송 감소요인과 철도수송 활성화 방안)

  • Yun, Dong-Hee;Cho, Chi-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2011
  • KORAIL's Rail freight tonnage approximately 39 million tons in 2010, coal transportation thereof approximately 6.2 million tons, it is about 15.7 percent in the entire railway transportation. In addition, the incomes of rail transport of coal is 51.7 billion won which is about 15.8 percent of total. It is the third largest proportion of tonnage and profit on rail freight items. However, the percentage of rail transport of coal has been decreased by the government policies to reduce the production of anthracite and to supply non-thermal power anthracite preferentially which depends on truck transport. Such reasons effect to transport incomes of stations located in Gangwon province which handle coal transport a lot. Accordingly, this study tries to explicate the fundamental problems and find solution for stations to maintain its incomes.

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Economic impact of the technical security utilizing the inter-industry relations table (산업연관표를 활용한 기술보안의 경제적 효과)

  • Lim, Heon-Wook;Shim, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2017
  • Research on technology security has been limited to technology leakage prevention. Companies recognize technology security as an investment. so It is a passive situation for recruitment and equipment installation. Therefore, the amount of damage caused by the technology leakage is regarded as profit, The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of technology security on the domestic economy by using the inter-industry relations table. The inter-industry relations table was created by Vasily Leontiyev. In 1960, the Bank of Korea made it for the first time in Korea. Korea introduced the ISMS in 2001 and conducted a study on the technology security economy. Through this study, we hope that technology security will be recognized as income, not investment.

Modeling Stock Price Volatility: Empirical Evidence from the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Cuong Thanh;NGUYEN, Manh Huu
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2019
  • The paper aims to measure stock price volatility on Ho Chi Minh stock exchange (HSX). We apply symmetric models (GARCH, GARCH-M) and asymmetry (EGARCH and TGARCH) to measure stock price volatility on HSX. We used time series data including the daily closed price of VN-Index during 1/03/2001-1/03/2019 with 4375 observations. The results show that GARCH (1,1) and EGARCH (1,1) models are the most suitable models to measure both symmetry and asymmetry volatility level of VN-Index. The study also provides evidence for the existence of asymmetric effects (leverage) through the parameters of TGARCH model (1,1), showing that positive shocks have a significant effect on the conditional variance (volatility). This result implies that the volatility of stock returns has a big impact on future market movements under the impact of shocks, while asymmetric volatility increase market risk, thus increase the attractiveness of the stock market. The research results are useful reference information to help investors in forecasting the expected profit rate of the HSX, and also the risks along with market fluctuations in order to take appropriate adjust to the portfolios. From this study's results, we can see risk prediction models such as GARCH can be better used in risk forecasting especially.

A Study on the ERP system introduction direction for Office Automation (사무자동화를 위한 ERP 시스템 도입 방향에 관한 고찰)

  • 남태희
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2004
  • This treatise is not sparing many efforts and investment for efficient improvement of business about limited office automation because the latest corporations apply various internet and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Corporations as information -oriented society is made up information analysis and corporation new information creation, automation of business and productivity by purpose in ERP system induction gradual investment do. Embodied ERP system to invent corporation business automation and productive profit in treatise that see according1y investigated existing system, web, gear relation with intranet and validity by present corporation business application, and investigated about effect that ERP system gets in corporation hereafter.

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A Planting Study on the Development of Eco-friendly Reinforced Earth-Retaining Wall Using Planting Green Net (환경친화형 그린넷 보강토 옹벽 개발을 위한 식생시험 연구)

  • Chung, Dae-Seouk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.1099-1102
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents eco-friendly planting method to overcome the problems of existing concrete retaining wall and gabion retaining wall, respectively, based on the examination on existing concrete and gabion retaining wall. Prior to doing this, proper design method was provided through pull out test. Planting method using gabion metal net and L shape green net retaining wall were compared and analyzed. According to this study, it is confirmed that reduction of construction period and economical profit in construction can be achieved by both manufacturing at the factory and self procurement at the job site as well as the use of metal net, which is applied as a substitution of existing strengthening material. For the effect of planting method, the use of L shape green net retaining wall shows superiority to environment-friendly gabion retaining wall in its ability to rootage and germination of the grass. The L shape green net retaining wall had excellent performance in helping rootage of grass and prevention of soil leakage, and even if raining period, remarkable damage of planting mat does not occur when planting mat is applied.

An Empirical Study on the Performance of the Medium-Sized Distributor's Offsetting Investment and Relationship Commitment with Large-sized Manufacturing Firm in the Marketing Channel (유통경로상의 상쇄투자와 관계결속이 경로구성원의 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • 이수동;이영건
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to provide distributors with several implications on the channel strategy by testing factors which influence on the offsetting investment. Medium-sized distributor facing a relatively inferior power can cause profit vulnerability from large manufacurer's opportunistic behaviors. At the same time, we tested the relationship commitment to the relation with manufacturer as another alternative strategy taken by medium-sized distributer. For this research, samples from dealers in oil-petroleum refinery industry were selected and the data was collected using mail survey. The data was analyzed utilizing validity test, reliability test, factor analysis, correlation analysis and LISREL. The major analyzed results are as follows: First, the offsetting investment of preventing loss from manufacturer's opportunism didn't affect medium-sized distributor's sales empirically. Second, the hypothesis that the more the medium-sized distributor's transaction specific assets which they invest in the transactional relationship with manufacturer, the more the safeguard against the expected opportunism of manufacturer was not supported by the results. Third, the more use of coercive power by the manufacturer, the more increase in the perception of expected opportunism of manufacturer by the medium-sized distributor, it make stimulates offsetting investment as safeguard by medium-sized distributor and it has negative effect on developing commitment. Finally, the large manufactures dealing with a medium-sized distributor firm which had a reputation of fairness didn't make offsetting investment as a response for distributor's opportunism.

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Factors that Influence User Intention of IPTV Banking Service (IPTV 뱅킹 서비스 이용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Moon-Sun;Kim, Moon-Oh;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Ryoo, Sung-Yul
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.79-98
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    • 2009
  • IPTV has risen as a new driving force amid concerns against the saturated internet market and gained enormous attention of both the government and industry as niche market. Especially, IPTV banking which is one of the major services, IPTV has risen up recently as another financial service channel. Prior to the expansion of the new technology, this study attempts to predict its success possibility. In order to grasp variables that would effect formation of user intention of potential adopters, and external variables that influence user intention of IPTV banking have been confirmed and studied empirically based on Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). As a result, it was validated that self?efficacy, facilitating condition, social influence, and perceived importance to TV banking needs are the influential variables. Therefore, one may able to find appropriate direction of marketing activities for effective expansion of IPTV banking service through this study. Also, considering the fact that the number of service users has absolute influence over profit determination in the IPTV banking service industry, the study about characteristics and intention of such potential adopters could certainly be significant.

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Analysis of Causal Relationship between Patent Indicators and Firm Performance (특허지표와 기업 성과의 인과관계에 대한 분석)

  • Lim, Ji-Youn;Kim, Chul-Young;Gu, Ja-Chul
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2011
  • As business environment has become more competitive, the R&D strategies of firms have been regarded more important. Patent has information about technology which affects a firm's profit and it is considered as resources which have provided appropriate data for research of innovations and trends in technology. And patent indicators are known as qualitative representation of technology quality in an objective view. Also, they are available for the continuous and systematic analysis. However, most previous studies have focused on developing patent indicators to investigate patent value and characteristics. Furthermore they have limitations that most results is not significant that patent indicators have effect on firm performance-Tobin's q, Intangible assets based on balance sheet, sales and etc. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to propose proper a factor to represent a firm performance and to analyze causal relationship between patent indicators and firm performance. Intangible assets based on market value are employed as one of most significant firm performance indicator. The results indicate that intangible assets are appropriate for analyzing causal relation between patent and a firm performance with 7 significant indicators among 10 patent indicators. Considering firm's exogenous factors, regression analysis of each data for five years is performed. This result is similar to regression analysis of full data for all years.