• Title/Summary/Keyword: posttest.

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Effects of Low-intensity Exercise on Functional Ability in Hospitalized Elderly (저강도 운동프로그램이 입원노인의 일상활동 기능회복에 미치는 영향)

  • ;;;;Beverly L. Roberts
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.807-819
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of a 12-week low-intensity exercise program on muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and cognitive characteristics related to the performance of activity of daily living(ADL). A total of 16 patients who were admitted to the medical unit of a general hospital in ChoongChung province were recruited, eight for the exercise group and eight for the comparison group. Four levels of low-intensity exercise from 'ROM on bed' to 'exercise while walking' were then applied to the exercise group according to their physical condition. During hospitalization, patients in the exercise group performed each level of the prescribed exercise with the researchers until they felt comfortable doing it independently. The researchers also visited the patients' homes after discharge to make sure they could perform the exercise with Theraband in their living environment. The exercise group was contacted by phone once a week to assess the frequency and intensity in which they performed the exercise as well as their physical condition. The subjects in the comparison group participated in measurements for the study without performing the exercise and were contacted by phone after discharge, in a matched time frame with the exercise group, to assess physical condition. Muscle strength, flexibility, balance, cognitive characteristics, and performance of ADL for the two groups were compared at the pretest and the posttest after the low-intensity exercise program by utilizing SPSSWIN and the results are as follows : 1) At the postest, measurements of muscle strengths showed that the strength of the dorsal flexor in the exercise group was significantly higher than in the comparison group. 2) Objective balance for the exercise group was significantly better than for the comparison group as measured by 'standing on one foot' and Tinetti gait and balance control. 3) The exercise group showed significantly higher task self-efficacy than the comparison group. 4) Perceived exertion for ADL for the exercise group was significantly lower than for the comparison group. 5) Improvement of performance of ADL without assistance was significantly higher for the exercise group than the comparison group. The findings suggest that a low-intensity exercise program would be useful for the elderly who show decline in their physical functioning due to hospitalization by partly improving physical strength, task self-efficacy, and performance of ADL. Directions for further research on issues of motivating people to exercise as well as of standardizing various types of exercise were discussed.

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Effects of Sex Education on Sex-Related Knowledge and Attitudes of Middle School Girls (성교육이 여자 중학생의 성지식과 성태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Ha, Sook-Young;Kim, Chung-Nam
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 1999
  • The goal of this study is to discover the effect of sex education on sex-related knowledge and attitudes of middle school girls. Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The number of experimental group students was 134 and the number of control group students was 134. A total of 268 second grade middle school girls were selected for a convenience sampling method. This study was carried out in a middle school located in Taegu City, Korea, from February 5 to February 18, 1998. To des cover the needs of sex education, the researcher sent a predesigned questionnaire to 1464 girls in 19 different middle schools. The sex education curriculum was designed on the basis of this survey's results. 'The Sex Education Teaching Plan' (published by the Research Institution of Korean School Health Education) and 'Sex and Happiness' (published by the Seoul City Education Ministry) were used to redesign the sex education curriculum and content. Fifty minute long sex education classes were taught to the experimental group every other day and the total number of classes was five. The contents of the teaching -learning plan for sex education were: 'The Characteristics of Adolescence', 'Pregnancy and Contraception', 'Friendship with the Opposite Sex and Prevention of Sexual Violence', 'Prevention of Venereal Disease', and 'Sex and Society'. To measure the degree of sex knowledge of the subjects, the researcher used the modified sex knowledge tools of Kim(l995) and Han(1997). The reliability values of these sex knowledge tools range from 0.71 to 0.74, using Cronbach's alpha. To measure the degree of sex attitude in the subjects, the researcher used the modified sex attitudes tools of Han(l997). The reliability values of these sex attitude tools range from 0.73 to 0.78 using Cronbach's alpha. The PC-SAS package program was used to analyse the data along with Frequency, Percentage, XLtest, t -test, and a paired t -test The results of this study were as follows; 1. The first hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in sex - related knowledge than the control group(t =22. 76, p=0.0001). 2. The second hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in sex-related attitudes than the control group (t=11.91, p=0.0001). In conclusion, the level of sex-related knowledge and sex-related attitudes of middle school girls who received sex education was higher than that of the girls who did not receive sex education. According to this research, planned sex education was effective in forming accurate knowlege and appropriate attitudes related to sex. Clearly, we must carry out a well-designed step by step sex education program that is well-suited to the sex education needs and the developmental level of the students.

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How Do the Prefrontal Lobes Mediate Scientific Reasoning and Conceptual Change in Adolescents ? (청소년들에게서 전두엽연합령은 어떻게 과학적 추론 및 과학개념 변화의 수행을 매개하는가?)

  • Kwon, Yong-Ju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.427-441
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    • 1998
  • The present study tested the hypothesis that adolescents' performance on scientific reasoning tasks and their ability to change theoretical concepts during instruction are mediated by prefrontal-cognitive functions, such as planning and inhibiting. Subjects sampled from four Korean secondary schools were administered a test of scientific reasoning ability and tests of the prefrontal lobe functions. A series of lessons on theoretical concepts was also administered. Subjects' performance on the test of scientific reasoning and pre- to posttest gains in the concept test were used as dependent variables. This study found that students' planning and inhibiting abilities were highly correlated with and they significantly predicted their scientific reasoning ability and conceptual gains. Further, principal component analysis showed prefrontal lobe functions were categorized into two main components. Component 1, which was loaded by planning and working memory functions, was termed as the representing process. Component 2, which was loaded primarily by the inhibiting functions, was termed as the inhibiting process. Scientific reasoning and conceptual change were also linked to these two components, indicating that these cognitive processes are mediated by both representing and inhibiting processes.

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Effects of a Positive Peer Relationship Training Program on Self-Esteem, Bullying, and Depression for Children in Early Adolescence (또래관계증진훈련 프로그램이 청소년 초기 아동의 자존감, 집단따돌림 및 우울에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Hyun Ok;Kim, Hee Sook
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was done to identify the effects of the Positive Peer Relationship Training Program on self-esteem, bullying, and depression. Methods: The research design was a quasi-experimental research with a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized pre-posttest. The recruited participants were forty-four 6th graders at an elementary school in G city. The research was carried out from September 10 to November 19, 2012. To test the effects of the Positive Peer Relationship Training Program, the participants were divided into two groups, an experimental group (23) and a control group (21). The Positive Peer Relationship Training Program was provided to the experiment group for 45 minutes/session twice a week, for 4 weeks. Data were analyzed using Fisher's exact probability test, $x^2$-test and t-test with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program. Results: After attending the Positive Peer Relationship Training Program, no significant differences were found in self-esteem scores but significant differences were found in bullying and depression scores between the experimental group and the control group (t=1.27, p=.212, t=-2.10, p=.042; t=-2.37, p=.023). Conclusion: The results indicate that the Positive Peer Relationship Training Program is an effective nursing intervention for decreasing bullying and depression among Children in Early Adolescence.

Development and Effect of a Metabolic Syndrome Prevention Program for University Students using Mobile Application (대학생을 위한 대사증후군 예방교육프로그램 개발 및 효과-어플리케이션(Application) 매체 적용)

  • Kang, Han-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Bin;Kim, Kyu-Hyung;Kim, Min-Jin;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Hyun-Yong;Yeom, Kyung-Hoon;Lee, Ka-Hyun;Choi, Eun-Young;Kang, Kyung-Ah
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate the effect of a metabolic syndrome prevention program using mobile application for university students. Methods: A pretest-posttest design with content analysis as a triangulation method was used. The participants were 49 university students. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, $x^2$-test, t-test and Fisher's exact test with the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. Results: The application consisted of six main menus as follows: 'basic education', 'nutrition education', 'exercise education', 'meal diary', 'exercise checkup', and 'tips'. The experimental group had higher recognition about metabolic syndrome prevention than the control group (F=7.919, p=.007). Understanding of metabolic syndrome among participants was mostly related to chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes in relation to the importance of eating habits and exercising. Conclusion: The results indicate that metabolic syndrome prevention education using mobile application is necessary and would be useful for university students.

The effects of practical reasoning home economics instruction on middle school students' views of home economics (실천적 추론 가정과 수업이 중학생의 가정교파 인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoo, Tae-Myung;Park, Mi-Jeong;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.1 s.43
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to test the effects of practical reasoning home economics instruction on middle school students' views of home economics. Thomas(1986) categorized six alternative views of home economics as education for women, manual training, application of science, household management, family development, and an intervention. This study carried a quasi-experiment research with an independent variable of types of instruction and a dependent variable of views of home economics. The experiment was carried with the sample of 137 8th grade students in Gwangju area for ten class hours. Paired t-test was performed to examine the pretest-posttest differences of each experiment group and comparison group. The results showed that practical reasoning instruction improved level of the view of home economics as an intervention, and decreased level of the view of home economics as manual training. From the results of this study, conclusion can be made that practical reasoning home economics instruction is effective in changing to the appropriate views of home economics. Also it is expected that current Korean home economics textbook can lead to the views of home economics as household management and as family development.

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The Effect of Science Writing Activities on High School Students' Scientific Thinking Ability in Life Science I Class (생명 과학I 수업에서 과학 글쓰기 활동이 고등학생의 과학적 사고력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jungeun;Jeong, Eunyoung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.476-491
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of science writing activities on high school students' scientific thinking ability in Life Science I class. In order to do this, 6 teaching-learning materials dealing with science writing and an evaluation tool for scientific thinking ability were developed. And the subjects were 224 high school students of 6 classes. As a result of applying science writing activities in Life Science I class, the students' scientific thinking ability was improved. And students' inductive/deductive/critical/creative thinking ability was improved. In addition, in the most of the evaluation criteria of scientific thinking ability, the scores of posttest were higher than those of pretest. The number of students to show higher performance levels was increased. Therefore, science writing activities have positive effect on high school students' scientific thinking ability. This study provides some implications for teaching science writing activities to develop students' scientific thinking ability.

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Effects of a Smoking Prevention Program on Smoking Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Self-esteem, and Stress in the First Year of Middle School (흡연 예방교육 프로그램이 중학교 1학년 학생의 흡연에 대한 지식·태도, 그리고 자아존중감과 스트레스에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, In-Hyae;Kang, Hae-Young;Ryu, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2001
  • Since many adolescents start and continue Smoking to cope with stress from school and home environments, peer pressure, and to compensate for lowered self-esteem The smoking prevention program should consist of the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding smoking and how to cope with these stresses. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a smoking prevention program on smoking related knowledge, attitudes, and self-esteem and stress in first year middle school students. The study was performed on a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest. 151 subjects(76 experimental group, 75 control group) were selected by a convenience sampling method. The study was carried out in two middle schools in Kwang-ju city, Korea, from the 1st of May to the 23rd of June, 2000. The experimental group attended the smoking prevention program which was held for 45 minutes a week for 4 weeks. The questionnaire was administered to measure the degree of knowledge, attitudes, self-esteem and stress of the subjects. The SAS-PC program was used to analyze the data along with peroentages, $x^2$-test. t-test, and paired t-test. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The first hypothesis, 'The experimental group who receives a smoking prevention program would have higher scores of smoking related knowledge than the control group', was supported(t=3.68, p=0.0003). 2. The second hypothesis, 'The experimental group who receives a Smoking prevention program would have more positive attitudes regarding smoking than the control group', was supported(t=3.42, p=0.0008). 3. The third hypothesis, 'The experimental group who receives a smoking prevention program would have higher scores of self-esteem than the control group', was supported(t=2.24, p=0.0270). 4. The forth hypothesis, "The experimental group who receives a smoking prevention program would have lower scores of stress than the control group', was supported(t=-2.07, p=0.0407). The smoking prevention program in this study was effective in increasing the knowledge regarding smoking, enhancing more positive attitudes regarding smoking, and also increasing the scores of self-esteem and lowering the scores of stress. The results of this study will be applicable in smoking prevention education for early adolescents in middle schools.

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The Effect of Aerobic Rhythmical Exercise Program on Physical Fitness, Self-efficacy and Quality of Life in Elderly (유산소 리듬 운동프로그램이 노인의 체력, 자기효능감 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim Jong Hwa;Park Young Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of aerobic rhythmical exercise program on $VO_2$ max, leg strength, grip strength, flexibility, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life in elderly. This quai-experimental study was designed as a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest study. 36 subjects, aged between 65 and 73 years who have normal cognition. sensory function and cerebellum function participated in this study. 19 experimental group subjects participated aerobic rhythmical exercise program. Aerobic rhythmical exercise program was developed on the basis of calisthenics, stretching, aerobic exercise, Korean traditional dance and music by the author. The program consisted of approximately 1 hours of exercise, 3 times a week for 9 weeks. During 1 hours workout, there were 15 minutes of warm-up dancing, 35 minutes of conditioning dance and 10 minutes of cool-down dancing. The intensity for the conditioning phase was between $40\%\;and\;60\%$ of age adiusted maximum heart rates. The $VO_2$ max, grip strength, leg strength, flexibility, exercise self-efficacy and quality of life were measured prior to and following the experimental treatment. Data were analyzed with $x^2-test$, t-test, mean, standard deviation. percentage of change and ANCOVA test using SAS program. Results were obtained as follows. 1. The $VO_2$ max of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group following the aerobic rhythmical exercise program(F=7.76, p=0.008). 2. The grip strength of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group following the aerobic rhythmical exercise program(F=4.61, p=0.039). 3. The leg strength of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group following the aerobic rhythmical exercise program(F=9.29, p=0.000). 4. The was no significantly difference of flexibility between experimental and control group 5. The self-efficacy of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group following the aerobic rhythmical exercise program(F=43.40, p=0.000). 6. The quality of life of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group following the aerobic rhythmical exercise program(F=8.91. p=0.005). The results suggest that aerobic rhythmical exercise program can improve $VO_2$ max, grip strength. leg strength. exercise self-efficacy and quality of life elderly. Thus. aerobic rhythmical exercise program was a useful nursing intervention for elderly.

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Comparisons of Nursing Skills, Self-Directed Learning Ability, and Problem Solving Competency, and Satisfaction by Learner-led vs. Faculty-led Fundamental Nursing Practice (학습자 주도와 교수자 주도 기본간호학실습에 따른 술기수행능력과 자기주도 학습능력, 문제해결능력, 실습만족도 비교)

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Song, Hyo-Bin;Na, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2020
  • This study was done to compare the effects of learner-led and faculty-led fundamental nursing practice on skill performance, self-directed learning, problem-solving competency, and satisfaction. The learner-led practice was consisted of pre-class open lab and peer supervision. The faculty-led practice was consisted of faculty supervision for a student individually without pre-class open lab. The study was a pre-posttest, non-synchronized, quasi-experimental design between two groups. Data from 134 nursing students in either faculty-led (n=54) or learner-led fundamental nursing practice group (n=80) was collected using a checklist and self-reported questionnaire. Nursing skill performance score and class satisfaction of the learner-led group were significantly higher than those of the faculty-led group. This study showed that learner-led fundamental nursing practice consisting of pre-class open lab and peer supervision was an efficient practice method to improve students' skill performance and satisfaction maintaining their self-directed learning ability and problem-solving competency.