• 제목/요약/키워드: parties

검색결과 2,055건 처리시간 0.029초

국제상사중재(國際商事仲裁)에서 준거법(準據法)의 결정(決定) (Determination of Governing Law in International Commercial Arbitration)

  • 오원석
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제29권
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    • pp.39-61
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    • 2006
  • The governing law in international commercial arbitration may be divided into governing arbitration law and governing substantive law. The former governs the parties' arbitration agreement and the conduct of any subsequent arbitration. But the later governs the parties' substantive rights and obligations, which means the law that governs contract formation and performance, and the law to be applied by the arbitrator to the merits of the dispute. The purpose of this paper is to examine how to determine the substantive governing law when there is express choice or implied choice between parties. Moreover this author checked any restrictions on party autonomy and also any possibilities to deviate from the governing law. In case of express choice the sources of the law or rules of law might be the national law of one of the parties, the neutral law, the general principles of law or lex mercatoria according to the arbitration law selected by the arbitral tribunal. Some arbitration laws or rules empower the arbitrator to decide the case ex aequo et bono or to act as amiable compositions. If the governing law could be determined expressly or impliedly by the parties, the arbitral tribunal would make a selection. In this case the criteria for selecting a governing law are not exactly same from country to country. But failing any indication by the parties as to governing law, the arbitral tribunal should apply the rules of law, the law or the law under the rule of conflict that the arbitrators consider applicable, according to the governing arbitration law. Among the connecting factors offered by the conflict rules, (which means the factors that the arbitrators consider applicable), some legal systems give precedence to the formation of the contract, other system to the place of performance of the contract, and others to the closest connection or centre of gravity. But the Rome Convention, which unified the conflict rules of the contracting states, gives precedence to the law of the domicile of the party which has to effect the performance which is characteristic of the contract. Finally this author suggested the Choice of Law Clause which covers governing substantive law and governing arbitration law at the same time. Thus the UNIDROIT Principles as well as any national law may be included as a governing law in international arbitration. So when we make sales or service contract, we should take into consideration of the UNIDROIT Principles as a governing law or a supplement to the governing law.

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로마조약의 현대화와 쟁점에 관한 고찰 - 최근 ICAO법률위원회의 논의를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Modernization of the Rome Convention and its Issues - Focusing on the recent ICAO Legal Committee's Discussion)

  • 김종복;맹성규
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.33-54
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    • 2008
  • 비행중인 항공기에 의한 제3자의 손해는 피해자가 원인제공을 하지 않았다면 피해가 발생하지 않았을 상태로 충분히 보상 받아야 한다. 하지만, 관련 국제조약들은 항공산업 보호측면에서 운항자의 보상책임을 일정한 한도로 제한하고 있는데 이러한 미흡한 보상체계가 관련 국제조약들이 지금까지 항공선진국에서 비준을 받지 못한 주요 이유이기도 하다. 그러나, 9/11테러 후 국제사회에서는 테러에 의한 항공기 사고와 제3자 보호 문제를 보다 적극적으로 다루어야 하는 필요성에 공감하고 ICAO 주관으로 관련 국제조약의 현대화를 위한 특별위원회를 구성하여 조약초안을 마련하게 되었다. 본 논문에서는 ICAO 법률위원회에서 마련한 두 개의 초안 즉, 테러 제3자 배상조약안 및 일반 제3자 배상조약안과 관련하여 가장 최근에 논의된 주요 쟁점에 대해 살펴보았다. 국가 책임과 운항자책임 분담의 적정성에서부터 보충적 배상기금의 운용과 관련한 세부사항에 이르기 까지 여러 쟁점들이 합의되기까지는 상당한 시일의 소요가 예상된다. 항공운송 수요가 증가하고 또한 테러위협도 높아지는 현실에서 선의의 지상 제3자 보호와 항공운송인을 위시한 항공운송 산업의 보호가 균형있게 이루어지는 새로운 관련 국제조약이 조속히 마련되어야 한다. 이와 함께 우리나라도 예상되는 피해로부터 국민의 재산과 생명을 보호하기 위하여 관련 조약의 개정작업에 적극 참여하여야 할 것이다.

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기후변화 적응의 신기후체제 합의: 전망을 위한 접근방법 (Outlook for a New International Agreement on Climate Change Adaptation: How to Approach)

  • 이승준
    • 환경정책연구
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구의 목적은 유엔기후변화협약 최초로 법적 효력을 갖는 기후변화 적응 관련 합의문을 도출하는 시기에 앞서 적응과 관련한 당사국 간의 핵심 쟁점을 분석하고 이를 토대로 최종 합의점을 전망하는 이론적 틀을 제공하는 것이다. 유엔기후변화협약 내의 문서와 적응활동 및 신기후체제 합의문 도출을 위한 협상의 논의과정을 분석한 결과 협약에서 적응은 협약의 기본원칙인 '공통의 그러나 차별화된 책임 및 각자의 능력 원칙'에 따라 선진국의 개도국에 대한 지원 중심으로 이루어지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 신기후체제 합의문 도출을 위한 더반 플랫폼 특별 작업반 회의를 통해 적응과 관련하여 장기 및 전 지구적 측면, 의무 및 기여와 행동, 모니터링 및 평가, 제도적 장치, 손실과 피해를 주요 의제로 도출하였다. 이에 따라 각 의제와 관련하여 선진국과 개도국 간 대립되는 쟁점을 토대로 가능한 합의점의 스펙트럼을 설정하고, 본 연구에서 제시하는 협상과정에서 당사국의 입장에 영향을 주는 세 가지 요소인 자국의 이익, 실제 적응문제, 사회적 흐름을 고려하여 최종 합의점을 예측할 수 있다. 신기후체제에 관한 당사국 간 협상이 장기적 측면에서 전 지구적 적응행동을 강화하기 위한 지속성 있는 합의문을 도출하고자 한다면 세 가지 요소를 균형 있게 고려해야하며, 이는 실제 협약 외부에서 이루어지는 적응활동이나 적응과 관련한 사회적 흐름과 수요를 충분히 고려한 합의문이 도출되어야 함을 의미한다. 2015년 제21차 당사국총회의 최종 협상과정에서 당사국들이 국제사회의 기대를 충분히 반영한다면, 신기후체제에 관한 합의가 장기적 측면에서 전 지구적으로 기후변화에 대한 취약성 감소와 회복탄력성 제고를 달성할 수 있는 계기가 될 수 있을 것으로 전망된다.

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3김정치 전후 한국정치의 비판적 검토: 정치적 효과와 왜곡 (A Critical Review of Korean Politics Before and After by Three Kim's Politics: Political Effects and Distortions)

  • 정태일
    • 한국과 국제사회
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.5-38
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    • 2019
  • 1987년 민주화운동 이후 한국정치는 김영삼, 김대중, 김종필에 의한 3김정치로 전환기를 맞았다. 한국정치는 3김정치 이전에는 1인에 의한 장기집권에 지속되었으나 3김정치에서는 정당통합과 정당연합을 통해 평화적인 정권교체가 가능하게 하였다. 3김정치에 대한 평가는 긍정적인 측면과 부정적인 측면이 공존한다. 3김정치에 대한 정치적 효과는 정당구도의 다양화와 정권교체의 안정화이다. 3김정치는 한국의 정당구도를 양당체제에서 다당체제로 변화시켰으며, 3당합당과 DJP연합 등 후보단일화를 통해 평화적 정권교체를 가능하게 하였다. 하지만 3김정치에 대한 정치적 왜곡은 정당의 단명화와 정치이념의 편중화이다. 3김정치는 3김의 전략적 판단에 따라 정당해체, 재창당, 정당통합 등으로 정당의 수명이 매우 짧았으며, 보수성향과 진보성향이 3김정치와 결부되어 지역적으로 정치이념의 편중화 현상을 강화하였다. 따라서 3김정치가 한국정치에서 차지하는 비중이 매우 높기 때문에 3김정치로 인한 정치적 왜곡은 한국정치를 위해 극복해야 한다.

The 2019 Hong Kong-Mainland China Arrangement on Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures: A Major Breakthrough for Hong Kong-seated International Arbitral Proceedings

  • Jun, Jung Won
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This paper examines the "Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of Arbitral Proceedings by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" (the Arrangement), which became effective on October 1, 2019, calling on courts of mainland China and Hong Kong for reciprocal commitment in support of court-ordered interim measures in aid of arbitral proceedings. Because the Hong Kong courts have granted interim measures in aid of arbitral proceedings seated in and outside of Hong Kong even prior to the Arrangement becoming effective, this paper focuses on the significance of the Arrangement making Hong Kong the first and only seat outside of mainland China from which parties to arbitral proceedings may successfully obtain interim measures to preserve of assets, properties, and/or evidence from Chinese courts to be enforced in China. Design/methodology - The significance of interim measures in international arbitration and the existing circumstances of interim measures in support of international arbitral proceedings in mainland China and Hong Kong are discussed first in this paper. Due to the confidential nature of arbitral proceedings, while the details of applications for interim measures pursuant to the Arrangement cannot be discussed, in examining the implications of the Arrangement, the relevant and necessary information was made available from the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, as it is one of the six qualified arbitral institutions under the Arrangement. Findings - This groundbreaking Arrangement provides a mechanism for parties with China-related matters to more effectively resolve their disputes, the opportunity for Hong Kong to become an unparalleled seat of arbitration, and for mainland China to overcome some of its negative perceptions in international arbitration. Because the Arrangement also allows parties to directly apply for interim measures from mainland Chinese courts, parties with China-related matters should take note of this potential bypassing of the procedural hurdle, which usually requires an arbitral institution to submit such applications in China, and make strategic decisions accordingly as may be appropriate. Originality/value - Because the Arrangement is a recent yet a significant agreement calling on courts of mainland China and Hong Kong for reciprocal commitment in support of court-ordered interim measures in aid of arbitral proceedings, this study will provide useful guidance for parties with China-related matters all over the world, especially in light of China's rapid economic growth and extensive and prominent trade relationships in today's world. Parties who foresee the need for interim measures from mainland Chinese courts should designate Hong Kong as their seat of arbitration and select one of the six qualified arbitral institutions under the Arrangement to administer their arbitral proceedings in order to benefit from the Arrangement.

분쟁해결을 위한 대체적 수단으로서 ITLOS 권고적 의견 절차 활용 - SRFC 권고적 의견 사건(사건번호 21)을 중심으로 - (Legal Transformation of Advisory Procedure of the ITLOS into an Alternative Dispute Settlement Mechanism - From the Evaluation of Request for an Advisory Opinion Submitted by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (Case No. 21), ITLOS)

  • 최지현
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 2022
  • SRFC (Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission) requested to the ITLOS (International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) an advisory opinion relating to the IUU (Illegl, Unreported, and Unregulated) fishing (Case No-21 of the ITLOS). Since, in the UNCLOS, there is no article authorizing the jurisdiction of the ITLOS full court's Advisory opinion, so various scholarly opinion wad divided. But ITLOS delivered its Advisory opinion confirming its jurisdictional competence over the Advisory proceedings with its legal opinion about the IUU issues. It opens new possibility of the alternative dispute settlement mechanism of the ITLOS through the advisory procedures. In reality, there has been a view that ICJ (International Court of Justice) could take the part of a kind of dispute settlement through its Advisory procedures. But the advisory procedures of the ITLOS, with no definite clause in UNCLOS about the advisory procedures, which provides more allowances for the function of advisory opinion as the alternative dispute settlement mechanism. ITLOS accepted the requests of the advisory opinion by the State parties through international organization or themselves directly. And the advisory opinion of the ITLOS aims the interpretation and application into the special issues-specially IUU fishing in Case No. 21 of the ITLOS-. Those factors could enable more enhanced role of the ITLOS as an alternative dispute settlement mechanism. But those possibility has contain risk of excessive and unlimited advisory role of the ITLOS. So it is important to focus on the restriction on the role of the State parties in the request of the advisory opinion to the ITLOS. In this regard it is meaningful that the ITLOS has suggested a kind of legal standing in the advisory procedures in that only coastal States could request the Advisory opinion about the IUU in their EEZ. Furthermore the discretionary power of the ITLOS in the Article 138 of the Rules of the Tribunal could curtail the abuse of the Advisory opinion initiated by the States parties of the UNCLOS. Under this framework, Advisory opinion could broaden more alternative option to the disputes between State parties of the UNCLOS in that after being delivered detailed interpretation of the UNCLOS about the specific issues, States parties could devote themselves to searching for flexible solution for the disputes between State parties. It could obtain legal explanation about the dispute under the Article 297 and Article 298 by detouring the jurisdiction limits through advisory procedures.

일본의 통신상호접속 요금정책 동향 및 시사점 (The Current Trend to the Policy of Telecommunication Inter-connection Charge in Japan and Its Implication)

  • 김방룡
    • 기술혁신학회지
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 1999
  • In recent an official announcement of NTT about a report of LRIC Model Study Group in the end of July 1999 has evoked a tough tug-of-the -war among relevant parties pertaining to the lowering problem of iner-connectino charge in Japan. This paper mainly introduces diverse response from all relevant parties about a report of LRIC Model Study Group in Japan and sort out their significant implications to our telecommunication industry.

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공급자의 운송비용을 절감하기 위한 경제적 발주량의 상효협동적 걸졍 (Cooperative Determination of Economic Order Quantity to Reduce a Supplier's Freight Cost)

  • Kim, Kap-Hwan;Hwang, Hark
    • 한국경영과학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1989
  • A joint economic ordering problem between supplier and customer has been formulated where a supplier has to pay the freight cost which follows the principle of economy of scale. An algorithm is given to determine order size and price simultaneously which give gains to both parties. A scenario is presented within which both parties come to a mutual agreement on the revised order size and price by utilizing quantity discount schedule.

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Assessing Losers Consent in Mixed Systems: Public Perceptions of Taiwan’s 2008 Legislative Yuan Election

  • Rich, Timothy S.
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.4-16
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    • 2016
  • A large literature identifies perceptual differences between citizens that support winning parties versus losing parties. These analyses fail to capture the complexity of mixed member legislative systems where one can be a winner or loser at both the national and district level. This paper proposes a two-level framework for the analysis of mixed system. An analysis of Taiwan’s first election under a mixed system provides evidence that both support for a national winner and district level winner produce boosts in positive perceptions of the electoral system. National success appears to be a larger motivator of perceptions.

Abuse of Process and Regulation in Commercial Arbitration - A Chinese Perspective

  • Dong, Arthur X.
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.91-111
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    • 2015
  • This paper discusses the problem of extraordinary delay in the commercial arbitration process, increased arbitration fees, and denial of the benefits of arbitration to other parties due to the abuse of procedural rights by relevant parties in commercial arbitration process. This paper proposes measures to reduce abuse of process in commercial arbitration, such as statutory modification, judicial supervision, amendment of arbitration rules and the intervention of disciplinary bodies.