• Title/Summary/Keyword: operational property

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Numerical analysis of quantization-based optimization

  • Jinwuk Seok;Chang Sik Cho
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.367-378
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    • 2024
  • We propose a number-theory-based quantized mathematical optimization scheme for various NP-hard and similar problems. Conventional global optimization schemes, such as simulated and quantum annealing, assume stochastic properties that require multiple attempts. Although our quantization-based optimization proposal also depends on stochastic features (i.e., the white-noise hypothesis), it provides a more reliable optimization performance. Our numerical analysis equates quantization-based optimization to quantum annealing, and its quantization property effectively provides global optimization by decreasing the measure of the level sets associated with the objective function. Consequently, the proposed combinatorial optimization method allows the removal of the acceptance probability used in conventional heuristic algorithms to provide a more effective optimization. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm determines the global optimum in less operational time than conventional schemes.

A Study on the Procedure Model to Carry on Works of the Private Security Company (민간경비업체의 업무 수행 절차 및 모델 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;Kim, Tae-Min
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.6
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    • pp.47-65
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    • 2003
  • In Korea, Private security companies has steadily grown and amounts to 2,051 places as of November 30, 2002. Private security in korea is carrying out firm name role assignment to have held the police and public peace environment change factors for a standard faithfully, and protects social a little property that is a basic purpose, and it is spare no efforts in loss prevention. In spite of numeral increase of private security companies, private security companies have many problem. Moreover, they mostly did not have any remarkable in-house expertises in their own business under tough conditions. Under the unfavorable circumstances including insufficient investment and education in private security guard, there have been actually little further studies on private security business in practices. So this study mainly focused on addressing the installation security business managed by authorized companies, which amount to 96%(1,963 companies) of total 2,051 domestic security companies. Furthermore, the study formulated and modeled a series of business procedures in private security companies. A series of business procedures of private security companies can be modeled as follows : Setting of a business scope and aim market ${\Rightarrow}$ Marketing, Contact from customers(On-line or Off-line) ${\Rightarrow}$ Diagnosis of security target ${\Rightarrow}$ Submission of security operational plan ${\Rightarrow}$ Estimation of security operational plan ${\cdot}$ decision ${\Rightarrow}$ Contract ${\Rightarrow}$ Employment, selection of security guards ${\Rightarrow}$ Nomination of security guard instructors ${\Rightarrow}$ Education & training of security guards ${\Rightarrow}$ subscribe to insurance of damage liability ${\Rightarrow}$ Commitment and placement of security guards ${\Rightarrow}$ Establishment and preparation of security planning ${\Rightarrow}$ Field management and procurement of relevant security service.

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A Study of Reliability Analysis and Application on Naval Combat System Using Field Critical Failure Data (야전 치명고장자료를 이용한 함정전투체계 신뢰성 분석 및 활용 방안)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Oh, Hyun-Seung;Choi, Bong-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2016
  • Naval combat system developed in-country is progressing at an alarming rate since 2000. ROK navy will be achieved all vessels that have combat system in the near future. The importance of System Engineering and Integrated Logistics Support based on reliability analysis is increasing. However, reliability analysis that everyone trusted and recognized is not enough and applied practically for development of Defense Acquisition Program. In particular, Existing Reliability Analysis is focusing on reliability index (Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) etc.) for policy decision of defense improvement project. Most of the weapon system acquisition process applying in the exponential distribution simply persist unreality due to memoryless property. Critical failures are more important than simple faults to ship's operator. There are no confirmed cases of reliability analysis involved with critical failure that naval ship scheduler and operator concerned sensitively. Therefore, this study is focusing on Mean Time To Critical Failure (MTTCF), reliability on specific time and Operational Readiness Float (ORF) requirements related to critical failure of Patrol Killer Guided missile (PKG) combat system that is beginning of naval combat system developed in-country. Methods of analysis is applied parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques. It is compared to the estimates and proposed applications. The result of study shows that parametric and non-parametric estimators should be applied differently depending on purpose of utilization based on test of normality. For the first time, this study is offering Reliability of ROK Naval combat system to stakeholders involved with defense improvement project. Decision makers of defense improvement project have to active support and effort in this area for improvement of System Engineering.

VLSI Architecture of High Performance Huffman Codec (고성능 허프만 코덱의 VLSI 구조)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jun;Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed and implemented a dedicated hardware for Huffman coding which is a method of entropy coding to use compressing multimedia data with video coding. The proposed Huffman codec consists Huffman encoder and decoder. The Huffman encoder converts symbols to Huffman codes using look-up table. The Huffman code which has a variable length is packetized to a data format with 32 bits in data packeting block and then sequentially output in unit of a frame. The Huffman decoder converts serial bitstream to original symbols without buffering using FSM(finite state machine) which has a tree structure. The proposed hardware has a flexible operational property to program encoding and decoding hardware, so it can operate various Huffman coding. The implemented hardware was implemented in Cyclone III FPGA of Altera Inc., and it uses 3725 LUTs in the operational frequency of 365MHz

Current Status and Characteristics of AI Film Festivals (AI 영화제의 현황과 특성)

  • Jong-Guk Kim
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.49-60
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    • 2024
  • The implementation of generative AI into the film industry marks a critical juncture in the evolution of cinema, providing opportunities to redefine storytelling, visual aesthetics, and audience experiences. This study explores the emergence of AI film festivals, which serve as platforms for technological and artistic innovation, by analyzing their organizational structures, operational frameworks, and creative outputs. Employing a data-driven approach using web crawling and quantitative analysis, this research examines how AI film festivals redefine the traditional paradigms in filmmaking while addressing ethical, legal, and industrial challenges. AI film festivals are characterized by their unique ability to democratize the filmmaking process, leveraging cost-effective AI tools that reduce barriers for creators from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. These festivals not only enable innovative narrative forms and visual effects but also promote global cultural exchange through online streaming platforms and immersive technologies. Case studies, including Runway AI Film Festival and Korea's AI International Film Festival, demonstrate how AI-driven storytelling methodologies contribute to expanding genre boundaries and fostering convergence between technology and art. For instance, AI film festivals utilize virtual reality and real-time audience feedback mechanisms to create interactive, personalized cinematic experiences that were previously unattainable. Moreover, AI film festivals address critical issues such as copyright, intellectual property, and sustainability. By optimizing production efficiency and minimizing environmental impacts, these festivals set new benchmarks for responsible filmmaking. They also facilitate discussions on the societal implications of AI in creative industries, promoting ethical frameworks for integrating AI technologies into cinema. These events highlight the potential of generative AI to act as both a creative collaborator and a technical enabler, fundamentally reshaping the relationship between creators and audiences. The findings of this study reveal that AI film festivals are not merely extensions of traditional cinema but independent platforms with distinct aesthetics and operational models. They complement conventional film festivals by introducing new paradigms of storytelling and production while offering solutions to challenges faced by the film industry. As AI film festivals continue to grow, their role as transformative agents in the cinematic landscape becomes increasingly evident, blending the creative possibilities of art with the efficiency of technology. This research concludes that AI film festivals represent a sustainable and inclusive future for cinema, where innovation and tradition coexist to redefine the boundaries of creative expression.

Sustainable Development and Korea's Intangible Cultural Heritage Policy (지속가능개발과 한국무형문화유산정책)

  • Kim, Yong Goo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.256-269
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    • 2016
  • In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) has adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a goal of the international community to push forward from the year 2016 to 2030. Accordingly, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) has established a new chapter on sustainable development and intangible heritage the through revision of the Operational Directives for the Implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Although Sustainable development is a fundamental principle of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, it is believed that the Convention has not provided guidelines of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development. The Operational Directives provide States Parties with guidelines on the integration of sustainable development and safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. Intangible Cultural Property Institution of South Korea was designed to preserve the traditional culture in the economic development process of the industrialization since the 1960s. The institution played a role of cultural support on the development of the modern concepts. Now South Korea should implement intangible cultural heritage policy combined with sustainable development while succeeding the efforts from the former development. This study examines the meaning of sustainable development and how it should be implemented in the intangible cultural heritage policy in South Korea. And this study suggests that the South Korea's intangible cultural heritage policy should foster sustainable development particularly along with social development and human development.

The introduction of a criminal case arbitration on premise the civil and commercial arbitration (민상사(民商事) 중재제도(仲裁制度)를 전제(前提)로 한 형사중재제도(刑事仲裁制度)의 도입방안(導入方案))

  • Nam, Seon-Mo
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.93-119
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    • 2009
  • Nowadays the number of crimes is increasing rapidly and society is getting more and more dangerous. Recently the criminal aspect of our society, the intelligence, diversity, localized area, as well as for the crime victims also difficult to predict the damage recovery is not easy to change their level of pain and are also serious. This phenomenon is increasingly expected to intensify, the proper response is a factory. The more so if the victim of murder. The criminal mediation working on the operational adjustments Borrower payment, Construction charges, investments and financial transactions due to interpersonal conflicts that occurred as a fraud, embezzlement, breach of trust property crimes such accused, individuals between the defamatory, offensive, encroachment, violating intellectual property rights and private Disputes about the complaint case and other criminal disputes submitted to mediation to resolve it deems relevant to the case who are accused. But the core of a detective control adjustment, adjust the members' representative to the region, including front-line player or a lawyer appointed by the attorney general at this time by becoming parties to this negative view may be ahead. Some scholars are criticizing the current criminal justice system for the absence of proper care for the criminal victims, as an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system. The introduction of the summary trial and related legal cases, the command structure, compensation system, crime victims' structural system can be seen as more classify, crime subject to victim's complaint, By case with a criminal misdemeanor in addition to disagree not punish criminal, minor offense destination, traffic offenders, regular property crime, credit card theft, intellectual property rights violators can be seen due to more categories can try. They sued in law enforcement, Prosecution case has been received and if any one party to the criminal detective Arbitration request arbitration by the parties can agree to immediately contact must be referred to arbitration within 15 days of when the arbitration case will be dismissed. These kinds of early results of the case related to, lawyers are involved directly in the arbitration shall be excluded. Arbitration system is the introduction of criminal justice agencies working to help resolve conflicts caused by adjustment problems will be able to. This article does not argue that we should stick to the traditional justice system as a whole. Instead it argues that the restrictive role of the traditional justice is to be preserved.

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Investigation of Molding Characteristics in Injection Compression Molding According to Molding Conditions through Birefringence (사출압축성형에서 복굴절을 통한 성형조건에 따른 성형특성 고찰)

  • Lee, Dan Bi;Nam, Yun Hyo;Lyu, Min-Young
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2014
  • Lens and DVD require high quality of optical property. Conventional injection molded products contain high residual stress and this invokes birefringence since high cavity pressure and high temperature variation are involved in a molding process. Thus these products are often molded by injection compression molding in order to minimize the residual stress through reducing cavity pressure and uniform cavity pressure. In this study, molding parameters affecting molding quality such as property uniformity in injection compression molding were investigated through experiment. Molding quality deviations among the cavities in multi-cavity mold were also studied. Transparent resins, PC and PS were used in this study. Compression gap, compression speed, compression force, and compression delay time for processing variables in injection compression molding were applied in experiment. Compression force, compression delay time, and compression gap significantly affected the optical property of product. The degree of influence of process variable on the product quality was different in different resins. This implies that the optimal operational conditions in injection compression molding existed for each resin according to flow property.

A Study on the Improvement of Optimum Cost Estimation of Cultural Property Utilization Business by Case Study (사례분석을 통한 문화재 활용사업의 적정대가기준 수립에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Mi;Oh, Se-Wook;Ahn, Bang-Ryul;Park, Hee-Taek
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2017
  • The recent cultural properties utilization projects by the Cultural Heritage Administration have no rational standards to pay reasonable prices to stakeholders participating in budget compilation or projects. Therefore, there are frequent conflicts when calculating budgets between the Cultural Heritage Administration supervising projects and local governments or private organizations. Especially, as the items or detailed standard of budget compilation from planning to completion of projects are unclear, it is hard to stably operate projects, and eventually, they are no more than one-shot events without being developed into long-term projects. Thus, this study analyzes the overall operational status, systems, and problems of current cultural properties utilization projects. A national-level budget compilation standard system is then suggested, for the stable operation of cultural properties utilization projects. In addition, this study benchmarks the items and detailed standard of budget compilation used in similar areas, and also puts together actual cases.

A Study on the Improvement of Agricultural Facility Legislation (농업용 시설의 건축 및 이용 법령 개선연구)

  • Lee, Won;Jang, Woo-Suk;Kwon, Hyung-Dun;Song, Jae-Il;Kim, Ji-Suk;Jung, Nam-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2013
  • As facilities performing the production, processing, preservation, and shipment of agricultural products; agricultural facilities are categorized into planting facilities and livestock facilities based on the management target. Agricultural facilities are set in farmlands, and facility users mainly complain about the legal or institutional restrictions on farm rather than their own facilities itself. From 2009 to 2012, the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) published the "Casebook of farmer Complaints on Farmlands" in order to help answer farmers' questions and support public workers' workloads. However, contents related to agricultural facility installed in farmland are currently not dealt with in particular. Among agricultural facilities, demands of property rights with livestock facilities have risen due to construction permissions, operational restrictions, and high initial investment costs; and relevant laws were revised and are now being executed. However, for planting facilities such as mushroom facilities, ginseng facilities, and greenhouses; farmer complaints related to property rights are constantly increasing because revisions to relevant laws are not being made despite the rising diversity of construction materials through technical developments as well as the rising scale of assets-i.e. mechanization, automation, and the application of New Regeneration Energies according to capital influx. In this study, the current state of relevant agricultural facility legislation were organized and their drawbacks deduced in order to propose improvements of Agricultural Facility Legislation. The result of interviewing with public workers and farmers show that agricultural facilities should be regarded as extensions of farmlands rather than as facilities built in land where development actions were being taken. Alternatives able to reflect these opinions were suggested through expert consultation.