• Title/Summary/Keyword: operation efficiency

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Performance assessment of an urban stormwater infiltration trench considering facility maintenance (침투도랑 유지관리를 통한 도시 강우유출수 처리 성능 평가)

  • Reyes, N.J. D.G.;Geronimo, F.K.F.;Choi, H.S.;Kim, L.H.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.424-431
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    • 2018
  • Stormwater runoff containing considerable amounts of pollutants such as particulates, organics, nutrients, and heavy metals contaminate natural bodies of water. At present, best management practices (BMP) intended to reduce the volume and treat pollutants from stormwater runoff were devised to serve as cost-effective measures of stormwater management. However, improper design and lack of proper maintenance can lead to degradation of the facility, making it unable to perform its intended function. This study evaluated an infiltration trench (IT) that went through a series of maintenance operations. 41 monitored rainfall events from 2009 to 2016 were used to evaluate the pollutant removal capabilities of the IT. Assessment of the water quality and hydrological data revealed that the inflow volume was the most relative factor affecting the unit pollutant loads (UPL) entering the facility. Seasonal variations also affected the pollutant removal capabilities of the IT. During the summer season, the increased rainfall depths and runoff volumes diminished the pollutant removal efficiency (RE) of the facility due to increased volumes that washed off larger pollutant loads and caused the IT to overflow. Moreover, the system also exhibited reduced pollutant RE for the winter season due to frozen media layers and chemical-related mechanisms impacted by the low winter temperature. Maintenance operations also posed considerable effects of the performance of the IT. During the first two years of operation, the IT exhibited a decrease in pollutant RE due to aging and lack of proper maintenance. However, some events also showed reduced pollutant RE succeeding the maintenance as a result of disturbed sediments that were not removed from the geotextile. Ultimately, the presented effects of maintenance operations in relation to the pollutant RE of the system may lead to the optimization of maintenance schedules and procedures for BMP of same structure.

A Study on Differentiation and Improvement in Arbitration Systems in Construction Disputes (건설분쟁 중재제도의 차별화 및 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Jae
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.239-282
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    • 2019
  • The importance of ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution), which has the advantage of expertise, speed and neutrality due to the increase of arbitration cases due to domestic and foreign construction disputes, has emerged. Therefore, in order for the nation's arbitration system and the arbitration Organization to jump into the ranks of advanced international mediators, it is necessary to research the characteristics and advantages of these arbitration Organization through a study of prior domestic and foreign research and operation of international arbitration Organization. As a problem, First, education for the efficient promotion of arbitrators (compulsory education, maintenance education, specialized education, seminars, etc.). second, The effectiveness of arbitration in resolving construction disputes (hearing methods, composition of the tribunal, and speed). third, The issue of flexibility and diversity of arbitration solutions (the real problem of methodologies such as mediation and arbitration) needs to be drawn on the Arbitration laws and practical problems, such as laws, rules and guidelines. Therefore, Identify the problems presented in the preceding literature and diagnosis of the defects and problems of the KCAB by drawing features and benefits from the arbitration system operated by the international arbitration Institution. As an improvement, the results of an empirical analysis are derived for "arbitrator" simultaneously through a recognition survey. As a method of improvement, First, as an optimal combination of arbitration hearing and judgment in the settlement of construction disputes,(to improve speed). (1) A plan to improve the composition of the audit department according to the complexity, specificity, and magnification of the arbitration cases - (1)Methods to cope with the increased role of the non-lawyer(Specialist, technical expert). (2)Securing technical mediators for each specialized expert according to the large and special corporation arbitration cases. (2) Improving the method of writing by area of the arbitration guidelines, second, Introduction of the intensive hearing system for psychological efficiency and the institutional improvement plan (1) Problems of optimizing the arbitration decision hearing procedure and resolution of arbitration, and (2) Problems of the management of technical arbitrators of arbitration tribunals. (1)A plan to expand hearing work of technical arbitrator(Review on the introduction of the Assistant System as a member of the arbitration tribunals). (2)Improved use of alternative appraisers by tribunals(cost analysis and utilization of the specialized institution for calculating construction costs), Direct management of technical arbitrators : A Study on the Improvement of the Assessment Reliability of the Appraisal and the Appraisal Period. third, Improvement of expert committee system and new method, (1) Creating a non-executive technical committee : Special technology affairs, etc.(Major, supports pre-qualification of special events and coordinating work between parties). (2) Expanding the standing committee.(Added expert technicians : important, special, large affairs / pre-consultations, pre-coordination and mediation-arbitration). This has been shown to be an improvement. In addition, institutional differentiation to enhance the flexibility and diversity of arbitration. In addition, as an institutional differentiation to enhance the flexibility and diversity of arbitration, First, The options for "Med-Arb", "Arb-Med" and "Arb-Med-Arb" are selected. second, By revising the Agreement Act [Article 28, 2 (Agreement on Dispute Resolution)], which is to be amended by the National Parties, the revision of the arbitration settlement clause under the Act, to expand the method to resolve arbitration. third, 2017.6.28. Measures to strengthen the status role and activities of expert technical arbitrators under enforcement, such as the Act on Promotion of Interestments Industry and the Information of Enforcement Decree. Fourth, a measure to increase the role of expert technical Arbitrators by enacting laws on the promotion of the arbitration industry is needed. Especially, the establishment of the Act on Promotion of Intermediation Industry should be established as an international arbitration agency for the arbitration system. Therefore, it proposes a study of improvement and differentiation measures in the details and a policy, legal and institutional improvement and legislation.

LSTM Based Prediction of Ocean Mixed Layer Temperature Using Meteorological Data (기상 데이터를 활용한 LSTM 기반의 해양 혼합층 수온 예측)

  • Ko, Kwan-Seob;Kim, Young-Won;Byeon, Seong-Hyeon;Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.603-614
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the surface temperature in the seas around Korea has been continuously rising. This temperature rise causes changes in fishery resources and affects leisure activities such as fishing. In particular, high temperatures lead to the occurrence of red tides, causing severe damage to ocean industries such as aquaculture. Meanwhile, changes in sea temperature are closely related to military operation to detect submarines. This is because the degree of diffraction, refraction, or reflection of sound waves used to detect submarines varies depending on the ocean mixed layer. Currently, research on the prediction of changes in sea water temperature is being actively conducted. However, existing research is focused on predicting only the surface temperature of the ocean, so it is difficult to identify fishery resources according to depth and apply them to military operations such as submarine detection. Therefore, in this study, we predicted the temperature of the ocean mixed layer at a depth of 38m by using temperature data for each water depth in the upper mixed layer and meteorological data such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, and sunlight that are related to the surface temperature. The data used are meteorological data and sea temperature data by water depth observed from 2016 to 2020 at the IEODO Ocean Research Station. In order to increase the accuracy and efficiency of prediction, LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), which is known to be suitable for time series data among deep learning techniques, was used. As a result of the experiment, in the daily prediction, the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the model using temperature, atmospheric pressure, and sunlight data together was 0.473. On the other hand, the RMSE of the model using only the surface temperature was 0.631. These results confirm that the model using meteorological data together shows better performance in predicting the temperature of the upper ocean mixed layer.

Analysis of Service Factors on the Management Performance of Korea Railroad Corporation - Based on the railroad statistical yearbook data - (한국철도공사 경영성과에 미치는 서비스 요인분석 -철도통계연보 데이터를 대상으로-)

  • Koo, Kyoung-Mo;Seo, Jeong-Tek;Kang, Nak-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive service factors based on the "Rail Statistical Yearbook" data of railroad service providers from 1990 to 2019, and to analyze the effect of the service factors on the operating profit ratio(OPR), a representative management performance variable of railroad transport service providers. In particular, it has academic significance in terms of empirical research to evaluate whether the management innovation of the KoRail has changed in line with the purpose of establishing the corporation by dividing the research period into the first period (1990-2003) and the latter (2004-2019). The contents of this study investigated previous studies on the quality of railway passenger transportation service and analyzed the contents of government presentation data related to the management performance evaluation of the KoRail. As an empirical analysis model, a research model was constructed using OPR as a dependent variable and service factor variables of infrastructure, economy, safety, connectivity, and business diversity as explanatory variables based on the operation and management activity information during the analysis period 30 years. On the results of research analysis, OPR is that the infrastructure factor is improved by structural reform or efficiency improvement. And economic factors are the fact that operating profit ratio improves by reducing costs. The safety factor did not reveal the significant explanatory power of the regression coefficient, but the sign of influence was the same as the prediction. Connectivity factor reveals a influence on differences between first period and latter, but OPR impact direction is changed from negative in before to positive in late. This is an evironment in which connectivity is actually realized in later period. On diversity factor, there is no effect of investment share in subsidiaries and government subsidies on OPR.

Preliminary Inspection Prediction Model to select the on-Site Inspected Foreign Food Facility using Multiple Correspondence Analysis (차원축소를 활용한 해외제조업체 대상 사전점검 예측 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Hae Jin Park;Jae Suk Choi;Sang Goo Cho
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 2023
  • As the number and weight of imported food are steadily increasing, safety management of imported food to prevent food safety accidents is becoming more important. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety conducts on-site inspections of foreign food facilities before customs clearance as well as import inspection at the customs clearance stage. However, a data-based safety management plan for imported food is needed due to time, cost, and limited resources. In this study, we tried to increase the efficiency of the on-site inspection by preparing a machine learning prediction model that pre-selects the companies that are expected to fail before the on-site inspection. Basic information of 303,272 foreign food facilities and processing businesses collected in the Integrated Food Safety Information Network and 1,689 cases of on-site inspection information data collected from 2019 to April 2022 were collected. After preprocessing the data of foreign food facilities, only the data subject to on-site inspection were extracted using the foreign food facility_code. As a result, it consisted of a total of 1,689 data and 103 variables. For 103 variables, variables that were '0' were removed based on the Theil-U index, and after reducing by applying Multiple Correspondence Analysis, 49 characteristic variables were finally derived. We build eight different models and perform hyperparameter tuning through 5-fold cross validation. Then, the performance of the generated models are evaluated. The research purpose of selecting companies subject to on-site inspection is to maximize the recall, which is the probability of judging nonconforming companies as nonconforming. As a result of applying various algorithms of machine learning, the Random Forest model with the highest Recall_macro, AUROC, Average PR, F1-score, and Balanced Accuracy was evaluated as the best model. Finally, we apply Kernal SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) to present the selection reason for nonconforming facilities of individual instances, and discuss applicability to the on-site inspection facility selection system. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it will contribute to the efficient operation of limited resources such as manpower and budget by establishing an imported food management system through a data-based scientific risk management model.

Application of unmanned helicopter on pest management in rice cultivation (무인 항공기 이용 벼 병해충 방제기술 연구)

  • Park, K.H.;Kim, J.K.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.43-58
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    • 2008
  • This research was conducted to determine the alternative tool of chemical spray for rice cultivation using the unmanned helicopter(Yamaha, R-Max Type 2G-remote controlled system) at farmer's field in Korea. The unmanned helicopter tested was introduced form Japan. In Korea the application of chemicals by machine sprayer for pest management in rice cultivation has been ordinarily used at the farmer's level. However, it involved a relatively high cost and laborious for the small scale of cultivation per farm household. Farm population has been highly decreased to 7.5% in 2002 and the population is expected to rapidly reduce by 3.5% in 2012. In Japan, pest control depending on unmanned helicopter has been increased by leaps and bounds. This was due in part to the materialization of the low-cost production technology under agricultural policy and demand environmentally friendly farm products. The practicability of the unmanned helicopter in terms of super efficiency and effectiveness has been proven, and the farmers have understood that the unmanned helicopter is indispensable in the future farming system that they visualized. Also, the unmanned helicopter has been applied to rice, wheat, soybean, vegetables, fruit trees, pine trees for spraying chemicals and/or fertilizers in Japan Effect of disease control by unmanned helicopter was partially approved against rice blast and sheath blight. However, the result was not satisfactory due to the weather conditions and cultural practices. The spray density was also determined in this experiment at 0, 15, 30, and 60cm height from the paddy soil surface and there was 968 spots at 0cm, 1,560 spots at 15cm, 1,923 spots at 30cm, and 2,999 spots at 60cm height. However, no significant difference was found among the treatments. At the same time, there was no phytotoxicity observed under the chemical stray using this unmanned helicopter, nor the rice plant itself was damaged by the wind during the operation.

Development of the paper bagging machine for grapes (휴대용 포도자동결속기 개발연구)

  • Park, K.H.;Lee, Y.C.;Moon, B.W.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2009
  • The research project was conducted to develop a paper bagging machine for grape. This technology was aimed to highly reduce a labor for paper bagging in grape and bakery. In agriculture labor and farm population has rapidly decreased since 1980 in Korea so there was so limit in labor. In particular there is highly population in women and old age at rural area and thus labor cost is so high. Therefore a labor saving technology in agricultural sector might be needed to be replaced these old age with mechanical and labor saving tool in agriculture. The following was summarized of the research results for development of a paper bagging machine for grape. 1. Development of a new paper bagging machine for grape - This machine was designed by CATIA VI2/AUTO CAD2000 programme. - A paper bagging machine was mechanically binded a paper bag of grape which should be light and small size. This machine would be designed for women and old age with convenience during bagging work at the field site. - This machine was manufactured with total weight of less than 350g. - An overage bagging operation was more than 99% at the actual field process. - A paper bagging machine was designed with cartridge type which would be easily operated between rows and grape branches under field condition. - The type of cartridge pin was designed as a C-ring type with the length of 500mm which was good for bagging both grape and bakery. - In particular this machine was developed to easily operated among vines of the grape trees. 2. Field trials of a paper bagging machine in grape - There was high in grape quality as compared to the untreated control at the application of paper bagging machine. - The efficiency of paper bagging machine was 102% which was alternative tool for the conventional. - The roll pin of paper bagging machine was good with 5.3cm in terms of bagging precision. - There was no in grape quality between the paper bagging machine and the conventional method. - Disease infection and grape break was not in difference both treatments.

Evaluating of the Effectiveness of RTK Surveying Performance Based on Low-cost Multi-Channel GNSS Positioning Modules (다채널 저가 GNSS 측위 모듈기반 RTK 측량의 효용성 평가)

  • Kim, Chi-Hun;Oh, Seong-Jong;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2022
  • According to the advancement of the GNSS satellite positioning system, the module of hardware and operation software reflecting accuracy and economical efficiency is implemented in the user sector including the multi-channel GNSS receiver, the multi-frequency external antenna and the mobile app (App) base public positioning analysis software etc., and the multichannel GNSS RTK positioning of the active configuration method (DIY, Do it yourself) is possible according to the purpose of user. Especially, as the infrastructure of multi-GNSS satellite is expanded and the potential of expansion of utilization according to various modules is highlighted, interest in the utilization of multi-channel low-cost GNSS receiver module is gradually increasing. The purpose of this study is to review the multi-channel low-cost GNSS receivers that are appearing in the mass market in various forms and to analyze the utilization plan of the "address information facility investigation project" of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security by constructing the multi-channel low-cost GNSS positioning module based RTK survey system (hereinafter referred to as "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system"). For this purpose, we constructed a low-cost "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system" by combining related modules such as U-blox's F9P chipset, antenna, Ntrip transmission of GNSS observation data and RTK positioning analysis app through smartphone. Kinematic positioning was performed for circular trajectories, and static positioning was performed for address information facilities. The results of comparative analysis with the Static positioning performance of the geodetic receivers were obtained with 5 fixed points in the experimental site, and the good static surveying performance was obtained with the standard deviation of average ±1.2cm. In addition, the results of the test point for the outline of the circular structure in the orthogonal image composed of the drone image analysis and the Kinematic positioning trajectory of the low cost RTK GNSS receiver showed that the trajectory was very close to the standard deviation of average ±2.5cm. Especially, as a result of applying it to address information facilities, it was possible to verify the utility of spatial information construction at low cost compared to expensive commercial geodetic receivers, so it is expected that various utilization of "multi-channel GNSS RTK module positioning system"

A Study on Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums (미술관 이미지저작권 아카이브 모델 연구)

  • Nam, Hyun Woo;Jeong, Seong In
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.23
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this multi-disciplinary convergent study is to establish Image Copyright Archive Model for Museums to protect image copyright and vitalize the use of images out of necessity of research and development on copyright services over the life cycle of art contents created by the museums and out of the necessity to vitalize distribution market of image copyright contents in creative industry and to formulate management system of copyright services. This study made various suggestions for enhancement of transparency and efficiency of art contents ecosystem through vitalization of use and recycling of image copyright materials by proposing standard system for calculation, distribution, settlement and monitoring of copyright royalty of 1,000 domestic museums, galleries and exhibit halls. First, this study proposed contents and structure design of image copyright archive model and, by proposing art contents distribution service platform for prototype simulation, execution simulation and model operation simulation, established art contents copyright royalty process model. As billing system and technological development for image contents are still in incipient stage, this study used the existing contents billing framework as basic model for the development of billing technology for distribution of museum collections and artworks and automatic division and calculation engine for copyright royalty. Ultimately, study suggested image copyright archive model which can be used by artists, curators and distributors. In business strategy, study suggested niche market penetration of museum image copyright archive model. In sales expansion strategy, study established a business model in which effective process of image transaction can be conducted in the form of B2B, B2G, B2C and C2B through flexible connection of museum archive system and controllable management of image copyright materials can be possible. This study is expected to minimize disputes between copyright holder of artwork images and their owners and enhance manageability of copyrighted artworks through prevention of such disputes and provision of information on distribution and utilization of art contents (of collections and new creations) owned by the museums. In addition, by providing a guideline for archives of collections of museums and new creations, this study is expected to increase registration of image copyright and to make various convergent businesses possible such as billing, division and settlement of copyright royalty for image copyright distribution service.

Proposed Sustainability Risk Framework through the Analysis of Advanced Donor Countries' International Development Cases (선진 공여국의 국제개발 사례 분석 기반 지속가능성 리스크 프레임워크 제안)

  • Lee, Kyung-Tae;Kim, Ju-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2023
  • The goal of international development projects is to assist sustainable development in recipient countries through foreign aid from donor countries. However, despite the need for both countries to negotiate and work together from the initial stages to maintain sustainability after the project, clear guidelines or standards have not been established. Additionally, despite the need for donor countries, which are relatively advanced, to understand the situation of recipient countries, many projects are donor-centric and fail to prioritize the value of sustainability. Therefore, this study extracted economic, social, and environmental risks that threaten sustainability through literature review and proposed a sustainability framework based on these criteria. To validate framework, actual international development cases conducted by advanced donor countries such as Australia, the United States, and Japan, in collaboration with South Korea, were analyzed by applying content analysis with the reports, which covers the overall contents from the planning stage to the operation stage. Analysis of sustainability perspectives focused on economy, society and the environment, advanced donor countries emphasized (1) the importance of pre-assessment, (2) the need for coordination with the local population and communities despite the existence of donor-specific values, and (3) addressing economic considerations such as pre-operational and maintenance costs, social communication with the local population, and environmental considerations starting from the initial stages of construction regarding the treatment of pollutants as values to be improved. Compared to other advanced donor countries, the Republic of Korea should also focus on consultation with local residents to achieve social integration, and improve sustainability by deployment the managers in local sites for better negotiation.The proposed framework in this study will serve as a tool to enhance communication among the countries and the locals, with the expectation of increasing project efficiency and sustainability.