• Title/Summary/Keyword: multiple logistic regression

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Regional Health Status and Medicine Expenses by Income Quartile Using the Korea Health Panel (한국의료패널로 본 소득분위에 따른 권역별 건강수준과 의약품 지출 비용)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong;Hwang, Byung-Deog
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : In this study, 3,107 patients were used to evaluate the impact based on raw data of 2014 and the health status and medical expenses income quintile was collected and data was analyzed. Methods : Analysis method was the average comparison, ANOVA, subjected to a multiple logistic regression analysis, the statistical test was the t-test and the scheffe post verification. Results : Gender(p<.000), age(p<.000), marital status(p<.000) educational status (p<.000), easement(p<.000), medication(p<.000), subjective health status(p<.005) were analyzed. First quintile identified that the highest amount was spent in the Chungcheong region, the 2nd quintile showed that the highest output was in the Gyeongsang region. The 3rd and 4th quintiles indicated that the highest expenditure was in the Seoul metropolitan region. The 5th quintile showed that the Chungcheong was the highest once again and the Jeolla region was the lowest in terms of expediture. Conclusions : Future medical research on income will require the government's Big Data collection to create the primary basis for policy making in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of medicine spending.

Socioeconomic and Social Support Factors of Malnutrition among Korean Elderly in the Community (지역사회 노인의 영양결핍 관련 사회경제 및 사회지지 요인)

  • Kim, Su-Jin;Jeon, Gyeong-Suk
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of malnutrition and to explore its association with socioeconomic and social support factors among Korean elderly in the community. Methods : The study sample was a weighted population of 10,160 elderly who participated in the 2014 Korean Elderly Living Conditions and Welfare Survey. Multiple logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association socioeconomic and social support factors have with malnutrition. Results : Of the Korean elderly 18.6% were at risk of malnutrition. Being uneducated (OR=1.40) and having a lower household income (OR=1.97) were significantly associated with malnutrition even after adjusting for other socio-demographic and health-related covariates. Elderly who lived alone (OR=1.86) and who had poor relationships with their children (OR=1.97) were at much higher risk of malnutrition than their counterparts. Their having poor relationships with acquaintances and poor social participation were also associated with malnutrition. Conclusions : Socioeconomic and social support resources are important factors in the nutritional status of the elderly.

Related factors of medication adherence in patients with dyslipidemia: The 2010-2012 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (이상지질혈증 환자의 약물복용 이행과 관련된 요인: 2010년-2012년 국민건강영양조사를 이용하여)

  • Cho, Eun Jung;Moon, Kyoung Ja
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influencing medication adherence in patients with dyslipidemia. Methods: Data were collected from fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2010-2012), we selected 1,992 adults aged over 30yr who participants in both health examination and health interview survey. Using the SAS 9.2 Program, data were analyzed using ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test and multiple logistic regression. Results: Medication adherence was associated with age, obesity, educational level and Health screening within 2 years. The cases with older age, obesity, higher level of education and experience of Health screening within 2 years showed significantly high medication adherence, whereas high risk group of dyslipidemia such as cardiovascular disease patients showed low medication adherence. Conclusions: Further study and strategies are needed to improve high levels of medication adherence based on factors influencing such as age, obesity, level of education and health screening experience within 2 years.

The Roles of Study Habits and Emotional-behavioral Problems in Predicting School Adjustment Classification Among 3rdGraders (초등학교 3학년 아동의 학교적응 유형을 예측하는 학습습관과 정서행동문제의 역할)

  • Sung, Miyoung;Chang, Young Eun;Seo, Byungtae
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify school adjustment groups by applying a Latent Profile Analysis(LPA) and to investigate the effects of children's emotional problems and study habits on determining the membership of these groups. LPA and multiple logistic regression were conducted using the data of 2,200 third-graders from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Study. The results are listed as follows. First, four school adjustment groups were identified: adjustment, approach to adjustment, maladjustment risk, and maladjustment group. Second, accomplishment value and mastery goal orientation were relatively strong predictors of membership of the school adjustment groups. Time management was also a significant variable that predicted the membership of maladjustment or the maladjustment-risk group. Third, attention problems and depression were the most consistent predictors of membership of maladjustment or the maladjustment-risk group. Physical symptoms and social withdrawal were also significant. Based on the results, implications for intervention to promote early school adjustment were discussed.

Risk Factors and Features of Critically Ill Patients with Deep Vein Thrombosis in Lower Extremities (하지 심부정맥혈전증을 가진 중환자의 특성 및 발생 영향 요인)

  • Kim, Hwa-Soon;Cho, Ok-Min;Cho, Hyo-Im;Kim, Ju-Yeun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.396-404
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the features, risk scores and risk factors for deep vein thrombosis in critically ill patients who developed deep vein thrombosis in their lower extremities. Methods: The participants in this prospective descriptive study were 175 adult patients who did not receive any prophylactic medication or mechanical therapy during their admission in the intensive care unit. Results: The mean age was 62.24 (${\pm}17.28$) years. Men made up 54.9% of the participating patients. There were significant differences in age, body mass index, and leg swelling between patients who developed deep vein thrombosis and those who did not have deep vein thrombosis. The mean risk score was 6.71(${\pm}2.94$) and they had on average 4.01(${\pm}1.35$) risk factors. In the multiple logistic regression, body mass index (odds ratio=1.14) and leg swelling (odds ratio=6.05) were significant predictors of deep vein thrombosis. Conclusion: Most critically ill patients are in the potentially high risk group for deep vein thrombosis. However, patients who are elderly, obese or have leg edema should be closely assessed and more than one type of active prophylactic intervention should be provided.

The Influencing Factors of Influenza Vaccination in the Elderly Participating in Lifetime Transitional Health Examination (생애전환기 건강진단 노인 수검자의 독감 백신 접종 영향 요인)

  • Yim, Eun-Shil;Kim, Kyung-Ha;Chae, Hyun-Ju
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.502-511
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influencing factors of influenza vaccination in the elderly participating in lifetime transitional health examination. Methods: This study was a secondary analysis of data collected from lifetime transitional health examination (for 66-year-old people) conducted by the National Health Insurance Corporation (NHIC) from January 1 to December 31, 2008. Questionnaires were received from NHIC to obtain information regarding gender, chronic diseases, health-related behaviors, and ADL. A total of 255,333 participants who responded all the questions in the questionnaire were included in the analysis. Collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$ test, and multiple logistic regression. Results: The influenza vaccine coverage rate in 66-year-old people was 66.1%. The influenza vaccine coverage rate was higher in female elders and those with hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or past smoking, and lower in those with stroke, current smoking, drinking, no-exercise or ADL-dependency. Conclusion: Strategies for improving the influenza vaccination coverage rate in the elderly are needed. The strategies should give priority to the elderly with current smoking, drinking, and no-exercise, and home visiting programs are needed for the elderly with stroke and ADL-dependency.

A Study on Factors Influencing Elders' Suicidal Ideation: Focused on Comparison of Gender Differences (노인의 성별에 따른 자살생각 영향요인)

  • Koo, Chun Young;Kim, Jung Soon;Yu, Jungok
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence of suicidal ideation and to investigate related factors contributing to suicidal ideation in elderly people with focus on comparison of gender differences. Methods: From the database of the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-IV), the researchers selected 3,164 old adults aged over 65. The original study was a population-based epidemiological survey of health and nutrition in a stratified multistage clustered probability design. Data were analyzed by using ${\chi}^2$-test and t-test and multiple logistic regression with the SPSS/WIN18.0 program. Results: Suicidal ideation in women (37.5%) occurred more frequently than men (17.5%). Depression, stress, restriction on activities and quality of life were significant variables of suicidal ideation in both the men and women aged 65 over. Low educational levels and economic states were significantly associated with suicidal ideation in men but not in women. Conclusion: The development of a suicide prevention program for elders requires different approaches to the genders respectively. It is also recommended that programs be developed that can help control the variables identified in this study along with a follow-up study for verifying the model.

The Association between Psychosocial Work Environment and Depressive Symptoms among Korean Teachers (한국 교사의 심리·사회적 근로환경과 우울 위험의 관련성)

  • Choi, Eunsuk;Kwon, Minjung;Lee, Hae-Joon;Cho, Gyo-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the association between psychosocial work environment and depressive symptoms among Korean teachers. Methods: Data on 235 elementary school teachers and 341 middle and high school teachers was obtained from the 2014 Korean Working Condition Survey. The effect of psychosocial work environment on depressive symptoms was determined by multiple logistic regression analyses. Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 18 % in elementary school teachers and 24 % in middle and high school teachers. When adjusted for demographics and other socio-psychological and environmental factors, 'social community at work' served as a protection factor for Korean teachers' depressive symptoms. In addition, 'cognitive demands' in elementary school teachers and 'social support from supervisors' in middle and high school teachers were found to be predictors of depressive symptoms. Conclusion: Interventions to increase 'social community at work' and 'social support from supervisors', and to decrease 'cognitive demands' may be helpful for Korean teachers at risk of depression.

Suicidal Ideation and Affecting Factors in Male Korean Baby Boomers (한국 베이비붐세대 남성의 자살생각과 영향 요인)

  • Kim, Hyung-Seon;Park, Min-Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to measure suicidal ideation and to investigate the affecting factors in male baby boomers using Korea Health Panel Data 2011. Methods: The Korea Health Panel Data 2011 were collected from June to December 2011 by Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs and National Health Insurance Corporation and included 908 people who responded to the question regarding suicidal ideation. The data were analyzed by chi-square and multiple logistic regression using SPSS WIN 20.0 program. Results: The ratio of suicidal ideation was 6.1% in male baby boomers. Affecting factors of suicidal ideation in male baby boomers showed that presence of depression, frustrating experience, and regular diet had more suicidal ideation by 10.90 times (CI 5.14-23.18), 7.78 times (CI 1.98-30.51), 3.38 times (CI 1.65-6.90), respectively. Conclusion: This study is meaningful as an attempt to measure suicidal ideation and to analyze affecting factors with suicidal ideation in male baby boomers. Further study including careful and thorough examination may be needed.

Factors Influencing Fundus Examination in Patients with Diabetes (당뇨병 환자의 안저검사 수검 영향요인)

  • An, Soodeuk;Yu, Jungok
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to identify factors influencing fundus examination to prevent diabetic retinopathy in diabetes patients to provide basic data to improve screening rates of fundus examinations. Methods: Raw data from the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which is a cross-sectional and nationally representative survey, were used in this study. The subjects of the study were 1,029 adult diabetes patients over the age of 19 years who had been diagnosed with diabetes. The demographic characteristics, diabetes and disease-related characteristics and health behavior characteristics according to the fundus examinations were analyzed by the chi-squared test and logistic regression analyses were used to examine the factors influencing fundus examination. Results: A total of 333 patients underwent fundus examination at a screening rate of 32.2%. We identified factors influencing fundus examination in patients with diabetes as level of education, type of diabetes care, period of diabetes, and smoking. Conclusion: A multiple approach is required to raise the low screening rate of fundus examination, including specialized education for low-education groups. Moreover, nursing intervention should focus on subjects who do not engage in insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents and with diabetes for a long period.