• Title/Summary/Keyword: market status

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Packages of Persimmons Exported from Korea to USA and Temperature Conditions during Sea Transport (미국 수출 단감 포장의 현황 및 수송 중 컨테이너 온도관리 실태)

  • Ahn, Gwang-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Sun
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2009
  • Current status on consumption and packaging of sweet persimmons in USA was surveyed by visiting the market, and three sea shipments were conducted as model export trial from Korean to USA with measurement in ship container temperature and fruit quality. Strategy to promote the export of Korean persimmons was derived. There have been gradual decrease in the price of persimmons due to their increases production, but there seems potential growth in consumption of the fruits from Asian, Hispanic and American people. Compared to the fruits from other countries, Korean persimmons are desired to have higher soluble solid content with stronger red color, but too large sizes are not favored in American market. There has often been temperature fluctuation in shipment container during the sea transport to USA, resulting in surface blackening, skin black spotting and flesh softening. Plastic bag packages with inappropriate unitizing crimping were found to sometimes build up unproper modified atmosphere (high $O_2$ and low $CO_2$) giving high rate of physiological injury.

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A Study on the Present Status of Constitutional Medical Care Service (체질의료서비스산업의 현황파악을 위한 조사연구 - 전국 한방의료기관을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jung;Lee, Si-Woo;Kim, Jong-Yoel
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2006
  • 1. Objects The objectives of this study were to examine the present state of Oriental clinical service based on Constitutional medicine and to make an accurate estimate of it’s scale after 10 years. 2. Methods The data for this study were collected from a questionnaire survey to 319 Traditional Korean Medical doctors who were selected as random samples. And this questionnaire is consist of several inquiries related with management and application of constitutional medicine. 3. Results and Conclusions The major results of this survey are following: l. The 52.8% facilities of all Oriental medical centers and Clinics in the whole country are applying Constitutional medicine for treating patients. 2. The 24.8% persons of all health workers are engaged in Constitutional clinical service. 3. The proportion of sales by Constitutional clinical services to the total sales by Traditional clinical service is 23.5% in 2005. 4. The proportion of application to medical care insurance by Constitutional clinical service is 17.9% of all amounts After taking these results into consideration, the sales of Constitutional clinical service now are estimated to make up 23.8% percent of the total traditional medical service and the amount of it’s sales after 10 years is expected to increase up to 3.6 times as much as the current quantity.

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Market Segmentation by Preferable kind of Coffee Type (선호커피유형에 따른 세분시장의 특성)

  • Choi, Seong-Im;Yim, Eun-Soon;Moon, Hye-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.475-485
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research study was to identify the factors that influence comsumer who make decisions on preferred coffee types. Data was collected for a month from September $12^{th}$ to October $10^{th}$, 2010 from 807 participants who visited a cafe' in Seoul. The Limdep(LIMited DEPendent) 8.0 program was used in analyzing the determinants for preferred types of coffee using the multinomial logit model(MNL) approach. The results revealed that there were four taste preference groups being Espresso, Americano, Cafe' Late, and Cafe' Mocha ; as well as confirming that demographic characteristics influenced the coffee selection attributes, type of packaging, preferred coffee brand, and visit frequencies. This study found seven coffee selection attributes were significant factors in influencing patrons choices for purchasing speciality coffee being age range, profession, packing status, elation, superficial appearance, weight control, and habitual, respectively. The research reflects the coffee selection attributes by the customers' preference and concludes that it would be helpful to make marketing strategy for particular coffee brands.

Suggestions on the Model of Exporting Strategy for the Overseas Dental Prosthetic Restoration Service (해외 치과기공물 서비스 수출 전략모형 제안)

  • Kim, Ki-Baek;Kim, Joo-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Hong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.333-338
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research how to effectively export the dental prosthetic restoration and the service to the overseas. The study showed the present status of dental prosthetic restoration service in South Korea and some suggested ways to improve the export of the dental prosthetic restoration service to the overseas. The size of the medical service market has been gradually increased because of the globalization and the development of the information-oriented tendency. The medical industry is being perceived as a highly valuable service industry that emphasizes the importance of quality. Through the efforts of the nations attempting to develop the market and create new employment, the medical field is becoming a prospective field of trade. In order to develop the medical industry, the strategies; firstly, medical institutions need to explore overseas markets and strengthen globalization; secondly, medical service should be upgraded through specialization; and finally, specialized management system has to be established and medical management system has to be innovated.

Fashion Material Information and Hedonic Shopping Motives by Types of Internet Shopping Malls (인터넷 쇼핑몰의 유형에 따른 쾌락적 쇼핑동기와 패션소재 정보에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, In-Ryu
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2012
  • In South Korea, the growth of online shopping malls that are overtaking traditional offline distributors in sales requires the latter to concentrate on developing a variety of contents amidst the ever-changing and competitive market environment. First of all, attention should be paid to information on fashion item materials. This study examined the current status of online shopping malls with a focus on their three different types-specialized malls, general malls, and open markets-and investigated consumers' hedonic shopping motives and influence on fashion materials in terms of purchasing behavior. In doing so, this study surveyed men and women in their 20s-30s residing in Seoul or its surrounding cities and used a total of 255 questionnaires for statistical analysis. The statistical software program SPSS 15.0 was used to conduct frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The study results showed that in general and specialized shopping malls, consumers granted greater reliability and importance to fashion materials when their interest in shopping or attention to fashion items/brands was high and when they wanted rare items. In open markets, the more interest consumers had in shopping and the more sensitive they were to fashion information, the more dependent they were on prices; in other words, prices were found to have a greater influence on their purchase decisions than the quality of fashion materials. The findings of this study would be useful to marketers and distributors who are trying to develop their marketing strategies based on fashion material information, according to the different types of online shopping malls.

The Current Status and Future Outlook of the Bonded Rare-earth Magnet (희토류 본드 자석의 현황과 전망)

  • Yang, Jung-Pi
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.147-150
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    • 2011
  • Since their discovery in the early 1980's, the market for bonded rare earth magnets has shown steady growth. Today these magnets are widely used for our daily life such as computer peripherals, automotive, consumer electronics, and office automation. However, the price increases of rare-earths started from the $2^{nd}$ half of 2010 became even worse in 2011. During $2^{nd}$ quarter of 2011, almost all of rare-earths showed unprecedented vertical price increases, and it brought significant impact to the related industry in terms of the price and supply. This will ask the fundamental change in the policy of the bonded rare earth industry to expand its market share, which has been highly dependent on the replacement of ferrite magnets via relatively higher performance compared to the price at certain applications. In order to achieve the sustainable growth of bonded rare-earth magnets in the future, it needs to change the current paradigm and setup the new business model. This article includes a brief summary of the rare earth price trend and the applications of the rare-earth bonded magnets. The efforts to improve the performance and diversify the applications for future growth have been also presented.

Occupational Labor Market Activities by College Majors: On the Crisis of Science and Engineering Majors (대학졸업자의 전공계열별 직업노동시장 성과: 이공계 위기의 노동시장 원인론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Hyung-Seog
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2006
  • Labor market participation and occupational status for workers majoring in(natural) science and engineering are estimated and compared with workers of other majors at three levels: employment, prestigious occupations, and good occupations. For this, we utilized 2% Public Use Sample of 2000 Korea Census. The results of two-stage probit models, which adjust sample selection bias, do not support the argument that graduates of science and engineering majors are relatively disadvantaged. Workers of engineering majors are more likely to have 'good occupations' at their early job careers, but their advantages fade away quickly as they are aging. Especially at their 40s, their probability of having 'good occupations' start to be likely lower than workers of social science majors. This may be due to low human capital accumulation rates at work places along with quickly outdated skills which are acquired in colleges.

The Study concerning the Process of Textile Planning for Domestic Textile Converter (국내 소재 컨버터의 소재 기획 프로세스에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyosook;Rhee, YoungJu
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper was to figure out the status quo of development of textiles in fashion industry by analyzing through in-depth interview with domestic women's wear converters on the process of textile planning. Professionals in top3 domestic women's wear converters were selected and interviewed in-depth on actual work process of textile development. The result of the research is as follows. First, the interviewed converters were having transactions with entire domestic target market of women's clothing and also exporting to China. Second, production of textile was mostly domestic, with some from China. Third, the number of textile development was 20 - 50 items per season accordingly to size of converter, and the number was larger if taking into account the sourcing development, the special finished fabric development and the print design development. Fourth, for methods to gather information, converters got ideas through overseas exhibitions, overseas color swatch books, fashion-related web sites and market research. Fifth, when setting up direction of textiles, it was investigated that they had motif from in-trend material or on previous season's best-selling material. Sixth, textile planning map did not start from early in season but prefers in-progress board map. Seventh, ways for many method types for textile planning were found depending on sales type of converter and textile production price.

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A Study on the Application Scheme of the Warranty delivery system in Domestic Private Finance Initiative (국내 민간투자사업의 성능발주제도 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Kil;Lee, Sang-Beom
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.527-530
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    • 2007
  • The construction market has gradually become complexity, variety and specialization, and then owner's requirements about quality has become various. In order to solve the problem such as stated above, advanced constructions in France, United Kingdom, Japan and United States have introduced warranty contract which is warranted to quality and performance for need of owner in determined term to ensure the quality of construction since 1960s. In addition to, domestic constructions have been meeting with international competition because of the open BOT market from FTA. Finally, this study proposed new warranty delivery system model in PFI on considering domestic status by benchmarking the delivery process and the characteristics of the warranty contract which is applied to PFI of global.

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Vietnam: Is it attractive market for Korean Textiles and Apparel Industries\ulcorner Recent investments, Future Directions, and Implications (한국 섬유 및 의류산업의 유망 해외 진출국으로서의 베트남: 최근 진출 현황, 향후 전망과 제언)

  • 김혜수;진병호;박연주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.958-969
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    • 2002
  • No one doubts that textile and apparel industries have contributed to economic miracles of the export-led growth in Korea. However, by the turning of 1990′s, these sectors have encountered many problems such as decreasing of domestic production and exports mainly due to wage rise and shortage. Therefore, foreign direct investment to the low labor cost countries has been enlarged for a way of improving its competitiveness and increasing exports. However, no intensive study has been made exploring current investments and future directions. This study focuses Vietnam as one of the promising overseas investment countries. The purposes of this study are to analyze current investment status of Korean textiles and apparel firms in Vietnam, to explore merits and problems Vietnam has, and to present useful implications and strategies for Korean textiles and apparel companies. Analysis of current secondary data suggests that Korean apparel industry, rather than textiles industry, have invested more in Vietnam, mostly in southern Ho Chi Minh City. Investments of Korean apparel and textile firms have shown steady increase from 1990 but have turned to a decrease from 1995. Findings suggested that Vietnam has merits for attracting foreign investment since it provides relatively cheap labor and outstanding skillful hands suitable for apparel and textiles industries. In addition, because of EU quota increase and the trade agreement between Vietnam and USA it is likely for firms in Vietnam to increase exports to EU and USA Rapid expansion of domestic apparel market and "Korean trend (Han Rue)" in Vietnam resulted from successful star marketing of Korean firms are another merits Vietnam has to the Korean fm. However, regulations of central government, low efficiency of bureaucratic and stiff administrative process, difficulty of making decision in case of joint venture, lack of social overhead capital, high factory construction costs, weak construction condition, and the excessive competition among investment enterprises have found to be problems. Based on pros and cons of investment to Vietnam, marketing strategies, practical implications and future directions were suggested.