• Title/Summary/Keyword: mapping database

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Implementation of 2.5D Mapping System for Fashion Design (패션디자인을 위한 2.5D맵핑 시스템의 구현)

  • Lee, Min-Kyu;Kim, Young-Un;Cho, Jun-Ei;Han, Sung-Kuk;Jung, Sung-Tae;Lee, Yong-Ju;Jung, Suck-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.599-602
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    • 2005
  • This paper utilizing model picture of finished clothes in fashion design field various material (textile fabrics) doing Draping directly can invent new design, and do not produce direction sample or poetic theme width and confirm clothes work to simulation. Also, construct database about model and material image that can confirm Mapping result by real time. Development did the 2.5D Mapping system that used path extraction algorithm, warp algorithm, a lighting extraction and application algorithm in order to implement natural Draping of model picture and material image.

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A Study on Developing XML Documents and RDB Mapping Using Tag Free XML Development Tools (Tag free XML 개발 툴을 이용한 XML 문서 개발과 RDB 매핑에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Won-Taek
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2006
  • XML architecture is important to wireless or wired presentation. It is also important for data exchange between businesses. XML forces the separation of content from style and gives wired or wireless devices flexibility for interpretation. Separation of content, style, and logic is key to advanced architecture. XML can be exchanged among databases on multiple systems with presentation on wired or wireless devices. An XML schema might need to be defined, or an established DTD might need to be transformed to access a relational database on the server. The purpose of this study is to generate XML documents such as DTD, XML schema, RDB mapping using Tagfree's XML developer tools in order to experience whole processes mentioned above. Overall understanding of data structures of and database processing with XML documents, which is essential to XML programming and database processing, can be accomplished with this study without much endeavor to learn complex XML syntax. The future study can be extended on the subject of web programming with DOM or SAX API.

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An Web-based Mapping by Constructing Database of Geographical Names (지명 데이터베이스 구축을 통한 웹지도화 방안)

  • Kim, Nam-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.428-439
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    • 2010
  • Map of geographical names can give us information for understanding of region because geographical name reflects regional perception of human. This study aimed to make an web-based map by constructing database of geographical names. Main contents carried out research on methods for classification of geographical names, database construction, and mapping on the website. Geographical name classified into four categories of the physical geography, culture and historical geography, economic geography, and the other and also, 18 sub-categories by classification criteria. Geographical name designed to input by collecting geographical names from paper-based maps and vernacular place names only known to the local region. Fields of database consisted of address, coordinates, geographical name(hangeul, hanja), classification, explanation, photographs. Map of geographical names can be represented with regional geographical information. The result of research is expected to offer information for distribution of geographical names as well as regional interpretation.

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Development of an Object-Relational IFC Server

  • Hoon-sig Kang;Ghang Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1346-1351
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we propose a framework for an Object Relational IFC Server (OR-IFC Server). Enormous amounts of information are generated in each project. Today, many BIM systems are developed by various CAD software vendors. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) developed by International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) is an open standard data model for exchanging data between the various BIM tools. The IFC provides a foundation for exchanging and sharing of information directly between software applications and define a shared building project model. The IFC model server is a database management system that can keep track of transactions, modifications, and deletions. It plays a role as an information hub for storing and sharing information between various parties involved in construction projects. Users can communicate with each other via the internet and utilize functions implemented in the model server such as partial data import/export, file merge, version control, etc. IFC model servers using relational database systems have been developed. However, they suffered from slow performance and long transaction time due to a complex mapping process between the IFC structure and a relational-database structure because the IFC model schema is defined in the EXPRESS language which is object-favored language. In order to simplify the mapping process, we developed a set of rules to map the IFC model to an object-relational database (ORDB). Once the database has been configured, only those pieces of information that are required for a specific information-exchange scenario are extracted using the pre-defined information delivery manual (IDM). Therefore, file sizes will be reduced when exchanging data, meaning that files can now be effectively exchanged and shared. In this study, the framework of the IFC server using ORDB and IDM and the method to develop it will be examined.

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A Study on the Biotop's Characters of the Mixed Rural City(III) - Case Study of Chonan - (도농통합형 도시에 있어서 생물서식처 공간특성에 관한 연구(III) - 천안시를 중심으로 -)

  • Bang, Kwang-Ja;Lee, Haeng-Youl;Kang, Hyun-Kyoung;Park, Sung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 1999
  • This study was aimed to establish biotop unit of the mixed rural city for the method and process of the biotop mapping system. Survey site was Maejuri of Seunghwan(158ha), Gisanri of Mokchon(132ha) and Namkwanri, Pungsemeon(214ha). So the main process was divided by 4 schemes such as Biosphere, Geosphere, Antrosphere and Evaluation. Also the GIS(geographic information system) was used to make the database of the biotop and biotop complex, analyze the cross-combinations and analyze the characters of the biotop. Biotop mapping system had 5 steps which were proceeded with research goals, constructing the spatial database and attribute database, classifying the 3 types of biotop such as tree/shrub biotop, grass biotop and wetland biotop, cross-analyzing 3 biotop types with land use, habitat characters, relief characters and danger/disturbance elements and evaluating the 3 types of biotop. The results of applicating the biotop mapping system on the research site as followings : The distributions of the land uses in Maejuri, Seunghwan eup in Chonan city were recorded by forest(29.8%), orchard(14.1%) and landscaping around building site(9.0%). Gisanri, Mokchonmeon were composed of forest(64.5%), farm(12.8%) and Namkwanri, Pungsemeon were concentrated rice field(39.6%), dwell district(22.4%). The Tree/Shrub biotop type was reclassed by the forest type, natural and artificial decidous type with natural coniferous. The Grass biotop type was reclassed by the wild grassland type, garden type and peddy field with wild grassland. The distributions of the wet land were pointed high at the wet land type with reed marsh and edge vegetation around wet land in reservoir and river. The evaluation of the mapped bitopes was completed to the following aspect, "amenity" and "environmental education". A high value of 7.13%(1 class) was shown Maejuri, Seunghwan eup. The regions which were studied synthetically are divided to three parts ; the area where have nature and art mixed(Seunghwan), the area which is more artificial because people inhabit there for a long time(Pungsemeon) and the area that ecological environment is threatened by development pressure(Mokchonmeon). Therefore, ecological restoration plan which depends on specific property of the regions should be established. Also the interdisplinary researches were needed to develop the BMS(Biotop Mapping System) in Korea because of the differences with Germany, England's ecological habitat conditions.

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Study on Color Coordination Simulator based on Dual Mapping Model (이중매핑모델에 의한 칼라배색 시뮬레이터 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 김돈한;정지원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2003
  • In order to develop color image, color simulation based on data processing techniques has been developed and applied to data interpretation tools or product design supporting systems. It has been a commonmethod to use image key words to search for data and provide color coordination samples that determine computer combination in computerized support systems until recently. However, this method does not reflect system designers and users taste or preference on making final choices of color coordination samples because the database was designed based on an assumption of standardized group that was established database from large scaled image evaluation research. In this study, we suggest a color coordination simulator that supports designer's final decision-making procedure on sample groups through the simulation of various color combination. The simulator allows communications with the system to explore a designer's color combination taste and preference, and provides a user for an efficient environment to judge the optimum result. The color coordination simulator was designed based upon Dual mapping model derived from a designer's thought process, and four steps of operations longrightarrowdefining color concept longrightarrowmaking color sample groupslongrightarrow simulation-determining ranking among final combination samples - will be assisting color design process.

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Design of The Geographic Information Database Structure for Census Mapping (센서스 지도제작을 위한 지리정보데이타베이스 구조연구)

  • 김설희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 1993
  • In order to minimize vectorizing tasks, which require huge reso¬urces and time and to support the census mapping effectively, the geographic information databases structure has been studied. The steps of the new approach are as follows. : Step 1, Scanning the maps of the whole country and storing the image data in raster format. Step 2, Vectorizing the data of specific items for Census operation such as Enume¬ration District, and then linking to attribute data in the text format. Step 3, Designing the database with a Tile and Multi-layer structure to make a continuous map logically. Step 4, Implement Censlls Mapping System(CMS) for efficient mapping and retrieving. As a consequence of this study, the cost, manpower and time effectiveness was proved and it was confirmed to produce lIseful and high-qual ified maps for the Census. In the future, this system wi II be able to provide many organizations and individuals with the various data based on geographical statistical information.

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Development of FAPIS(Forest Aerial Photograph Interpretation System) for Digital Forest Cover Type Mapping(Version 1.0) (수치임상도 제작을 위한 산림항공사진 영상판독시스템 개발(Version 1.0))

  • You, Byung-Oh;Kim, Chong-Chan;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the FAPIS(Forest Aerial Photograph Interpretation System) development is to increase accuracy and efficiency of the digital forest cover type mapping for improving conventional analog-based mapping procedures by optimizing work-flow and mapping technology. The database models including digital forest cover type map, aerial photograph, and topographic map were designed for use in this system construction. The interface configured concisely to connect with functions such as search engine, display control, conversion to stereo interpretation mode, modification tools, automation of print layout and database models. It is expected that the standardization methodology based on this system can be applied and extended in making all kinds of digital thematic maps, providing decision-making and information of forest resources.

Design and Implementation of 2.5D Mapping System for Cloth Pattern (의복패턴을 위한 2.5D 맵핑 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Ju-Ri;Joung, Suck-Tae;Jung, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.611-619
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    • 2008
  • 2.5D Mapping system that embody in this paper can make new design by doing draping to live various texture and model picture image of fashion clothes by pattern, and can confirm clothes work to simulation without producing direction sample or product directly. Also, the system can support function that can forecast fabric design and state of end article exactly, and the system can bring competitive power elevation of fashion industry and cost-cutting effect by doing draping using database of fabric and model picture image. 2.5D Mapping system composed and embodied by mesh warp algorithm module, light and shade extraction and application module, mapping path extraction module, mesh creation and transformation module, and 2.5D mapping module for more natural draping. Future work plans to study 3D fashion design system that graft together 3D clothes technology and 3D human body embodiment technology to do based on embodiment technology of 2.5D mapping system and overcomes expression limit of 2.5D mapping technology.

A Study on the Replication Consistency Model for the Mapping System on the Client-Sewer Environment (클라이언트-서버 환경의 매핑 시스템 개발을 위한 복제 일관성 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Park, Hong-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 1997
  • It is required for multi-users to share massive mapping data effectively that distributed data model in the Client-Server environment is developed for the replication consistency. The existing model is not effective to the long transaction just like a mapping system, since it does not account lot consistency between GUI screen and database replications even though it emphasizes on the replication consistency. The performance of concurrency control is very important for those long transactions, especially the mapping systems. This model is to support consistency between GUI screen and replicas using display locks. It suggests consistency model improving process performance by modifying memory consistency model and optimistic concurrency control for mapping data's characteristics.

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