• Title/Summary/Keyword: map measure

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Development and Application of the Educational Program to Increase High School Students' Systems Thinking Skills - Focus on Global Warming - (고등학생들의 시스템 사고 향상을 위한 교육프로그램 개발 및 적용 - 지구온난화를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Kwon, Yong-Ju;Oh, Hee-Jin;Lee, Hyun-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.784-797
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this study are: (1) to develop educational program designed to improve high school students' knowledge integration and their system thinking skills about global warming and (2) to identify the change of students' system thinking level. The developed program was implemented to twenty seven high school students, and six students grouped into three highs and three lows in their performance were selected to analyze their level of system thinking. The word association, casual map and drawing were used to measure and identify any significant change. As a result, the low level system thinking group improved their system thinking skills for global warming and the earth and sub-systems after the intervention. However, participants' misconception remained the same. And the high level systems thinking group showed more organize system thinking skills about a global warming topic. It is suggested that more educational programs be developed on various topics in order for high school students to improve their systems thinking skills as well as knowledge integration of earth systems and earth environment in school curriculum.


  • Doi, Yasuo;Komugi, Shinya;Kawada, Mitsunobu;Takita, Satoshi;Arimatsu, Ko;Ikeda, Norio;Kato, Daisuke;Kitamura, Yoshimi;Nakagawa, Takao;Ootsubo, Takafumi;Morishima, Takahiro;Hattori, Makoto;Tanaka, Masahiro;White, Glenn J.;Etxaluze, Mireya;Shibai, Hiroshi
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 2012
  • Far-infrared observations provide crucial data for the investigation and characterisation of the properties of dusty material in the Interstellar Medium (ISM), since most of its energy is emitted between ~ 100 and $200{\mu}m$. We present the first all-sky image from a sensitive all-sky survey using the Japanese AKARI satellite, in the wavelength range $50-180{\mu}m$. Covering > 99% of the sky in four photometric bands with four filters centred at $65{\mu}m$, $90{\mu}m$, $140{\mu}m$, and $160{\mu}m$ wavelengths, this achieved spatial resolutions from 1 to 2 arcmin and a detection limit of < 10 MJy $sr^{-1}$, with absolute and relative photometric accuracies of < 20%. All-sky images of the Galactic dust continuum emission enable astronomers to map the large-scale distribution of the diffuse ISM cirrus, to study its thermal dust temperature, emissivity and column density, and to measure the interaction of the Galactic radiation field and embedded objects with the surrounding ISM. In addition to the point source population of stars, protostars, star-forming regions, and galaxies, the high Galactic latitude sky is shown to be covered with a diffuse filamentary-web of dusty emission that traces the potential sites of high latitude star formation. We show that the temperature of dust particles in thermal equilibrium with the ambient interstellar radiation field can be estimated by using $90{\mu}m$, $140{\mu}m$, and $160{\mu}m$ data. The FIR AKARI full-sky maps provide a rich new data set within which astronomers can investigate the distribution of interstellar matter throughout our Galaxy, and beyond.

Development of Mean Stand Height Module Using Image-Based Point Cloud and FUSION S/W (영상 기반 3차원 점군과 FUSION S/W 기반의 임분고 분석 모듈 개발)

  • KIM, Kyoung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2016
  • Recently mean stand height has been added as new attribute to forest type maps, but it is often too costly and time consuming to manually measure 9,100,000 points from countrywide stereo aerial photos. In addition, tree heights are frequently measured around tombs and forest edges, which are poor representations of the interior tree stand. This work proposes an estimation of mean stand height using an image-based point cloud, which was extracted from stereo aerial photo with FUSION S/W. Then, a digital terrain model was created by filtering the DSM point cloud and subtracting the DTM from DSM, resulting in nDSM, which represents object heights (buildings, trees, etc.). The RMSE was calculated to compare differences in tree heights between those observed and extracted from the nDSM. The resulting RMSE of average total plot height was 0.96 m. Individual tree heights of the whole study site area were extracted using the USDA Forest Service's FUSION S/W. Finally, mean stand height was produced by averaging individual tree heights in a stand polygon of the forest type map. In order to automate the mean stand height extraction using photogrammetric methods, a module was developed as an ArcGIS add-in toolbox.

A Spatial Analysis about Arrival Delay and Dispatch Distribution of the 119 Rescue-Aid Service utilizing GIS - Gyeongsangbuk-Do Case Study - (GIS를 활용한 119 구조구급서비스의 도착지체 및 출동배치에 대한 공간분석 - 경상북도 사례 연구 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Seok;Lee, Seungwon;Lee, Inmook;Kho, Seung-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1D
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2012
  • The 119 emergency rescue-aid service operated by Korean government is a very valuable in a society and its importance is growing in Korea as an aging society. Especially, the emergency vehicle's arrival time to accidents place is an important variable which affects initial emergency measure for patients and it depends on the road network attributes, such as emergency service station's location, accessibility to accidents place and so on. This study aims to analysis the emergency vehicles' arrival delay and the dispatch station in the viewpoint of efficiency utilizing the real rescue-aid activity data. We analyzed the dispatch distribution of the emergency rescue-aid service at first. And we analyzed high accident rate locations not involved in the fixed radius of rescue-aid service stations and display GIS map showing regions have been delayed. The input data of the road network speed is based on the KTDB (Korea Transportation Database) and historical rescue-aid data is from Gyeongsangbuk-do's fire service headquarters.

Physical Colorimetric Properties and Psychological Sensibility Factor of Naturally Dyed Fabrics (천연염색직물의 물리적 색채 특성과 심리적 감성 요인)

  • Lee, Eu-Gene;Lee, Kyung-hyun;Cho, Gil-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed to measure the physical colorimetric property according to three conditions, natural dyestuffs (Gardenia, Sappan wood, Lac, Gardenia blue, Mugwort, and Indigo), fabric types (cotton, silk), and presence of mordant (without, with), and then to evaluate the psychological sensibility. Also, to perform analysis of variance (ANOVA) to find out the differences of physical properties according to the three natural dyeing conditions, and to analyze the relationship between physical property and psychological property by Pearson's correlation analysis and then suggest the prediction model by regression analysis using SPSS program (ver. 21.0). Finally, to propose a certain sensibility image map of naturally dyed fabrics, MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) was used, and as a result, Gardenia dyed fabrics having the color sensibilities such as 'hard' and 'heavy' were suggested to evoke masculine image, and to evoke feminine image, Sappan wood and Lac having 'bright', 'transparent', 'soft' and 'light' sensibilities were suggested. Natural image might be induced by using 'subdued' Mugwort dyed fabrics, and active image might be induced by using 'showy' Indigo dyed fabric.

Site Index Equations and Estimation of Productive Areas for Major Pine Species by Climatic Zones Using Environmental Factors (기후대별 입지환경 인자에 의한 소나무류의 지위지수 추정식 및 적지 구명)

  • Shin, Man-Yong;Won, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Woo;Lee, Yoon-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to develop site index equations for some pine species by climatic zones based on the relationships between site index and environmental factors. The selected pine species were Pinus densiflora Sieb. et. Zucc., Pinus densiflora for, erecta, and Pinus thunbergii. A total of 28 environmental factors were obtained from a digital forest site map. The influence of 28 environmental factors on site index was evaluated by multiple regression analysis. Four to eight environmental factors were selected in the final site index equation for pine species by climatic zones. The site index equations developed in this study was then verified by three evaluation statistics such as model's estimation bias, model's precision and mean square error type of measure. We concluded that the site index equations for the pine species by climatic Bones were capable of estimating forest site productivity. Based on these site index equations, the amount of productive areas for the species by climatic zones was estimated by applying the GIS technique to digital forest maps.

Categorizing the Landcover Classes of the Satellite Imagery for the Management of the Nonpoint Source Pollutions (비점오염원 수문유출모형에 적용 가능한 위성영상의 토지피복 분류항목 설정)

  • Seo, Dong-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2009
  • To measure the amount of nonpoint source pollution, some efforts are tried to utilize satellite imagery. But, as the factors for water models do not relate with the landcover categories for satellite imagery, satellite imagery are adapted to roughly classified thematic map or used only for the image interpretation. The purpose of this study is to establish the landcover categories of satellite imagery to relate with the water models. To establish the categories of the landcover for the water models, it was investigated to get main factors of water flow models for the nonpoint source pollution and to review the existing study and the classification system. For this result, it was convinced that the basic unit on the nonpoint source pollution, landcover coefficients of SCS Curve Number, the crop factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation, Manning's roughness coefficients are the useful parameters to extract information from the satellite imagery. After the setup the categories for the landcover classification, it was finally defined from the consultation of the water model specialist. Woopo wetland watershed was selected to the study area because it is a representative wetland in Korea and needs the management system for nonpoint source pollution. There were used Landsat ETM Plus and SPOT-5 satellite imagery to assess the result of the image classification.

Improvement of Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing for Linear-Type Infrastructure (선형형태 사회기반시설물의 지형도면 고시 개선방안)

  • Moon, Jung Kyun;Kwon, Hun Yeong;Cho, Hyoung Sig;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.1327-1334
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    • 2014
  • Linear form of public works such as roads, railways and rivers, generally used as long work crossing administrative districts, can be several hundreds km length and narrow. These linear forms use SCM sheets, which do not include the quadrangle shape, to make a public announcement of topographical drawing in order to get the work approval. the Integrated measurement channel investigation and cadastral act that are established in 2009 apply the ITRF for the composition of design and construction books and coordinates of topographical map in order to get the work approval. However according to the article 5 of additional clause, while the cadastre is maintaining local coordinates, if there is a technical error in the content of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing that used the SCM, the question of responsibility of land borders and the efficacy or not of the announcement is raised as an administrative measure. After analysing the causes and enforcing coordinate conversion and correction taking into account linear form work's features, the result was reflected in the existing SCM. As a conclusion, the present study proposes the improvement of the procedures of the Public Announcement of Topographical Drawing.

Implementation of User Interface and GeoSensor based Traveling Type Sub-Observation Prototype System for Monitoring of Groundwater (지하수 모니터링을 위한 GeoSensor 기반의 이동식 보조관측망 프로토타입 시스템 및 사용자 인터페이스 구현)

  • Kim, Kyung-Jong;Jung, Se-Hoon;Sim, Chun-Bo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2012
  • Although underground water resource has relatively less pollution rate compared with surface water, its recovery faces many difficulties due to poor management. Our country monitors underground water to manage it effectively through auxiliary observation network for underground water. In this paper, we suggest water-well auto measure system based on Geosensor for business efficiency increase of water-well management and realtime monitering. In this system is consist of user GUI(Graphic User Interface) composed with water-well information and movement sub-observation network prototype system composed with GPS(Global Positioning System) and wireless sensor node such as water temperature, water level, electrical conductivity. In this system is using the light of the sun for self-power, variety water-well information collected wireless sensor node was a wireless transmitting/receiving a using CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access) module. Also, for promote with user ease, user GUI express that water-well collected in GIS(Geographic Information System) map. For performance evaluation of the proposed system, we perform experiment using sensing information through designed sub-observation network. And we was proved superiority of the proposed system through qualitative evaluation with other paper.

A Study on Brand Positioning of Franchise Snack Bar - Focused on Busan Area - (프랜차이즈 분식점의 브랜드 포지셔닝에 관한 연구 - 부산 지역 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Soon-A;Kang, Hee-Seog;Lee, Sang-Mook
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2017
  • This study is focused on five franchise snack bars to create an effective marketing strategy by analyzing the competitive relationships among them and by grasping selection properties that satisfy customers. Discriminant Analysis was utilized to suggest methodological frameworks, and the results show three factors (food quality, employees' service, and physical environment) were extracted that contains twenty five questions. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out in order to verify if there were statistically meaningful differences in the Franchise snack bars, and post hoc comparisons were conducted using the Duncan method. In addition, Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) was used to measure brand similarity, selection attributes, and brand preferences. The results of the analysis show that Addal had the highest scores on average in all three factors (food quality, employees' service, and physical environment), Bong-Gus Babberger had two higher scored factors (employees' service and physical environment) than the average, and Gobongmin kimbab had also two higher scored factors (food quality and physical environment) than the average. Kimbab chunguk appeared to have lower scores than the average in all three factors (food quality, employees's service, and physical environment). The findings of this study provide a useful positioning map of competitiveness among five brands and offer practical marketing proposals.