• Title/Summary/Keyword: making landscape

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A Study on Avant-Garde Fine Art during the period of Japanese Colonial Rule of Korea, centering on 'Munjang' (a literary magazine) (일제강점기 '전위미술론'의 전통관 연구 - '문장(文章)' 그룹을 중심으로)

  • Park, Ca-Rey
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.4
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    • pp.57-76
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    • 2006
  • From the late 1920s to the 1930s, Korea's fine art community focused on traditional viewpoints as their main topic. The traditional viewpoints were discussed mainly by Korean students studying in Japan, especially oil painters. Such discussions on tradition can be divided into two separate halves, namely the pre- and post-Sino-Japanese War (1937) periods. Before the war, the modernists among Korea's fine art community tried to gain a fuller understanding of contemporary Western modern art, namely, expressionism, futurism, surrealism, and so forth, on the basis of Orientalism, and borrow from these schools' in order to create their own works. Furthermore, proponents of Joseon's avant-garde fine arts and artists of the pro-fine art school triggered debate on the traditional viewpoints. After the Sino-Japanese War, these artists continued to embrace Western modern art on the basis of Orientalism. However, since Western modern fine art was regressing into Oriental fine art during this period, Korean artists did not need to research Western modern fine art, but sought to study Joseon's classics and create Joseon's own avant- garde fine art in a movement led by the Munjang group. This research reviews the traditional view espoused by the Munjang group, which represented the avant-garde fine art movement of the post-war period. Advocating Joseon's own current of avant-garde fine art through the Munjang literary magazine, Gil Jin - seop, Kim Yong-jun and others accepted the Japanese fine art community's methodology for the restoration of classicism, but refused Orientalism as an ideology, and attempted to renew their perception of Joseon tradition. The advocation of the restoration of classicism by Gil Jin-seop and Kim Yong-jun appears to be similar to that of the Yasuda Yojuro-style restoration of classicism. However, Gil Jin-seop and Kim Yong-jun did not seek their sources of classicism from the Three-Kingdoms and Unified Silla periods, which Japan had promoted as a symbol of unity among the Joseon people; instead they sought classicism from the Joseon fine art which the Japanese had criticized as a hotbed of decadence. It was the Joseon period that the Munjang group chose as classicism when Japan was upholding Fascism as a contemporary extremism, and when Hangeul (Korean writing system) was banned from schools. The group highly evaluated literature written in the style of women, especially women's writings on the royal court, as represented by Hanjungnok (A Story of Sorrowful Days). In the area of fine art, the group renewed the evaluation of not only literary paintings, but also of the authentic landscape paintings refused by, and the values of the Chusa school criticized as decadent by, the colonial bureaucratic artists, there by making great progress in promoting the traditional viewpoint. Kim Yong-jun embraced a painting philosophy based on the painting techniques of Sasaeng (sketching), because he paid keen attention to the tradition of literary paintings, authentic landscape paintings and genre paintings. The literary painting theory of the 20th century, which was highly developed, could naturally shed both the colonial historical viewpoint which regarded Joseon fine art as heteronomical, and the traditional viewpoint which regarded Joseon fine art as decadent. As such, the Munjang group was able to embrace the Joseon period as the source of classicism amid the prevalent colonial historical viewpoint, presumably as it had accumulated first-hand experience in appreciating curios of paintings and calligraphic works, instead of taking a logical approach. Kim Yong-jun, in his fine art theory, defined artistic forms as the expression of mind, and noted that such an artistic mind could be attained by the appreciation of nature and life. This is because, for the Munjang group, the experience of appreciating nature and life begins with the appreciation of curios of paintings and calligraphic works. Furthermore, for the members of the Munjang group, who were purists who valued artistic style, the concept of individuality presumably was an engine that protected them from falling into the then totalitarian world view represented by the Nishita philosophy. Such a 20th century literary painting theory espoused by the Munjang group concurred with the contemporary traditional viewpoint spearheaded by Oh Se-chang in the 1910s. This theory had a great influence on South and North Korea's fine art theories and circles through the Fine Art College of Seoul National University and Pyongyang Fine Art School in the wake of Korea's liberation. In this sense, the significance of the theory should be re-evaluated.

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A Study on the Botanical Garden Visitors' Eco-consciousness and Motivation (식물원 이용객의 생태의식과 이용동기에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Man
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between botanical garden visitors' ecological consciousness and their needs, in order to provide some effective measures to manage them. For this purpose, 3 study points were set up: "botanical garden visitors' ecological consciousness and their needs", "differences of such consciousness depending on their demographic variables" and the "relationship between such consciousness and their needs". To this end, Botanical garden visitors were surveyed for an empirical analysis. The visitors' awareness about ecology was measured with Dunlap's 15-item NEP Inventory, while their needs were analyzed in reference to Maslow's 7-Step Human Desire Ladder. The survey was conducted at Botanical garden for 3 days. As a result, a total of 360 questionnaires were returned. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; First, the visitors' ecological consciousness and their needs were higher than normal level. In terms of their consciousness of ecology, their awareness of the ecological crisis potential and anti-humanism were the highest. In terms of their needs, the aesthetic need was the highest, followed by the cognitive need. On the other hand, the needs for self-achievement and self-esteem were the lowest; except them, the higher the needs were positioned at Maslow's ladder of desire, the more responsive the subjects became. As a result of analyzing the correlation between the subjects' consciousness of ecology and their needs, it was found that the correlation was negative in some sub-areas, while being positive in other sub-areas. After all, the ratio of the sub-areas having a positive correlation was 3 times higher than that of the sub-areas having a negative correlation. Even as for the correlation coefficient values, they were higher in the positive sub-areas, which suggests that the correlation between wetland visitors' ecological consciousness and their needs was positive, although at a lower level, in overall terms. As a result of comparatively analyzing visitors' needs by dividing them into 3 sub-groups depending on the levels of their ecological consciousness, it was found that the higher their consciousness of ecology was, the higher their needs were. Overall, botanical garden visitors' ecological awareness was higher than the normal level, and it was estimated that such awareness would continue to increase. Hence, it could be inferred that their needs, particularly their aesthetic and cognitive ones, would also continue to increase. Accordingly, it is important to manage the wetland landscape making use of its visual resources, while keep providing the visitors with the contents fulfilling their need for knowledge.

Perspectives on the Composition Facilities of The Royal Garden at Wanggung-ri site, Iksan (익산 왕궁리유적 후원(後苑)의 조성 시설에 관한 고찰)

  • Choi, Moon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • This article is the results of excavation data and it aims to interpret the composition facilities of the Royal garden at the Wanggung-ri site. The base of research was prepared through excavation and study on the royal garden at the Wanggung-ri site, which was constructed in Sa-bi period of Baek-je. The elements for the royal garden at the Wanggung-ri site were divided in 3 parts. - 1) Stonework facility 2) Installation for conveyance of water : Large moat-shaped ditch and Winding waterway(1~6 and water catchment) 3) Square cornerstone building. In this article, I arrange the basic data about facilities and function of the royal garden for making recovery of original form. First of all, I reason that stonework facilities were in charge to make space for catchment and boundary. Especially the Round angel rectangular stonework facility took charge of complex roles as catchment and water conveyance, and water can be transferred to the large moat-shaped ditch through joint between them. I confirmed that the round angel rectangular stonework facility and the large moat-shaped ditch which were connected by joint are one of the facilities in the royal garden. The large moat-shaped ditch protected the eastern, the northern walls and workshop site under the inclined plane to minimize the damage. Also, the large moat-shaped ditch took several roles, especially water catchments and landscaping. The large moat-shaped ditch was continually used from the period of Baek-je to the unified Silla, as a result it was completely deposited inside. After that, the 6 winding waterway were built in the western inclined plane with similar needs with the large moat-shaped ditch, and the square cornerstone building was built in same time. I noticed that the square cornerstone building was built as a part of the royal garden in Sa-bi period of Baek-je through the remains of Baek-je tiles around the building. After that, the square cornerstone building was built in same place as reconstruction.

A Study on the Forest Vegetation of Deogyusan National Park (덕유산 국립공원 삼림식생에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Hwan;Oh, Jang-Geun;Lee, Nam-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2013
  • From March 2012 to January 2013, this study was conducted as a part of the project for making a precise electronic ecological zoning map of vegetation on a highly reduced scale of 1 to 5,000 with a view to improving management efficiency of national parks and enlarging the availability of the data produced from the basic research monitoring the resources of national parks. For the research accuracy and rapidity, a vegetation map was specially created for the on-the-site-vegetation research. To make the map more meticulous, we categorized the vegetation database into five groups: broadleaved forest, coniferous forest, mixed forest, rock vegetation and miscellaneous one. After comparing the results of the data built for the vegetation research and the actual research findings, it was made clear that vegetation of both categories was almost the same in case of broad-leaved forest with 72.20% and 78.45% respectively, and also equivalent in other groups like, for example, coniferous forest (16.70%, 13.41%), mixed forest (9.50%, 7.49%) and rock vegetation (0.60%, 0.15%). According to the precise vegetation map produced from the research, the deciduous broad-leaved forest was the most widely prevalent type in the correlated hierarchical classification of vegetation, occupying 65.78% of the overall vegetation. It was followed by mountain valley forest (15.17%), coniferous forest (10.90%), and plantation forest (7.00%) in order. It is particularly noteworthy that Mt. Deogyusan national park has retained a very stable and versatile forest vegetation in the outstanding state since approximately 20% of the mountain turns out to belong to the I grade vegetation conservation classification which contains climax forests, unique vegetation, subalpine vegetation, matured stands which are older than 50 years and etc.

A Study on Efficiency of Water Purification of Korean Village Bangjuk[dike] as a Means of Ecological Watershed Management (생태적 유역관리 도구로써 마을방죽의 수질정화 효율성 고찰)

  • An, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2012
  • This study centering on 10 village - Bangjuks analyzed multifunctionality value of village Bangjuks which have been main water treatment system in Korean traditional villages. On the basis of understanding the structure and character of components such as the well, common spring, village waterway and others which making water-flow and consisting of aquatic system in Korean traditional village Bangjuk, the conclusion as the instrumental device of social and ecological role and ecological watershed management, securing the ecosystem soundness of the damaged or deteriated aquatic ecosystem due to the industrialization and urbanization is as below; 1. The traditional village Bangjuk was environmentally friendly hydraulic system which gathers waterways of village into a point including sewage water, retains and flows out to village through agricultural waterway. Through this Bangjuk, they have managed sewage and rainfall runoff flowed out village efficiently. It is not only a detention system of water but a kind of eco-friendly system that flow out water into the rivers after reusing and filtering it. 2. Around five traditional villages and five villages after modernization, this study classified the types of village Bangjuk as three types considering geographic location, size, etc; marsh type of low swamp, high water -low rice field type of natural flow stucture, low water - high rice field type requiring artificial irrigation facility. All the five traditional villages were turned out to be marsh type of low swamp. Geoji, Sanjeri, Ma-am, Yangchon of the agricultural villages were high water-low rice filed type, and Sangchoenri village was classified low water-high rice field type. 3. This study checked up the function of water purification of village Bangjuk. In Wonteo and Geji villages affected by discharge of village sewer and domestic sewage, the efficiency of ammonia nitrogen($NH_3-N$) and total phosphorus(T-P) was 56~95%, which was high. In Sangcheonri and Sanjeri villages strongly affected by stall and farmland, the efficiency of suspended solids(SS) was 70~85%, and that of total nitrogen(T-N) and total phosphorus(T-P) was 5.3~65%. 4. A water purification system can be found out in the system of village Bangjuk that filter out village sewage and rainfall runoff flowed through the settle and filter of pollution source and denitrification of plants. Through this system of village Bangjuk, it must be used as the basic facilities for the ecological watershed management. The sewage management system of village Bangjuk as a eco-filter must be used and studied as an eco-friendly facility for the ecological watershed management around the subwatershed and catchment.

Habitat Quality Analysis and Evaluation of InVEST Model Using QGIS - Conducted in 21 National Parks of Korea - (QGIS를 이용한 InVEST 모델 서식지질 분석 및 평가 - 21개 국립공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Jang, Jung-Eun;Kwon, Hye-Yeon;Shin, Hae-seon;Lee, Sang-Cheol;Yu, Byeong-hyeok;Jang, Jin;Choi, Song-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.102-111
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    • 2022
  • Among protected areas, National Parks are rich in biodiversity, and the benefits of ecosystem services provided to human are higher than the others. Ecosystem service evaluation is being used to manage the value of national parks based on objective and scientific data. Ecosystem services are classified into four services: supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural. The purpose of this study is to evaluate habitat quality among supporting services. Habitat Quality Model of InVEST was used to analyze. The coefficients of sensitivity and habitat initial value were reset by reflecting prior studies and the actual conditions of protected areas. Habitat quality of 21 national parks except Hallasan National Park was analyzed and mapped. The value of habitat quality was evaluated to be between 0 and 1, and the closer it is to 1, the more natural it is. As a result of habitat quality analysis, Seoraksan and Taebaeksan National Parks (0.90), Jirisan and Odaesan National Parks (0.89), and Sobaeksan National Park (0.88) were found to be the highest in the order. As a result of comparing the area and habitat quality of 18 national parks except for coastal-marine national parks, the larger the area, the higher the overall habitat quality. Comparing the value of habitat quality of each zone, the value of habitat quality was high in the order of the park nature preservation zone, the park nature environmental zone, the park cultural heritage zone, and the park village zone. Considering both the analysis of habitat quality and the legal regulations for each zone of use, it is judged that the more artificial acts are restricted, the higher the habitat quality. This study is meaningful in analyzing habitat quality of 21 National Parks by readjusting the parameters according to the situation of protected areas in Korea. It is expected to be easy to intuitively understand through accurate data and mapping, and will be useful in making policy decisions regarding the development and preservation of protected areas in the future.

Growth and Contents of Inorganic Nutrient during Cultivation of Zoysiagrass (한국잔디의 재배기간 중 생육과 무기성분 함량 변화)

  • Bae, Eun-Ji;Lee, Kwang-Soo;Park, Yong-Bae;Lee, Sang-Myeong;Yang, Geun-Mo;Huh, Moo-Ryong
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2013
  • This research will be utilized as a base line data by researching on growth and the accumulation of inorganic nutrients during the cultivation period of zoysiagrass and also to establish a cultivation strategy of zoysiagrass. It involves the management such as fertilizer and mowing which ultimately led to the difference of growth and accumulation of inorganic nutrients. The accumulation of inorganic nutrients after mowing, the amount of accumulation was small when compared to the amount lost for the shoot, rhizome and root. Difference in the accumulation of inorganic nutrients, but as for K, Ca and Mg accumulation it shows similar aspects to N accumulation. The orders of inorganic nutrients in zoysiagrass were N > K > P > Ca > Mg. The characteristics of inorganic nutrients absorption of such zoysiagrass acts as the foundation of cultivation, and in the aspect of making decisions on the fertilization amount and soil management, it is closely related to the requirement on nutrients. In order to increase the productivity based on the zoysiagrass's growth and density rate improvement, accumulation of inorganic nutrients per growth period needs to be analyzed, and supplying nutrients in an efficient method suitable to the growth period is advisable, so such basic research was necessary.

An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Walking Environment Using GIS Method -Focusing on the Case Study of Changwon City- (GIS기법을 이용한 근린주구 보행환경평가 -창원시를 사례지역으로-)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Lee, Woo-Sung;Byeon, Ji-Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 2010
  • This research tried to suggest a method of DB construction in the field using evaluation variables and Mobile GIS focusing on Changwon City as a leading study to encourage walking and biking in everyday life. First, twenty evaluation variables of WEs(walking environments) were selected through the literature review, and also scored separately. Second, the field survey-DB of each variable was built effectively using Mobile GIS. Finally, WEs were evaluated synthetically based on the obtained data. The results of this research are summarized as follows. While the WE of the zones located in the fringe of Changwon square were generally got a high score as over 42, other zones located in detached or row house area were evaluated relatively highly bad. Findings from this research will help in determining the zone required improvement of WEs or easy access to main destination such as a park, shopping center, school, etc. and also selecting variables of WEs, needed an intensive improvement, in the selected zone after comparing the results of field and questionnaire survey. Furthermore, those will be used as a means of decision making support for planing, designing and maintaining of WEs to promote people's physical activity in their daily lives.

A Study on the Prediction of Buried Rebar Thickness Using CNN Based on GPR Heatmap Image Data (GPR 히트맵 이미지 데이터 기반 CNN을 이용한 철근 두께 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sehwan;Kim, Juwon;Kim, Wonkyu;Kim, Hansun;Park, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a study was conducted on the method of using GPR data to predict rebar thickness inside a facility. As shown in the cases of poor construction, such as the use of rebars below the domestic standard and the construction of reinforcement, information on rebar thickness can be found to be essential for precision safety diagnosis of structures. For this purpose, the B-scan data of GPR was obtained by gradually increasing the diameter of rebars by making specimen. Because the B-scan data of GPR is less visible, the data was converted into the heatmap image data through migration to increase the intuition of the data. In order to compare the results of application of commonly used B-scan data and heatmap data to CNN, this study extracted areas for rebars from B-scan and heatmap data respectively to build training and validation data, and applied CNN to the deployed data. As a result, better results were obtained for the heatmap data when compared with the B-scan data. This confirms that if GPR heatmap data are used, rebar thickness can be predicted with higher accuracy than when B-scan data is used, and the possibility of predicting rebar thickness inside a facility is verified.

Study on the Revegetation Methods for the Rehabilitation and Restoration of the Disturbed Slopes in Limestone Mines -Case study of Ibuki mine and Bukou mine in Japan- (석회석광산의 식생녹화방법에 관한 고찰 -일본 이부키광산과 부코우광산의 사례연구-)

  • Lee, Joon-Woo;Kim, Nam-Choon;Nam, Sang-Joon;Park, Chong-Min;Cha, Du-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.72-85
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the basis of the ecological restoration on the limestone mines in Korea, through the research of the revegetation measures of the disturbed slopes in Japanese limestone mines and the analysis of the case of Ibuki and Bukou limestone mines to realize the restoration works successfully. According to the number of mines to carry out the revegetation works increase every year, the revegetation area and amount of planting also go on increasing in Japan. In the small mines the environmental problem is not recognized seriously, but some mines have muchly invested in the revegetation of the damaged land by mines. Ibuki mine in Shiga-gen is practicing the four principles for the restoring of the revegetation in the disturbed slopes by mines. Firstly, the mean slope preserves $37^{\circ}$ in the last rock cut slopes. Secondly, the last rock cut slopes to rehabilitate are covered with the soil dressing 30cm high. Thirdly, the grasses in the mining area are digged up beforehand, and then they are reused to the revegetation works of rock cut slopes. Lastly, from the upper rock cut slopes the revegetation works begin, the process of the above are repeated, as the result, the restoring works will be completed. Upon the ground of these principles, the complex of the original vegetation and the native species seeding, that is, the revegetation technique of Ibuki have established. In the difficult area to revegetate, sodding works, heaping up vegetation-sack, seed-spraying, heaping up soil-sacks and planting works are adapted variously. Bukou mine in Saitama-gen try to maintain the revegetation, the screening and the stability of the enormous mining rock cut slope, and for these works, the activity of 'Chichibu Working Group of Rock Wall for Limestone Mines' contributes largely. The chief technique of the revegetation in Bukou mine is following; after the making the berm on the rock cut slopes, the soil dressing is filled in it, and the trees is planted for the screening of the rock cut slopes. They devide the rock cut slopes into four typical types, and choose the different ways to make the berm and fill the soil dressing in characteristic. Most of the planting trees are consist ofthe native species of Mt. Bukou through the stages of the nursery and transplantation. Not only the revegetation of the demaged land but also the breeding of the conservational plants also are their important business.