• Title/Summary/Keyword: making landscape

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The Management Planning Model for Wetland Conservation Area in South Korea: Focused on Conservation and Management Planning According to Making Mt. Daeam's Yong-neup Opening to the Public (한국의 습지보호지역 관리계획 모델: 대암산 용늪 개방에 따른 보전 및 관리계획을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Lee, Jung-Hwan;Cha, Jin-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.185-201
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    • 2014
  • The Yong-neup of Mt. Daeam, which was designated as Korea's National Monument No.246 in 1973, is a high moor, and it has been managed with the designation as an ecosystem conservation area, Ramsar wetlands, and wetland conservation area. With the closing of the officially announced 5-year period for 'No-Trespassing' on the ecosystem conservation area starting August, 2010, it becomes necessary to arrange a systematic management and conservation scheme in consideration of the access & use of the visitors and Yong-neup's potential change into land consequent on making it open to the public. This study thinks that in order to preserve the Yong-neup, it's necessary to prepare the conservation plan for the program operation for exterminating exotic species, development of replacement wetlands and nurseries, access limit through zone categorization, establishment of environment-monitoring system, institutional management support, and establishment of managing facilities, etc., and to make scientific approaches, such as survey on wetland ecosystem, establishment of inventories, wetland monitoring, and drawing up of wetland ecology maps, etc. In addition, it is required that there should be adequate considerations of restoration of slope faces, drains, artificial embankment, water-collecting wells, roads for military operations, and wild-boar-stricken areas, etc., and should be continuous and systematic management of Yong-neup through the wise use of residents' participation-style maintenance, organization of a consultative body, introduction of CEPA programs, and introduction of visiting facilities and alternative transportation system, etc.

A Road Traffic Noise Management Using a Noise Mapping Simulation (소음지도 시뮬레이션을 이용한 도로교통소음 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chul;Jeong, Jea-Hun;Kwon, Woo-Taeg
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.353-360
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    • 2007
  • Rapid urbanization and population increasing are making a high-rise residential building and high-density residential area. According to spacial concentration of population is occurred road traffic noise problem. Now we are popularly using almost only noise barrier installation, but it makes many disfunctions such as poor landscape, low noise barrier performance and crimes. The purpose of this research is to figure out which is best method one the traffic noise management. Alternative are composed to building layout type ($30^{\circ},\;90^{\circ},\;180^{\circ}$), separation between road and residential building, noise barrier types(noise barrier only, noise barrier and forests and etc). The noise barrier are shown to reduce barrier and building layout angle $30^{\circ}$ position is the best comparing with horizontal and vertical layouts. The gab distance is decreased approximately noise level 5dB(A). We figured out there are noise important method except noise barrier wall and it was analyzed how much decreased. This can be very useful before making a road planning and residential building design.

Yesterday and Today of Twelve Excellent Sceneries at Banbyeoncheon Expressed in Heojoo's Sansuyucheop (허주(虛舟) 산수유첩(山水遺帖)에 표현된 반변천(半邊川) 십이승경(十二勝景)의 어제와 오늘)

  • Kim, Jeong-Moon;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.90-102
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    • 2012
  • Sansuyucheop by Heojoobugun(虛舟府君) as the subject of this study is a 십이-width picture album by the eldest grandson of 11 generations for Goseong Lee family, Lee Jong Ak(李宗岳: 1726-1773), a figure having five habits(五癖) for ancient documents(古書癖), playing the gayageum(彈琴癖), flowering plant(花卉癖), paintings and calligraphic works(書畵癖) and boating(舟遊癖) etc., who boated with 18 relatives, and those by marriage from old home, home of mother's side, wife's home, and his home for 5 days Apr. 4 through 8, 1763, starting from Imcheonggak, through Yangjeong(羊汀), Chiltan(七灘), Sabin Auditorium(泗濱書院), Seonchang(船倉), Nakyeon(落淵), Seonchal(仙刹), Seonyujeong(仙遊亭), Mongseongak(夢仙閣), Baekwoonjeong(白雲亭) and Naeap Village(川前里), Iho(伊湖), Seoeodae(鮮魚帶) to the returning point, Bangujeong(伴鷗亭), cruised magnificent views around Banbyeoncheon called 'Andong 8 Gyeong' or 'Imhagugok', and whenever the boat anchored, appreciated the scenery at each point, and enjoyed and loved arts playing the geomungo. This study reached following findings through grasping physical, ecological, visual and aesthetic changes about the places, sceneries, plant elements and past and current scenery of the width pictures expressed at this Sansuyucheop. The refinement on the boat seeing the clear river water, white sand beach, fantastically-shaped cliffs expressed at this Sansuyucheop, exchanging poems and calligraphies, and enjoying the geomungo is a good example displaying the play culture of high-class in Joseon Dynasty. Also construction of Imha Dam and Andong Dam has caused serious visual and ecological changes, making us not enable to feel the original mood of the background spots such as Yangjeonggwabeom(羊汀過帆), Chiltanhuseon(七灘候船), Sasubeomjoo(泗水泛舟), Seonchanggyeram(船倉繫纜), Nakyeonmosaek(落淵莫色), Mangcheonguido(輞川歸棹), Ihojeongdo(伊湖停棹), but only discern then landscape or sentiment through the landscape described at the canvas. The 1st picture(Donghohaeram, 東湖解纜), and the 11th picture(Seoeobanjo, 鮮魚返照) of Heojoobugun's Sansuyucheop expressed trees thought to be fallen, brad-leaf tall trees, and the 9th picture(Unjeongpungbeom, 雲亭風帆) formed a pine forest called 'Gaeho(開湖)' by Uncheongong planting 1,000 pine trees with the village people in 1617. In addition, Seunggyeongdo expressed ever-green needle leaf trees at the natural topography, and fallen-leaf tall trees around the pavilion and building. Comparative consideration of Heojoobugun's Sansuyucheop and Shinam's Dongyusipsogi(東遊十小記) showed that the location of Samgok is assumed to be Macheon and Chiltan, so Imhagugok is assumed to start from Baekunjeong of Ilgok, Igok from Imcheon and Imcheon auditorium, Samgok from Mangcheon and Chiltan, Sagok from Sabin Auditorium of Sasoo, Ogok from Songseok, Yukgok from Sooseok of Seonchang, Chilgok from Nakyeonhyeonryu, Palgok from Seonchalsa and Seonyoojeong, and Gugok from Pyong Yuheo. This study can be significant in that it could clarify that Heojoobugun's Sansuyucheop is judged to be valuable in exquisitively expressing the coast of Banbyeon River, the biggest branch stream in the Nakdong River at the latter half of Joseon Dynasty, and as a vital diagrammatical historical data to make a comparative analysis of currently rarely-seen ancestors' life traces and landscape factors with present ones.

Making Better Use of Historical Maps in GIS

  • Shimizu, Eihan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2002
  • Historical maps are precious materials, which show spatial distribution of land use, streets and so on at the time when the maps were produced. In analysis of historical maps, the most practical method is to compare them with the present ones, for instance by overlaying them. However, the low precision, in the geometrical sense, of the historical maps makes the task of comparison very difficult. This drawback brings us the idea to incorporate the historical maps into GIS after rubber-sheet transformation, i.e. geometric correction, of them. It makes comparing and overlaying multiple maps from different time periods. Furthermore, it gives map-scales to the historical maps, which are not in general represented on the old maps, and if we allow ourselves to ignore the changes in terrain from past to present, it will make overlaying of present contour lines on the historical maps. As a result, we can bring the points of view of quantitative consideration and three-dimensional visualization into analyses of historical map. We have addressed incorporating historical maps produced in Edo period (1603-1867) in Japan into our GIS for Tokyo. This article shows the outline of our procedures and some applications, e.g., overlaying different maps from Edo period to present, quantitative analyses of land use in Edo, and visualization of landscape of Edo.

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Land Suitability Analysis of Collective Facility Area in the Kimhae Daechung Park using Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (GIS와 다요소의사결정방법(MCE)에 의한 김해 대청공원 집단시설지구 적지분석)

  • Hwang, Kook-Woong;Lee, Kyu-Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2000
  • Geographical Information Systems(GIS) overlay analyses, while ideal for performing spatial searches on nominally mapped criteria, are of limited use when multiple uncertian criteria are concerned. But, Multi-Criteria Evaluation(MCE) techniques offer a means of making complex siting decisions, involving multiple criteria. The integration of GIS and MCE techniques became rational and objective approach to perform land suitability analysis on the basis of multiple criteria. An example application based on the search for suitable sites for the collective facility area in the kimhae daechung park using IDRISI is described.

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A Study on Elevation Map Application for Offering Quantitative Analytic Frame of Streetscape - Focused on use GIS - (가로경관의 정량적 분석틀 제공을 위한 입면지도 적용에 관한 연구 - GIS 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Choon-kuk;Kim, Ki-hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2008
  • This study is about offering quantitatively analytic frame of streetscape, and also about making a way to be standardized and adapt changing landscape. This allows us to manage a form of elevation map after the application to GIS. The form of elevation map is a visible and vertical arrangement method of data recognizable while walking or driving. Applying measurable traits enables us to make a quantitative control over each element of which streetscape consists. After all, it would play a great roll in organizing and maintaining fine streetscape of each city. As the basic ways to make the elevation map, this study proposes the methods of providing quantitative analytic frame of streetscape after applying elevation data, Raster Data and Vector Data, which were investigated on the basis of GIS. In addition, as a simulation for increasing reality, certain streets, where the streetscape is very important, were chosen so that they enable us to utilize quantitatively analytic data of streetscape with analyzing the +degree of opening ratio in the boundary of D/H=2, comparing between wall area and windowpane area, comparing between facade area and sign board area, and calculating both area and ratio which are applied to ecospace.

Analysis of the Priority Decision for Establishment Criteria of Environmental Sculptures in Urban Areas (대도시 옥의 환경조형물의 설치기준에 대한 우선순위 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Seol;lee, Jeong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.489-494
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    • 2000
  • This research focused on the priotity decision for establishment sriteria on the effects which environmental sculptures in urban area. The analysis performed in this study used the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) that is recognized as a useful decision-making tool to select and evaluate alternatives through pairwise comparison in the context of hierarchical decision structure. The results obtained from the analysis drawn by collecting the professional opinions of 5 experts for environmental sculptures are as follows: 1. The orders of establish criteria priorities on environmental sculptures were harmony of environment> symbol> public> function. The harmony of environment was the most important priority because it showed the highest weight of criteria. 2. The alternative priorities of environmental sculptures were the meaning of work>setting place> social contribution> physical quality .The meaning of work showed the highest change in the weight of alternative. 3.The sensitivity analysis of environmental sculptures demonstrated that the rate of change in the alternative priorities of the public was stabilized although the criteria importance varied, while the harmony of environment, the symbol intimated and function of priorities has their rates of weight changed if the criteria priorities were high.

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Analysis of Landscape Information and Web GIS Implementation of Using 3D Topographic Modeling (3차원 지형모델링에 의한 경관정보 분석과 Web GIS 구현)

  • Kim, Yong-Suk;Hong, Soon-Heon;Ok, Chi-Yul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.9
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    • pp.204-211
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    • 2007
  • In this study 3D topographic modeling was made by using aerial photography and digital terrain map, through this we did visibility analysis and implemented Web GIS of Dong-A university. Studying area was Busan Saha-gu Hadan-dong, we used aerial photography on a scale of 1:20,000 and digital terrain map on a scale of 1:5,000. Ortho correction image was made by aerial photography through selecting GCP, image matching, image resampling and precise differential rectification. And DEM on digital map was created using ArcView program, making 3D topographic modeling by road layer and building layer and implementing Web GIS about Dong-A university.

The Future Past of Humanities Research: Musing Methodology in the Digital Convergence Era

  • Kim, Jiyun
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2020
  • Over the last half-century, computer science has revolutionarily changed the landscape of humanities research. This digital shift in research methodology has reached from the brainstorming process to preserving, constructing, collecting, visualizing, and even analyzing materials. Such transformation has brought about the birth of the new field of study: Digital Humanities (DH). DH undeniably has saved much of the physical chores and provided a new angle to interpret the text, thereby making its meteoric rise as a promising future of the humanities. Based on such innovation, electronic circuitry can seem to replace the imagination that detects relationships and significances of research data with ever-improving interfaces. However, despite hitherto technological development, the thousands-year-old essence of traditional liberal arts-human creativity-remains the heart of humanities research and always will. This paper starts by proving this proposition in the way of comparing the old and new liberal arts research methods, focusing on literary studies. Meanwhile, it thoroughly investigates how digitalized bibliographies, search engines, databases, and digital projects provide the most useful data preservation and virtual experience of browsing in the library, along with their limitations due to the intrinsic quality of humanities research data. Also, it probes the differences between traditional and digital data analysis in current methods of literary studies, ultimately presenting the ideal direction for humanities development in the era of digital convergence.

The Relationship Between Soil Seed Bank and Ground Layer of Actual Vegetation in Korea (현존식생 내 초본층과 매토종자와의 관계)

  • Shin, Hyun-Tak;Yi, Myung-Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out in each three study areas of Pinus densiflora community and Quercus mongolica community from March 5th, 2008 to October 15th, 2010 to analyze the relationship between seed bank and the actual vegetation of the lower layer. Based on the relationship between the lower layer of actual vegetation and the germination of seed bank, all of three study areas, the similarity of the actual vegetation of the lower layer and seed bank were high in Plot 1 (84.62%) and Plot 3 (89.91%). As for Quercus mongolica community, the similarity was high between the actual vegetation of the lower layer and seed bank in Plot 4 (82.24%) and Plot 6 (89.47%). Especially, the germination of the pine seed banks in the Pinus densiflora community compared to other tree species appeared in all. In Quercus mongolica community, Quercus mongolica did not appear among the seeds germinated in the seek bank, but the other tree species constituting the under layer of the community. In case of the restoration based on the actual vegetation, it is desirable to sue the lower layer of vegetation as the model for the making of its alternatives for restoration works of the species.