• Title/Summary/Keyword: lofty

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Decoration Culture resident in Contemporary Japanese Fashion (현대 일본패션에 내재한 꾸밈 미학)

  • 채금석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to search the spiritual root of decoration and anti-decoration culture in contemporary Japanese fashion and find the aesthetic meanings of the decoration culture inside contemporary Japanese fashion. The contents of this study are 1. surveying the historical change about the aesthetic sense of Japan. decoration culture 2. deducing the distinctive aesthetic ideology from the decoration culture 3. finding esthetically the inside meaning of 1.2. in contemporary Japanese fashion. First, the origin of decoration culture was concerned with the belief in the life after death of the Buddhism culture to represent the noble society of the Heian(평안) period and the religion of paradise after the Middle Ages. Second. this decoration culture based on two aesthetic ideologies, beautiful(염) aesthetics and lofty(숭고) aesthetics. The beautiful aesthetics implies words, such as bewitchment, elegance, dignity and brilliance which stand for the sensual pleasure and the eroticism. The lofty aesthetics that was introduced by TakeTakasi(장고) during the Heian period, had the meaning of magnificence, greatness and dignity. This could be recognized as the Confucianism ideas. Third, as the beautiful aesthetics that was the representative aesthetic ideology of the decoration culture, it was related to splendid and decorative designs, and was recognized as the beauty of brilliance and coquetry. The beauty of brilliance, as a decorative element, appeared in patterns of the traditional costume and dyeing as well as the beauty of coquetry indicated that the women's fashion in Japan had soft, feminine, and cute images, called Hawaii, by using various decorations, such as feminine details, flower patterns. ruffles. ribbons and so on. TakeTakasi's lofty aesthetics applied the beauty of exaggeration to every art form. It has influenced the form exaggeration by overlapping in traditional costumes as well as the 1970s big look and layered look in Europe fashion. Issey Miyake and Takeda Kenzo introduced the decorative play, such as transformation and a distortion, which considered refinement, bluff, and oddity of the Japanese decoration art.

The Preferred Clothing Images and Clothing Behaviors on Personality Types (성격 유형별 선호하는 의복이미지와 의복구매 행동)

  • 오현정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.606-616
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the preferred clothing images and clothing behaviors on personality types. Personality types were applied using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI). Clothing image preferences were measured using 28 adjectives of 5-point scales. The data were collected from 101 female using questionnaire to prefer on clothing images, consumer information sources and retail store types. The data analysed with crosstab analysis, t-test, MDS. Extroversion and Introversion had significant difference in casual, sporty, fresh, youthful, western, and simple more than introversion types. Sensing and intuition had significant difference in feminine and strong image. Sensing types were significantly evaluated feminine style more than intuition types. Thinking types were significantly evaluated simple image more than feeling types. Judging and perceiving had significant difference in graceful, lofty, and strong image. Judging types were significantly evaluated graceful and lofty style more than perceiving types.

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A study of psychotherapy by means of oriental medicine though the Giungoroen(至言高論)-Focusing on Ancient clinical document (지언고론(至言高論)에 의한 한의학적(韓醫學的) 정신치료(精神治療)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) (의안(醫案)을 중심으로))

  • Gu Byong-Su;Kim Geun-Woo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: In order to overcome psychotherapeutic problems though the theory of oriental medicine by means of the Giungoroen(至言高論-wise saying and lofty opinion). Methods: This research was done by comparing the contents of psychotherapeutic ancient clinical document with the western medical method of psychotherapy Results: 1. Inquire into the clinical document, the psychotherapy is used treatment of wide area disease inclusive of neuropsychiatric disease different from the western medicine. 2. Inquire into the method of psychotherapy, the supportive psychotherapy and behavior therapy is applied. 3. In case of psychotherapy and treatment of medicines is done at the same time, treatment of medicines followed psychotherapy. 4. A viewpoint of Yusic(唯識-vijnaptim-atra)-a field of Buddhism, possibility of psychotherapy is showed. 5. A doctor's oriental thought and oriental medical Preservation of Health view was based. 6. The change of patient's the emotion and will is focused than disease itself. Conclusion: When western medical method of psychotherapy is complemented by a oriental thought and oriental medical Preservation of Health view, the good effects is hoped in psychotherapy.

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21A Study of interior constituents that appear trans avant-garde works in italy (이탈리아 트랜스아방가르드 작품에 나타난 장식적 요소연구)

  • 정종환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.160-165
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    • 2003
  • Art of today is expressed in various images incorporated in industrial development and visible in industrial parks, modern cities. Avant garde art and modernism brought abstract and conceptual art into conflict in the early 20th century and they absorbed elements of each other and grew into post modernism, which emerged in the 1960s and is still current. The avant garde challenged what was lofty and sometimes opposed modernism and sometimes fed it in cycles until post modernism was established. 'Trans avant garde', which, unlike modernism asserted individual expression, also appeared in the 1970s. Trans avant garde is spiritual art in which the artist's conversation with his soul returns. This study examines the readjustments the trans avant garde is making in its relationship with the dominant ethos of different values and offers the world art with important spiritual beauty. Trans avant garde art takes many forms, from thing to huge, which are manifested every where in architecture, interior design and everyday life.

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A Study on the Emotional Characteristic of Traditional Space through Borrowed Landscape (차경기법을 통한 전통공간에서의 감성특성 연구)

  • Oh, Young-Keun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.78-85
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    • 2013
  • This study employed the Semantic Differential(SD) technique for an empirical analysis of the borrowed landscape-the so-called interaction of landscape between space and nature-in traditional Korean space against the cultural backdrop of confucian ideology. Its findings are as follows: First, the study conducted a comparative analysis of the borrowed landscape between Sarangchae(Men's quarters) and Anchae(Women's quarters) and between Soteuldaemun(A lofty gate) and Sadangdaemun(A gate to an ancestral shrine), using the SD technique. Consequently, their marked distinction in the borrowed landscape were found to illustrate the influence of confucian ideology over spatial composition. Second, both the garden and the sky of Sarangchae appeared more open and dynamic, and soft, and comfortable, and warm compared to Anchae. Also, Soteuldaemun looked more open and dynamic than Sadangdaemun. In conclusion, traditional Korean space applies a monistic view of the world to nature and human beings, thereby embodying a philosophical and aesthetic space where humans enjoy their life in harmony with nature while playing with the landscape in a traditional space.

A Study on Eclectic Trend Expressed in the late 20th Century′s Fashion -with the main point of Andy Warhol′s Look- (20세기 후반 패션에 나타난 절충주의적 경향;Andy Warhol Look을 중심으로)

  • 양희영;양숙희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.538-548
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    • 2000
  • A study analyzes the eclectic trend shown in Andy Warhol look to explain the pluralistic aspect which is expressed in the late 20th century's fashion. Eclecticism is a trial to dismantle the barriers between pure art and popular art, high culture and low culture. This pursues harmonious accommodation and coexistence of all areas without being confined in the conventional lofty taste or high art. This thesis studies the characteristic aspects of the eclectic trend by classifying this trend into sell culture, mass media and fashion around the Andy Warhol look. The sexual eclectic trend in Warhol look is bisexual one shown in clubland and the world of modeling and supplies fashion with abundant expression and ambiguity. Warhol established cultural eclecticism by compounding high cultural factors and low cultural factors. broke up the boundary between street fashion and high fashion and escaped from the fixed idea on materials and design. Also he generalized and democratized specialty or nobility conventional paintings had possessed through introducing repetition and mediocrity and fully utilized every kind of mass media, Hollywood movie stars and daily necessaries in producing works. Andy Warhol who asserted‘Business Art’that was the mixed form of artistry and commercialism had creative and futuristic taste and proposed the direction to develop current fashion and art where the concept of economy is importantly brought into relief.

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A Survey on the Convenient Way of Expression of 'Sense of Depth' in Producing Moving Image Contents (영상콘텐츠 제작에서 편의성 높은 '깊이감' 표현방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.187-192
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    • 2008
  • This study carried out researches on the techniques which are applicable to express sense of depth in the process of producing lofty image contents, and it's verification. Techniques for expression of sense of depth are how to use highlight and shadow, how to use depth of field and lenses, and how to use camera motion, zoom and dolly. For the practical application in all cases, I examine the preference frequency, and most of the pictures that techniques are adapted are selected. As a result we can verify the way of using lenses is the most convenient way in the expression of 'sense of depth'.

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A case of agoraphobia patient with oriental medical psychotherapy (광장공포증 환자에 대한 한방정신요법 적용 1례)

  • Kim, Gwang-Ho;Chung, Sun-Yong;Kim, Jong-Woo;Whang, Wei-Wan;Cho, Seung-Hun
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2002
  • This is a case report about agoraphobia patient treated with oriental medical psychotherapy. We treated with Kyungja-pyungji(Stabilization of anxiety) treatment, Ii- Jeung-Byun-Qi(movement of emotion and degeneration of Qi) treatment, Giungoroen-Focusing(wise saying and lofty opinion) method for 8 weeks. She could not go out herself without her mother for the first teatment time, but she improved step and she could go by herself to the public place at the last time. We found out that the application of systemic oriental medical psychotherapy is effective for the agoraphobia disorder. Therefore, we presented application of oriental medical psychotherapy with bibliological research.

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A Case Report of brief psychotic disorder Treated by the way of Relieving stagnation of phlegm-Gi(痰氣鬱結) type of Jeon-zeong(癲症) (단기정신병적 장애로 진단된 담기울결형(痰氣鬱結型) 전증(癲證) 환자 1례(例))

  • Kim, Jee-Hoon;Yoo, Jong-Ho;Koo, Byung-Soo;Kim, Geun-Woo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2007
  • Jeon-zeong(癲證) is mostly caused by anxiety and melancholy, impairment of heart and the spleen, or stasis of phlegm-Gi and heart confused by phlegm. Its manifestation are characterized by depression, expressionlessness, inclination for quietness, self muttering and hallucinating, caprice in crying and laughing, paraphasia, loss of appetite, unawareness of filth and cleanness, etc. We experienced a 50year-old man who bad brief psycbotic disorder that specified with Marked Stressor and whose condition was improved through oriental medical treatment. We treated the patient with Herbal medications and Giungoroen (至言高論)-wise saying and lofty opinion) and Relaxation therapy. After being treated, the patient showed that symptoms (insomnia, anxiety, depression) was improved considerably. This result suggests that oriental medical treatment has good effect on brief psychotic disorder due to Marked Stressor.

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A Case of Psychogenic vomiting (七情吐) patient who showed loss of the weight due to Maladjustment in a Military life (군대생활 부적응으로 급격한 체중감소를 나타낸 칠정토(七情吐) 환자 치험 1례)

  • Yoo, Jong-Ho;Kim, Joo-Ho;Kim, Geuu-Woo;Koo, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2006
  • Psychogenic vomiting (七情吐) is the disease of vomiting due to seven emotions that joy, anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief, fear and terror being the response of the mind to the environmental stimuli. We experienced a 21year-old man who had a psychogenic vomiting due to maladjustment in a military life, and whose condition was improved through oriental medical treatment. We treated the patient with Herbal medications and Giungoroen (至言高論)-wise saying and lofty opinion). Giungoroen is psychological therapy that promotes patient's recognition of disease and will to cure it through conversation. After being treated, the patient showed that symptoms (vomiting, nausea, abdominal discomfort, insomnia, a depressed mood, a feeling of uneasiness) was improved considerably. Tills result suggests that oriental medical treatment bas good effect on psychogenic vomiting due to adjustment disorder.

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