- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.3 no.2 Meanings of clothing cues in Social Context Damhorst;Mary L.
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.6 no.2 Effect of clothing masculinity on perceptions of managerial traits: Does gender of the perceiver make a difference? Forsythe;Sandra M.
- Home Economics Research Journal v.13 no.2 Dress as an influence on the perceptions of management characteristics in women Forsythe;Sandra M.;Drake, Mary F.;Cox,Charles A.
- Advances in Consumer Research v.18 Jungian analysis and psychological types: an intepretive approach to consumer choice behavior Gould Stephen J.
- Home Economics Research Journal v.6 no.1 Clothing style differences: their Effect on the impression of sociability Johnson;Barbara H.;Nagasawa, Richard H.;Peters, Kathleen
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.6 no.2 Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to assess student needs Kean, R. C.;Mehlhoff, C.;Sorenson, R.
- Marketing management, analysis, planning, implementation, and control. Prentice Hall Inc. no.8 Kotler, P.
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.5 no.1 Effect of garment style on the perceptions of personal traits Paek, soae L.
- Clothing and Textile Research Journal v.9 no.3 Psychological types, color attribution,and color preference of clothing, textiles, and design students Radeloff, D. J.
- Consumer Behavior. Prentice Hall Inc. no.6 Schiffman, Leon G.;Kanuk, Leslie L.
- Attributions toward female Appearance Styles, The psychology of fashion Sweat, S. J.;Zentner M. A.
- 의상사회심리학 강혜원
- 한국의류학회지 v.19 no.1 상설할인매장 애고 소비자의 구매 성향, 상점속성 중요도 및 정보원 이용연구 고애란;진병호
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