• Title/Summary/Keyword: liver scan

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Consideration on Measured Patients Dose of Three-Dimensional and Four-Dimensional Computer Tomography when CT-Simulation to Radiation Therapy (방사선치료를 위한 CT 검사 시 3DCT와 4DCT에 대한 피폭선량 고찰)

  • Park, Ryeong-Hwang;Kim, Min-Jung;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Park, Kwang-Woo;Jeon, Byeong-Cheol;Cho, Jeong-Hee;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.341-349
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    • 2011
  • This study was to measure the patient dose difference between 3D treatment planning CT and 4D respiratory gating CT. Study was performed with each 10 patients who have lung and liver cancer for measured patient exposure dose by using SOMATON SENSATION OPEN(SIMENS, GERMANY). CTDIvol and DLP value was used to analyze patient dose, and actual dose was measured in the location of liver and kidney for abdominal examination and lung, heart and spinal cord for chest examination. Rando phantom were used for the experiment. OSLD was used for in-vitro and in-vivo dosimetry. Increasing overall actual dose in 4D respiratory gated CT-simulation using OSLD increase the dose by 5.5 times for liver cancer patients and 6 times for lung cancer patients. In CT simulation of 10 lung cancer patients, CTDIvol value was increased by 5.7 times and DLP 2.4 times. For liver cancer patients, CTDIvol was risen by 3.8 times and DLP 1.6 times. The accuracy of treatment volume could be increased in 4D CT planning for position change due to the breaths of patient in the radiation therapy. However, patients dose was increased in 4D CT than 3D CT. In conclusion, constant efforts is required to reduce patients dose by reducing scan time and scan range.

Role of Whole Body FDG-PET in the Diagnosis of Hidden Distant Metastasis before Liver Transplantation in Patients with Primary Liver Cancer (고식적 검사로 간외 전이를 진단하지 못한 원발성 간암 환자에서 간이식 전에 시행한 전신 FDG-PET의 역할)

  • Lee, Won-Woo;Ryu, Jin-Sook;Yang, You-Jung;Kim, Jae-Seung;Yeo, Jeong-Seok;Moon, Dae-Hyuk;Lee, Sung-Gyu
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.368-380
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: Liver transplantation (LT), one of the therapeutic options of primary liver cancer has been suffering from recurrence caused by metastasis in 8-54% of patients. This study was performed to investigate whether FDG-PET is useful for detecting hidden metastasis in LT candidates. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six patients (male:female=23:3, mean age 55.7 years) underwent FDG-PET. Their previous conventional diagnostic studies (CDS) like abdomen US and CT, chest x-ray and CT, and bone scan were negative (n=22) or equivocal (n=4) for metastasis. Positive FDG-PET findings were confirmed by biopsy or clinical follow-up. Results: Among 4 patients with equivocal metastatic lesions on CDS, 3 had 6 hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET, which were confirmed as metastasis and subsequently LTs were cancelled. Of these, 5 lesions were initially negative on CDS. Remained 1 patient underwent LT with a negative FDG-PET result. Among 22 patients without metastasis on CDS, 5 had 7 hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET. One of these patients proved to have 2 metastatic lesions, and LT was cancelled. The other 4 patients had S hypermetabolic lesions on FDG-PET, which were confirmed as benign lesions, and 3 patients of them underwent LT. In summary, FDG-PET was useful in avoiding 4 unwarranted LT by detecting unsuspected metastatic lesions on CDS. A total of 17 patients underwent LT. In comparison with pathology, the sensitivity and specificity of FDG-PET for detecting viable primary liver cancer were 55.6% (5/9) and 87.5% (7/8), respectively. Conclusion: FDG-PET can detect additional hidden metastasis and contribute to reducing unwarranted LT in the patients with primary liver cancer.

The Clinical Usefulness of NP-59 Scintigraphy in Adrenal Cortical Diseases (NP-59 부신 신티그라피의 임상적 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Duk-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 1997
  • $^{131}I-6{\beta}$-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol(NP-59) has an advantage to assess adrenal dysfunction caused by adrenal cortical disorders. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical usefulness of NP-59 scintigraphy in each adrenal disease. Ten patients who did eleven NP-59 adrenal scintigraphies at Dong-A University Hospital from March 1990 to December 1996 were selected as the subject. Among the subject there were 5 cases of Cushing's syndrome, 2 cases of incidentaloma, 1 case of metastatic adrenal tumor, liver cirrhosis with hirsutism and hypertension respectively. Among 5 cases of Cushing's syndrome, there were 2 cases of Cushing's disease, 2 cases of adrenal adenoma and 1 case of adrenal carcinoma. There are no disagreement between clinical diagnosis and scan finding in Cushing's syndrome. In 2 incidentaloma cases, even though one is interpretated as a functioning tumor, both of 2 cases could avoid unnecessary biopsy according to scintigraphy result. One case of hirsutism, clinically adrenal originated, revealed the normal scintigraphic finding after dexamethasone suppression scan. It could suggest that the etiology of hirsutism was extra-adrenal origin. One case of hypertension took the study to exclude the possibility of primary aldosteronism. Normal suppression scan finding revealed that primary aldosteronism did not exist in this case. In conclusion, NP-59 scintigraphy was very useful in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome and it could avoid unnecessary biopsy in the incidental adrenal tumor.

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Lemierre's Syndrome Originated from the Odontogenic Infection: A Case Report

  • Park, Chang-Joo;Hwang, Kyung-Gyun;Chang, Kun-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2012
  • Also called necrobacillosis or postanginal sepsis, Lemierre's syndrome (LS) is an uncommon but potentially lethal complication of odontogenic infection. A 27-year-old male diagnosed with Ludwig's angina was transferred from a local hospital due to continuous fever and chills after incision and drainage under general anesthesia. The swelling of both submental and submandibular area subsided, but the fever and chills persisted. While generalized malaise improved, sepsis developed together with the deterioration of liver function. The chest computed tomography scan revealed multiple cavitations throughout both lungs, which were diagnosed as septic pulmonary embolism. After consulting the department of infectious diseases, the patient was treated with intravenous antibiotics focusing on vancomycin and additional antibiotics. After 3 weeks of treatment, the patient recovered completely. Despite its decreased mortality, dentists are not familiar with LS, and it is difficult to diagnose correctly. In this paper, we report a case and present a review of literature.

Use of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids to Treat Inspissated Bile Syndrome: A Case Report

  • Jun, Woo Young;Cho, Min Jeng;Han, Hye Seung;Bae, Sun Hwan
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.286-290
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    • 2016
  • Inspissated bile syndrome (IBS) is a rare condition in which thick intraluminal bile, including bile plugs, sludge, or stones, blocks the extrahepatic bile ducts in an infant. A 5-week-old female infant was admitted for evaluation of jaundice and acholic stool. Diagnostic tests, including ultrasound sonography, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, and a hepatobiliary scan, were not conclusive. Although the diagnosis was unclear, the clinical and laboratory findings improved gradually on administration of urodeoxycholic acid and lipid emulsion containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) for 3 weeks. However, a liver biopsy was suggestive of biliary atresia. This finding forced us to perform intraoperative cholangiography, which revealed a patent common bile duct with impacted thick bile. We performed normal saline irrigation and the symptom was improved, the final diagnosis was IBS. Thus, we herein report that IBS can be treated with omega-3 PUFAs as an alternative to surgical intervention.

Two adolescent cases of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (청소년에서의 Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome 2례)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Oh, Sung Hee
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.1038-1043
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    • 2009
  • Two adolescent cases of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, which has not been previously reported in Korean girls, presenting with right upper-quadrant abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever are reported here. A careful and thorough inquiry into the sexual history of the first patient, which was not done upon admission, led to a careful reassessment of the dynamic abdominal computed tomography scan revealing hepatic capsular enhancement without evidence of gallbladder or liver disease. Both cases were diagnosed noninvasively and were treated successfully by medical intervention. A high index of suspicion of Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome should be implemented in the differential diagnosis of right upper quadrant pain, particularly in sexually active girls, for a prompt diagnosis and rapid cure.


  • Sohn Jeong-Ick;Ha Choon-Ho;Choi Karp-Shik
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 1994
  • Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell tumor that is thought to originate proliferation of a single clone of abnormal plasma cell resulting production of a whole monoclonal paraprotein. The authors experienced a case of multiple myeloma with severe mandibular osteolytic lesions in 46-year-old female. As a result of careful analysis of clinical, radiological, histopathological features, and laboratory findings, we diagnosed it as multiple myeloma, and the following results were obtained ; 1. Main clinical symptoms were intermittent dull pain on the mandibular body area, abnormal sensation of lip and pain due to the fracture on the right clavicle. 2. Laboratory findings revealed M-spike, reversed serum albumin-globulin ratio, markedly elevated ESR and hypercalcemia. 3. Radiographically, multiple osteolytic punched-out radiolucencies were evident on the skull, zygoma, jaw bones, ribs, clavicle and upper extremities. Enlarged liver and increased uptakes on the lesional sites in RN scan were also observed. 4. Histopathologically, markedly hypercellular marrow with sheets of plasmoblasts and megakaryocytes were also observed.

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Role of PET Scan in Gastric Cancer as a Diagnostic Tool (위암에시 PET의 임상적 역할)

  • Cheon, Gi-Jeong;Kim, Byung-Il;Lim, Sang-Moo
    • 대한위암학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.24-33
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    • 2002
  • Clinical application of positron emission tomography (PET) is rapidly increasing for the detection and staging of cancer at whole-body studies performed with the glucose analogue tracer 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG). Although FDG PET cannot match the anatomic resolution of conventional imaging techniques in gastrointestinal and abdominal organs, it is particularly useful for identification and characterization of whole body at the same time. FDG PET can show foci of metastatic disease that may not be apparent at conventional anatomic imaging and can aid in the characterization of indeterminate soft-tissue masses. Most gastrointestinal cancer need to surgical management. FDG PET can improve the selection of patients for surgical treatment and thereby reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with inappropriate surgery. FDG PET is also useful for the early detection of recurrence and the monitoring of therapeutic effect. The gastrointestinal cancers, such as gastroeso-phageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer, are common malignancies in Korea. PET is one of the most promising and useful methodology for the management of gastric cancer as well as other gastrointestinal cancers.

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Role of PET Scan in Gastric Cancer as a Diagnostic Tool (위암에서 PET의 임상적 역할)

  • Cheon, Gi-Jeong;Kim, Byung-Il;Lim, Sang-Moo
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.184-190
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    • 2002
  • Clinical application of positron emission tomography (PET) is rapidly increasing for the detection and staging of cancer at whole-body studies performed with the glucose analogue tracer 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG). Although FDG PET cannot match the anatomic resolution of conventional imaging techniques in gastrointestinal and abdominal organs, it is particularly useful for identification and characterization of whole body at the same time. FDG PET can show foci of metastatic disease that may not be apparent at conventional anatomic imaging and can aid in the characterization of indeterminate soft-tissue masses. Most gastrointestinal cancer need to surgical management. FDG PET can improve the selection of patients for surgical treatment and thereby reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with inappropriate surgery. FDG PET is also useful for the early detection of recurrence and the monitoring of therapeutic effect. The gastrointestinal cancers, such as gastroesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer, are common malignancies in Korea. PET is one of the most promising and useful methodology for the management of gastric cancer as well as other gastrointestinal cancers.

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Clinical Evaluation of $^{57}Co-labelled$ Bleomycin for Tumor Localization ($^{57}Co-BLM$을 이용한 종양진단 신티그라피에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Young-Wun;Kim, Jang-Hee;Lee, Jhin-Oh
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 1987
  • Investigation with $^{57}Co-Bleomycin$ in patients with the various cancers and in tumor bearing animals are descirbed. In the patients, $^{57}Co-Bleomycin$ appears to be one of the useful tumor-seeking radiopharmaceuticals, and worth applicable to clinical uses. Labelled yield of $^{57}Co-Bleo$ was about 97 % by thin layer chromatography. The pyrogen free tests were performed to meet U.S.P. critical ranges. In clinical studies with $^{57}Co-Bleo$, 4 cases out of 5 patients with lung cancer., 2 cases among 3 thyroid cancer patients, and all 3 hepatoma patients showed positive tumor scans. The patients with stomach cancer, and the esophageal cancer showed false negative scintigraphy. A case with pulmonary tuberculosis showed a positive scan while liver abscess showed a negative picture. The merits of $^{57}Co-Bleomycin$ scintigraphy seems to be its relatively high affinity to tumors and low radiation hazard in spite of long physical half life.

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