• Title/Summary/Keyword: lesson

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Two Case Studies of the Development of Beginning Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge (신임 과학교사의 교과교육학 지식(PCK)의 발달에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Ko, Mi-Re;Nam, Jeong-Hee;Lim, Jai-Hang
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 2009
  • This study dealt with two case studies of the development of beginning science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). This study was grounded on the idea that teacher thinking and classroom behavior are related to each other in a reciprocal way. Teachers' PCK influences teaching practices, while in a reverse way teaching activities influence teachers' practical knowledge. Two beginning science teachers participated in this study. Data collection consisted of classroom observation, interviews, reflective journals and lesson plans. For data analysis, we conceptualize pedagogical content knowledge for science teaching as consisting of four components: (a) knowledge about science matter, (b) knowledge about students' understanding of science topics, (c) knowledge about instructional strategies for teaching science, (d) knowledge about assessment in science. The outcomes of this study revealed that there was a large gap between beginning science teachers' intentions for teaching science and their practice. To give beginning teachers more opportunities to incorporate their knowledge base for teaching, we propose that they need to be involved in a real teaching situation at schools rather than in the university.

The Effect of Mathematics Classes Using AlgeoMath on Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability and Mathematical Attitude: Focusing on the 'Cuboid' Unit of the Fifth Grade in Elementary School (알지오매스 기반 수업이 수학적 문제해결력 및 태도에 미치는 효과: 초등학교 5학년 '직육면체' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Seung Dong Lee;Jong Hak Lee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.47-62
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of classes using AlgeoMath on fifth grade elementary students' mathematical problem-solving skills and mathematical attitudes. For this purpose, the 'cuboid' section of the 5th grade elementary textbook based on AlgeoMath was reorganized. A total of 8 experimental classes were conducted using this teaching and learning material. And the quantitative data collected before and after the experimental lesson were statistically analyzed. In addition, by presenting instances of experimental lessons using AlgeoMath, we investigated the effectiveness and reality of classes using engineering in terms of mathematical problem-solving ability and attitude. The results of this study are as follows. First, in the mathematical problem-solving ability test, there was a significant difference between the experimental group and the comparison group at the significance level. In other words, lessons using AlgeoMath were found to be effective in increasing mathematical problem-solving skills. Second, in the mathematical attitude test, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the comparison group at the significance level. However, the average score of the experimental group was found to be higher than that of the comparison group for all sub-elements of mathematical attitude.

A Case Study on the Operation of Competency-based Liberal Arts Courses Using PBL to Improve Basic Vocational Competencies of Junior College Students (전문대학생의 직업기초능력 향상을 위한 PBL활용 역량기반 교양교과목 운영 사례 연구)

  • Hwang Jae Gyu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the effectiveness of the study through a case of PBL (problem-based learning) class conducted in a university common liberal arts subject called <Machine civilization and Human> at Y University college in the second semester of 2023. The effects we can achieve through learning are as follows: First, problem-based learning (PBL) has sufficient active interaction between the professor and the learner. Second, PBL learning can actively utilize unstructured problems and actively utilize role division and collaboration processes. Third, it can promote critical thinking about problem situations. The limitations identified in the class case are, first, Given the nature of the subject, <Machime Civilization and Humans>, it is possible to approach unstructured problems according to the development of machinet civilization, but further discussion is needed from the perspective of creative thinking and problem solving. Second, As a course taken by students with different majors, team composition and lesson planning for heteogeneous groups are necessary to ensure a common experience of problem solving. Results of this study showed follow-up research needs to be conducted to analyze educational interactions and verify effective team building through them.

Development and Evaluation of Global Citizenship Education Program for the 1st Graders in Elementary School: Based on Practical Problems in the Home Economics (초등학교 1학년 세계시민교육 교수·학습과정안 개발 및 평가: 실과 가정영역 실천적 문제를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Sol;Chin, Meejung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to develop, implement, and evaluate a practical, problem-based global citizenship education (GCED) program in the first grade of elementary school to suggest ways for practical global citizenship education in the next curriculum. This study proceeded following the ADDIE teaching design model. Through literature research, the relevance of global citizenship education to the 2022 national curriculum and the 2022 practical arts curriculum was analyzed, and based on the results, the learning elements of global citizenship education were extracted from the 2022 integrated subjects curriculum to develop the program. The program consisted of four teaching and learning plans for a total of eight sessions based on four practical problems, and was revised and supplemented through validation by a group of experts. The developed teaching and learning curriculum was implemented in all eight sessions over a period of four weeks with 16 first grade students at S Elementary School in Seoul. As a result of the program implementation, the mean of students' global citizenship awareness increased by 3.88 points (±3.91) from pre to post, and the qualitative evaluation of teachers' reflection journals and students' portfolios showed that the program influenced students to realize the importance of taking action to create a better and more sustainable world. Therefore, the practical problem-based global citizenship education program for first graders was found to be effective in fostering global citizenship awareness.

Development of Youth Missionary Education Materials (청소년 선교교육교재 개발)

  • Yunhee Song;Eunhwa Lee;Sungil Jung
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.78
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    • pp.191-212
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    • 2024
  • Purpose of the study: The purpose of developing this youth mission education material is to enable youth to understand the fundamental truths and values of Christianity based on the Bible, comprehend mission work, and practice it in their lives. Research Content and Method: In this study, we examined the concept and necessity of mission education for youth, and presented cases of mission education. The development process of the the materials involved prototype development and conducting FGI, first and second rounds of materials development, expert review and proofreading, and revisions and enhancements to produce the final version. Conclusions and Suggestions: This paper presents the development of mission education materials structured in 12 lessons, specifically designed for youth engagement within churches and Christian alternative schools. These materials include editions for teachers, students, and instructional resources. The contents of mission education are designed from the perspective of Bible, history, culture, and strategy, and are organized into modules so that they can be flexibly utilized in any order in the Christian education field. Additionally, each lesson includes three mission activities to enhance student engagement and motivation. This youth mission education material can serve as a foundational resource for conducting mission education suitable for the next generation in local churches and Christian alternative schools and for continuing mission work.

Exploring How Students Navigate Various Types of Scientific Uncertainties During Small-Group Argumentation (소집단 논변 활동에서 학생들이 제기하는 불확실성의 유형과 불확실성을 다루는 과정 탐색)

  • Jeong-Hwa Lee;Heui-Baik Kim;Soo-Yean Shim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.405-420
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    • 2024
  • This study explored the scientific uncertainties raised by students during small-group scientific argumentation and how the uncertainties contributed to the argumentation. A total of 37 seventh-grade middle school students and a teacher participated in the study. They engaged in small-group argumentation on the topic of photosynthesis. We selected three small focal groups, each consisting of 4-5 students, that actively participated in argumentation and raised uncertainties. We conducted small-group interviews with these three focal groups and the teacher. All lesson and interview videos, audio transcripts, student worksheets, and the researcher's field notes were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The findings revealed that there were three major types of uncertainties that contributed to the small-group argumentation. The first type of uncertainties-those about scientific content knowledge-prompted conceptual support from high-achieving peers or the teacher, facilitating the justification of arguments. The second type-uncertainties about data-encouraged students to consider alternative perspectives and arguments. This led students to raise rebuttals and try to reach a consensus, considering the alternatives. Finally, the third type-uncertainties about how to construct scientific arguments-was raised in one small group and prompted epistemic support from the leader, who was more proficient in argumentation. The leader encouraged other students to present their own evidence, rather than just following her opinions. This study provides useful insights for research on scientific uncertainties that students raise in epistemic practices and for developing instructional strategies to support the management of these uncertainties.

Examining Pedagogical Reasoning of Beginning Science Teachers in a Professional Learning Community (교사학습공동체 초임과학교사의 교수학적 추론 탐색)

  • Aeran Choi;Jiye Kim;Jaekyoung Song
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.68 no.4
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    • pp.205-220
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to explore characteristics of pedagogical reasoning and action of beginning science teachers that naturally and spontaneously occurs in a professional learning community. Three novice middle school science teachers who majored chemistry education in A college of education, passed the examination for selecting secondary school chemistry teachers, and had a common goal of designing 8th grade science lesson plan voluntarily created a professional learning community and had weekly meetings over a year. Main data sources included transcribed audio-recording of 11 meetings of three science teachers in a professional learning community. Data was analyzed using Shulman's pedagogical reasoning model that includes comprehension, transformation, instruction, evaluation, reflection, and new comprehension to identify characteristics and features of pedagogical reasoning in a professional learning community. Data analysis revealed that pedagogical reasoning in a professional learning community comprises not only preparation, representations, instructional selections, and adaptation but also evaluation, reflection, and new comprehension in transformation stage. Reflection in transformation stage leads teachers to be actively engaged in discussion and get new comprehension on each sub-component(preparation, representations, instructional selections, adaptation, and evaluation) of transformation stage.

Research on the Development of Customized Faculty Training Curriculum based on Diagnosis of Teaching Styles: Focusing on Teaching Styles based on Educational Competencies (교수유형 진단에 따른 교수 맞춤형 교육과정 개발 연구 : 교육역량 기반의 교수유형을 중심으로)

  • Seongah Lee;Hyeajin Yoon
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.77
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to enhance the educational competencies of instructors and improve the quality of higher education by identifying instructing types, developing an assessment diagnostic tool, and designing a customized faculty training curriculum for each type. To achieve this, a literature review and Delphi research were conducted. The results are summarized as follows: First, instructing types such as 'Star Lecturer', 'Learning Mentor', and 'Designer' were identified through the analysis of previous studies. Second, a diagnostic tool for determining an instructor's type was developed by modifying and enhancing Grasha's Teaching Style Inventory, which is widely used both domestically and internationally. This tool comprises 24 questions, with 8 questions for each type. Third, a curriculum was designed for each instructing type, consisting of common courses necessary for all types and specialized courses tailored to the characteristics of each type. The common courses cover essentials for lesson design, implementation, and evaluation, while the specialized courses cater to the unique needs of each instructing type. Fourth, the developed model, tools, and curriculum underwent validation. A Delphi method was employed with a group of 10 experts, leading to revisions and finalizations based on their feedback. This study has laid the groundwork for instructors to identify their own teaching styles and receive customized training, thereby enhancing their teaching effectiveness and overall educational quality. However, further research is necessary to develop systems and mechanisms for the operationalization of these findings, including incentives for instructors and strategies for disseminating information among participants.

The Development and Application of New Chromatographic Methods Using Smart Devices (스마트 기기를 활용한 새로운 크로마토그래피 분석법 개발 및 적용)

  • Jae Hwan Lee;Ye Geon Choi;Jae Jeong Ryoo
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2024
  • The use of smart devices in science classes has brought about positive changes, such as increased student participation and more self-directed learning. Smart devices are increasingly being used in science classes, creating a need to develop lesson models that can stimulate students' interest and encourage active, self-directed learning in scientific inquiry and experimental activities. In smart education, smart devices and applications play a major role. However, in the "Mixture Separation" section of middle school science, chromatography focuses mainly on paper chromatography, which is not currently used in the field of actual research. This approach is not well-suited for students preparing for a new future society, and it is becoming obsolete due to curriculum revisions. Although chromatography can be used as an activity for career exploration, removing it is not convincing. The advantage of using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), which is employed in actual research, is that it is inexpensive and easy to use in classroom settings. In this study, we have developed a new, faster, and simpler analysis method for TLC that uses smart devices for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. We hope this method will enhance student engagement and facilitate small-scale learning by integrating smart devices into learning activities, making it a practical tool for actual school settings.

Exploring the Perceptions of Elementary Pre-service Teachers Using Digital Devices of Learning in Geological Field Trip (야외 지질 학습에서 디지털 기기를 활용한 초등예비교사의 인식 탐색)

  • Yong-Seob Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.291-299
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of primary preparatory teachers after geological exploration using digital devices in outdoor geological learning. The conclusions of the study are as follows. First, geological learning is necessary for students, and geological experiential learning is more effective outdoors than in the classroom. He believed that geological learning was important, that geological experiential learning should be emphasized in the curriculum, and that there should be more geology-related content in the curriculum. In addition, geology-related learning was more likely to be an outdoor experience than a classroom lesson. Second, the educational value of outdoor geological learning is that it provides learning opportunities through social interaction. Through outdoor geological exploration activities, interactive activities are conducted to induce motivation for learning and are recognized as having high educational value. Third, the preparatory elementary teachers were able to learn about the geological structure of rocks and strata during the field trip to the Geopark. Through the outdoor geological exploration, the preparatory teachers were able to observe sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, outcrops, erosion phenomena, and sediments, as well as observe and understand the geological structures that can be seen in the area of the geological exploration. In this way, the process of acquiring and acquiring content knowledge is one of the things that is emphasized in field geological exploration. Fourth, primary prep teachers were able to take pictures of geology by flying drones in places that could not be accessed on foot. The preparatory teachers of elementary school formed a geological exploration group, selected a geological exploration site among the group members, learned about the prevention of safety accidents, and prepared clothes and equipment. The primary school preparatory teachers went to the place where they wanted to photograph the geology and photographed the geological objects. The primary preparatory teachers went to the place they wanted to explore and flew a drone in a location that was difficult to access and took pictures of the geological scene.