• Title/Summary/Keyword: leaf length

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Morphological and Genetic Characterization of Caffeine-Rich and -Poor Tea Tree (Camellia sinensis L.) Lines

  • Kim, Yong-Duck;Jeong, Mi-Jin;Song, Hyun-Jin;Yun, Seok-Rak;Heo, Chang-Mi;Kim, Chang-Soo;Moon, Hyun-Shik;Choi, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • In this study, 160 tea tree (Camellia sinensis L.) lines were classified by caffeine content using colorimetric methods. Among them, caffeine-rich lines (HR-78, HR-137, HR-82 and HR-123) and poor lines (HP-85, HP-88, HP-19, and HP-131) were selected. To know the difference in morphological and genetic characters between caffeine-rich and poor lines, we used leaf/shoot growth and RAPD methods. Cluster pattern of morphological characters (leaf width, leaf length, leaf area and shoot length) showed that shoot length was longer in caffein-rich lines than in -poor lines. In genetic analysis, amplified DNA bands having various sizes were detected in RAPD analysis where 30 random primers were used. However, the discriminated primer set that distinguish caffein-rich tree line from -poor lines was not found. These results can be used as the basic data to determine the morphological and genetic differences among caffein-rich and -poor lines.

Population Dynamics of Symplocarpus renifolius 1. Population Structure and Vegetative Growth (앉은부채 (Symplocarpus renifolius) 개체군의 동태 1.개체군의 구조와 영양생장)

  • Min, Byeong-Mee;Kang, Hyun-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 1994
  • Size class structure and vegetative growth of a perennial herb of the temperate deciduous forests, Symplocarpus renifolius Schott, were studied from 1991 to 1994 in Namhansansung, Kyonggi Province, Korea. The size class structures of leaf number and leaf area per individual followed bell-shape curve, i.e. frequency of middle class was relatively high. The leaf area increased from the late-March to mid-May. At the end of the growing season, leaf area(length X breadth) was proportional to biomass, especially aboveground biomass. The leaf number and leaf area per individual increased at the rate of 0.08 leaf/year and 9.7 $cm^2/year$, respectively. The size of the individuals in large-sized classes, in leaf number and leaf area, decreased in next year, while the size of the individuals in small-sized classes increased. Therefore, it was concluded that the size class structure of S. renifolius population was largely determined by the growth form.

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Morphological Characteristics and Growth Rate of Medium-Leaf Type Zoysiagrasses Collected at Major Sod Production Area in S. Korea (국내 잔디 주 생산지역에서 수집된 한국잔디류의 형태적 특성 및 생육속도)

  • Choi, Joon-Soo;Yang, Geun-Mo;Oh, Chan-Jin;Bea, Eun-Ji
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2012
  • Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the morphological characteristics and growth rates of 101 medium-leaf type zoysiagrasses (Zoysia spp.) collected at the major sod production area (Jang Seong Gun) in South Korea. Collected lines with distinctive morphology and visual growth rate were planted in plastic pots and measured morphological characteristics under the plastic house conditions. Variation of leaf width, plant height, leaf angle, length of leaf sheath, trichome, stolon length, and color were measured. Six lines were selected by evaluating growth rates from one hundred one collected lines. Eight standard cultivars and three other superior lines previously collected were compared to 7 selected lines form Jang seong area by checking growth rates and morphological characteristics. Average leaf blade width was 3.4 mm, leaf angle was 45.8 degree, plant height was 21.6 cm, height of lowest leaf was 5.0 cm, and length of leaf blade was 14.1 cm. Ground cover rates of selected lines 'CY6097' and 'CY6069' were 70% and 68.3%, respectively. These are believed to be faster than 60% ground cover rate of zoysiagrass 'Anyang', and also, twice as faster than the 31.7% ground cover rate of Z. matrella. Selected line 'CY6069' showed fast growth rate with shorter internode length (5.1 cm) compared to zoysiagrass 'Anyang'. Based on the results of this study, we could select useful fast growing zoysiagrass breeding lines from the major sod production area (Jang Seong Gun) in Korea.

Morphological Characteristics and Classification of Zizyphus Cultivars in Korea by Multivariative Analysis (다변량 분석에 의한 국내산 대추나무 품종의 형태적 특성과 유연관계)

  • Lee Moon-Ho;Hwang Suk-In;Jang Yong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2006
  • The objectives of this study, an analysis of fruit and leaf morphological characteristics among the five Zizyphus cultivars could be used for the investigation of cultivars classification and could provide information to make out the UPOV TG(Test Guidelines). ANOVA tests showed that there were statistically significant differences in all fruit and leaf morphological characteristics among the five Zizyphus cultivars at 1% level. But, for kernel characteristics, differences were statistically non-significant among the cultivars. Approximately, the Wolchul and Boeun cultivars showed larger and smaller values in overall characteristics and cultivars, respectively. The results of principal component analysis(PCA) for the fruit and leaf morphological characteristics showed that the first for principal components(PC's) explained about 65.3% of the total variation. The first PC was correlated with those characteristics that were mainly related to the terminal leaf length(TLL), leaf length(LL), fruit length(FL), terminal leaf width(TLW), and leaf petiole length(LPL). The second and third PC was mainly correlated with the terminal leaf morphological index(TLMI). Therefore, these characteristics were important to analysis of the fruit and leaf morphological characteristics and classification among the five Zizyphus cultivars. Cluster analysis using UPGMA method based on principal components showed that five Zizyphus cultivars could be clustered into two groups. Group I comprises Mudung, Wolchul, and Bokjo and Geumsung cultivars, Group II is Boeun cultivar. These results well similar to that of principal component analysis.

Preliminary screening of leafy vegetable New Zealand spinaches (Tetragonia tetragonioides) native to Korea (국내 자생 엽채류 번행초의 우수 유전자원 기초 선발)

  • Kim, In-Kyung;Lee, Ka Yeon;Kim, Sung-Ki;Kim, Byung-Woon;Choi, Weon-Young;Lee, Geung-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.515-523
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    • 2012
  • Recent development and enlargement of reclaimed lands along the sea shores required to explore alternatives to existing crops, which are suitable to grow well and to declare higher profits. The objectives of this study were to investigate yield-related parameters for development of new leafy vegetables, and to screen some candidates among New Zealand spinach genotypes which were collected in Korea. Initially all the collected genotypes were grown for 7 weeks in a greenhouse of the experiment field in Chungnam National University, and then transplanted into the field to measure morphological or physiological parameters (plant height, branch number, stem diameter, chlorophyll content, and maximum canopy diameter), and yield-related parameters (leaf number, leaf length, leaf width, fresh weight and dry weight). Those parameters were quantitatively measured at 1, 5 or 9 weeks after transplanting (WAT). Parameters exhibiting statistically significant difference among the accessions were plant height, branch number, maximum canopy diameter, chlorophyll content, and leaf length. In contrast to highly correlated parameters with fresh and dry weight obtained in salt-affected soil in the earlier report, fresh weight was correlated significantly with leaf length (r=0.72), leaf width (r=0.64), and canopy diameter(r=0.66), while dry weight was correlated significantly with plant height (r=0.46), leaf length (r=0.72), leaf width (r=0.73), fresh weight (r=0.79), chlorophyll content (r=0.47), and canopy diameter (r=0.87). Based on the significantly correlated with yield parameters, the candidate accessions which were ranked in top statistical groups include CNU06A01, CNU06A13, CNU06A26, CNU06A35, CNU06A38, and CNU06A55. In order to be cultivated in reclaimed lands, it is necessary to screen out salt tolerant accessions among the above high-yielding genotypes.

The Effect of Food Waste Compost and Livestock Manure on Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa var. glabra) Growth

  • Lee, Young Don;Yoo, Jae Hong;Joo, Jin Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.547-553
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    • 2017
  • Treatment of food waste is becoming a big issue due to their significant quantities. Composting could be an effective alternative for food waste management which could be used as soil conditioner or fertilizer with little concerns about heavy metals and pathogens. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of food waste on Chinese cabbage growth and soil properties. 9 different treatments (two livestock manures, two food wastes, two livestock manures + chemical fertilizer, two food wastes + chemical fertilizer, and control) were applied to Chinese cabbage. All treatments were carried out in 3 replicates. We measured leaf length, leaf width, fresh weight, dry weight, and leaf greenness of Chinese cabbage. Treatment of one of food waste composts significantly increased leaf length and leaf width of Chinese cabbage by 28.6, 26.6, 67.7, and 59.9%, respectively, in comparison to those of control, while no significant differences for leaf greenness were shown. Application of food waste compost resulted in significant increase of EC, available $P_2O_5$, CEC, organic matter, and exchangeable cations. However, further researches are needed to reduce NaCl content of food waste.

Genotypic Variation of Early Growth Vigor and Indicator Traits for its Indirect Selection in Rice (벼 유모활력의 품종 변이와 간접 선발을 위한 초기생육 지표형질 탐색)

  • Fu, Jin-Dong;Lee, Byun-Woo
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2007
  • Early growth vigor(EGV) is one of the physiological characteristics that may contribute to the increase of genetic yield potential and radiation use efficiency by closing the canopy earlier. To estimate the genotypic variation of EGV, determine the relationships among the related traits, and identify the rapidly growing genotypes and indirect indicator for selection in breeding program, the evaluation of EGV and EGV-related traits was conducted for a total of 140 rice varieties consisting of 101 Korean, 25 Northern China and 14 IRRI-bred rice varieties in a serial sowing experiment in plastic rain shelter and plastic-covered nursery bed in 2003. EGV defined as the amount of leaf area and/or dry weight produced early in the season and the EGV-related traits such as length and breadth of the $2^{nd}\;and\;3^{rd}$ leaves showed highly significant positive correlation with the embryo and seed weight. Especially, the genotypic variation in the length of the third leaf was explained over 90% of genotypic variation in the seed weight. Owing to a large effect of seed size on EGV and its related traits, vigor measurements were adjusted based on their linear or exponential relationships with seed weight for excluding the seed weight effect. EGV and its related-traits adjusted for seed weight also showed big variation among genotypes. Increased EGV was genetically correlated with increases in breadth and length of early leaves. The broad-sense heritability for EGV was significantly high(81%), but lower than those of leaf breadth(90% for the $2^{nd}$ leaf and 93% for the $3^{rd}$ leaf) and length(87% for the $2^{nd}$ leaf and 89% for the $3^{rd}$ leaf). Significantly positive genetic correlations were found between EGV and the breadth and length of early leaves. The high heritability of early leaf breadth and length coupled with their strong genetic correlation with EGV indicated that the breadth and length of the $2^{nd}\;and\;3^{rd}$ leaf would be used as good indirect indicators for EGV selection in rice breeding program.

Effects of Chitosan on the Growth Responses of Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) (키토산이 캔터키 블루그래스(Poa pratensis L.) 생장에 미치는 효과)

  • Yoon, Ok-Soon;Kim, Kwang-Sik
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2007
  • This study was initiated to investigate the effect of chitosan on Kentucky bluegrass growth. Chitosan was applied rates of 300, 500, and 800 times dilution at ten-day intervals after transplanting. We observed such growth characteristics asleaf length, root length, numbers of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight, and chlorophyll content. Treatment of 300 X diluted chitosan resulted in the longest leaf length of 26.2cm comparing with the 17.1cm average leaf length of control. Leaf numbers were 21.4 and 31.7 for the control and the 500 X dilution treatment. The root length in control was 16.8cm while the treatment of 500 X diluted chitosan increased root length to 27.4cm. Chlorophyll content resulted 19.9mg/$100cm^2$ for the control and 25.5mg/$100cm^2$ for the treatment of 300 X diluted chitosan. In general, we found that the treatment of 500 X diluted chitosan resulted higher leaf number, chlorophyll content, fresh and dry weight.

Variation of Agronomic Characters in the Yearling of Ginseng Plants (일년생 인삼의 형질변이)

  • Choi, K.T.;Lee, C.H.
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 1979
  • Present studies were carried out to clarify the variation of agronomic characters of Panax ginseng (violet-stem variant and yellow-berry variant) and Panax quinquefolium (American ginseng). The variations of stem diameter. stem length, leaf width, root diameter. and root length of Panax quinquefolium were found to be more variable as compared with those of Panax ginseng. As for the variations of agronomic characters of Panax ginseng. violet-stem variant was more variable than yellow-berry variant. In Panax ginseng as well as Panax quinquefolium . the variability of stem length. leaf length, and root length was high. while the other agronomic characters showed comparatively low variability.

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The Variation of Leaf Form of Natural Populations of Quercus variabilis in Korea (굴참나무 천연집단(天然集團)의 엽형(葉型) 변이(變異))

  • Song, Jeong-Ho;Park, Mun-Han;Moon, Heung-Kyu;Han, Sang-Urk;Yi, Jae-Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.666-676
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    • 2000
  • For the study of morphological variation of Q. variabilis natural population in Korea, 19 populations were selected through the country in considering latitude, longitude, and geographical characters. Thirty trees were randomly selected from each population and 60 mature leaves were sampled from each tree. Four characters (leaf blade length, maximum blade width, petiole length, and vein number) were measured, and their ratios (the ratio of blade length to maximum blade width, the ratio of blade length to petiole length, the ratio of petiole length to vein number, upper 1/3 blade width to maximum blade width, and upper 1/3 blade width to lower 1/3 blade width) were calculated. 1. Analysis of variance for all leaf characters were significantly different among populations and among individuals within population. Contributions of variance among individuals within population in all the characters were higher than those among populations. Therefore, selection of plus trees may be preferable to desirable populations for breeding program of Q. variabilis. 2. Among principal component analysis for leaf characters, primary 2 principal components appeared to be major variables for leaf form of Q. variabilis because of the loading contribution of 80.5%. The first contribution component was petiole length/vein number and petiole length ; the second one was upper 1/3 blade width/maximum blade width, upper blade width/lower 1/3 blade width and vein number, respectively. 3. Latitude was positively correlated with blade length/maximum blade width and blade length/petiole length, but negatively correlated with petiole length/vein number, upper 1/3 blade width/maximum blade width, upper 1/3 blade width/lower 1/3 blade width, petiole length, and vein number. But, for longitude and altitude the former two traits and the later five traits exhibited the negative and positive correlation, respectively. 4. Cluster analysis using complete linkage method for leaf characters showed two groups to Euclidean distance 1.6. They were group I of population 1. 4, 5, and 13 and group II of population 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. However, group II was divided again to Euclidean distance 1.3, that is a group including population 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, and 17(group II-1) and the other group comprising population 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, and 19(group II-2). This cluster could be mainly observed due to difference among population in aspect (group I : NE, group II-1 : SE, and group II-2 : SW).

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