• Title/Summary/Keyword: landform development

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3 Dimensional Changes of Bedrock Surface with Physical Modelling of Abrasion (마식에 의한 기반암면의 표면 변화에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.506-525
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    • 2007
  • Incision into bedrock channel is the primary control of landform evolution, but research into bedrock incision process stagnated for long time. Due to the scaling problem of the application of results from flume studies to bedrock channel, there is a strong need to simulate the bedrock incision process with more realistic models. As a part of investigation into controls of bedrock channel incision, three-dimensional changes of rock surface with abrasion was investigated with physical modelling. 18 rock plates were abraded with various sediment particle size and sediment load and abraded surfaces of the plates were scanned with high resolution 3-D scanner. To identify the spatial pattern of erosion of the rock plates, various methods were used. There was no synthetic or holistic method that showed all features of bedrock plate produced by abrasion, so each plate was analyzed using some available methods. Contour maps, shaded relief maps and profiles show that abrasion concentrated on the centre of plate (cross profile) and upstream and downstream edges (longitudinal profile) and eroded area extended inwards. It also found that the cracks and boundaries of forming materials easily eroded than other parts. Changing patterns of surface roughness were investigated with profiles, regression analysis and spectral analysis. Majority of plates showed decrease in small-scale roughness, but it depends on microstructures of the plates rather than general hardness or other factors. SEM inspection results supported this idea.

A Development of lidar data Filtering for Contour Generation (등고선 제작을 위한 라이다 데이터의 필터링 알고리즘 개발 및 적용)

  • Wie, Gwang-Jae;Kim, Eun-Young;Kang, In-Gu;Kim, Chang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2009
  • The new laser scanning technology allows to attain 3D information faster with higher accuracy on surface ground, vegetation and buildings of the earth surface. This acquired information can be used in many areas after modifying them appropriately by users. The contour production for accurate landform is an advanced technology that can reveal the mountain area landscapes hidden by the trees in detail. However, if extremely precise LiDAR data is used in constructing the contour, massive-sized data intricates the contour diagram and could amplify the data size inefficiently. This study illustrates the algorithm producing contour that is filtered in stages for more efficient utilization using the LiDAR contour produced by the detailed landscape data. This filtering stages allow to preserve the original landscape shape and to keep the data size small. Point Filtering determines the produced contour diagram shape and could minimize data size. Thus, in this study we compared experimentally filtered contour with the current digital map(1:5,000).

Identity and Characteristics of Korean Pungsu(Fengshui) (한국 풍수론 전개의 양상과 특색)

  • Choi, Wonsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.695-715
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    • 2015
  • The history of Korean Pungsu can be approached from two perspectives. One is through the history of its theoretical formation and evolution, and the other is through the history of its social and cultural formation and evolution. The former, i.e. Pungsu theories, was produced and developed by intellectuals as an elaborate system of cosmic knowledge and logic. The latter, i.e. Pungsu culture, was consumed and adopted by various social groups in their spatial life practices. It was Chinese intellectuals that originally initiated and carried out the production, formation, and development of the fengshui theoretical system. Intellectuals in neighboring countries adapted Chinese fengshui to their local environment, incorporating their own historical and cultural features, and practiced this transformed and indigenized form of geomancy. The evolution of Korean Pungsu can be summarized as having the following five characteristics. First, Koreans accepted fengshui from China, pragmatically adapting it to fit the Korean natural and social environment, and then used it for social discourse on space. Second, Pungsu had a comprehensive and varied influence on Korean culture throughout its different historical periods. Third, combined with social thought led by differing social classes, Korean Pungsu existed as an element of social discourse. Fourth, Koreans' theoretical preferences of fengshui were for the landform method over the liqi (理氣) method. Fifth, the Bibo philosophy was a characteristic feature of Korean Pungsu.

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Geomorphic Features of ${\check{O}}rumkol$(Frozen Valley) Area (Kyungnam Province, South Korea) - Mainly about Talus - (경남 밀양 얼음골 일대의 지형적 특성 -Talus를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 1997
  • The aim of this paper is to clarify geomorphic features on talus within ${\check{O}}rumkol$ and the origin of ${\check{O}}rumkol$. ${\check{O}}rumkol$ is located in Milyang of Kyungnam province, in South Korea. ${\check{O}}rumkol$ is good area to study talus. because it is characterized by following three geomorphic landscapes : free face surrounding ${\check{O}}rumkol$ ; ${\check{O}}rumkol$ with deep and wide valley floor ; lots of taluses typically developing within ${\check{O}}rumkol$. The main results can be summarized as follows: 1) The origin of ${\check{O}}rumkol$ may be suggested two assumptions : one is that its origin have been resulted from intrusion structure(intrusive rock might capture less resistant rock as tuff) ; the other is that its origin have been resulted from volcanic depression after intrusion or eruption. But these assumptions are not obvious. therefore more geological evidences will be supplemented after this 2) The characteristics of ${\check{O}}rumkol$ talus (1) Pattern ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $50{\sim}200m$ in length and the range of the maximum width from 25 to 115m and one of their mean slope gradient from 32 to $36^{\circ}$ (2) Origin ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses have been formed under periglacial environment in the last glacial age and they are classified into rock fall talus type, considering in conjunction with the shape, hardness, sorting, weathering conditions of constituent debris. (3) The stage of landform development ${\check{O}}rumkol$ talus slope profiles are mainly concave slope. This concave slope type was eventually caused by talus creep at the lower end of the talus. That means new additions of debris from the free face have virtually ceased and there is no evidence of recent motion in the deposit. Now it is predominant that vegetation cover is gradually increasingly. Therefore ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses appear to be relict form stage. at present.

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Karst Studies in the Korean Geographical Society: Achievements for the Past Fifty Years (한국 지리학계의 카르스트 연구)

  • PARK, Sunyurp
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2011
  • Research achievement of Korean geographers on karst studies was evaluated based on the number of publications for the past fifty years, which were divided into four main periods, including beginning, youth, growth, and maturity stages. The descriptive statistics of research papers published in major geography journals were computed and these articles were classified according to their main subjects and study areas. The role of moisture is particularly important in Karst geomorphology compared to the other geomorphological fields. The morphology, landscape, and formation processes of tropical and temperate karst are different from each other, and the regional and altitudinal characteristics of karst environments are significantly diverse. Thus, it is likely that the detailed records of climatic changes are preserved in the northeast Asian karst landform. Since karst geomorphology can be a major cause of natural hazards, such as collapsed surfaces or subsidence, which are associated with anthropogenic activities, including underground-water pumping and land use, education and training of physical geographers, specializing on monsoon effects, distributions of limestone, and soil characteristics, are critical issues to foster the capacity of disaster management in the nation. Moreover, knowing that the unique and spectacular landscape of karst geomorphology is a valuable, natural resource of tourism and has aesthetic values on its own, contributions of geographers to the introduction, conservation, research, and development of karst environment should be emphasized.

The theory of lesson plannig and the instructional structuration : A case study for urban units in Japanese high school (수업설계론과 수업구조화 - 일본 고등학교 도시단원을 사례로 -)

  • ;Sim, Kwang Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.166-182
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    • 1994
  • Kyonggi Province in the late Chosun dynasty was a center of superior government offices including 'Han' River water-road transportation and was located in the middle of an 'X'-shaped arterial road network. Because of these reasons, Kyonggi Province had a faster inflow of commodities, informations and technics compared with the other province. At this period of time, every local 'Eup' (name of administrative district) had not been affected by their above administrative districts and had their own autonomy. For this reason, every 'Eup' could be developed as a town, even if its size was small when it had sufficient internal growing conditions. Moreover, the markets ('Si-Jon') in big towns and periodical markets which were spread over the Kyonggi Province played role of commercial functions of town. And because military bases for the defence of the royal capital in Kyonggi Province also took parts of a non-agricultural city role, Xyonggi Provinc had much more possibilities of growing as a town rather than the other provinces. The towns of the late Chosun Dynasty were, except the capital and superior administrative districts which were governed by the 'You-Su', small towns which had only about 3, 000-5, 000 people. Most of the town dewellers were local officials, nobles, merchants, craftmen and slaves. And the farmers who lived near town became a pseudo-towner through suburb agriculture. Among these people, the merchants were leaders of townization. The downtowns were affected by the landform and traffic roads. The most fundamental function of towns were administrative. The opcial's grade, which was dispatched to the local administrative district ('Kun' or 'Hyun'), was decided by the size of population and agricultural land of each county. Large county which was governed by a high ranking opcial had more possibilities to develop as a large town. Because they supervised other opcials of lower rank and obtained more land and population for the town. The phonomena of farm abandonment after the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592-1598 stimulated the development of towns for commercial function. The commercial functions of towns were evident in the Si-Jon or Nan-Jon (names of markets) in the big cities such as Hansung and Kaesung, meanffwhile in the local areas it was emerged in the shape of periodical market networks as allied with near markets (which were called as Jang-Si) or permanent markets which were grown up from periodical markets. These facts of commercial development induced the birth of commercial town. Kyonggi Province showed the weak points of its defense system during both wars (Japanese Invasion in 1592 and Manchu's Invasion in 1636). The government reinforced its defense system by adding 4 'You-Su-Bus' and several military bases. Each local districts ('Eup'), where Geo-Jins were established, were stimulated to be a town while Jin-Kwan system were, adjusted and enforced. Among Dok-Jins(name of solitary military bases), Youngjongjin was grown up as a large garrison town which only played a role of defense. The number of towns that took roles of non-agricultural functions in Kyonggi Province was 52. Among these towns, 29 were developed as big towns which had above 3, 000 people and most of these towns were located on the northwest-southeast axes of 'X'-shaped arterial trafic network in the Chosn Dynasty, This fact points out that the traffic road is one of the important causes of the development of towns. When we make hierarchy of the towns of Kyonggi Province according to its population and how many functions it had, we can make it as 6 grades. The virst grade town 'Hansung' was the biggest central town of administration, commerce and defdnse. The 2nd grade town includes 'Kaesung' which had historical inertia that it had been the capital of the Koryo Dynesty. The 3rd grade towns include some 'You- Su-Bus' such as Soowon, Kanghwa, Kwangju and also include Mapo, Yongsan and from this we can imagine that the commercial development in the late Chosun Dynasty extremely affected the townization. The 4th-6th grade towns had smiliar population but it can be discriminated by how many town functions it had. So the 4th grade towns were the core of administration, commerce and defense function. 5th grade towns had administrative functions and one of commercial and defense functions. 6th grade towns had only one of these functions. When we research and town conditions of each grades as the ratio of non-agricultural population, we can find out that the towns from the 1st grade to 4th grade show difference by degree of townization but from the 4th grade to 6th grade towns do not show big difference in general.

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View of Landform revealed in School Songs: Based on the Primary·Secondary School in Daegu Metropolitan City (교가(校歌)에 나타난 대구의 지형관 - 대구 초·중등학교를 사례로 -)

  • JEON, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2012
  • This paper has obtained the following results by investigating the physical geographical names appeared on the school songs of the primary secondary school in Daegu metropolitan city. 1) The physical geographical names appeared many on the school songs in the old-established schools are the traditional physical geographical names such as The Mt. Palgong, The Geumho river, The Nakdong river, The Mt. Biseul and the physical geographical names related to the identity of Daegu such as Dalgubeol, The Mt. Taebaek, Seorabeol and so forth. 2) The physical geographical names appeared many on the school songs in the primary schools are The Mt. Palgong, The Geumho river, The Nakdong river, and The Mt. Biseul in order, while those appeared many on the school songs in the secondary schools are The Mt. Palgong, The Geumho river, The Nakdong river, and The Mt. Biseul in order. 3) Since The Mt. Taebaek and Seorabeol relatively often appear in the physical geographical names, we can find the relationship between Daegu and Silla Dynasty, and that between The Mt. Palgong and The Mt. Taebaek from the viewpoint of feng shui. 4) In case of the school songs in the schools distributed around the area of Suseong-Gu and DalSeo-Gu which are newly developed, the physical geographical names within the two areas in addition to the traditional physical geographical names(including the physical geographical names related to the identity of Daegu) appeared many on the school songs. 5) The Mt. Palgong, which is the representative physical geographical name of Daegu, almost did not appear on the school songs of the schools within the Dalseong-Gun. In other words, the residents in the Dalseong-Gun have recognized the mountain based on The Mt. Biseul rather than The Mt. Palgong. 6) It is special that The Sincheon amounting to the central stream in Daegu almost did not appear on the school songs. 7) It is concluded that the physical geographical names found in this paper can be not only set as main ecological space in Daegu area but also considered in top priority as ecological space in the various plans of development.

Dynamic Equilibrium Position Prediction Model for the Confluence Area of Nakdong River (낙동강 합류부 삼각주의 동적 평형 위치 예측 모델: 감천-낙동강 합류점 중심 분석 연구)

  • Minsik Kim;Haein Shin;Wook-Hyun Nahm;Wonsuck Kim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.435-445
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    • 2023
  • A delta is a depositional landform that is formed when sediment transported by a river is deposited in a relatively low-energy environment, such as a lake, sea, or a main channel. Among these, a delta formed at the confluence of rivers has a great importance in river management and research because it has a significant impact on the hydraulic and sedimentological characteristics of the river. Recently, the equilibrium state of the confluence area has been disrupted by large-scale dredging and construction of levees in the Nakdong River. However, due to the natural recovery of the river, the confluence area is returning to its pre-dredging natural state through ongoing sedimentation. The time-series data show that the confluence delta has been steadily growing since the dredging, but once it reaches a certain size, it repeats growth and retreat, and the overall size does not change significantly. In this study, we developed a model to explain the sedimentation-erosion processes in the confluence area based on the assumption that the confluence delta reaches a dynamic equilibrium. The model is based on two fundamental principles: sedimentation due to supply from the tributary and erosion due to the main channel. The erosion coefficient that represents the Nakdong River confluence areas, was obtained using data from the tributaries of the Nakdong River. Sensitivity analyses were conducted using the developed model to understand how the confluence delta responds to changes in the sediment and water discharges of the tributary and the main channel, respectively. We then used annual average discharge of the Nakdong River's tributaries to predict the dynamic equilibrium positions of the confluence deltas. Finally, we conducted a simulation experiment on the development of the Gamcheon-Nakdong River delta using recorded daily discharge. The results showed that even though it is a simple model, it accurately predicted the dynamic equilibrium positions of the confluence deltas in the Nakdong River, including the areas where the delta had not formed, and those where the delta had already formed and predicted the trend of the response of the Gamcheon-Nakdong River delta. However, the actual retreat in the Gamcheon-Nakdong River delta was not captured fully due to errors and limitations in the simplification process. The insights through this study provide basic information on the sediment supply of the Nakdong River through the confluence areas, which can be implemented as a basic model for river maintenance and management.