• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Development of Subsurface Spatial Information Model System using Clustering and Geostatistics Approach (클러스터링과 지구통계학 기법을 이용한 지하공간정보 모델 생성시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2008
  • Since the current database systems for managing geotechnical investigation results were limited by being described boring test result in point feature, it has been trouble for using other GIS data. Although there are some studies for spatial characteristics of subsurface modeling, it is rather lack of being interoperable with GIS, considering geotechnical engineering facts. This is reason for difficulty of practical uses. In this study, we has developed subsurface spatial information model through extracting needed geotechnical engineering data from geotechnical information DB. The developed geotechnical information clustering program(GEOCL) has made a cluster of boring formation(and formation ratio), classification of layer, and strength characteristics of subsurface. The interpolation of boring data has been achieved through zonal kriging method in the consideration of spatial distribution of created cluster. Finally, we make a subsurface spatial information model to integrate with digital elevation model, and visualize 3-dimensional model by subsurface spatial information viewing program(SSIVIEW). We expect to strengthen application capacity of developed model in subsurface interpretation and foundation design of construction works.

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Seasonal Water Change Assessment at Mahanadi River, India using Multi-temporal Data in Google Earth Engine

  • Jena, Ratiranjan;Pradhan, Biswajeet;Jung, Hyung-Sup;Rai, Abhishek Kumar;Rizeei, Hossein Mojaddadi
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • Seasonal changes in river water vary seasonally as well as locationally, and the assessment is essential. In this study, we used the recent technique of post-classification by using the Google earth engine (GEE) to map the seasonal changes in Mahanadi river of Odisha. However,some fixed problems results during the rainy season that affects the livelihood system of Cuttack such as flooding, drowning of children and waste material deposit. Therefore, this study conducted 1) to map and analyse the water density changes and 2) to analyse the seasonal variation of river water to resolve and prevent problem shortcomings. Our results showed that nine types of variation can be found in the Mahanadi River each year. The increase and decrease of intensity of surface water analysed, and it varies in between -130 to 70 ㎥/nf. The highest frequency change is 2900 Hz near Cuttack city. The pi diagram provides the percentage of seasonal variation that can be observed as permanent water (30%), new seasonal (28%), ephemeral (12%), permanent to seasonal (7%) and seasonal (10%). The analysis is helpful and effective to assess the seasonal variation that can provide a platform for the development of Cuttack city that lies in Mahanadi delta.

Survey for Farmland Development in Western Coast of North Korea Using Satellite Image Data (인공위성 화상데이터를 이용한 북한 서해안지역의 농지기반조성 현황조사)

  • 안기원;조병진;서두천;이정철
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this study was to find out and confirm the project formulation, feasibility, scale and locations on the farmland development projects such as planned and ongoing tideland reclamation and irrigation facilities along the western coast of North Korea using satellite image data, Landsat TM, JERS OPS and SPOT PAN and aged maps. In order to apply to the study, remote sensing technologies such as geometric correction. digital mosaicking, image merging, linear extraction and land cover classification were studied. As the results of the study, the reclaimable tidal flats are recognized at about 178, 000 ha equivalent to 59% of announced 300, 000ha. and 16, 000 ha of completed, 17, 000 ha of ongoing project areas although 27, 000 ha were revealed to be completed during 1987-1993. Almost planned projects are appeared to be shortage of water supply due to their small watersheds, however, most projects are connected with 2000 mile canal system.

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Landslide Risk Assessment in Inje Using Logistic Regression Model (로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 인제군 산사태지역의 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Hwan-Gil;Kim, Gi-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2012
  • Korea has been continuously affected by landslides, as 70% of the land is covered by mountains and most of annual rainfall concentrates between June and September. Recently, abrupt climate change affects the increase of landslide occurrence. Gangwon region is especially suffered by landslide damages, because the most of the part is mountainous, steep, and having shallow soil. In this study, a landslide risk assessment model was developed by applying logistic regression to the various data of Duksan-ri, Inje-eup, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, which has suffered massive landslide triggered by heavy rain in July 2006. The information collected from field investigation and aerial photos right after the landslide of study area were stored in GIS DB for analysis. Slope gradient entered in two ways-as categorical variable and as linear variable. Error matrix for each case was made, and developed model showed the classification accuracy of 81.4% and 81.9%, respectively.

Utilizing SPOT-5 Satellite Data for Present State Analysis of Irrigation Reservoirs of the Yeseong River Basin (예성강 유역의 저수지 현황 분석을 위한 SPOT-5 위성자료의 이용)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Lee, Byung-Hwan;Song, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2010
  • In order to prepare the interchange between and the unification of North and South Korea, it is needed to establish the development direction of irrigation reservoirs and formulate technological and political directions for preparing effectively against the demand of agricultural countermeasure information like the analysis of rural comprehensive development projects and the present state of agricultural land of North Korea. The purpose of this research is to construct the database of agricultural productive infrastructures and analyze the present state of irrigation reservoirs of the Yeseong River Basin in North Korea using SPOT-5 satellite imagery. As a result of the research, we were able to not only design classification items but establish method and precedure for producing thematic maps related agricultural productive infrastructure without on-site survey by analyzing present condition related to agricultural water of the basin. And we intend to provide basic data for analyzing suitabile locations of irrigation reservoirs in the basin by performing basin extraction, volume evaluation of the existing reservoirs, scale cultivative lands, benefit area fo the reservoirs, and the existing agricultural water system. In addition, we were able to understand the problem and limit in constructing the database related agricultural productive facilities.

Development of Forest Ecosystem Assessment Technique of Environmental Impact Assessment(II) : Nature Evaluation of Vegetation (환경영향평가중 삼림생태계 평가기법개발(II) : 녹지의 자연성평가)

  • Choi, Song-Hyun;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 1996
  • To select the criteria, literature review was made in the quantitative case of conservation biology, foreign country's EIA and domestic ecology. Among them, a few factors was extracted. To applicate the criteria to domestic forest ecosystem, expert opinion survey was executed to the ecologist. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Classification of sites was made of land use system which is related to forest ecosystem or forest conservation. Sites are divided into 3 categories which are nature preservation area, seminature preservation area and urbanized area. Evaluation criteria is consisted of rarity and naturalness. 2. Each area had different criteria composition according to the site characteristics. Criteria of nature preservation area is rarity in the broad sense (distribution pattern of vegetation), vegetation size, successional stage and depth of organic matters. Those of seminature preservation area are rarity in the broad sense (distribution area of vegetation), vegetation size, successional stage, diameter at breath height and depth of organic matters. And those of urbanized area are vegetation distribution in area, successional stage, age of forest and diameter of breath height. The basic data of criterion was gathered by field survey. 3. Evaluation index and total naturalness index was obtained by adding the each criterion. It is made up of two categories-rarity and naturalness. TNi is divided into 3 grades. Grade I is more than 70% for TNi, grade IT is 50~70%, and grade III is below 50%. According to the each grade, permitted action and facilities were suggested.. This research just focuses on the evaluation of vegetation quality and the assessment results do not directly judge conservation or development. To make better evaluation criteria, various fields of forest ecosystem-geological or physical nature environment and fauna ecosystem etc. -will be added wholly to this research.

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Risk Assessment of Agricultural Construction Works using Accident Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (재해분석을 통한 농업토목공사의 공종별 위험성 평가)

  • Yang, Young Jin;Oh, Sue Hoon;Noh, Jae Kyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2018
  • The accident risk at the construction workplace associated with agricultural engineering is comparatively higher than those of other fields due mainly to its complex work types and processes. Agricultural engineering deals with a variety of agricultural infrastructures from irrigation and drainage facilities to giant-scale coastal reclamation land infrastructures. The characteristics that most agricultural projects have conducted on a small-scale even worsen the situation drawing low attentions to risk management. Therefore, systematical risk assessment that focuses on details of agricultural construction work process is required in order to enhance safety management capacity and to prevent repetitive accidents ultimately. This study aims to categorize construction work types and processes of agricultural construction works, and to quantitatively assess the accident risk of them based on accident analysis. Regarding classification of construction works, actual 827 accident cases were thoroughly reviewed and coded by their construction site, facility and work type, project scale and so on. Most accidents (71.8 % of total cases) occurred in small-scale construction workplaces with less than 5 billion Korean won project budget. And those accidents related to agricultural infrastructure project (37.4%) and agricultural water development project (22.4%). In terms of work types, accidents frequently took place in form-work followed by pipe installation work, steel bar work and concrete work. The potential risks were compared with actual outbreak of accidents based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results show that the potential conditions of accident expected to be took place is somewhat different from the actual conditions where accidents actually happened. This implicates that risk management manuals or education needs to be adjusted by reflecting unexpected circumstances. Overall, this study is meaningful in that the results could be foundations as to strengthen risk management capacity for agricultural engineering projects.

Characterizing Changes of Water Quality and Relationships with Environmental Factors in the Selected Korean Reservoirs (우리나라 주요 호소의 수질 변동 경향성 분석 및 유형화)

  • Kwon, Yong-Su;Bae, Mi-Jung;Kim, Jun-Su;Kim, Yong-Jae;Kim, Baik-Ho;Park, Young-Seuk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.146-159
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we evaluated the temporal changes of water quality in the 90 reservoirs in Korea and the relationships between water quality and their environmental factors in the reservoirs for effective management of reservoirs. The majority of study reservoirs were categorized as the eutrophic state based on Carlson's trophic index. Among 90 reservoirs, more than 55.0% were nutrient-rich based on $TSI_{TP}$ in each month, where more than 50.0% were nutrient-rich based on $TSI_{Chl-a}$ from June to November. Seasonal Mann-Kendall test was used to analyze temporal variation of water quality in the selected 60 reservoirs using monthly data from 2004 to 2008. The results showed that 27 (45.0%) reservoirs showed the improvement of water quality based on TP and Chl-a concentrations, while 14 (23.3%) and 11 (18.3%) reservoirs displayed the degradation of water quality based on TP and Chl-a concentrations, respectively. Meanwhile, a self-organizing map classified the study reservoirs into five groups based on differences of hydrogeomorphology (altitude, catchment area, bank height, lake age, etc.). Physicochemical factors and land use/cover types showed clear differences among groups. Finally, hydrogeomorphology of reservoirs were related to water quality, indicating that the hydrogeomorphological characters strongly affect water quality of reservoirs.

A Study on Optimal Pervious/Impervious Map Generation Method for Urban Impervious Surface Management based on GIS (GIS기반의 도시지역 불투수면 관리를 위한 최적 투수/불투수도 제작 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Seong Kwang;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young;Ryu, Kwang Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.120-133
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    • 2015
  • Due to increasing impervious surfaces resulting from urbanization and industrialization which are directly linked to urban inundation and non-point pollutants runoff, there is a need to manage them systematically. A management over urban impervious surfaces calls for pervious/impervious maps, which enable viewing the distribution of impervious surfaces. Nevertheless, relevant data are absent as now. In this respect, despite the diversity of proposed methods, pilot implementation and accuracy verification have never been conducted. Therefore, this study is aimed to produce a pilot pervious/impervious map based on previously proposed methods and to elucidate its pros and cons with a view to proposing a method for producing a GIS-based optimal pervious/impervious map. Following previously proposed methods, a pervious/impervious map of Bupyeong-gu, Incheon was produced. Then, a method of producing optimal pervious/impervious maps applicable to urban areas was proposed through the comparison of pros and cons of relevant spatial data. As a result, the map had been confirmed 99.2% of classification accuracy. Based on the present findings, future studies should establish a standardized method for producing. Also, this method should be used to produce pervious/impervious maps of other regions so that it can be applied to managing impervious surfaces in major urban areas nationwide.

A proposal for regional customization and optimal operation management of groundwater resources through analysis of water resources research trends in Korea (국내 수자원 분야 연구 동향 분석을 통한 지역 맞춤형 지하수자원 최적 운영 관리 방안 제시)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Kim, Jin-Soo;Yang, Jeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.spc1
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    • pp.743-753
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    • 2020
  • In this study, research trends in the water resources in Korea were analyzed to present regional customization and optimal operation management of groundwater resources. Detailed classification fields were determined in the water and groundwater resources. Through the analysis of examples and trends of research related to water resources and underground water resources, three improvements were presented: securing sites for long-term observable research area, evaluating water resources based on spatial units, and not reflecting the characteristics of watersheds in acts and ordinances. The research results of this study are expected to be the basis for policy judgment in determining the groundwater management policy after the group of groundwater management policy makers at the research site can identify the requirements.