• Title/Summary/Keyword: installation/management

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A Study on the Measurement of Indoor Air Pollutants in High School Building (교육시설의 공기환경 실측에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Jun;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1392-1397
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    • 2008
  • This study is to measure the change of the $CO_2$ and floating dust concentration depending on the volume of the ventilation and the state of on/off the ventilation for the estimation of the air pollution in classroom. The results could be summarized as follows: the test cell was the two full scaled model and the one is set up with ventilation system another was not. the volume of classroom is 170.1m3 and the number of persons are 35. 1)when the ventilation system was not installed, The experimental results of the $CO_2$ concentration showed the average of 2,150ppm and the maximum of 2,740ppm in the classroom. This was the higher than 1,000ppm, the standard value of ASHRAE and the enforcement regulations of School Sanitation Code in Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, 1000ppm. The $CO_2$ concentration was relatively increasing during school hours. 3)In case of the volume of ventilation of $800m^3$/h, the $CO_2$ concentration of classroom showed the average of 962 ppm and the maximum of 1,380 ppm. This was higher than 1,000ppm, the standard of ASHRAE and the enforcement regulations of School Sanitation Code in Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development. 4)The floating dust(PM10) was the maximum of 0.52 mg/$m^3$, the minimum of 0.25 mg/$m^3$, and the average of 0.32 mg/$m^3$ in case of the ventilation system off. Those were higher than the standard value 0.15 mg/$m^3$. In case of the ventilation system on, the floating dust(PM10) was the maximum of 0.174 mg/$m^3$ , the minimum of 0.048 mg/$m^3$, and the average of 0.078 mg/$m^3$. These were the lower than 0.15 mg/$m^3$, the standard of the enforcement regulations of School Sanitation Code in Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development. 5)The concentrations of $CO_2$ and PM10 were largely depending on the number of students and the ventilation system, The installation of the ventilation system is necessary for the amenity environment and the management of the indoor air quality.

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A Linear Change of Leakage Current and Insulation Resistance of 22 kV Cables (22 kV 케이블의 누설전류 및 절연저항의 선형적 변화)

  • Um, Kee-Hong;Lee, Kwan-Woo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2015
  • This study is to predict the life exponent by measuring, over 7 years, the insulation resistance of high-voltage cables in 22 kV operation for 13 years. We found out the lifetime index in order to determine the time-dependent trend of deteriorating performance of power cables. The insulation resistances decreased according to elapsed time. We found that: the initial measurements of the cable systems were in agreement with the deterioration properties of the Arrhenius Law. By analyzing the life curve of the cable system, we also verified that the value of the life exponent (n) in the v-t characteristics defined by Weibull distribution has values from 10 to 11. When designing the cable system, the initial value of life exponent was chosen as 9 without any grounding. We have verified that the theoretical grounding based on the design safety of n=9 was actually the best one available. In the short term, we apply our research result to the diagnosis and evaluation of the power cables. In the long run, however, we plan to reduce the cost of the installation and management of cable systems in operation at power stations.

A Quantitative Risk Analysis of Related to Tower Crane Using the FMEA (타워크레인의 정량적 위험성 평가가법에 관한 연구(FMEA 기법 위주))

  • Shim, Kyu-Hyung;Rie, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest objective evaluation model as a plan to utilize as opportunity in establishing judgment standard of mutual inspection criteria and to upgrade inspection ability by reviewing and analyzing level of danger and importance in advance based on inspection results of inspection institutions regarding tower cranes used in construction fields. Tower crane is a mechanical device transporting construction supplies and heavy materials to places over 20~150M high from the ground for the period ranging from a short time of 2~3 months to two years after being installed in construction sites in vicinity of buildings or structures and is an important facility indispensable for construction sites. However, since use period after installation is short and professional technical ability of technicians working on-site about of tower crane is poor, systematic and quantitative safety management is not carried out As a part of researches on procedure of RBI(Risk Based Inspection) possible to apply to Knowledge Based System based on knowledge and experiences of experts as well as to tower cranes for solving these problems, quantitative RPN(Risk Priority Number) was applied to RPN utilizing technique of FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analyses). When general RBI 80/20 Rule was applied parts with high level of risks were found out as wire rope, hoist up/down safety device, reduction gear, and etc. However, since there are still many insufficient parts as risk analyses of tower crane were not established, it is necessary for experts with sufficient experiences and knowledge to supplement active RBI techniques and continuous researches on tower cranes by sharing and setting up data base of important information with this study as a starting point.

User′s Effects on Avifauna in Kaya Mountain National Park (가야산 국립공원의 이용객이 야생조류의 서식에 미치는 영향)

  • 이준우;김준선;류창희
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to investigate the user's effects on the avifauna in Kaya Mountain National Park. The survey was carried over 3 districts which were divided with main trail(valley), subtrail(valley), unused trail(ridge) by line transect method from April to October 1989. The observed birds were 29 species and 527 individuals. these consist of 20 species for residents, 7 species for summer visitor 1 species for winter visitor, 1 species for passage migrant. The average density of birds was 2.44 ea/ha, and main dominant species were Parus major minor, Garrulus gtandarius brandtii, Parus palustris hellmayri, Parus varius and Sitta europaea amurenis in order. The observed frequency of wild birds was 8.42 times/km in average. No. of species, no. of individuals, density, species diversity and observed frequency of summer were lower than spring in 3 survey routes. Therefore, from now, in Kaya Mountain National Park management, the enjoyment oriented activities will be regulated and control of trail use on main trail are necessary during breeding periods for wild birds protection, especially in summer. To investigate the use or not of artificial nests, 35 artificial nests were selected. The results of this survey showed that many wild birds prefered mixed nest in column shaped to wooden nests. The rightful installation and manegement for invitation and increase of wild birds was necessary.

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Cloud Messaging Service for Preventing Smishing Attack (스미싱 공격 방지를 위한 클라우드 메시징 서비스)

  • Park, Hyo-Min;Kim, Wan-Seok;Kang, So-Jeong;Shin, Sang Uk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2017
  • They are rapidly evolving malicious attacks on smart devices, and to timely protect the smart devices from these attacks has become a very important issue. In particular, smishing attack has emerged as one of the most important threats on the smartphone. In this paper, we propose the cloud service that can fundamentally protect the user from the risk of smishing attack. The proposed scheme provides cloud messaging service that can filter text messages including URLs in the user's smart device, view and manage them through a virtual machine provided by a cloud server. The existing techniques for preventing smshing attacks protect only malicious code of a known pattern and there is the possibility of error such as FP(False Positive) or FN(False Negative). However, since the proposed method automatically filters all text messages including URLs, storing, viewing, and managing them in their own storage space on the cloud server, it can completely block the installation of malwares(malicious codes) on the user's smart device through smishing attacks.

Study on Aged Men's Utilization Status and Satisfaction of Removable Dentures (일부 노인들의 가철성 틀니 사용 실태 및 만족도 조사)

  • Park, Jong-Hee;Park, Ji-Won
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.291-302
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: It is to survey old men's utilization status of dental clinic and temporary-binding dentures and then to provide basic data to make a program for manufacturing old men's dentures and their teeth health education. Methods: Random selection was made on old men living in Daejeon and Chungnam, and a survey was conducted from April 15 to May 20, 2011. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 420 questionnaires were collected. Using spss 18.0 program, final analysis was made on 363 questionnaires except for 57 questionnaires which had missing value or showed some doubts about the unreliability. Results: 1. With respect to number of natural teeth as per the age, the upper/lower jaws had meaningful differences (P<.001), which means that the older the person is, the smaller number of natural teeth is. In the meantime, there was no meaningful difference according to sex. 2. With respect to kind of prosthetics installed in a mouth as per the age, there was meaningful difference in the upper jaws (P<.05) but there was no meaningful difference in the lower jaws. It was found out that the older the persons are, the more they use removable dentures while the younger the persons are, the more they use fixed partial dentures. 3. With respect to mouth health condition recognized by oneself, it showed bad (44.4%) and good (10.3%),which means recognition as bad is greater, and the age when prosthetics were first used is dispersed variously from below 40 to over 70. 4. Dental care institutions which they mainly used are hospital and clinics (91.5%), and 66.4% of them visited dental clinics lately. Preferential treatment if they go to dentists is as follows in the order of prosthetics (33.9%), gum treatment (24.2%) and pain treatment (14.9%). 5. 68.4% of them revisited dentists after installation of dentures and the reason for revisit is as follows in the order of poorly fitted dentures (35.1%), painful gum 25.9%, regular check-up 25.4% and difficult chewing 9.6%. Conclusion: As our country enters into an aging society, mouth health problem of old men has come to a serious issue, and therefore, a survey was conducted on some old men with respect to their utilization status of dental clinic and removable dentures in order to provide basic data for improvement of quality of their life, maintenance and enhancement of their mouth health. The study result shows that the older they are, the higher the loss rate of teeth as well as needs for prosthetics are, and thus it is thought the study will help to develop mouth health education program which may improve quality of old men's life by recovery of mouth functions declined due to loss of teeth and by regular check-up, education for mouth health control and following-up control of dentures.

A Study on Protection Depending on Mesh Size of Expanded Metal for Slope Reinforcement (사면보강용 Expanded Metal 격자크기에 따른 인발 특성 연구)

  • Ji, Younghwan;Kim, Kihwan;Kim, Sungho;Hwang, Yeongcheol;Lee, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2010
  • The construction of new roads and the consistent extension of already-existing roads or the line-shape revision of those roads are increased with the governmental investment to SOC facilities currently. Accordingly, the road cut slopes are in the trend of rapidly increasing. As the road slope has increased, a lot of human and property damages has entailed consequently and in the local case, numerous studies have carried out aiming at minimizing this damages caused by the rockfall and landslide. In general, standard falling rock prevention facility has employed for most of the local road slope based on "Guide for Installation and Management of Road Safety Facilities" published by MLTM(the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs) but profound doubt has raised as to whether this rockfall prevention facility would function properly enough to prevent rockfall efficiently without any damages in case of actual occurrence of rockfall. In addition, it is a reality that in most cases, such work is relied on overseas technology as a whole as the local technical level is low and in case of rockfall prevention net, it is judged that a study on rockfall prevention net that is able to endure more powerful rockfall energy is required as the problem including net bursting is taken place as a result of enough bearing force being failed to be demonstrated due to its partial weak point(not uniformly made). Under this background, in this study, three kinds of model depending on mesh size of expanded metal that is considered to have an adoptability as rockfall prevention net, as target are selected and characteristics depending on mesh size of expanded metal is intended to be researched through a pull-out test performance by using pull-out test equipment rockfall prevention net.

A Study on Numerical Calculations of Hybrid Air Pollution Control System Coupled with SDR and Bag Filter(II) -Structural Improvement (반건식 반응기와 백필터를 결합한 하이브리드 대기오염제어 시스템의 수치해석적 연구(II) -구조개선을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Uk;Jung, Yu-Jin;Yoo, Jeong-Kun;Shon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.985-992
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    • 2011
  • The 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was performed in relation to the internal fluid characteristics and flow distribution for the development of the most optimal model in the complex post-disposal device. As it is expected that a channeling (drift) would be made by the semi-dry reactor due to the large difference in the flow distribution by the compartment in the bag filter, a structural improvement should be urgently made for more uniformed flow distribution in the bag filter. Three types of modifications such as i) changing the plenum shape, ii) orifice install in the exit part of cleaned gas, iii) increasing the plenum number were established. From the results of computational fluid dynamics, it was revealed that the changing of plenum shape and orifice install in the exit part of cleaned gas was more reasonable than the increasing the plenum number because of the difficulties of retrofit. The complex post-disposal device, modified and supplemented with this analysis, integrated the semi-dry reactor and the bag filter in a single body, so it follows that the improvement can make the device compact, save the installation area, save the operation fee, and management more convenient.

A Study on the Safety Grounding for Prevention of Electric Shock Hazard in Construction of Industrial Plant in Maritime Landfill Area (해상 매립 지역 산업 플랜트 건설 시 감전 재해 예방을 위한 안전 접지에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong-Yong;Jang, Ung-Burm
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2017
  • In our society, the advanced, advanced, and information industries have continued to grow and now live in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. As the industry develops, the load of the users has also increased so much that it is deepened by the energy shortage phenomenon and the construction of additional energy facilities is required. Therefore, energy plant construction work is being actively carried out in the coastal area. In particular, it is common to build a plant in the ground by filling the coast with soil in other regions, reflecting the fact that Korea is lacking in the country when constructing power plants, gas and petrochemical plants. Current domestic grounding designs are designed or constructed to suit only the use of grounding resistors based on the electrical equipment design technical standards. However, in the case of a plant facility constructed in the untested buried soil, when the lightning current and the abnormal current are inputted, the facility operator or the user due to the elevation of the ground potential is seriously exposed to the risk of electric shock disaster. In this paper, we analyze the ground resistivity of the landfilled soil and use a computer program (CDEGS) based on KS C IEC 61936-1, We analyze the contact voltage and stratification voltage and propose a grounding design optimized for plant installation.

Parks' Lighting Measurement and Analysis for Lighting Plan around Waterfront in Jeju (제주 수변공간 조명계획을 위한 공원조명 실측과 해석)

  • Kim, Eel-Hwan;Oh, Seong-Bo;Ko, Bong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2017
  • The environmental lighting of a city advances its landscape standards and the city's touristic value because the lighting can help improve the city's safety and security as well as its esthetic value. The types of parks in cities vary in size and function and should be reflected carefully in lighting planning to gain the best effect. The importance of city lighting has been increased in recent years due to the expanded span of urban night life. Lighting systems around rivers and coastal waterfronts in cities play an important role not only in their functional aspects, such as safety and security, but also in boosting the city's identities. This paper performed comparison analysis among Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade in Hong Kong, Fukuoka Nakagawa Park in Japan, and the walking path in Hamdeok Beach in Jeju City, Korea. According to the evaluation, Hong Kong is excellent in 8 evaluation criteria for park lighting so that the city shows its superior installation and management. Fukuoka is also good by being analyzed as 'fair' in 5 criteria. Finally, Jeju is judged as inferior overall by showing 'poor' in several criteria. The paper shows how they differ in their environment lighting characteristics and aims to suggest stable lighting planning strategies for seaside parks in Jeju so the citizens and visitors of Jeju can enjoy the beautiful sceneries and nighttime activities.