• Title/Summary/Keyword: image segmentation technique

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Detecting high-resolution usage status of individual parcel of land using object detecting deep learning technique (객체 탐지 딥러닝 기법을 활용한 필지별 조사 방안 연구)

  • Jeon, Jeong-Bae
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the feasibility of image-based surveys by detecting objects in facilities and agricultural land using the YOLO algorithm based on drone images and comparing them with the land category by law. As a result of detecting objects through the YOLO algorithm, buildings showed a performance of detecting objects corresponding to 96.3% of the buildings provided in the existing digital map. In addition, the YOLO algorithm developed in this study detected 136 additional buildings that were not located in the digital map. Plastic greenhouses detected a total of 297 objects, but the detection rate was low for some plastic greenhouses for fruit trees. Also, agricultural land had the lowest detection rate. This result is because agricultural land has a larger area and irregular shape than buildings, so the accuracy is lower than buildings due to the inconsistency of training data. Therefore, segmentation detection, rather than box-shaped detection, is likely to be more effective for agricultural fields. Comparing the detected objects with the land category by law, it was analyzed that some buildings exist in agricultural and forest areas where it is difficult to locate buildings. It seems that it is necessary to link with administrative information to understand that these buildings are used illegally. Therefore, at the current level, it is possible to objectively determine the existence of buildings in fields where it is difficult to locate buildings.

Object Extraction Technique using Extension Search Algorithm based on Bidirectional Stereo Matching (양방향 스테레오 정합 기반 확장탐색 알고리즘을 이용한 물체추출 기법)

  • Choi, Young-Seok;Kim, Seung-Geun;Kang, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, to extract object regions in stereo image, we propose an enhanced algorithm that extracts objects combining both of brightness information and disparity information. The approach that extracts objects using both has been studied by Ping and Chaohui. In their algorithm, the segmentation for an input image is carried out using the brightness, and integration of segmented regions in consideration of disparity information within the previously segmented regions. In the regions where the brightness values between object regions and background regions are similar, however, the segmented regions probably include both of object regions and background regions. It may cause incorrect object extraction in the merging process executed in the unit of the segmented region. To solve this problem, in proposed method, we adopt the merging process which is performed in pixel unit. In addition, we perform the bi-directional stereo matching process to enhance reliability of the disparity information and supplement the disparity information resulted from a single directional matching process. Further searching for disparity is decided by edge information of the input image. The proposed method gives good performance in the object extraction since we find the disparity information that is not extracted in the traditional methods. Finally, we evaluate our method by experiments for the pictures acquired from a real stereoscopic camera.

Front Classification using Back Propagation Algorithm (오류 역전파 알고리즘을 이용한 영문자의 폰트 분류 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jung Minchul
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents a priori and the local font classification method. The font classification uses ascenders, descenders, and serifs extracted from a word image. The gradient features of those sub-images are extracted, and used as an input to a neural network classifier to produce font classification results. The font classification determines 2 font styles (upright or slant), 3 font groups (serif sans-serif or typewriter), and 7-font names (Postscript fonts such as Avant Garde, Helvetica, Bookman, New Century Schoolbook, Palatine, Times, and Courier). The proposed a priori and local font classification method allows an OCR system consisting of various font-specific character segmentation tools and various mono-font character recognizers. Experiments have shown font classification accuracies reach high performance levels of about 95.4 percent even with severely touching characters. The technique developed for tile selected 7 fonts in this paper can be applied to any other fonts.

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Indirect Volume Rendering of Hepatobiliary System from CT and MRI Images (CT와 MRI 영상을 이용한 간담도계 간접볼륨렌더링)

  • Jin, Gye-Hwan;Lee, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a method of generating 3-dimensional images by preprocessing 2-dimensional abdominal images obtained using CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) through segmentation, threshold technique, etc. and apply the method to virtual endoscopy. Three-dimensional images were visualized using indirect volume rendering, which can render at high speed using a general-purpose graphic accelerator used in personal computers. The algorithm used in the rendering is Marching Cubes, which has only a small volume of calculation. In addition, we suggested a method of producing 3-dimensional images in VRML (virtual reality modeling language) running on the Web browser without a workstation or an exclusive program. The number of nodes, the number of triangles and the size of a 3-dimensional image file from CT were 85,367, 174,150 and 10,124, respectively, and those from MRI were 34,029, 67,824 and 3,804, respectively.

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Super-Pixels Generation based on Fuzzy Similarity (퍼지 유사성 기반 슈퍼-픽셀 생성)

  • Kim, Yong-Gil;Moon, Kyung-Il
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, Super-pixels have become very popular for use in computer vision applications. Super-pixel algorithm transforms pixels into perceptually feasible regions to reduce stiff features of grid pixel. In particular, super-pixels are useful to depth estimation, skeleton works, body labeling, and feature localization, etc. But, it is not easy to generate a good super-pixel partition for doing these tasks. Especially, super-pixels do not satisfy more meaningful features in view of the gestalt aspects such as non-sum, continuation, closure, perceptual constancy. In this paper, we suggest an advanced algorithm which combines simple linear iterative clustering with fuzzy clustering concepts. Simple linear iterative clustering technique has high adherence to image boundaries, speed, memory efficient than conventional methods. But, it does not suggest good compact and regular property to the super-pixel shapes in context of gestalt aspects. Fuzzy similarity measures provide a reasonable graph in view of bounded size and few neighbors. Thus, more compact and regular pixels are obtained, and can extract locally relevant features. Simulation shows that fuzzy similarity based super-pixel building represents natural features as the manner in which humans decompose images.

Defect Diagnosis and Classification of Machine Parts Based on Deep Learning

  • Kim, Hyun-Tae;Lee, Sang-Hyeop;Wesonga, Sheilla;Park, Jang-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.2_1
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2022
  • The automatic defect sorting function of machinery parts is being introduced to the automation of the manufacturing process. In the final stage of automation of the manufacturing process, it is necessary to apply computer vision rather than human visual judgment to determine whether there is a defect. In this paper, we introduce a deep learning method to improve the classification performance of typical mechanical parts, such as welding parts, galvanized round plugs, and electro galvanized nuts, based on the results of experiments. In the case of poor welding, the method to further increase the depth of layer of the basic deep learning model was effective, and in the case of a circular plug, the surrounding data outside the defective target area affected it, so it could be solved through an appropriate pre-processing technique. Finally, in the case of a nut plated with zinc, since it receives data from multiple cameras due to its three-dimensional structure, it is greatly affected by lighting and has a problem in that it also affects the background image. To solve this problem, methods such as two-dimensional connectivity were applied in the object segmentation preprocessing process. Although the experiments suggested that the proposed methods are effective, most of the provided good/defective images data sets are relatively small, which may cause a learning balance problem of the deep learning model, so we plan to secure more data in the future.

Development of Robust Feature Recognition and Extraction Algorithm for Dried Oak Mushrooms (건표고의 외관특징 인식 및 추출 알고리즘 개발)

  • Lee, C.H.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 1996
  • Visual features are crucial for monitoring the growth state, indexing the drying performance, and grading the quality of oak mushrooms. A computer vision system with neural net information processing technique was utilized to quantize quality factors of a dried oak mushrooms distributed over the cap and gill sides. In this paper, visual feature extraction algorithm were integrated with the neural net processing to deal with various fuzzy patterns of mushroom shapes and to compensate the fault sensitiveness of the crisp criteria and heuristic rules derived from the image processing results. The proposed algorithm improved the segmentation of the skin features of each side, the identification of cap and gill surfaces, the identification of stipe states and removal of the stipe, etc. And the visual characteristics of dried oak mushrooms were analyzed and primary visual features essential to tile quality evaluation were extracted and quantized. In this study, black and white gray images were captured and used for the algorithm development.

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3-D Building Reconstruction from Standard IKONOS Stereo Products in Dense Urban Areas (IKONOS 컬러 입체영상을 이용한 대규모 도심지역의 3차원 건물복원)

  • Lee, Suk Kun;Park, Chung Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.3D
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    • pp.535-540
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    • 2006
  • This paper presented an effective strategy to extract the buildings and to reconstruct 3-D buildings using high-resolution multispectral stereo satellite images. Proposed scheme contained three major steps: building enhancement and segmentation using both BDT (Background Discriminant Transformation) and ISODATA algorithm, conjugate building identification using the object matching with Hausdorff distance and color indexing, and 3-D building reconstruction using photogrammetric techniques. IKONOS multispectral stereo images were used to evaluate the scheme. As a result, the BDT technique was verified as an effective tool for enhancing building areas since BDT suppressed the dominance of background to enhance the building as a non-background. In building recognition, color information itself was not enough to identify the conjugate building pairs since most buildings are composed of similar materials such as concrete. When both Hausdorff distance for edge information and color indexing for color information were combined, most segmented buildings in the stereo images were correctly identified. Finally, 3-D building models were successfully generated using the space intersection by the forward RFM (Rational Function Model).

RGB Channel Selection Technique for Efficient Image Segmentation (효율적인 이미지 분할을 위한 RGB 채널 선택 기법)

  • 김현종;박영배
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.10
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    • pp.1332-1344
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    • 2004
  • Upon development of information super-highway and multimedia-related technoiogies in recent years, more efficient technologies to transmit, store and retrieve the multimedia data are required. Among such technologies, firstly, it is common that the semantic-based image retrieval is annotated separately in order to give certain meanings to the image data and the low-level property information that include information about color, texture, and shape Despite the fact that the semantic-based information retrieval has been made by utilizing such vocabulary dictionary as the key words that given, however it brings about a problem that has not yet freed from the limit of the existing keyword-based text information retrieval. The second problem is that it reveals a decreased retrieval performance in the content-based image retrieval system, and is difficult to separate the object from the image that has complex background, and also is difficult to extract an area due to excessive division of those regions. Further, it is difficult to separate the objects from the image that possesses multiple objects in complex scene. To solve the problems, in this paper, I established a content-based retrieval system that can be processed in 5 different steps. The most critical process of those 5 steps is that among RGB images, the one that has the largest and the smallest background are to be extracted. Particularly. I propose the method that extracts the subject as well as the background by using an Image, which has the largest background. Also, to solve the second problem, I propose the method in which multiple objects are separated using RGB channel selection techniques having optimized the excessive division of area by utilizing Watermerge's threshold value with the object separation using the method of RGB channels separation. The tests proved that the methods proposed by me were superior to the existing methods in terms of retrieval performances insomuch as to replace those methods that developed for the purpose of retrieving those complex objects that used to be difficult to retrieve up until now.

Contrast Enhancement Using a Density based Sub-histogram Equalization Technique (밀도기반의 분할된 히스토그램 평활화를 통한 대비 향상 기법)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Sup;Han, Young-Joon;Hahn, Hern-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2009
  • In order to enhance the contrast in the regions where the pixels have similar intensities, this paper presents a new histogram equalization scheme. Conventional global equalization schemes over-equalizes those regions so that too bright or dark pixels are resulted and local equalization schemes produce unexpected discontinuities at the boundaries of the blocks. The proposed algorithm segments the original histogram into sub-histograms with reference to brightness level and equalizes each sub-histogram with the limited extents of equalization considering its mean and variance. The final image is determined as the weighted sum of the equalized images obtained by using the sub-histogram equalizations. By limiting the maximum and minimum ranges of equalization operations on individual sub-histograms, the over-equalization effect is eliminated. Also the result image does not miss feature information in low density histogram region since the remaining these area is applied separating equalization. This paper includes how to determine the segmentation points in the histogram. The proposed algorithm has been tested with more than 100 images having various contrast in the images and the results are compared to the conventional approaches to show its superiority.