• 제목/요약/키워드: human comfort

검색결과 603건 처리시간 0.021초

한국과 미국의 70세 이상 노인여성의 의복행동과 선호도 비교 (Comparison of Clothing Behavior and Preference of Elderly Women Aged over 70 Years in Korea and the U.S.A)

  • 이영주
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2012
  • This research was conducted to provide basic data for the formulation of marketing strategies suitable to the increasingly globalizing clothing market for the elderly in the fashion industry, by comparing the clothing behavior and preferences of elderly women aged over 70 years in Korea with those of women in the U.S. The 106 questionnaire responses that were collected in the U.S. and the 235 responses that were collected in Korea were used for the analysis, The major objectives of this study were as follow; 1. It was found that the elderly women of Korea utilize mostly human information as information source when purchasing clothing, whereas women of U.S. utilize mostly media information. Comfort was found to be most important factor both countries, but the Korean women considered the aesthetic aspect of clothing more important than did American women. 2. The clothing preference of Korean elderly women aged over 70 years was concentrated in young and feminine images regardless of items, so it could be seen that they had strong desire for looking young. But American elderly women showed different preference depending on items, so it could be seen that they pursue diverse images depending on clothing items and personality without concentrating in one image. The comparison of the preference style by item of elderly women over 70 years of age between Korea and the U,S. showed significant difference. Accordingly, the designs of the clothes of the Korean and American women should be differentiated and developed according to the clothes item and country.

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1990년대 절충적 기능주의 패션의 미적 가치 (Aesthetic Values of Eclectic Functionalist Fashion Design in the 1990s)

  • 하지수
    • 복식
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2002
  • The research has the aim of defining the special characteristics of the functionalist fashion design in the 1900s by understanding the essence of functionalism in the sociocultural contexts. Giving careful consideration to functionalist fashion design in the 1990s makes it possible to foresee the way of fashion design to meet the needs of the modems and men of the future world. To obtain the purposes, documentary study and demonstrative study with fashion photographs have been executed. Main results are as follows. Functionalism in the 1990s has been developed in different ways from the analogies in the beginning of the 20th century. It doesn't belong to an analogy but has the fused characteristics. It can be classified into techno functionalism influenced by new technology Pure functionalism related to minimalism. casual functionalism for those who are crazy about the speed and sports and enjoy the freedom and comfort and symbolic functionalism. Mechanical analogy has been developed into techno functionalism. Pure functionalism has come from the blend of mechanical and moral analogy, casual functionalism from mechanical. organic and moral analogy. and symbolic functionalism from organic and moral analogy. Since fashion design has much closer relation to human body and movements. it has been expressed considering a division of men and women and the places and times for the designs more than other designs. More casual manners of formal wear are distinct elements in functionalist fashion design in the 1990s. The 20th century general cultural phenomena including post modernism can be explained by eclectic functionalism. Functionalism considering Practical and conceptional functions ill continue and techno functionalism and casual functionalism in future fashion design will be expressed more strongly with new technology and casual trends of life style.

한국과 미국 노년 초기 여성의 의복행동과 착용감 비교 (A Comparison of the Clothing Behavior and Wearing Sensation of Early Elderly Women between Korea and USA)

  • 이영주
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.774-780
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to better assess and understand current needs and wearing sensation, including clothing behavior for early elderly women in the Korea and USA. The subjects in this study were 135 and 173 early elderly women in the Korea and USA. This research was done by a survey method and chi-square test. The major objectives of this study were as follows; First, it was found that the early elderly women of Korea utilize mostly human information as information source when purchasing clothing, whereas those of USA mostly media information. The women of Korea were found to put most emphasis in esthetic aspects of clothing, whereas those of USA in comfort. The most frequently worn clothes by the early elderly women of Korea were jumper, T-shirt and slacks, whereas jacket, sweater and slacks by those of USA. As for skirt, flare skirt was highly preferred in Korea, whereas A-line skirt in USA. Second, regarding the wearing sensation of ready-made clothing, the wearing sensation of jacket was found to be worst on the shoulder in Korea, whereas on the waist in USA. And the early elderly women of both Korea and USA had poor wearing sensations due to the length of sleeve, of trouser, of skirt and of one-piece dress. The comparison of the clothing behavior and wearing sensation of the early elderly women between Korea and USA showed a greater difference in clothing behavior than in wearing sensation.

난방환경에서 온(溫)맵시 착용에 따른 생리적 반응 및 주관적 감각 (Physiological Responses and Subjective Sensation of Human Body Wearing OnMapsi in Heating Environment)

  • 나영주;이지연
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • This study tests the performance of the recommended winter dress OnMapsi for an office worker through the analysis of skin temperature changes according to the heating environment. We tested and compared the effects of with/without undergarments for 4 male subjects in an artificial-climate chamber with two air temperatures of $19^{\circ}C$ and $22^{\circ}C$, $50{\pm}10%$ R.H. During the 60 minute experiment that simulated office work, the subjective feelings (that included thermal, humidity and comfort sensation, and skin temperature) were measured at equal intervals. The results show that the forehead and chest skin temperatures were not affected by air temperature or clothing type, while the hand and foot skin temperatures were affected at $0.3-0.9^{\circ}C$ depending on clothing type and $1.9-2.2^{\circ}C$ depending on air temperature. The mean skin temperature was decreased by the experimental time pass more with regular formal wear than with OnMapsi. The second experiment located the ambient temperature in which subjects wearing OnMapsi show equal skin temperaturesto those without undergarments at $22^{\circ}C$. Therefore it is possible to decrease heating temperatures to $18-21^{\circ}C$ in the office for winter OnMapsi wear that produces a skin temperature and thermal sensation that is the same as those at $22^{\circ}C$.

주차환기 시스템이 차 실내 열부하에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (Study of Pre-ventilation Effects on the Cabin Thermal Load)

  • 이대웅
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.84-90
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the application of solar energy in reducing cabin thermal load. When a vehicle is parked under the sun in summer, the interior temperature can reach up to $70^{\circ}C$ depending on the solar intensity. Solar power, one of the green energies, is used in automobile air conditioning systems, in order to operate the blower. The power supply of a blower's voltage has been used in a solar sunroof experiment. At the climate wind tunnel, cabin temperature changes were conducted with various operating modes of an air handling system and the preventilation parking conditions of several vehicles, outdoors, was also examined. The test results of the solar sunroof, 39.3W power and 14.1% efficiency were obtained. The thermal load behavior was analysed with the air handling system operating mode differently according to the cabin temperature. By simply operating the blower, average cabin temperature decreased between $5^{\circ}C{\sim}10^{\circ}C$ in those vehicles parked outdoors in summer. This reveals that cabin thermal comfort can be improved without consuming the vehicle's extra energy, and that the performance of the air-conditioning system is better than those currently found in vehicles. Moreover, fuel economy will be increased as a result of the reduction in the use of the air-conditioning system, and many other human advantages will be gained. Such advantages include minimized VOCs and a healthy cabin environment.


  • Feng, J.-Z.;Li, J.;Yu, F.
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.181-191
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    • 2003
  • Since the nonlinearity and uncertainties which inherently exist in vehicle system need to be considered in active suspension control law design, this paper proposes a new control strategy for active vehicle suspension systems by using a combined control scheme, i.e., respectively using a genetic algorithm (GA) based self-tuning PID controller and a fuzzy logic controller in two loops. In the control scheme, the PID controller is used to minimize vehicle body vertical acceleration, the fuzzy logic controller is to minimize pitch acceleration and meanwhile to attenuate vehicle body vertical acceleration further by tuning weighting factors. In order to improve the adaptability to the changes of plant parameters, based on the defined objectives, a genetic algorithm is introduced to tune the parameters of PID controller, the scaling factors, the gain values and the membership functions of fuzzy logic controller on-line. Taking a four degree-of-freedom nonlinear vehicle model as example, the proposed control scheme is applied and the simulations are carried out in different road disturbance input conditions. Simulation results show that the present control scheme is very effective in reducing peak values of vehicle body accelerations, especially within the most sensitive frequency range of human response, and in attenuating the excessive dynamic tire load to enhance road holding performance. The stability and adaptability are also showed even when the system is subject to severe road conditions, such as a pothole, an obstacle or a step input. Compared with conventional passive suspensions and the active vehicle suspension systems by using, e.g., linear fuzzy logic control, the combined PID and fuzzy control without parameters self-tuning, the new proposed control system with GA-based self-learning ability can improve vehicle ride comfort performance significantly and offer better system robustness.

성별과 연령층에 따른 병.의원의 의류 제품 소비 경험 -환자복 및 의료보조용품 개선 방안 도출을 위해- (The Hospital-Clothes Consumption Experience of Consumers According to Gender and Age -A Suggestion for the Improvement of Patient Gowns and Medical Supplies-)

  • 정인희;이윤정;유효선;최혜선;정혜원;홍경희;박명자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.138-152
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the actual hospital-clothes consumption experience of consumers according to gender and age. An all age survey was conducted among male and female ex-patients in Korea nationally. From data collected during April and May 2009, a total of 513 responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis, two-way ANOVA, and MANOVA using SPSS 10.1.4. The results are as follows. The hospitalization ratio was higher in the male group than in the female group and increased with age. Many hospitalizations were taken to the department of orthopedics, internal treatment, obstetrics and gynecology, and surgery. The satisfaction with patient gowns was low regarding size, fabric touch, color and pattern, Psychological comfort, and holistic satisfaction, Specifically, the stiffness of the fabric, cheerless colors, and the limited number of sizes were the main complaints; size dissatisfaction was expressed strongly by females. About 35% of respondents showed a positive attitude to wear premium patient gowns. Various medical supplies were used and different items were utilized according to gender and age of patients. Uncomfortableness of medical supplies were highly related to laundry and fabric touch.

공간 콜래보레이션이 적용된 상업공간사례 검토 -헤이리 마을의 4사례 검토를 통하여- (The Case Study on the Commercial Space with Space Collaboration -Through 4 Case Studies in Heyri Village -)

  • 신지현;신경주
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2015
  • Social and cultural impact of postmodernism in the seek for diversity and to respect the individual's personality and character was the center of human-centered thinking. This also affects the design area, as well as architecture, interior design. It is because of interactive interior design that reflects the lives and relationships with people. Thus, in modern society, people to meet the diverse needs have created a third space. Today's commercial space in the flow to a variety of users and is trying to provide comfort. To go to stores often offer lifestyle and proceeding to the next stage of life. Space for the creative force is trying to become getting better space. Collaboration is refer to phenomenon that two or more objects meet to collaborate. Collaboration is can be classified of space, art, low/high, high concept and star collaboration. And this study has been studied mainly collaboration. Space collaboration is can be classified of experiential, the third space, brand passes and landmark. Space collaboration elements rearranged to the standards of interior design theory, analysis, and marketing of space, commercial space, with previous studies of the spatial elements were extracted. The purpose of this study in the field of interior design space analysis method for the verification of collaboration theory is that to develop. Thus, the space collaboration has been developed to fit the field of interior design, and commercial interior spaces will be helpful for applying.

3차원 프린팅을 이용한 어린이용 무릎보호대의 분절형 하드쉘 설계 (Segmental Hard Shell Design of Knee Protector for Children Using 3D Printing)

  • 이효정;이예진
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.116-126
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    • 2017
  • This study applied a segmented hard shell design on knee protectors for children with the objective of increasing mobility. The prototype of the hard shell that does not correspond to movement of the body among components of the knee protector was developed. Surface modeling was conducted based on 3D knee data to enhance comfort through optimized fit on the knee joint where the hard shell would be worn. For this, previous studies on changes in skin near the knee joint during knee flexion were reviewed to establish basic segmental lines. The basic design included six segments, and the number of segments was used as the design variable by increasing or decreasing it to 0, 3, 6, 9, and 14 segments. A prototype was produced from 3D printing with TPU material, worn for wearing assessment. Results revealed fewer numbers of segments resulting in less fit with the body, while actual appearance was stable. Meanwhile, the number of proper segments improved better fit with the body during movement. The wearing assessment revealed the amount of gap reflects change in skin length depending on movement. Assessment results demonstrated basic segment design, S6 with 6 segments, had the best design and most optimized fit. Findings in this study can provide key data for designing knee protection products for children.

국내 친환경 업무용 건축물의 디자인에 대한 비교 연구 (A Comparative Analysis of Designs in Low Carbon Environment-Friendly Business Buildings)

  • 강연주;김문덕
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2014
  • The eco-friendly elements are important for new construction and renovation and redevelopment of the buildings. The green buildings are related with minimizing environmental pollution and how to live with nature throughout the entire process of demolishing and building. The purpose of this paper is to study on eco-friendly business buildings in the trend of mandatory green building certification system. The analysis of this paper is comparative studies on practices at eleven domestic eco-friendly business buildings through site survey on design framework of green buildings. The design framework of eleven this buildings is six kinds of skills on technical, renewable, ecological, cultural, healthy, social. The eleven this buildings in the new & renewable energy and IT technology of technical sector are satisfied with the framework. But, domestic most advanced eco-friendly business buildings are placed difference between almost the two times on the lower buildings at comparative evaluation. The three of this buildings are gratified rainwater harvesting and waste recycling systems for renewable and recycle. The buildings have an excellent aspects of technology and ecology. The benefits of this buildings are related with future compulsory zero energy house to take technical advantage of renewable energy. However, the buildings reflecting the regional culture types is insufficient. The buildings should be supplemented as follows. This buildings are need to have the social enhancement programs and design for convenient space of community residents, through health and comfort of on workplace. Moreover, this buildings have features of coexisting with human beings and nature friendly with the aim of realizing the sustainable development. The social enhancement programs through regional cultural aspects with ecology are related with individual and community livings in harmony, non-hierarchical communal lifes. The development of the cultural aspects provide for consensus about the local community and creating sustainable communities. Thus, The buildings are to have energy saving, pleasant and healthy living environment and interactive individual and community livings in harmony.