• Title/Summary/Keyword: horizontal resolution

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Structure and Evolution of a Numerically Simulated Thunderstorm Outflow (수치 모사된 뇌우 유출의 구조와 진화)

  • Kim, Yeon-Hee;Baik, Jong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.857-870
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    • 2007
  • The structure and evolution of a thunderstorm outflow in two dimensions with no environmental wind are investigated using a cloud-resolving model with explicit liquid-ice phase microphysical processes (ARPS: Advanced Regional Prediction System). The turbulence structure of the outflow is explicitly resolved with a high-resolution grid size of 50m. The simulated single-cell storm and its associated Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) billows are found to have the lift stages of development maturity, and decay. The secondary pulsation and splitting of convective cells resulted from interactions between cloud dynamics and microphysics are observed. The cooled downdrafts caused by the evaporation of rain and hail in the relatively dry lower atmosphere result in thunderstorm cold-air outflow. The outflow head propagates with almost constant speed. The KH billows formed by the KH instability cause turbulence mixing from the top of the outflow and control the structure of the outflow. Ihe KH billows are initiated at the outflow head, and pow and decay as moving rearward relative to the gust front. The numerical simulation results of the ratio of the horizontal wavelength of the fastest growing perturbation to the critical shear-layer depth and the ratio of the horizontal wavelength of the billow to its maximum amplitude are matched well with the results of other studies.

Robust Diagnostic World Ocean Circulation with Half-Degree Resolution (1/2$^{\circ}$해상도의 진단적 전구 해수순환모형 연구)

  • 최병호;웨이체첸;팡구오홍;최영진
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2001
  • Global robust diagnostic models are established based on MOM of GFDL to study the circulation in the world ocean. The horizontal grid sizes 1/2 degree, and the vertical water column is divided into 21 levels. The hydrographic data are taken from Levitus et al.(1994) and the wind stress from Hellerman and Rosenstein (1983). Based on the model results the horizontal volume, heat and salt transports across some representative sections are calculated. The preliminary results show that Though the cross-equator volume transports in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans are all small, the heat transports across equator in the Atlantic are northward. This is clearly a result of the southward flow of the North Atlantic Deep Water and the northward compensating warm flow in the upper layer. The annual mean of the cross-equator heat transport in the Pacific Ocean from the present model is significantly lower than that calculated by Philander et at. (1987). This might indicate the importance of the Indonesian Throughflow in the heat transport in the Pacific Ocean. Our calculation shows that the heat transport through the Indonesian Archipelago is 0.5 PW, which is comparable with the poleward heat transport in the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The difference in heat transports across the sections 5 and 6 demonstrates the important role of the Agulhas Current in the heat balance of the world ocean.

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DCT Coefficient Block Size Classification for Image Coding (영상 부호화를 위한 DCT 계수 블럭 크기 분류)

  • Gang, Gyeong-In;Kim, Jeong-Il;Jeong, Geun-Won;Lee, Gwang-Bae;Kim, Hyeon-Uk
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.880-894
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    • 1997
  • In this paper,we propose a new algorithm to perform DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform) withn the area reduced by prdeicting position of quantization coefficients to be zero.This proposed algorithm not only decreases the enoding time and the decoding time by reducing computation amount of FDCT(Forward DCT)and IDCT(Inverse DCT) but also increases comprossion ratio by performing each diffirent horizontal- vereical zig-zag scan assording to the calssified block size for each block on the huffiman coeing.Traditional image coding method performs the samd DCT computation and zig-zag scan over all blocks,however this proposed algorthm reduces FDCT computation time by setting to zero insted of computing DCT for quantization codfficients outside classfified block size on the encoding.Also,the algorithm reduces IDCT computation the by performing IDCT for only dequantization coefficients within calssified block size on the decoding.In addition, the algorithm reduces Run-Length by carrying out horizontal-vertical zig-zag scan approriate to the slassified block chraateristics,thus providing the improverment of the compression ratio,On the on ther hand,this proposed algorithm can be applied to 16*16 block processing in which the compression ratio and the image resolution are optimal but the encoding time and the decoding time take long.Also,the algorithm can be extended to motion image coding requirng real time processing.

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Acoustic Full-waveform Inversion Strategy for Multi-component Ocean-bottom Cable Data (다성분 해저면 탄성파 탐사자료에 대한 음향파 완전파형역산 전략)

  • Hwang, Jongha;Oh, Ju-Won;Lee, Jinhyung;Min, Dong-Joo;Jung, Heechul;Song, Youngsoo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 2020
  • Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is an optimization process of fitting observed and modeled data to reconstruct high-resolution subsurface physical models. In acoustic FWI (AFWI), pressure data acquired using a marine streamer has mainly been used to reconstruct the subsurface P-wave velocity models. With recent advances in marine seismic-acquisition techniques, acquiring multi-component data in marine environments have become increasingly common. Thus, AFWI strategies must be developed to effectively use marine multi-component data. Herein, we proposed an AFWI strategy using horizontal and vertical particle-acceleration data. By analyzing the modeled acoustic data and conducting sensitivity kernel analysis, we first investigated the characteristics of each data component using AFWI. Common-shot gathers show that direct, diving, and reflection waves appearing in the pressure data are separated in each component of the particle-acceleration data. Sensitivity kernel analyses show that the horizontal particle-acceleration wavefields typically contribute to the recovery of the long-wavelength structures in the shallow part of the model, and the vertical particle-acceleration wavefields are generally required to reconstruct long- and short-wavelength structures in the deep parts and over the whole area of a given model. Finally, we present a sequential-inversion strategy for using the particle-acceleration wavefields. We believe that this approach can be used to reconstruct a reasonable P-wave velocity model, even when the pressure data is not available.

Evaluation of the clinical and radiographic effectiveness of treating peri-implant bone defects with a new biphasic calcium phosphate bone graft: a prospective, multicenter randomized controlled trial

  • Jae-Hong Lee;Hyun-wook An;Jae-Seung Im;Woo-Joo Kim;Dong-Won Lee ;Jeong-Ho Yun
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.306-317
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), a widely used biomaterial for bone regeneration, contains synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), the ratio of which can be adjusted to modulate the rate of degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic benefits of reconstructing peri-implant bone defects with a newly developed BCP consisting of 60% β-TCP and 40% HA compared to demineralized bovine bone mineral (DBBM). Methods: This prospective, multicenter, parallel, single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted at the periodontology departments of 3 different dental hospitals. Changes in clinical (defect width and height) and radiographic (augmented horizontal bone thickness) parameters were measured between implant surgery with guided bone regeneration (GBR) and re-entry surgery. Postoperative discomfort (severity and duration of pain and swelling) and early soft-tissue wound healing (dehiscence and inflammation) were also assessed. Data were compared between the BCP (test) and DBBM (control) groups using the independent t-test and the χ2 test. Results: Of the 53 cases included, 27 were in the test group and 26 were in the control group. After a healing period of 18 weeks, the full and mean resolution of buccal dehiscence defects were 59.3% (n=16) and 71.3% in the test group and 42.3% (n=11) and 57.9% in the control group, respectively. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of the change in mean horizontal bone augmentation (test group: -0.50±0.66 mm vs. control groups: -0.66±0.83 mm, P=0.133), postoperative discomfort, or early wound healing. No adverse or fatal complications occurred in either group. Conclusions: The GBR procedure with the newly developed BCP showed favorable clinical, radiographic, postoperative discomfort-related, and early wound healing outcomes for peri-implant dehiscence defects that were similar to those for DBBM.

Collision Avoidance and Deadlock Resolution for AGVs in an Automated Container Terminal (자동화 컨테이너 터미널에서의 AGV 충돌 방지 및 교착 해결 방안)

  • Kang, Jae-Ho;Choi, Lee;Kang, Byoung-Ho;Ryu, Kwang-Ryel;Kim, Kap-Hwan
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.25-43
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    • 2005
  • In modern automated container terminals, automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems are considered a viable option for the horizontal tansportation of containers between the stacking yard and the quayside cranes. AGVs in a container terminal move rather freely and do not follow fixed guide paths. For an efficient operation of such AGVs, however, a sophisticated traffic management system is required. Although the flexible routing scheme allows us to find the shortest possible routes for each of the AGVs, it may incur many coincidental encounters and path intersections of the AGVs, leading to collisions or deadlocks. However, the computational cost of perfect prediction and avoidance of deadlocks is prohibitively expensive for a real time application. In this paper, we propose a traffic control method that predicts and avoids some simple, but at the same time the most frequently occurring, cases of deadlocks between two AGVs. More complicated deadlock situations are not predicted ahead of time but detected and resolved after they occur. Our method is computationally cheap and readily applicable to real time applications. The efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed methods have been validated by simulation.

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Comparison of Single-Sensor Stereo Model and Dual-Sensor Stereo Model with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery (고해상도 위성영상에서의 동종센서 스테레오 모델과 이종센서 스테레오 모델의 비교)

  • Jeong, Jaehoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.421-432
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    • 2015
  • There are significant differences in geometric property and stereo model accuracy between single-sensor stereo that uses two images taken by stereo acquisition mechanism within identical sensor and dual-sensor stereo that randomly combines two images taken from two different sensors. This paper compares the two types of stereo pairs thoroughly. For experiment, two single-sensor stereo pairs and four dual-sensor stereo pairs were constituted using SPOT-5 stereo and KOMPSAT-2 stereo covering same area. While the two single-sensor stereos have stable geometry, the dual-sensor stereos produced two stable and two unstable geometries. In particular, the unstable geometry led to a decrease in stereo model accuracy of the dual-sensor stereos. The two types of stereo pairs were also compared under the stable geometry. Overall, single-sensor stereos performed better than dual-sensor stereos for vertical mapping, but dual-sensor stereos was more accurate for horizontal mapping. This paper has revealed the differences of two types of stereos with their geometric properties and positioning accuracies, suggesting important considerations for handling satellite stereo images, particularly for dual-satellite stereo images.

Analysis for Practical use as KOMPSAT-2 Imagery for Product of Geo-Spatial Information (지형공간정보 생성을 위한 KOPMSAT-2 영상의 활용성 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;You, Ji-Ho;Koh, Young-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2009
  • KOMPSAT-2 is the seventh high-resolution image satellite in the world that provides both 1m-grade panchromatic images of the GSD and 4m-grade multispectral images of the GSD. It's anticipated to be used across many different areas including mapping, territory monitoring and environmental watch. However, due to the complexity and security concern involved with the use of the MSC, the use of KOMPSAT-2 images are limited in terms of geometric images, such as satellite orbits and detailed mapping information. Therefore, this study aims to produce DEM and orthoimage by using the stereo images of KOMPSAT-2, and to explore the applicability of geo-spatial information with KOMPSAT -2. Orientation interpretations were essential for the production of DEM and orthoimage using KOMPSAT-2 images. In the study, they are performed by utilizing both RPC and GCP. In this study, the orientation interpretations are followed by the generation of DEM and orthoimage, and the analysis of their accuracy based on a 1:5,000 digital map. The accuracy analysis of DEM is performed and the results indicate that their altitudes are, in general, higher than those obtained from the digital map. The altitude discrepancies on plains, hills and mountains are calculated as 1.8m, 7.2m, and 11.9m, respectively. In this study, the mean differences between horizontal position between the orthoimage data and the digital map data are found to be ${\pm}3.081m$, which is in the range of ${\pm}3.5m$, within the permitted limit of a 1:5,000 digital map. KOMPSAT-2 images are used to produce DEM and orthoimage in this research. The results suggest that DEM can be adequately used to produce digital maps under 1:5,000 scale.

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Design and Fabrication of 32x32 Foveated CMOS Retina Chip for Edge Detection with Local-Light Adaptation (국소 광적응 기능을 가지는 윤곽검출용 32x32 방사형 CMOS 시각칩의 설계 및 제조)

  • Park, Dae-Sik;Park, Jong-Ho;Kim, Kyung-Moon;Lee, Soo-Kyung;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Min-Ho;Shin, Jang-Kyoo
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2002
  • A $32{\times}32$ pixels foveated (linear-polar) structure retina chip with the function of local-light adaptation for edge detection has been designed and fabricated using CMOS technology. Human retina can detect a wide range of light intensity. In this study, we use the biologically-inspired visual signal processing mechanism that consists of photoreceptors, horizontal cells, and bipolar cells in order to implement the function of edge detection in the retina chip. For a local-light adaptive function, the size of receptive field is changed locally according to the input light intensity. The spatial distribution of sensing pixels in the foveated retina chip has the advantages of selective reduction of image data and good resolution in central part to carry out the elaborate image processing with still enough resolution in the outer parts. The designed chip has been fabricated using standard $0.6\;{\mu}m$ double-poly triple-metal CMOS technology and optimized using HSPICE simulator.

Distribution and characteristics of Quaternary faults in the coastal area of the southeastern Korean Peninsula: Results from a marine seismic survey (해양 탄성파 탐사 결과로 본 한반도 남동부연안 4기 단층의 분포와 특성)

  • Kim Han-Joon;Jou Hyeong-Tae;Hong Jong-Kuk;Park Gun-Tae;Nam Sang-Heon;Cho Hyun-Moo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.46-66
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    • 2002
  • High-resolution multichannel seismic data were collected in the coastal area near the Gori nuclear power plant to investigate Quaternary fault pattern and timing. A 12 channel streamer, a sparker, and a portable recorder were used for data acquisition. Because the group interval of the streamer was 6.25 m and the sparker can generate acoustic waves with the frequency content of up to 500 Hz, the data show a significant improvement both in horizontal and vertical resolution. The area surveyed is covered with 30-40 m thick Holocene sediments that constitute the mud belt along the southeastern coast of Korea. The survey area is characterized by the well discriminated Pleistocene and Holocene boundary and shallow gas-charged zones. A number of Quaternary faults were found in the sediment column, that are nearly vertical and extend north-south. The Quaternary faults, arranged at a spacing of a few hundred meters, suggest that they were formed in response to compression, although some of them reveal extensional characteristics. Locally, faults disrupt Incised-channel fills that are interpreted to have formed in the early stage of transgression after the beginning of the Holocene. Seismic sections suggest that shallow gas in the mud belt sediments made its way upward through the fractured fault planes. The tectonism responsible for the opening of the East Sea has not persisted since the late Miocene, but vigorous Quaternary faulting activity in the vicinity of the southeastern Korean Peninsula indicates that tectonic stability has yet to be achieved in this region underlain by the hotter than normal mantle.

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