• Title/Summary/Keyword: harvest times

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Comparison in Seed and Sprout Quality under Different Cropping Patterns in Mungbean (재배방식에 따른 녹두 종실과 나물의 품질변화)

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan;Son, Dong-Mo;Choi, Jin-Gyung;Shin, Hae-Ryong;Chon, Sang-Uk;Lee, Kyung-Dong;Jung, Ki-Yeol;Rim, Yo-Sup
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to determine the relative quality of mungbeans harvested in bulk after applying a labor-saving cultivation (LSC) method, compared to mungbeans harvested three different times under the conventional cultivation condition. There was no significant difference in starch, crude protein, and vitexin or isovitexin content of seed according to the cropping system or harvest time. The mungbeans grown under the LSC method had the highest crude fat content, followed by mungbeans from the third-, the second- and the first-harvest mungbeans under the conventional cultivation. No significant difference was found in the composite ratio of saturated fatty acids to unsaturated fatty acids according to cropping system or harvest time. The second-harvest mungbeans grown under the conventional cultivation condition had 17 different types of fatty acids, while the third-harvest mungbeans grown under the conventional cultivation and those grown under the LSC condition had the fewest types of fatty acids with 12. Of the major saturated fatty acids, palmitic acid and arachidonic acid had the highest composite ratio in the first conventional cultivation followed by the second, the third and the LSC. However, stearic acid showed the opposite tendency. Of the major unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid had the highest composite ratio in the first conventional cultivation, followed by the second and third conventional cultivation and the LSC. Amylogram characteristics of the mungbeans were significantly different according to cropping system and harvest times. The mungbeans harvested after the first conventional cultivation had significantly higher pasting temperature, peak viscosity, holding strength viscosity, final viscosity and breakdown, while mungbeans harvested after the third conventional cultivation had significantly higher setback viscosity. In contrast, the mungbeans harvested under the LSC methods had a significantly lower amylogram value. When harvest rate, color values and amino acid content of sprout were measured, mungbeans grown under the LSC conditions had a low harvest rate of sprout, but had Hunter's color values and amino acid content of sprout similar to those of mungbeans grown under the conventional cultivation condition.

Combining Ability in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) I. Agronomic Traits

  • Srinives, P.;Khattak, G.S.S.;Haq, M.A.;Ashraf, M.
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.420-423
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    • 2001
  • Combining ability in mungbean was studied in 15 quantitative traits through a 6 $\times$ 6 diallel cross. Both additive and non-additive gene effects were found conditioning the inheritane of nodes of the first peduncle, clusters per plant, clusters on main stem and branches, pods per plant, 1000 seed weight, grain yield per plant, biomass, and harvest index. The additive gene action was found significant for nodes on main stem, average internodal length, branches per plant, pods per cluster, pod length, and seeds per pod. The predominace of additive genetic variance was observed in all traits. For grain yield and yield components, the best combiner were VC3902A, VC1560D and ML-5, while the best combinations were the crosses VC3902A $\times$ ML-5, VC1560D $\times$ ML-5, and NM 92 $\times$ VC1560D.

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The chemical constituents, antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory activities of Solanum nigrum Linne by different harvest time (수확시기별 까마중 전초의 성분, 항산화활성 및 항염증 활성)

  • Choi, Seongkyu;Seo, Kyoung-Sun;Kim, Yong-Doo;Yun, Kyeong-Won;Choi, Bong-suk;Jin, Seong-Woo;Kang, Kyeong-Yun;Cho, In-Kyung;Kim, Kyung-Je
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.866-875
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we investigated the variation in free sugars, amino acids, antioxidant activity, and anti-inflammatory activity of Solanum nigrum Linne based on harvest time. Major amino acids identified by HPLC analysis were proline, histidine, and serine. The highest content of total amino acids were found in S. nigrum aerial parts and roots harvested on July 10th and August 10th. Four kinds of free sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose) were detected in S. nigrum, and the free sugar content varied significantly with harvest time. The fructose content of S. nigrum decreased with as harvest time increased. The total polyphenol content of S. nigrum was highest in those harvested on August 30th. The antioxidant activity of ethanol extract from S. nigrum collected at different harvest times were measured by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging assays. The anti-inflammatory activity of these extracts were assayed via nitric oxide suppression in C6 glioma cells with a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory response. The anti-inflammatory activity and antioxidant effects were the highest in the extract from S. nigrum collected on August 30th. Good correlations were observed between antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in ethanol extract of S. nigrum roots harvested on August 30th.

Study on the growth characteristics and production of leaf, stem and fruit in Lycium chinense (구기(枸杞)의 신초예취(新稍刈取)가 경엽(莖葉) 및 과실수량(果實收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Chang, Yeong-Hee;Park, Chun-Gun;Kim, Dong-Hwi;Youn, Kyu-Bok
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 1993
  • This study carried out to know the growth characteristics and Co-production effect of leaf, newly developed stem and fruit by different harvest times. The dry matter yield of above growth part shown the highest at mid of July. Leaf dry matter, however, shown the highest at end of June and after that decreased drastically. The dry matter yield of newly developed stem increased gradually from early stage to harvest. Fruit set number of first branch was much higher than that of main stem and 2nd branch. The more leaf and newly developed stem harvest the less fruit yield obtained. When Co-production considered by economic yield, fruit yield with three times of leaf harvest shown the best production.

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Chemical Control of Grape Phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Homoptera: Phylloxeridae) and Its Damage in Grapevine Yards (포도뿌리혹벌레(Daktulosphaira vitifoliae)약제방제 효과 및 피해)

  • 김동순;조명래;나승용;이준호;전흥용;임명순;최용문
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2002
  • Grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae(Fitch), is a destructive grape insect pest because it forms root galls and kills the plant by directly destroying root system. The effects of insecticide treatments were examined to establish the chemical control system of phylloxera, and the damage by this insect was investigated in grapevine yards. The treatments of 40kg carbofuran 3GR per ha and carbosulfan 20WP of 10$\ell$ (1,000$\times$) per tree successfully reduced phylloxera densities. After the insecticide treatments in early season, the phylloxera population rebuilt up again at harvest season. In a grapevine yard where two times of carbofuran treatment (mid-May and post-harvest treatment) were applied a year from 1998 to 2000, total yield per ha in 2000 showed an increase of 30% over that of 1998. But the yield in 2000 was low 20% compared to the average standard yield of Korean grapevine yards. In a grapevine yard without chemical treatment during the same years, total yield per ha in 2000 showed 53% reduction compared to that of 1998. Also, damaged vines by phylloxera abruptly increased from 3% in 1998 to 50% in 2000.

Solution-processible Inorganic-organic Hybrid Bipolar Field Effect Transistors

  • Chae, Gil Jo;Walker, Bright;Kim, Kang Dae;Cho, Shinuk;Seo, Jung Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.391.2-391.2
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    • 2014
  • Solution-processible hybrid bipolar field effect transistors (HBFETs) with balanced hole and electron mobilities were fabricated using a combination of the organic p-type poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) layer and inorganic n-type ZnO material. The hole and electron mobilities were first optimized in single layer devices by using acetonitrile as a solvent additive to process the P3HT and annealing to process the ZnO layer. The highest hole mobility of the P3HT-only-devices with 5% acetonitrile was 0.15 cm2V-1s-1, while the largest electron mobility was observed in the ZnO-only-devices annealed at $200^{\circ}C$ and found to be $7.2{\times}10-2cm2V-1s-1$. The inorganic-organic HBFETs consisting of P3HT with 5% acetonitrile and ZnO layer annealed at $200^{\circ}C$ exhibited balanced hole and electron mobilities of $4.0{\times}10-2$ and $3.9{\times}10-2cm2V-1s-1$, respectively. The effect on surface morphology and crystallinity by adding acetonitrile and thermal annealing were investigated through X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our findings indicate that techniques demonstrated herein are of great utility in improving the performance of inorganic-organic hybrid devices

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Development of Domestic Cultivation Kit using Water Celery (Oenanthe stolonifera DC.) Seed (미나리 종자를 이용한 가정용 재배 키트 개발)

  • Kim, Jungbeom;Na, Haeyoung
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.86-93
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    • 2018
  • This present study was conducted to develop the domestic cultivation kit using water celery(Oenanthe Stolonifera DC.) seed. As the result of germination rates in 3 type inbred lines, the IT 232354 had the highest initial germination rate and final germination rate, and was selected as the inbred line to be used in the cultivation kit. The development of the domestic cultivation kit was carried out using the IT 232354 seeds. It was possible to cultivate up to 3 times harvest using the same root in this cultivation kit, though the growth decreased rapidly in the $4^{th}$ cultivation. As a result of investigating the effects of the type of nutrient solution on growth of water celery, the overall growth was the lowest in the nutrient solution for Oenanthe Stolonifera DC.(N.S.D.). The shoot growth was similar to that of nutrient solution for leaves and stem vegetables (N.S.L.S.) and amino acid fermentation by-product liquid (A.F.B.L.), however in the root growth, the N.S.L.S. was more effective than A.F.B.L. When it was harvested 4 times consecutively after 1 time of planting, the last survival ratio of A.F.B.L. was 100% while their ratios were 96.4% and 49.8% each for N.S.L.S. and N.S.D. For the growth by cultivation kit type, the hole type cultivation kit increased slightly compared to the 3 hole type cultivation kit in the $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ harvest, but there was no difference in the $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ harvest. Total yield of one cultivation kits showed the 3 hole type cultivation kit is much higher than the 2 hole type cultivation kit. According to the results of this experiment, it is possible to harvest three times by planting one times if it was cultivated using N.S.L.S. and A.F.B.L. in the 3 hole type cultivation kit.

Effect of Planting Time on Growth and Yield of Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) for Non-Heated Cultivation in Jeju Island (제주지역에서 무가온 하우스재배시 아티초크 정식시기가 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Seong, Ki-Cheol;Kim, Chun-Hwan;Moon, Doo-Kyong;Lee, Jin-Su
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2010
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of planting times on the growth and yield of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) in non-heated greenhouse in Jeju Island ($33^{\circ}28.110N,\;126^{\circ}31.076E$), Korea. Five transplanting dates (from Feb. 25 to Apr. 30) of the first half of the year and six transplanting dates (from July 30 to Dec. 15) of the second half of the year were compared. In the spring cycle, most of the flower buds emerged from May to June, and the emergence was slightly earlier in 'Imperial Star' than in 'Green Globe'. The earliest harvest on June 16 was 'Imperial Star' which was planted on Feb. 25. The highest yield of 856 kg/10a was observed in 'Imperial Star' which was planted on Feb. 25. Transplanting of the first half of the year, it was impossible to harvest in the same year when the planting was done after April 15 since the flower buds were not emerged. The flower buds emerged from late Feb. to middle April of the following year in the all planting times of the second half of the year. It was possible to harvest the first time in early April. The highest yield was 2,127 kg/10a in 'Green Globe' which was planted on July 30, and the yields decreased as the planting times were delayed. In the comparisons of planting times of artichoke, it would be recommendable to plant artichoke on Feb. 25 for the same year harvest and in July 30~Oct. 15 for the following year harvest in Jeju Island non-heated greenhouse cultivation.

Effects of Harvest Time on Growth and Phytochemical Contents of Baby Leaf Vegetables in Multi-layer System (다단재배에서 수확시기가 어린잎 채소의 생육과 항산화물질 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jae Kyung;Kang, Ho Min;Kim, Il Seop;Choi, Eun Young;Choi, Ki Yong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.194-200
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to determine the suitable of harvest time on the growth and quality of baby leafy vegetables (Agastsche rugosa O. Kuntze and Lepidium sativum L.) grown on rice seedling tray in a six-layered bench system at 30cm intervals in order to exploit the space during rice growing off-season. Seedlings were grown on the rice seedling tray for 10 days after sowing with coir substrate supplied with nutrient solution at EC $1.5dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ every 2 days prior to placing the tray on the bench, which were at $1^{st}$ (Low) layer above 20cm and $6^{th}$ (High) layer above 170cm apart from the ground. Growth and phytochemical contents were measured at 7-day and 14-day harvest time. During the culture periods, daily average of integrated solar radiation and temperature were $9.3{\sim}9.6MJ{\cdot}m^{-2}$, $27.5^{\circ}C$ in the High layer and $5.1{\sim}6.2MJ{\cdot}m^{-2}$ in average, and $26.5{\sim}26.6^{\circ}C$ in the Low layer, respectively. For A. rugosa, the highest growth was observed in the Low layer bench at a 14-day harvest time, while their plant height in the High layer was shorter and the leaf number was lower. For L. sativum, the plant height, leaf length and width, leaf number and fresh weight were higher in the Low layer. For A. rugosa, a high yield was observed with the increase in integrated temperature and integrated solar radiation, while a higher yield of L. sativum was found with the increase in integrated temperature, but not with integrated solar radiation. For A. rugosa, both polyphenol and anthocyanin contents were higher in the High layer at a 14-day harvest time. For L. sativum, polyphenol contents were higher in the High layer, whereas no significant difference in anthocyanin and flavonoid contents was observed depending on the layer and harvest time. The highest chlorophyll content showed in Low layer at a 7-day harvest time in both A. rugose and L. sativum. All of the results suggest that in terms of growth and quality, it may be better growing in the high layer for 14 days after seedling in A. rugosa, and low layer for 7 days in L. sativum.

Comparative Study on the Productivity and Quality of Hilly Pasture by Management type (경영형태별 산지 초지의 생산성 및 사료가치 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Geun;Liu, Chang;Zhao, Guoqiang;Park, Hyung Soo;Jeong, Jong Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2019
  • This experiment was carried out to study the change of productivity and feed value in different types of hilly pasture. The pasture utilized in the experiment was placed on the experimental farm of Pyeongchang Campus of Seoul National University. Forage production type(FP; Orchardgrass 18 + Tall Fescue 12 + Timothy 5 + White clover 5 kg/ha) and Public farm type(PF: Orchardgrass 12 + Tall Fescue 18 + Timothy 5 + White clover 5 kg/ha) pasture were established in September 3, 2014 and utilized (cutting or grazing) four times every year. Growth characteristics, yield and forage quality were investigated for two years. Plant height of grasses was the highest in the $1^{st}$ cutting and legumes was in the $2^{nd}$ cutting. Dry matter (DM) content was highest at every the $1^{st}$ cut grasses significantly lower at the $2^{nd}$ harvest (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the $2^{nd}$, $3^{rd}$ and $4^{th}$ harvest in 2016. In the botanical composition change, the portion of legume was gradually increased after pasture establishment and the ratio of weed and bare land was higher at $2^{nd}$ and $3^{rd}$ cutting, but it was decreased at $4^{th}$ harvest. There was no significant difference in 2016 of fresh yield between two farm types (p>0.05). The yield of dry matter showed similar trend of fresh yield and forage production type was higher than that of public farm type (p<0.05). The forage intake by livestock was 1,452 kg/ha in 2015 and 1,743 kg/ha in 2016. Pasture utilization ratio of public farm type pasture was highest in the $3^{rd}$ grazing time. Forage quality of pasture in relation to management type had not significant difference, but there was difference in harvest times. Crude protein (CP) was the lowest in the $1^{st}$ harvest and total digestible nutrient (TDN) was highest in the $1^{st}$ harvest and lowest in the $4^{th}$ harvest. Based on the above results, it is found that the establishment of pasture suitable for farm's situation is important for set up of Korean model of hilly pasture. Although the forage production type is superior on forage productivity, it is recommended that the results will be provided as basic data for management of public farm type in the future.