• Title/Summary/Keyword: government 3.0

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기업의 R&D 구조변화와 정부정책 방향에 대한 소고

  • 송종국;서환주
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 2003
  • R&D expenditure of Korean firms has been increasing drastically since 1980 and occupied 84% of total R&D expenditure in 1994. After 1994, however, the growth rate of industry R&D expenditure has dropped below single digit. R&D concentration rate of upper 20 companies declined from 61.9% in 1999 to 49.8% in 2001. The technology trade balance has diverged by 2.8 billion dollars in 2000 compared to around 0.3 billion dollars in 1985. We find several reasons on declining the industry R&D growth rate in Korea. First, we carefully say there might be an crowding out effect in increasing government R&D investment from Granger causality test between industry R&D and government R&D. Second, the decreasing benefit of tax credit since 1992 on industry R&D expenditure has caused the decrease of industry R&D growth rate. Third, the type of R&D cost becomes to similar to matured countries type of cost, which means the portion of capital expenditure has been decreased since late of 1980s. Therefore, industry R&D growth rate gets to saturation point. We draw several policy implications from the changing structure of business R&D of Korean company. Firstly, to stimulate industry R&D investment Korean government needs to strengthen tax credit policy. Secondly, to induce foreign direct investment Korean government needs to establish technology infrastructures and high quality of manpower. To utilize foreign technology resources Korean government need to introduce global R&D program executed by foreign scientist as an Project Leader.

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Determination of Silybin of Nutraceutical Herbal Preparations Using HPLC-PDA

  • Hwang, In-Sook;Han, Eun-Jung;Bak, Ju-Sung;Kim, Jin-Gon;Chough, Nam-Joon
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2006
  • Silymarin is an antihepatotoxic substance isolated from the fruits of silybum mariamum. Possibly due to their antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties, the compounds was shown to protect various organs and cells against a number of insults (Kvasnicka et al., 2003). Among the main silymarin components, [silybin($SB_A,\;SB_B$, isosilybin ($ISB_A,\;ISB_B$) silydianin (SD) and silychristin (SC)], silybin is the major pharmacologically active compound. Korean Pharmaceutical Codex (2nd ed.) describes silybin as the main substance of Cardus Marianus extract as supportive treatment of chronic inflammatory liver disorders. The aim of this work was to analyze silybin from various preparations containing cardus marianus extract, nicotinamide, and riboflavin (CNR). Nine commercial products were tested using reversed-phase HPLC-PDA assay. The limits of detection and quantification were $0.2\;{mu}g/ml$ and $1\;{mu}g/ml$, respectively. Calibration curve showed a good linearity ($r^2$=1.00000) in the range of $1{\sim}500\;{\mu}g/ml$ of silybin standard solutions.

Hygienic Consideration on the Quality Change of Perilla Oil (들기름의 품질변화에 대한 위생적 고찰)

  • Park Geon-yong;Cho Sung-ja;Jung Bo-kyung;Kim Tea-rang;Lee Chan-soo;Chough Nam-joon
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2005
  • Perilla oil was measured on hygiene state and quality change for oil press condition. All sample .was commercially salted perilla oil, and was tested standard items. The result showed violative rate of $23.1\%$, and violative items were acid value and iodine value. Relationship between D.B.I. and iodine value was 0.78, so that unsuitability of iodine value should be caused of oxidation factor. But acid value was not relationship comparatively. The quality change appeared very small by roasting conditions, but quality of perilla seed gaye many influence on quality of oil. Therefore use of fresh perilla seed is a matter of great importance to quality of perilla oil. Perilla oil was demanded many attention on Quality management for stage and sold period because of high possibility of quality change.

Correlation analysis of solar radiation and meteorological parameters on high ozone concentration (태양복사 및 기상요소의 고농도 오존형성에 대한 상관성 분석)

  • An, Jae Ho
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2012
  • The concerns on high ozone concentration phenomenon is significantly growing in Seoul metropolitan area including the industry complex area, like Shiwha Banwol area. The aims of this research is the analysis of relationship between high concentrations of $O_3$ and solar radiation parameters in atmosphere. The understanding of the effects of solar radiation intensity, humidity, high air temperature on ozone concentration in a day is very useful to provide a direction for reducing of the high ozone concentration to a local government or a metropolitan government. The correlation analysis between maximum ozone concentration and various meteorological parameters in 2009 - 2011 carried out using IBM's SPSS program. The results showed that the mean correlations coefficient (R) between daily Ozone maximum and solar radiation resulted R = 0.64 during 2011. May - September in 10 air pollution stations. In case of correlations between daily ozone maximum and relative humidity showed negative correlation R = -0.61. The correlation analysis with mean air temperature during 1-3 PM resulted R = 0.29. This low correlation coefficient could be corrected by using of categorized data of ozone concentration. The daily maximum ozone concentration is more dependent on peak solar radiation and high air temperature during 1-3 PM than its simple daily maximum values. The results of this research would be used to develop the high ozone alert system around Seoul metropolitan area. This correlation analysis could be partially integrated to prediction of ozone peak concentration in connection with other methods like classification and regression tree(CART).

A Study on the Variation of Nutrients and Water Quality in Suk Chon Lake (石村湖의 營養鹽類 및 수질의 動態에 관한 조사연구)

  • Choi, Han-Young;Kim, Tai-Jeon;Park, Sung-Bae
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1988
  • This study was performed to investigate a seasonal and vertical variation of the nutrients, water temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD in Sukchon lake from May 1985 to Jan. 1986. The results were as follows. 1. Vertical descent of water temperature was the remarkable situation on Jul. and difference between surface layer and bottom layer was 3.5$\circ$C. 2. The value of pH was average 8.0 in both lake. The value of pH in the winter was average 7.6, and Summer was average 8.3. 3. The contents of dissolved oxygen was the highest value (13.0mg/l in surface layer on Jan. and the lowest value (8.1mg/l in bottom layer on Ul. 4. The contents of PO$_4$-P, NH$_3$-N, NO$_3$-N and T-N were 0.03~O.17mg/l 0.12~0.34mg/l 0.36~0.91mg/l and 0.76~1.37mg/l respectively.

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Evaluation of Visual Arts Policy during Kookmin Government Period (국민의 정부 시기 미술진흥정책의 성과와 한계)

  • Yang, Hyun-Mee
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.1
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this thesis is to evaluate visual arts policy during Kookmin government period(1998-2002). In the beginning, many artists had expected president Kim Dae Jung to enlarge arts support But the evaluation of them was very negative because the government was only interested in the development of cultural industry. First, I analysed the government expenditure in the visual arts. Department of Culture and Tourism took the responsibility of visual arts policy. The budget of arts and culture increased to 1 % of total government expenditure in this period. But the main factor was the increasement of cultural industry and tourism expenditure. The budget of visual arts in 2002 was only 6,600million won. Second, I analysed visual arts support programs. (1) The government introduced studio programs for the first time. For 5 years, 2 national studios and 23 public studios were established. (2) The number of art museum was increased to 62. (3) It introduced alternative space support program and supported 200million won annually. (4) Percent for art scheme reduced from 1% to 0.7% of total construction cost, but still 27 public sculpture gardens were built. (5) Business support for visual arts reduced because of IMF. (6) Also arts market froze and many commercial galleries were closed. (7) In order to revitalize region through arts and to promote international exchange of culture, Gwangju Biennale was created. Third, I analysed Arts Plan 2002. It had a radical limitation because it was established in the last year of Kookmin government period. Also it showed special favors to some arts organizations. In general, I think that positive outcomes are the introductions of the studio program and the alternative space support program. Especially alternative space support program enforced the diversity of visual arts, and encouraged creative young artists. But policy of arts market failed because of IMF and visual artists had to go through rough times.

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Characteristics of Yersinia enterocolitica isolates from beef and pork carcass (소와 돼지도체에서 Yersinia enterocolitica의 분리 및 특성)

  • Chae, Hee-Sun;Kim, Joo-Young;Kim, Jee-Eun;Yang, Yun-Mo;Jin, Kyung-Sun;Shin, Bang-Woo;Kim, Sun-Heung;Lee, Jung-Hark
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.195-205
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    • 2008
  • Yersinia enterocolitica is a zoonotic agent, and to cause food poisoning. This study was carried out to get some basic information for the control of Yersinia infection. A total of 1,680 samples were collected from beef and pork carcasses from January 2006 to December 2007 in Seoul. The isolation rate was higher in pork carcass than in beef carcass. Five (0.59%) Yersinia enterocolitica were isolated from the 840 of beef carcasses, and eighteen(2.14%) were isolated from the 840 of pork carcasses. Among 23 strains, 22 were classified into biotype 1A, and one was biotype 6. In serotyping of Y enterocolitica isolates, 21 strains were untypable (UT), and 2 were O5 and O8 respectively. In PCR, Ail gene was not detected in all of 23 strains that determined non-pathogenic. In antimicrobial susceptibility test, twelve strains (52.2%) of 23 isolates showed the multi -resistant patterns with over 3 drugs. PFGE was performed after the genomic DNA of twenty three isolates, which was digested with Xba I. the 23 isolates showed 12 ($A{\sim}L$) PFGE type.

The Suggestion for Successful Factory Converging Automation by Reviewing Smart Factories in German (스마트 팩토리 사례를 통한 성공적 공장 융합 자동화 방안 도출)

  • Jeong, Tae-Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2016
  • The ultimate goal of this study is to investigate the cases with respect to smart factory that has been introduced by German government. To do this, the study suggest implications for manufacturing version 3.0 that is one of manufacturing revolution agendas in Korea. The main point of smart factory is the convergence between manufacturing and information and communications technologies such as CPS(Cyber-Physical Systems), MES(Manufacturing Execution Systems), 3D Printer, AI(Artificial Intelligence), and so forth. It is hard to accomplish a complete manufacturing automation. In fact, German government had experienced the failure in pursuing the smart factory agenda. But now the agenda is gradually realized by a variety of success stories from German. Thus, this study is to investigate the well-known success stories that came from German.

Hazardous Metal Content in Tattoo Cosmetics and Tattoo Inks (타투화장품 및 문신용 염료의 유해금속 함량 연구)

  • Mi Sun Kim;Su Un Kim;Sam Ju Jung;Young Eun Kim;Min Jung Kim;Myung Sook Lee;In Sook Hwang
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2023
  • Background: Along with the increase in consumer interest in and consumption of tattoo products, the controversy over harmful heavy metals associated with the use of tattoo cosmetics is also increasing. Therefore, investigation of hazardous metals in these tattoo products is needed. Objectives: This study was performed to provide useful data for establishing reasonable standards to securely manage tattoo cosmetics, tattoo stickers, and tattoo inks distributed in the market. Methods: Thirteen kinds of hazardous metal contents (Pb, As, Cd, Sb, Ni, Co, Cu, Cr, Se, Ba, Zn, Sn, and Hg) were analyzed for 23 tattoo cosmetics, ten tattoo stickers, and 16 tattoo inks. Hg was measured through the combustion-gold amalgamation method, and other hazardous metals were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after acidic decomposition using a microwave apparatus. Results: The detected ranges of Pb, As, Cd, Sb, Ni, and Hg in tattoo cosmetics were 0.07~1.18, 0.06~0.41, ND~0.07, 0.01~3.44, 0.12~2.75, and ND~0.01 ㎍/g, respectively. All of the hazardous metals detected were below the recommended maximum standards of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. The mean amount of Pb detected in tattoo stickers for children was 0.24 ㎍/kg and Cd was not detected, meaning both metals met the recommended criteria. There was no statistically significant difference in all measured metals between children's tattoo stickers and adults' tattoo stickers. In the results of the study on the hazardous metal content of tattoo inks, four products (25%) for Pb, one product (6%) for As, 13 products (81%) for Ni, four products (25%) for Cu, and five products (31%) for Zn exceeded the recommended standards approved by the government. The highest predicted exposure amount for hazardous metals exceeding the recommended level of tattoo inks in a single tattooing was 5.69 ㎍/kg for Ni, 8.51 ㎍/kg for Zn, 0.44 ㎍/kg for Pb, 8.07 ㎍/kg for Cu, 0.44 ㎍/kg for As, and 71.36 ㎍/kg for Ba. Conclusions: It is necessary to prepare criteria for content limitation for the management of Co, Cr, Ba and Se tattoo cosmetics, and tattoo inks require thorough quality control.

A Study on Utilization Strategy of Big Data for Local Administration by Analyzing Cases (사례분석을 통한 지방행정의 빅데이터 활용 전략)

  • Noh, Kyoo-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2014
  • As Big Data's value is perceived and Government 3.0 is announced, there is a growing interest in Big Data. However, it won't be easy for each public institute or local government to apply Big Data systematically and make a successful achievement despite lacking of specific alternative plan or strategy. So, this study tried to suggest strategies to use Big Data after arranging the area which local government utilize it in. As a result, utilization areas of local administration's Big Data are divided into four areas; recognizing and corresponding the abnormal phenomenon, predicting and corresponding the close future, corresponding analyzed situation and developing new policy(administration service), and citizen customized service. In addition, strategies about how to use Big Data are suggested; stepwise approach, user's requirements analysis, critical success factors based implementation, pilot project, result evaluation, performance based incentive, building common infrastructure.