• Title/Summary/Keyword: geospatial technology

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Strategic Plan for Application of Geospatial Information Technology in the Field of Education (공간정보의 교육분야 활용을 위한 전략연구)

  • Kang, Youngok;Cho, Nahye;Kang, Aetti;Park, Jiyoung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2014
  • As Geoweb is continuously developing, today it is possible for the public to utilize geospatial information technology, whereas only a few experts could apply this technology in the past. The examples that utilize the geospatial information technology creatively in the field of education have been increasing. Google, USGS and NASA, etc. presented various strategies to attract participation from people as they construct the related web-sites and suggest practical examples so that the existing spatial data in public institutions can be utilized in the field of education. In this study, we presented the strategies that converged education and exploratory learning can be vitalized on the primary, middle and high schools by using geospatial information technology. We took a literature review of researches that geospatial information technology had applied in the field of education according to the changes of schools' environments, analyzed internal and foreign web-sites which applied geospatial information technology to the field of education, and finally presented the strategies for application of geospatial information technology in the field of education. The strategies we presented are divided into four parts: 1) construction of course modules, 2) construction of educational database based on geospatial information technology, 3) construction of authoring environments for course modules, and 4) provision of supporting services for vitalizing the education based on geospatial information technology.

Design of Semantic Search System for the Search of Duplicated Geospatial Projects (공간정보사업의 중복사업 검색을 위한 의미기반검색 시스템의 설계)

  • Park, Sangun;Lim, Jay Ick;Kang, Juyoung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.389-404
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    • 2013
  • Geospatial information, which is one of social overhead capital, is predicted as a core growing industry for the future. The production of geospatial information requires a huge budget, so it is very important objective of the policy for geospatial information to prevent the duplication of geospatial projects. In this paper, we proposed a semantic search system which extracts possible duplication of geospatial projects by using ontology for geospatial project administration. In order to achieve our goal, we suggested how to construct and utilize geospatial project ontology, and designed the architecture and process of the semantic search. Moreover, we showed how the suggested semantic search works with a duplicated projects search scenario. The suggested system enables a nonprofessional can easily search for duplicated projects, therefore we expect that our research contributes to effective and efficient duplication review process for geospatial projects.

A Study on Implementation and Direction of the Metropolitan Cites' GIS (광역시 GIS의 구축현황 및 방향에 관한 연구)

  • O, Jong-U
    • 한국디지털정책학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.215-229
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyses 7 metropolitan cites on the urban facility data rather than application systems including water, sewer, and roads and to present the best way to reconfigure of the geospatial data in Korea. Data were mainly compiled from the 2nd NGIS(National Geographic Information Systems: 95-00) because the GIS data of this study is relatively important to generate favorable results due to their data precisely examinate by the 1st NGIS evaluated results. In results, GIS data and invested budget of the Seoul metropolitan government were not only covered 25 distracted areas of the fields, but also were overwhelming other six metropolitan government invested budget. Relatively the Daejeon metropolitan government had least invested budget resulted in Jess geospatial data than others. In particularly there were serious geospatial data error occurred even though geospatial data of the urban infrastructures like water, sewer, and roads including the national infrastructure like elec., comm., heat, oil pipes, and gas were facilitated with human habitants, gas and elec. had very high error data nearly two times high than the permitted error in 30cm. Therefore, this paper exhibited a LiDAR technology to regenerate high accuracy geospatial data of the metropolitan governments because of the new technology's extremely accuracy in 20cm in horizontal scale in fields.

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Technology Trends and Development Strategies for Intelligent Geographic Information (지능형 지리정보 기술 동향과 개발 전락)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2009
  • Geographic information with convergence ubiquitous IT technologies becomes much more intelligent. In ubiquitous space, users can make information access easier and the use of geographic information more efficient through the 'Geospatial Web,' as a platform between the real world and the virtual world. Many global IT venders make an effort to develop innovated technologies, such as Geospatial web platforms and engines. This study examines the concept of 'Geospatial Web,' technology trends for intelligent geographic information and standardization activities for ubiquitous geographic information. Finally, to obtain international market competitiveness, the technology development strategies for intelligent geographic information are suggested.

Reserch On The Fundamental Technology To Utilization Of Platform To Providing Mobile Underground Geospatial Infomation Map (모바일용 지하공간통합지도 제공 플랫폼 활용을 위한 기반 기술 연구)

  • LEE, Tae-Hyung;KIM, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2020
  • In the midst of the aging of underground facilities in urban areas and anxiety about road excavation safety accidents, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport began to build Underground Geospatial Infomation Map from 2015 as part of the 「ground subsidence prevention measures」 and efficient use of underground spaces. So, the scope is spreading every year. The current Underground Geospatial Infomation Map information is web-based and is operated in a desktop environment, so it is true that there are some limitations in its use in a field environment such as an excavation construction site. The Underground Geospatial Infomation Map, built and operated in a web-based environment, is a large-scale 3D data. Therefore, in order to service by transmitting data to the field without delay, it is necessary to lighten the Underground Geospatial Infomation Map data. In addition, the current Underground Geospatial Infomation Map is not unified in data formats such as 3DS and COLLADA, and the coordinate system method is also different in relative coordinates and absolute coordinates. In this study, by analyzing domestic and overseas prior research and technical use cases, a mobile Underground Geospatial Infomation Map data format and a lightweight method were presented, and a technology development was conducted to create a mobile underground space integration map in the presented format. In addition, the weight reduction rate was tested by applying 3D data compression technology so that data can be transmitted quickly in the field, and technology was developed that can be used by decompressing 3D data compressed in the field. finally, it aims to supplement the technology experimentally developed in this study and conduct additional research to produce it as software that can be used in the excavation site and use it.

Design and Implementation of 3D Geospatial Open Platform Based on HTML5/WebGL Technology (HTML5/WebGL 기반 3D 공간정보 오픈플랫폼 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Min Soo;Jang, In Sung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the utilization of geospatial open platforms has been constantly increased and the interest in 3D geospatial data such as terrain, building and shopping mall has been increased significantly. In particular, rather than simplified 3D geospatial data, interest in high-precision 3D geospatial data which similarly represents the real world objects has increased significantly. In order to satisfy the demand for such the high-precision 3D geospatial data, various kinds of 3D geospatial open platforms has been developed and has provided services on the web. However, most of the 3D geospatial open platforms have been used plug-in module in order to ensure a fast 3D rendering performance on the web, despite the many problems such as difficulty of the installation, no supporting of cross browser/operating system and security issues. In addition, recently, the existing 3D geospatial open platforms based on plug-in module are facing a serious problem, by declaring the NPAPI service interruption in Chrome and Firefox browsers. In this study, we presents the design and implementation of a new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL technology without the use of plug-ins. Such the new 3D geospatial open platform based on HTML5/WebGL may support cross browsers such as IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and cross OS platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile OS platforms.

The Strategies of Technology Development for Geospatial Web Platform (Geospatial Web 플랫폼 기술 분석 및 기술개발전략)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.171-181
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    • 2009
  • In Web2.0 environment, with advanced platform technologies, global vendors such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo provide competitive geospatial services based on global map and satellite image. But the relatively low level of platform technologies has not rapidly increased the land information and geospatial service markets in Korea. For the ubiquitous next generation Internet, as a one of the R&D projects by Korean Land Spatialization Group, the project for platform technologies has being made to provide customized land information and geospatial service. The platform technologies can be categorized for streamming, mashup and geosearch. More specifically, the 2D/3D Hybird streamming engine, mashup engine for u-GIS service and next generation search engine for land information have being developed. In this context, the strategies for efficient development and use of geoweb platform technologies are required. This study surveys the present geospatial products and services using of platform technologies to propose the strategies for efficient development and use of platform technologies. The strategies for efficient development and use of platform technologies can be proposed focusing on target market and each of platform technologies.

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Design of Mixed Reality Visualization System for Operational Situation Using Cloud-based Geospatial Information (클라우드 기반 지리공간정보를 활용한 작전상황 혼합현실 가시화 시스템 설계)

  • Youngchan Jang;Jaeil Park;Eunji Cho;Songyun Kwak;Sang Heon Shin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.60-69
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    • 2024
  • The importance of geospatial information is increasingly highlighted in the defense domain. Accurate and up-to-date geospatial data is essential for situational awareness, target analysis, and mission planning in millitary operations. The use of high-resolution geospatial data in military operations requires large storage and fast image processing capabilities. Efficient image processing is required for tasks such as extracting useful information from satellite images and creating 3D terrain for mission planning, In this paper, we designed a cloud-based operational situation mixed reality visualization system that utilizes large-scale geospatial information distributed processed on a cloud server based on the container orchestration platform Kubernetes. We implemented a prototype and confirmed the suitability of the design.

Strategic Plan for Improvement of Citizen Service using Ubiquitous Technology on Public Area: Geospatial Web based Service (유비쿼터스 기술을 이용한 다중집합장소의 시민서비스 고도화 방안 : 지리공간 웹 기반 서비스 제공을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Young-Ok;Kim, Hee-Won
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2008
  • Enterprises as well as central and local governments have tried to apply ubiquitous technology to the actual life on the various types of business and projects. In this paper we develop strategic plan to provide public service on public areas based on needs analysis of public services as well as trend analysis of ubiquitous and web technology. Ubiquitous service model should be based on geospatial web which can incorporate participation and collaboration concepts, as the wire/wireless network system develop rapidly. To achieve this purpose, we suggest the following projects; 1), construction of internet map based on geospatial web technology, 2), development of web contents based on geospatial web, 3), installing ubiquitous equipment, and 4), upgrade Seoul Metropolitan Government's homepage and internet system which can incorporate web 2.0 concepts. Ubiquitous service model should be based on not only development of ubiquitous technology but also needs of consumer such as citizen, enterprises, and public sectors which have an interest in that place. Geospatial web will be the core of development of ubiquitous service models.

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Basic Elements and Implication of Software Metadata in the Intelligent Geospatial Web

  • Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2009
  • During over decades, metadata on spatial data have been developed, and they have been widely applied at the national and international metadata standards such as file structure, format, and data model. However, in the web 2.0 paradigm toward user participation and openness, sources and contents of geospatial products are also diversified, not being limited to well-organized and structured data sets or databases. Especially, software products in both open source software and commercially packaged software are considered into important resources in the geospatial domain. But there are no reports or studies regarding software metadata from the side of software engineering or information technology, till now. The motivation of this study is based on practical needs to build search engine in the intelligent geospatial web. Brief review on current metadata standards is presented, and necessity for software metadata is discussed as well as related works. Basic elements, initially considered, of software metadata are presented. This work is the first attempt for software metadata, although it just covers geospatial software products. Further practical works to meet industrial demands need to actual applications of software metadata.