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The Effect of the Elderly Participation in Lifelong Learning on Psychological Well-Being (고령자의 평생학습 참여동기가 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ki Seung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically analyzed the effects of elderly people participating in lifelong learning on their psychological well-being. For this purpose, 160 elderly people who participated in lifelong education programs in hospitals C and D located in Cheonan city were selected as the subjects. A survey was conducted for 10 days, from May 8, 2019 to May 17, 2019. First, does the goal-oriented factor, which is part of the lifelong learning motivation of the elderly, have a positive effect on their psychological well-being? Second, does the activity-oriented factor of the elderly have a positive effect on their psychological well-being? Third, does the learning-oriented factor of elderly people's motivation for participating in lifelong learning have a positive effect on their psychological well-being? To answer these research questions, variables such as gender, age, marital status, and education level were controlled through correlation analysis, and simple regression analysis was also performed. The results of the direct effect analysis showed that goal-orientation (β=.244; p<.001) and activity-orientation (β=.321, p<.001) have statistically significant positive effects on psychological well-being. However, a learning-orientation (β=.284, p>.001) was found to have no statistically significant effect on psychological well-being. Based on these findings, lifelong learning programs for the elderly should be more goal-oriented and activity-oriented than learning-oriented to promote the psychological well-being of the elderly.

Differences in the coach's leadership, exercise participation motivation and exercise satisfaction perceived by participants in living sports (생활체육 참여자들이 지각한 지도자의 리더십, 운동참여 동기 및 운동만족의 차이)

  • Kim, Jae-Deung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in coach's leadership, exercise participation motive, and exercise satisfaction according to the demographic characteristics of participants in living sports. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 194 members(men and women) who have participated regularly in living sports at sports centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were selected as a population, and data were collected by using the scales of leadership, exercise participation motivation, and exercise satisfaction, and then the statistical analysis was performed accordingly. The results of analysis were as follows; first, there were significant differences in leadership, exercise participation motive, and exercise satisfaction according to the gender of the participants in living sports(Willks' Lambda=.864, F=.886, p<.05). Second, there were significant differences in leadership, exercise participation motive, and exercise satisfaction according to the age of the participants in living sports(Willks' Lambda=.706, F=.453, p<.01). Third, there were differences in leadership, exercise participation motive, and exercise satisfaction according to the number of exercise participation of living sports participants(Willks' Lambda=.915, F=.704, p<.01). In conclusion, if differentiated instruction is done in the field of living sports according to the demographic characteristics of participants, it will have positive effects on the practice and exercise satisfaction.

Analysis on the Effects of Sports Sponsorship by Brand Type of Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Official Sponsors' (평창 동계올림픽 공식후원사의 브랜드 유형에 따른 스폰서효과 분석)

  • Park, Sang-Il;Kim, Hwa-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.830-839
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of sport sponsorship on the advertising effectiveness by distinguishing products of high sponsorship products from low sponsorship products. For this study, 450 samples who directly spectated their game were selected using convenience sampling method, finally 426 data were used except data which didn't respond or trustlessly responded. Data was collected through questionnaires. Data was analyzed through PASW 19.0 version frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, independent sample t-test analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis paired sample t-test analysis was performed. All tests were performed using a .05 significance level. The results are as follows. First, This is the Result of T-test between brand effectiveness and gender. There is a non difference between male and female. Second, The results showed that there was statistically significant difference between the low perception perceived quality and low perceived sponsor familiarity according to current level of Education. Thirdly, This is the Result of T-test between low involvement perceptual quality, low sponsor friendly image and high involvement perceptual quality, high sponsor friendly image. There is a difference.

Learning Strategies Influencing factors of the Students in the Department of Health Science (보건계열 대학생들의 학습전략 영향요인)

  • Moon, Inn Oh;Jeong, Ji-Na;Seo, Myoung Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2019
  • This study was to investigate the factors affecting the learning strategies of the students in the Department of Health Science. The data collection was conducted through a self-reporting questionnaire to 373 college students majoring in health and health care at two universities in and the collected data was analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 23.0 program. The study found that there were significant differences in learning strategies depending on Motive of application and major satisfaction level, and there were significant differences in academic stress with the grade, gender, Motive of application, major satisfaction, and academic self-efficiency, and self-directed learning depending on the grade, motive of application, and major satisfaction level. The results showed that the correlation between learning strategy and academic self-efficacy(r=.478, p<.001) and self-directed learning(r=645, p<.001), academic stress(r=-.193, p<.001). Self-directed learning(β=0.61), major satisfaction (satisfaction) (β=0.31), and major satisfaction (usually)(β=0.24) affect the learning strategy, with 42.6% overall explanation. Based on the results of the study, the search for ways to improve major satisfaction levels and self-directed learning skills could have a positive impact on improving the learning strategy of college students in the health sector.

Coexistence of Everything that Exists -An Imagination about Love of Korean American Immigrant Nakchung THUN (존재하는 모든 것들의 공존 -미주 이민자 전낙청의 사랑에 관한 한 상상)

  • Chon, Woo-Hyung
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.191-219
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    • 2020
  • This paper aims to identify the key features of the novel writing of Korean American immigrants and their meaning as one aspect of movement and contact occuring in the early modern period. The late return of the novels written by Nakcheong THUN in the 1930s is significant in that it restored ideas on the diversity of early modern mobility and confronted the history and culture of immigrants who were excluded from records and memories. Not only are these novels a product of the phenomenon of immigration, but they have also created a crack in the dichotomous perceptions of domination and subordination, center and periphery by envisioning it as a space that creates new history, culture, institutions and values. These novels treat the free love of intellectual, emotional, and ethical figures as a central event, demystifying Western free love, and at the same time, a society divided by various identities including class, race, and gender. The novels by Nakchung THUN visualize the active exchange between the immigrant and the indigenous community through the character of Jack, and imagines the heterotopia as a place where not for the immigrants' utopia, but for everyone's coexists. These novels have declared a kind of memory war on the subordinate and marginalized contact zones. The contact zones of the immigration area had been a place for experiencing extreme conflicts and discords, and at the same time, it has served as a place where various groups and communities are connected. The contact zones were common areas of solidarity and creation before being subject to division and occupation. The contact zones are far from the border or borderlands, so it is not a fixed and immutable deadlock. As a world free from central domination the contact zones have been a space that preoccupied history and culture through various encounters, and have been a community.

Analysis of Influencing Factors on Subjective Health Status by Life Cycle (KNHANES VII-3) (생애주기별 대상의 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향 요인 분석 (KNHANES VII-3))

  • Hae-Ryoung, Park;Hong-young, Jang
    • Journal of Advanced Technology Convergence
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factors of subjective health status among the subjects of the 7th year 3 (2018) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and to help provide programs for improving subjective health status in the future. Data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2018) were used. Variables were age, gender, age, subjective health status, subjective body shape recognition, weight change over the past year, usual stress level, walking days per week, and strength training days per week. The higher the number of walking days per week, the lower the usual stress perception level. As the number of strength training days per week increased, the level of stress perception was lower (p<.001). The subjects' subjective health status was found to have a negative effect on their usual stress perception (β=-.759), subjective body shape (β=.111), age (β=.421), and number of days walking per week. (β=.968). Based on this study, it is intended to provide basic data for preparing programs to help improve stress perception and subjective health status in the future.

A Study on the Effect of Career Barriers Perceived by Women at Maritime University on the Career Decision Level (해사대학 여학생들이 인식한 진로장벽이 진로결정수준에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Youjin;Kim, Seungyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.764-772
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    • 2022
  • The shipping and port industries have traditionally been male-centered, and although the scope of entry for female mariners is increasing, the proportion of female workers is still low. However, research on career barriers and career decision levels in this industry has not yet been conducted. This study can explain the dif iculties in career development experienced by women in this industry and comprehensively explain the socio-cultural context or environmental factors to which the individual belongs in order to improve it. The purpose of this study was to derive career barrier factors and investigate how they affect career decision levels among female students enrolled in M University's Maritime College. The career barriers perceived by female students at Maritime College were derived from gender discrimination (GD), career undecided and lack of preparation (IOU), work-family conflict (WFC), lack of individual characteristics (LPQ), and lower-than-expected job prospects (LOE). As a result of analyzing how the derived career barrier factors af ect the career decision level, it was found that IOU had a significant negative effect on the career decision level. GD, WFC, LPQ, and LOE did not have a significant effect on career decision level. The study conclusions can be used as important data for career guidance and counseling for female maritime college women who want to overcome career barriers and improve their career decision-making levels.

A Preliminary Survey Study on Standardization of the Core Seven Emotions Inventory-Short Form (CSEI-s) (핵심칠정척도 단축형의 표준화를 위한 예비적 설문 연구)

  • Jeesu Kim;Moon Joo Cheong;Do-Eun Lee;Yeoung Su Lyu;In-Chul Jung;Jeauk Kim;Hyung Won Kang
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.125-139
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This was a preliminary study to re-verify the reliability and validity of the Core Seven Emotions Inventory-Short Form (CSEI-s) and to establish standards for an objective scoring system such as T-scores and percentile for the normative group. Methods: Subjects were sampled through population-proportional regional allocation based on adults aged 20 or older and 65 or younger who voluntarily consented. Reliability was analyzed by performing an internal consistency (Cronbach's α) test and calculating means and standard deviations for each scale. The validity was analyzed between the CSEI-s and STAXI-K, SADS, COMOSWB, HADS, K-PANAS, Core emotions VAS. Results: The CSEI-s revealed notable gender discrepancies in aspects such as thought (思), fear (恐), and fright (驚), with women generally scoring higher than men. CSEI-s scores showed statistically significant differences in joy (喜) and thought (思) between those in their 20s and those in their 50s and 60s. As a result of the validity analysis, the seven-factor configuration was found to be statistically valid, and as a result of the correlation analysis with the coexistence scale, the correlation between each emotion and the seven emotions was found to be statistically significant. Cronbach's α for the CSEI-s was .891, showing statistically significant reliability. Conclusions: A preliminary study was conducted to standardize the shortened form of the Core Emotion Scale, and the reliability and validity were confirmed. A main survey of more people should be conducted in the future. Future results can contribute to revitalizing the development of oriental medicine evaluation tools and establishing an evidence base by standardizing the CSEI-s.

Comparison of Genome-wide Association Study (GWAS) Algorithms for Detecting Genetic Variants Associated with Growth Traits in Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus (넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus)의 성장형질 연관 유전자 변이 탐색을 위한 전장유전체연관분석(GWAS) 알고리즘 비교 분석 연구)

  • Sangwon Yoon;Heegun Lee;Jong-Won Park;Minhwan Jeong;Dain Lee;Hyo Sun Jung;Julan Kim;Hye-Rim Yang;Seung Hwan Lee;Jeong-Ho Lee
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2023
  • Genome wide association studies (GWAS) identify genetic loci associated with quantitative traits in genomic selection. Although several studies have compared performance of various algorithms, no study compares them in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. This study compared the GWAS results of four mixed linear model (MLM) algorithms and one Fixed and random model Circulating Probability Unification (FarmCPU) algorithm in olive flounder. Considering gender and genetic association matrices as fixed and random effects, the MLM had stable performance without inflation for λGC (genomic inflation factor) of -log10P. The FarmCPU algorithm had some appropriate λGC of -log10P, and an upward tail was identified in quantile-quantile plots. Therefore, the models were suitable for detecting genetic variants associated with olive flounder growth traits. Moreover, significant genotypes appeared several times at chromosome 22, around which quantitative trait loci are expected to exist. Finally, in both models, some of the most genetic variants were found in genes related to growth traits, confirming their reliability. These results will be helpful when applied to the genomic selection of olive flounder growth traits in the future.

The Effect of tourism risk perception on tourism attitudes and intentions: Focus on the contex of COVID-19 (관광위험지각이 관광 태도와 의도에 미치는 영향: COVID-19 상황을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Myoung-Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2022
  • The outbreak of COVID-19 is facing a global crisis. Therefore, this study comprehensively reviews the risk perception, tourism attitude, and tourism intention of potential tourists in the COVID-19 situation. As a research finding, three factors were derived for tourism risk perception: physical risk, social risk, and performance risk. It is verified that social risk to be a significant factors affecting tourism attitude. Also, it proved that social risk, performance risk to be important factors affecting tourism intention. A t-test was conducted to examine the implications of demographic characteristics(gender, age, job) in the study. As a result of the analysis, it was found that potential tourists in their 20's age perceived social risk as more important than other age groups. In addition, potential tourists in their 20's showed more positive tourism attitudes than other age groups. As a result of analyzing differences according to job, it was found that the student group had higher social risk, tourism attitude, and tourism intention than other occupational groups. Based on the research results, it can help derive strategies to reduce tourists' perception of risk in special situations such as COVID-19 and contribute to academia.