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Factors Influencing Perception of Good Death among the Community-dwelling Elderly (재가노인의 좋은 죽음에 대한 인지도와 가족지지의 영향)

  • Kim, Chun-Gill
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate perception of good death among the community-dwelling elderly and identify factors related to the perception. Methods: A questionnaire survey was carried out using a convenient sampling method (N=317). Data were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Participants scored an average of 3.35 on a 4-point scale for the perception level of good death. They scored higher on the factor of personal control that other factors affecting the perception. Good death was positively correlated with family support (r=0.252). Family support (β=0.287) and gender (β=0.197) significantly influenced the elderly's perception of good death. These variables accounted for 10.2% of the total variance. Conclusion: The results show that family support is an important factor for the perception of good death among the elderly. Therefore, family support should be carefully considered to ensure good death for more senior citizens. Our findings can be utilized to support programs such as death education for the elderly.

Reliability of Self-Reported Information by Farmers on Pesticide Use (일부 농업인에서 자기 기입식 농약 노출 설문에 대한 신뢰도 연구)

  • Lee, Yo-Han;Cha, Eun-Shil;Moon, Eun-Kyeong;Kong, Kyoung-Ae;Koh, Sang-Baek;Lee, Yun-Keun;Lee, Won-Jin
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: Exposure assessment is a major challenge faced by studies that evaluate the association between pesticide exposure and adverse health outcomes. The objective of this study was to investigate the reliability of information that farmers self-report regarding their pesticide use. Methods: Twenty five items based upon existing questionnaires were designed to focus on pesticide exposure. In 2009, a selfadministrated survey was conducted on two occasions four weeks apart among 205 farmers residing in Gyeonggi and Gangwon provinces. For a reliability measure, we calculated the percentage agreement, the kappa statistics and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between the two reports according to the characteristics of the subjects. Results: Agreement for ever-never use of any pesticide was 96.4% (kappa 0.61). For both 'years used' and 'age at the first use' of overall pesticides, high agreement was obtained (ICC: 0.88 and, 0.78, respectively), whereas those of 'days used' and 'hours used' were relatively low (ICC: 0.42 and, 0.66, respectively). The kappa value for the use of personal protective equipment ranged from 0.46 to 0.59, and hygiene activities came out at 0.19 to 0.37. The agreement for individual pesticide use ranged widely and there was relatively low agreement due to the low response rates. The reliability scores did not significantly vary according to gender, age, the education level, the types of crop or the years of farming. Conclusions: Our results support that carefully designed, self-reported information on ever-never pesticide use among farmers is reliable. However, the reliability of data on individual pesticide exposure may be unstable due to low response rates and needs to be refined.

Challenging and Responding to Christian Education for Women from the Period of Port-Opening to the National Movement of 1919: Interpretation and Reconstruction from the Viewpoint of Feminist Christian Curriculum (개항기부터 1919년 민족운동시기까지의 여성에 대한 기독교교육의 도전과 응전: 여성주의 기독교교육과정 관점에서의 해석과 재구성)

  • Lee, Jooah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.63
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    • pp.317-345
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    • 2020
  • The dissolution and reconstruction of the male-centered social structure is being requested, but the Korean church still call on women and understand women's roles by limiting them based on traditional 'normal family ideology' and matherhood discourse. However, considering women's various aspects of life, life cycle, and individuality, confining women to existing biological maternal discourse is not suitable to help women grow as subjective leaders and contribute to society. The Korean church needs to find a new curriculum that encourages women to form subjective beliefs. In the life of Christian women of the period of port-opening, we can examine the process of the Korean Christian women establishing the subjectivity of the challenges of Protestant theology, which included stereotypes, gender division of labor, and matherhood discourse. Korean Christian women shared the oppressive experiences of traditional patriarchy after passing silent and receptive perceptions, forming a subjective perception of their injustice and seeking liberation. And it was able to act as a subject of faith by forming a procedural and constructive awareness within a sympathetic and relational community. The Korean church should reconstruct the Christian women's curriculum by reflecting on the curriculum that women formed themselves over 100 years ago.

Risk Factors Affecting Dental Caries in Children (아동의 치아우식증에 영향을 미치는 위험 요인)

  • Hong, Min-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.320-326
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate the risk factors affecting dental caries in children by using the 2018 children's oral health survey data. The study was conducted on 20,235 children who were 12 years of age. The survey items examined general characteristics, dental dietary behavior, the oral condition, and the behavioral factors related to oral health. The results showed that gender, region, economic level, subjective oral health condition, dental dietary behavior, oral condition and oral health-related behavior were all risk factors. Those children with oral conditions particularly showed a higher risk of the dental caries symptoms of dental calculus, dental bleeding, tooth pain and white spot teeth. The oral health-related behaviors were found to be tooth brushing less than two times a day, the risk of not using a handle to hold dental floss and not using dental floss. Our results showed that countries or communities can diagnose and manage dental well-being early on for children with the highest sensitivity of dental health and they need to continue to establish a dental well-being management system for the oral health care of children. In addition, oral health education should be expanded, which can improve oral health care habits of children and adolescents. Further, an oral health policy system for improving community programs to prevent dental and community utilization is needed.

A Study on the Fatigue Analysis by the Boarding Period on Training Ship (실습선 승선기간에 의한 승선 집단별 피로도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungyeon;Park, Youjin;Lee, Yunsok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2016
  • Crew fatigue has been recognized as a major cause of maritime accidents. Systematic study on crew fatigue has a direct impact on the human factor, but the various measures being taken to prevent human error account for most of the causes of marine accidents situation are still insufficient. In this study, 128 people who have a variety of career and job types boarded the T/S Hanbada were analyzed the changes of fatigue during the 87-days a Maritime Silk Road Sailing Expedition. Crew fatigue was measured by period of time onboard classified as mental, physiological and physical changes through survey responses and individual interviews of nurses. Also, it was identified the fatigue factor through quantitative statistical analysis. As a result of repeated measures analysis of variance for the changes of fatigue in position and gender criteria in accordance with boarded period, the position-specific analysis was that Professor Rating group has appeared to feel more mental and physical fatigue than the student population. Also, the results of fatigability about the sex-specific analysis have been found that women feel more physical fatigue than men.

A Comparative Study of the Degree Satisfaction of Body Image and Sex-role Identity Between Primary School Boys and Girls (남.녀 초등학생의 신체상에 대한 만족정도와 성 역할 정체감 비교연구)

  • Won, Kung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the degree of satisfaction of body image and sex-role identity of primary school boys and girls and to examine their relevance between two sex groups. The data from study would be useful for mapping out some measures for school health education. Two hundred and forty five(245) students of 6th grade from 5 different primary schools in Seoul city and Gyonggi Province were selected for the study. The meaningful difference among demographic sociological characteristics between boys and girls has been shown to be in religion(x2=6.705, p=.044), the order of siblings(x2=7.455, p=.024), mother's academic career (x2=6.705, p=.035) and the levels of living (x2=4.108, p=.043). In the frequency distribution of sex-role identity, boys and girls were revealed as : undifferentiated 41.0%, 36.4%; as androgynous 24.8%, 25.8% respectively. Boys have masculinity (23.1%), on the other hand girls more feminity (22.7%). The meaningful difference of the degree of satisfaction of body image depends on father's ag(t=3.029, p=.050), mother's occupation(t=2.878, p=.023), home atmosphere(t=9.056, p=.000), level of livin(t=2.216, p=.028), academic achievements(t=4.580, p=.011). Masculine sex-role identity has shown its meaningful difference in mother's academic background(t=7.042, p=.001), academic achievements(t=14.963, p=.000). Feminine sex-role identity according to general characteristics shows meaningful difference in gender(t=2.683, p=.008), the order of siblings(t=3.019, p=0.51), father's academic career(t=5.558, p=.004) mother's academic background(t=7.676, p=.001), mother's occupation (t=3.405, p=.010), home atmosphere(t=4.492, p=.012), school performance(t=16.774, p=.000). Sex-role identity influences on the degree of satisfaction of body image as the relation bet ween the degree of satisfaction of body image and sex-role identity is pro correlative.

Effects of Hearing Protection Methods and Noise Directions on Bone-Conduction Sensitivity (청력보호구 종류와 소음 방향에 따른 골전도 민감도의 영향)

  • Han, Woojae;Yu, Jyaehyoung
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.423-429
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    • 2013
  • The present study aimed to find the most sensitive placement of the skull to perceive speech through the bone vibrator in various protection methods while being exposed to noise. Twenty young normal-hearing adults (10 male and 10 female) participated in the study. As stimulus, Korean spondee words were presented via one of five skull locations (i.e., jaw angle, condyle, temple, mastoid, and vertex), while the participants wore one of four protection methods (i.e., ear form, ear plug, ear muff, and ear form and muff together) against white noise in one of four noise directions (i.e., 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). The results showed: 1) there was a significant difference among the five skull locations with condyle being the most sensitive placement; 2) there was a significant difference among the four protection methods, with the ear form plus ear muff condition (or dual protection) providing the lowest threshold; 3) when exposed to noise from 90 degrees, the significantly lowest threshold was found; 4) there was no significant difference in results by gender. The pattern of results suggests that the communicative condition via the condyle bone conduction and the dual protection of the air conduction under any noise direction might be ideal for preventing noise-induced hearing loss, although further studies should be undertaken in this area.

A Study on Foodservice Operation for a Menu Strategy in Expressway Rest Areas (고속도로 휴게소의 메뉴전략을 위한 외식서비스실태연구)

  • Bai, Young-Hee
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2012
  • This study was planned for an empirical review of foodservice operation in expressway rest areas for a menu strategy targeting staff and customers. The results were as follows. Main foodservice category included 10-30 items of Korean dishes. The needs for having branded foodservice menu in rest areas were high in fusion/fast foods, snack/ready-made and beverages. Employment of professional cooks in rest areas was low (10-30%), and the most important factor was 'taste' when cooking Korean foods. Foreigners preferred fusion/fast foods and snack/ready-made foods to Korean food, beverages and Japanese/Chinese foods, and most of the foreigners ordered food with 'no question'(55.5%) or 'some questions'(34.8%). Rest area staff prepared some photos/pictures of foods (80-100%) for menu comprehension, but the accuracy of menu transcription was very low. Customers used a rest area once or twice, stayed for 10-20 min(43.6%)/20-30 min(38.6%), visited by car(77.7%) to relax and use toilets(61.6%) on average. Favorite food and snacks were Korean(32.7%) and ready made/snacks(33.0%), and they spent 5,000-10,000 won(51.3%), 3,000-5,000 won(25.8%) on them. Customer satisfaction with rest areas was 'average' regardless of gender, age, education levels and jobs. With this analysis, we should prepare an efficient menu strategy for customer satisfaction and plans for analyzing problems along with alternatives.

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A Study on the Social Service Delivery System for Women: With a Focus on the Tasks of the Public Sector (여성복지서비스 전달체계의 기능평가 : 여성복지담당 공무원의 업무를 중심으로)

  • Park, Yeong-Ran;Hwang, Jung-Im
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.36
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    • pp.147-173
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status and problems of the social service delivery system for women in Korea, and to suggest ways to improve its function. The current social service delivery system in the public sector contains a network of services connected with the Division of Women's Welfare in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. This study focused on evaluating the function of the public service delivery system from the perspective of the service providers. A survey of 167 civil officers in charge of women's welfare services in the city.county.district administrations, and 202 women's welfare counselors around the country was conducted in order to evaluate their current duties, effectiveness of services, and problems of the current system Six criteria including integration, continuity, accessibility, adequacy, efforts and professionalism were used for evaluating the effectiveness of the social service delivery system for women. According to the survey, the civil officers and women's counselors gave relatively favorable ratings for their job effectiveness and job satisfaction. However, their duties involving guidance and counseling of prostitute women and operation of women's welfare councils received least favorable evaluation. Moreover, in terms for job satisfaction, these service providers were less satisfied with their working conditions than their relationships with clients or colleagues. In addition, budget and personnel shortages were the most serious problems facing the delivery system Further analysis showed that professionalism and accessibility of the service delivery system had positive impact on job effectiveness while efforts, integration, accessibility and adequacy had positive impact on job satisfaction of the service providers. These findings have potential implications for designing more effective social service delivery system for women.

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Mobi-kids: A Case-control Study Protocol on Electromagnetic Field Radiation Exposure from Telecommunication and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents (모비키즈: 통신전자파 노출과 어린이청소년의 뇌종양에 관한 환자 -대조군 연구 프로토콜)

  • Choi, Kyung-Hwa;Kim, Dong-Seok;Lee, Jung-il;Ra, Young-Shin;Phi, Ji Hoon;Ahn, Young Hwan;Kwon, Jong Hwa;Lee, Ae-Kyoung;Choi, Hyung-Do;Ha, Mina
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: To introduce a protocol of Mobi-kids study which was aimed to examine an association between radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure by mobile phone use and brain tumor risk in children and adolescents. Methods: The Mobi-kids study was a multinational matched case control study using a standardized protocol with the number of subjects targeted about 1,000 cases and 2,000 controls aged 10 to 24. In Mobi-Kids Korea, the source population was restricted to Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi-do province. Eligible cases of primary brain tumor (glioma, meningioma, and others) were diagnosed from January 2012 to June 2015. Eligible controls were appendicitis patients operated during the study period. Two controls were matched on age, gender, and study region for 1 case. Information about pattern and history of mobile phone use and other covariates were obtained by face to face interview by trained interviewer. The Mobi-kids study has been involved in Mobi-expo as a validation study about mobile phone use, XGridmaster to localize tumor in the brain for RF energy calculation, and histological review for validation of diagnosis. Results: The Mobi-kids was the first and largest study in children and adolescents to estimate risk of brain tumor in association with the RF energy absorption in the brain estimated by mobile phone use. Forty-six-cases and 54 controls were collected as of September 2014 in Korea. Conclusions: The meaningful results of the study were expected because of the largest sample size, high validity of EMF exposure assessment as well as the susceptible study populationof children and adolescents.